//------------------------------// // The Pain Has Doubled // Story: Into the light // by Azuras //------------------------------// The pain has been doubled After the group made it back to Ponyville Twilight quickly went to work at giving each human a task to do, which was manly caring items or helping with construction but one at a time they would enter rarities home and work place to get fitted for there new uniforms. With everypony working hard to make the new homes and the small wall around the edge of the ever free forest Twilight though it was time to write a letter to her mentor telling her what she had learned from the humans and how they were helping, but right before she opened the door to her home Spike came running up to her. “Twilight you have to stop this right away” “What, is there another riot” she said worried “Something like that but two of your new friends are fighting of a group of ponies, some of them are hurt real bad” “Ok Spike lead the way” The two quickly ran to one of the construction area were the humans were just building a home and at a fair rate with the help of the ponies. But what surprised Twilight was that the fact that a large group of ponies were attacking Alsea and Privet Silver with stones and tools and even a few knives. She also saw that a mare was laying limp to the side of the small fight with blood trickling done her head as if she was hit with a stone. “We don’t want you here monster” A large unicorn said slashing at Alsea “Yeah get lost” the other said also attacking him From what Twilight saw it looked like Privet Silver was curled up and on the ground as the ponies longed at Alsea who would shove them back not trying to hurt them. But then one Unicorn got a knife levitated around Alsea and stabbed him causing him to topple over in pain. Twilight watch in horror as ponies attacked him at once not allowing him to get back up. It was the curliest and most gut wrenching thing she had ever seen, she just stood there paralyzed not knowing what to do. Finally Alsea fell and lay motionless on top of Privet Silver with his body to protect her. The ponies around him stopped just realizing what they did, many of them vomited at the site and many more cried but a few just stood there laughing and complimenting them selves for the deed which had been done. Then Alsea started to cough a few times starling the ponies around him. The next thing Twilight sees is a cloud of dust and a quick movement from Alsea as he longed at the Stallion who started the whole problem. When the dust cleared five ponies were on the ground unconscious and a very mad Alsea holding on to his face yelling at it. “YOU THINK THAT KILLING ANOUTHER BEING IS JUSTIFIED” he yelled right at the stallion “HUH DO YOU” Then with a single movement he tossed the Stallion into a wall and picked up Privet Silver to walk towards Twilight and Spike “Since you didn’t help before could you patch me and her up before I pass out again” he said shooting daggers a Twilight “I…I…I’m sorry” She finally got out “Twilight less talk more heal I don’t care about apologies especially something like this, we could have died” Twilight quickly set to work on Alsea before he stopped her and told her to do Privet Silver first “But you bleeding every ware” Twilight insisted “Yeah but there all shallow cuts she got stabbed in the back and gut and there deep, so do her first” He said almost like he was worried Twilight obeyed and set to work, it took her a good thirty minutes to heal her properly and then took another twenty minutes to heal Alsea. And by that time the other ponies were getting up “You done Twilight” He asked “All done why” She asked “Because a few ponies need to get arrested” He said walking over to the ponies recovering He then took out some strange tools which looked very familiar. He took out rings and placed them on the unicorn horns causing them to go limp again, he then did the same with the pegasus and earthponies but with different objects. One was a harness which went around the pegasus wings and legs and the other was a large wrist band which went on each leg and then connect to each other. After he had safely secured each pony he walked back to Twilight. “Twilight could you please send this letter to Princess Celestia” And could you also help that poor mare over there, I believe she got a stone in the head” “First before I do anything what happened and seconded why do you need to send a letter” So Alsea explained how he was lifting that mare up to some scaffolding to she could secure a ladder up there, then how he began to carry stones to her and the other mason ponies, but before long a small group showed up demanding them to stop