//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Max Payne in Equestria // by Ponyjokster //------------------------------// I am Max Payne. A retired cop, an alcoholic, a pill popper, a liar, and a murder. I once considered myself and indeed was a hero. But that was as it seems a million years ago. Everything I had ever accomplished in life had disappeared from me forever. I lost my beautiful wife Michelle and my baby girl, Rose to a couple of Valkyr junkies hired by Nicole Horne of Aesir Corporation. Soon after I had gone undercover investigating the Punchinello family in cracking the case related to Valkyr. I had finally learned about Horne and killed her along with many junkies, mobsters, and agents of Horne's before I got to her. Sadly though as many people I have killed and finally getting my revenge, It could not bring my loved ones back to me. Time from time, I still go and visit their graves and always saying a prayer to them. Why did this have to happen to me? I now only wished that they would have taken me to so that I could join them and be with my family always and forever. Everything had ripped apart for me in a New York minute. It seemed that whoever I got close to either got killed or had betrayed me. Now I barely interact with people. Tonight, I visited the grave of my loved ones as usual and decided to get drunk properly at the only bar close to my apartment. I walked in, sat down, and ordered the usual of Kong Whiskey along with a smoke and painkillers to go with it. I had about 3 cups of whiskey and had smoked at least almost a pack of cigarettes while popping pills when I finally decide to stagger my way back to my apartment. It was right around the corner from the bar so it didn't take me long to get back home. I went inside, went to the bathroom and threw up from the alcohol that was destryoing my liver inside of me. But I didn't give a damn. With that I guess I was ready for bed. I always had trouble sleeping, and when I did I would always have nightmares of seeing my family murdered and other people I had gotten close to right before me but I dedided to take my chances anyway. My whole body ached, my hands numb to the bone and a migrane which felt like a bullet inside of my head inching closer to my brain ready to blow my head off. I finally had then squeezed my eyes shut and drifted off to sleep. "Hey, are you okay." Said an unfamiliar voice. "Huh?" I responded