or else they’ll be hurt. Then he told Twilight how the ponies who threatened them started through stones at them and one hit the mare in the head and knocked her out. “And the rest you know because you saw” he finished “That’s terrible but what about the letter” “Well that’s so Celestia can send some guards to pick these ponies up to await trial for there crimes” “Oh, but what about the others who attacked you, it was only those six who actually harmed us and the others I think learned there lesion” he said Fortunately the rest of the day went by very well, Five houses were rebuilt the foundation for the wall was made and many ponies were happy to see the humans instead of cower away when ever they come near. And the ponies who attacked Alsea and Silver were brought to Caterlot castle to get trailed. And the humans were doing some more drill and so this gave Twilight and her friends some time. “So girls how were your days” Twilight asked sipping her tea “Well as you know Twi that Sergeant Cook helped me with my farming and handing out food” Applejack said “Simmons helped me with all my animals and the sick ponies” Fluttershy cooed “Well my time was boring” Rainbow said “How is moving rocks BORING silly” Pinkie said bouncing up and down “Because Pinkie rocks are rocks and its very, very boring to just move them all day” Rainbow replied Pinkie “Well my day was marvelous I got all my measurements and I should be able to finish all there uniforms by the end of the week. And also got so diagrams of there body Twilight dear” Rarity said taking some scrolls out of her saddle bag. “What about you Twi” Rainbow asked “Well I learned why the humans do all that drill and I also learned that some of them can take a lot of pain” Twilight said looking down wishing she had said nothing “What happened dear?” “Well those ponies that didn’t the humans the other day decided to attack them today, that’s why the guards came, and Alsea and Silver got hurt really bad. But can we have a change subject now” Twilight said “Oh did anyone see Luna last night” Rainbow said jumping up as if it was the news of the century “Princess Luna was here last night” Twilight asked “Oh yes I saw her she was sitting on the hill last night with somepony who we couldn’t make out, but they seemed to be very close” Rarity said “Wait are you saying Luna has a special somepony” Twilight asked “Well that’s what it looked like to me” Rarity and Dash said at once “I wonder who it could be” Fluttershy said taking part in the conversation at last “Oh boy a new pony in town maybe I just have to meet him” Pinkie said jumping around again The rest of the night went by with Twilight and the girls talking about Luna’s new friend, but they all left right before the humans came back to sleep. But this time Twilight staid up all night to waited for Alsea to leave, because she had a feeling that last night he was the one with Luna and she wanted to prove it. Once again Alsea was awoken from his nightmares but this time he wasn’t just greeted by darkness, standing over him was Princess Luna. “You have awaken, care for a walk” she said incent enough to get Alsea to laugh After he stopped he finally spoke “How long have you been in here maybe two minuets, but I fear we might wake your friends if we continue to speak” “Well then lead the way your majesty” Alsea said bowing causing Luna to blush “Please do not call me that I’m just your friend right now and not you’re Princess of the night “If you say so” Alsea said opening the door and urging Luna through “So what do you wish to talk about Luna” Alsea asked after they exited the tree house “Tell me about your night” Luna asked “Well ours are not as dark as these nights, do to our many cities and lights, the only time I actually see the night is when I’m flying over our oceans or our great forests, but besides that our stars and nearly the same as yours but the positioning is a little different and we have fewer constellations but more planets” “So your stars are just like my stars” Luna asked “Yes and no, our stars are dimmer while these I can see everyone one of the stars here, its beautiful” “Beautiful” Luna asked “Yeah, you’ve never been complement on your night before” “Well no I haven’t ponies now enjoy my nights but they have never told me personally” “Well that’s what friends are for” Alsea said giving Luna a smile, which she returned “So now that I answered your question, you answer mine” Alsea said “That is only fair” “Why don’t we take part in the politics?” “Well I was gone for such a long time and much has change, and to be honest I could care less about the nobles, it’s the reason why I’ve come to spend the night with you for all that the nobles do is complain about things during my night court” Luna said with a sigh “Sound fun” “Its anything but fun Major all they do is yell and complain about things that a common pony has to live through everyday, Ohh Princess Luna your sister rejected my new bill can you pass it for me, its all they do if my sister turns away I get stuck with them” “Fist me saying that’s fun was sarcasm and seconded sounds like you hate your job” “Yes I dislike my job and what is this sarcasm” “Sarcasm is when one says something positive or negative in a way that it comes across the opposite way” “So you complement someone while you’re insulting them” “Kind of like that” “I see, now it’s my turn to ask” “Ask away” “Why didn’t you kill those ponies today?” Alsea stopped walking and looked down instantly hopping for a change of subject “Did I say something wrong?” “Yes you did Luna, but you do deserve an answer. The reason I didn’t kill them is because I’m done with killing, I hate it even though my life was threaten I didn’t want to hurt them” “Oh well you did the right thing, I’m very glad you didn’t badly hurt them or else my sisters judgment of your kind would have been proven” “Well thank you, and what exactly did you sister say about my species” “I don’t know if I should tell you that” “You owe me” Alsea said giving Luna a stern look With a sigh Luna spoke “Your right I do owe you, so my sister basically said your people are beings of chaos which means you have thought one another since the begging of your species” “Well you can tell your sister that she is indeed correct, my people are naturally violent and war is in our blood but now very few of us embrace it” “And we also haven’t had a war with our own kind in many years” “You mean you have thought another species” Luna asked “Yes but that’s a long story which I’m not telling” The two walked down the streets in tell they reached the edge of the ever free forest, then they began to walk along its edge and outside of the town of Ponyville. But Alsea just couldn’t help but to feel that someone was following them. Finally Alsea had enough. “Luna” he whisper “Why do you whisper” She asked “Because there’s someone following us, if you listen closely you can here there footsteps” “I hear nothing, I believe you are just being paranoid” “Luna I’ve been in the army long enough to know my own foot steps and I’ve been around you enough to know yours, and those footsteps I hear are much different, there quieter and lighter” “If you insist that there is someone following us I’ll cast a spell which well allow me to know who is near” So Luna charged her horn to perform the spell, and then a bright light appeared and it was dark again, Alsea felt something pass-through him almost like water but much finer and pleasant. “That was weird” “What” “After you used that spell it felt like something passed through me” “That’s strange my spell is suppose to be undetectable, maybe your species is able to feel magic much like a Alicorn” “Maybe, but did you find anything” “Yes I found many woodland creatures but no ponies, so your nerves can be put on rest” “Thank you Luna” but Alsea was still doubtful because every now and then he’ll here foot steps behind them but they seemed more distant “This looks like a good spot” Luna said making Alsea flinch “Good spot for what” “A picnic of course” Luna said with a grin which completely changed the mood of there pervious conversations “A picnic” “Yes a picnic, I brought some food and drink with us so we may have some food during the night” “Well if you want I wont object food is food” with that Alsea sat down on the cloth that Luna had somehow concealed the whole time “How are you doing this” Alsea asked as Luna took plates, drinks and food out of empty space” “A simple storage spell, many can not do it but for those who can it makes life much easier” Luna said taking out a pot which smelt of very strong spices “I take it that’s your favorite dish” Alsea said pointing to the pot “Why yes, I love it and normally the cooks only need to make one pot for I’m the only one who enjoys it, but after our last meal together I thought you might want it again, and if not I have dandelion sandwiches” “Well I think I’ll try your strange sandwiches first, then we can enjoy your chili” “What’s this chili you speak of” “Chili is what you brought, a whole bunch of spices with beans and other vegetables or meat if you’re human” “Well I just call it chunky soup” “Really chunky soup” Alsea chuckled “What’s wrong with chunky” “Nothing its just so funny” “How so” “IT’S CHUNKY” Alsea yelled falling into fits of laughter while Luna just looked at him wondering what’s going through his head “How is chunky so funny” Luna asked trying to get Alsea to stop. After about a minuet he stopped. “So sorry Luna its just that no one has said chunky were I come from in a good ten years and it brings back many memories” “Ah I see” was all that Luna said “Why so serious Luna lighten up” “What do you mean lighten up?” “Stop being all tight, let things go and just enjoy yourself” “But I am enjoying my self, see” Luna said trying her best to give an excited smile “If you say so” “Now could you please pass me the weed sandwich” “What do you mean weed dandelions are a noble deliciously” Luna said shocked “Well were I come from dandelions are weeds that grow everywhere, even in our roads” “There that many, that must be great” “Not really since we don’t eat them unless were starving” “Oh I understand, you prefer your meat over plants” “Yes and no I like fruits and some vegetables but humans just don’t eat flowers” “Well here you go” Luna said using her magic to pass the sandwich to Alsea Alsea took a bite and was surprise to find that it tasted better then tofu almost like asparagus but saltier. “This is actually good” “Now who likes the weed sandwich” Luna said grinning “I wonder how this would taste with your chunky soup” Alsea said stifling another fit of laughter “Well you have your hands you can try” Luna said eating her own sandwich like a Princess was expected to eat. “You don’t have to eat like that around me Luna, like you said before were just friends” Alsea said while placing some of the chunky soup on his sandwich, just enough to taste and not enough to overpower the other favours. “What do you mean” Luna asked “Your eating all stock up like your better then everyone else, not to be rude but that’s how you look” “Oh well I’m sorry I am still adjusting to how things work, because back in my day I was taught to always look like I’m in charge” “Did you have any friends back then?” “No” Luna said looking down. And Alsea I, immediately regretted his last question “I’m sorry Luna” he said moving over to her side to comfort her Luna then began to do a small sob causing Alsea to hug her for he had no other idea how to comfort the crying Princess. The princess then hug Alsea back crying tears that she should have cried out many years ago. They sat there for many minutes in tell Luna was not able to cry anymore, and even then the two continued to hug each other. “Feel better” Alsea asked “Yes I needed that” Was all that Luna said pulling Alsea closer “C…cccc…can’t breath” Alsea struggled to get out as Luna hugged him tighter “Sorry, I didn’t mean any harm” Luna said letting Alsea go so he could catch his breath “No harm done your just, very strong” Luna awkwardly sat back as she packed up there picnic which was anything but finished. After she had finished she noticed Alsea was lying on the ground smiling “You do know that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Luna, its just that it seems that your not use to being around friends, but lets put this behind us and just enjoy the night” “Its ok Alsea and what exactly are you smiling about” “How you and I are so similar and how you reminded me of one of my oldest friends” “I see” Luna said while comforting moving to lay next to her friend “Hmm you say you have control over the night correct” “Yes why” “Have you ever thought of playing a prank on someone you dislike” Alsea asked with an evil grin “Once but it didn’t end well” Luna said dropping her head “Why don’t you pull another, just cause you can” Alsea asked trying to bring her sprits back “I bet you can make your sister really mad if you made the stars say something rude off her” Alsea said which made Luna bring her head back up with a smile “Your right Major, there is something I have wanted to do for many days since I have returned” “And what is this” “I wanted to right in that my sister has a fat flank” Luna said breaking into a fit of laughter, while Alsea just looked at her before finally understanding the joke. “Then go ahead” “But if my sister see’s she’ll have a fit” “What it not that bad of a prank” “I guess not” And so Luna began her work on the stars while Alsea looked in amazement at how a single being was able to change the night with a single thought. After a few minutes Luna had finished her work which read Celestia Has A Fat Flank which was written in stars from one side of the sky to the other. Luna broke into fits of laughter again and Alsea shared them with her, the two just laughed and laughed all through the night, in tell a certain pony came running at them. “Princess Luna you can’t say thing like that to your sister” Twilights voice said somewhere The two immediately stopped there laughing as Luna shoot a bolt of magic from her horn causing Alsea to fall back and shield his eyes and Twilight’s spell of invisibility to be destroyed and reviling a very angry Twilight. “How long have you been following us” Luna said raising her voice from her friendlier tone to a much more aggressive tone “Luna calm down” Alsea said putting a hand on her shoulder “But she has been following us and eavesdropping, it isn’t right” “Luna may not be the time but it did tell you that someone was following us, and yes she may have done that but it gives not right for you to get all stiff again” “But” Luna said back in her original tone “No buts Luna, I’ll deal with it” “Deal with what, killing me” Twilight yelled Alsea looked at her in shock “Why on earth would I kill you” “Because you said deal with me” “First of all don’t yell you’ll wake up all of Ponyville, and seconded what’s your problem” “What’s your problem telling Luna to do that” Twilight yelled indicating at Luna’s message “I asked first Twilight” Alsea said “No you don’t scare me” “Fine you want to know eh? Well I’ll tell you” Alsea said sighing “It’s because Luna is friend of mine and she hasn’t been feeling good lately so I thought maybe doing something very un-princess like would cheer her up, but now you’ve pissed her off” “Oh” was all that Twilight said with her ears dropping “And that’s not all, I would like to know what gives you the right to follow me” “Because I was curios and wanted to know where you went last night” “Ok I’ll tell you, last I night I comforted Luna I don’t know why I just did that’s all, and the reason I get up at night is because every night I dream of the place I try to forget most” Alsea said raising his voice “I’m sorry” “Twilight it’s not entirely your fault, but you have to respects one privacy, and if I were you I wouldn’t apologize to me” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean, an I the only one here” Twilight then understood what Alsea meant, she didn’t hurt Alsea but she hurt Luna by acting the way she did, and she also stuck her noise into a place where she shouldn’t have” “I’m sorry Luna, for every thing” Alsea took a step back allowing Luna to speak “Twilight Sparkle I understand your curiosity, but like Major Alsea said you must respect ones privacy, you see Alsea is my very good friend and I like the time that we spend together it helps with relaxing myself” “And with the Prank it was mostly my idea and Alsea that it might help me relax so I did, it’s not like it harmed anypony” “Your right Princess” Twilight said walking away Luna noticed the look on Twilights face and she teleported in front of her causing Alsea to topple over again from the blinding light “It is ok Twilight” Luna said hugging the purple unicorn And Twilight accepted the hug from the night princess while Alsea tried to gain his footing. “I’m truly sorry Luna” “It’s ok Twilight” Luna said nuzzling Twilight “Now you should go back to bed you look very tired and you have a very busy day ahead of you” Luna said while she stopped nuzzling Twilight “Your right Luna, and again I’m sorry” Twilight said before she teleported back to her home, which once again caused Alsea to fall over from the light. “God I hate your spells” Alsea said on the ground “What do you mean?” “Every time you cast one I get blinded I’m going to start wearing sunglasses everywhere I go at this rate” “For a military man you’re very funny and relaxed” “This is what happens when your life sucks, you make everyone’s better” “Well I must return to Canterlot to attend so night court” Luna said “Well have a nice night then Luna” “And you to Major” Luna said flying off into the night Alsea only thought of how Luna reminded him of himself so much and how she just need a friend before he turned and walked back to the library. While at Canterlot Castle Celestia was throwing a major fit, and not because of Luna’s prank but what Alsea was doing. “I needed him to stay away from her, why can’t anything I do change his mind” “I’ve tried making his dreams and horrors come back, I’ve tried almost everything but he won’t stay away from my sister” she yelled “He even stuck me up in my throne room and pledged himself to Luna and not myself” “What will make him fall under my wings” She began to think Then Celestia came upon an idea, one that’ll take a long time to prepare but it’ll be worth it and if she succeeds she’ll be able to finish her original plans for the humans. “Maybe having him favor Luna over me can be a good thing after all” Celestia chuckled as she teleported to the statue garden and walking to one in particular. “Maybe he needs some inspiration just as the bearers of elements need” She said letting out a laugh