//------------------------------// // chapter 15 // Story: serenity under the night sky // by flutterguy54123 //------------------------------// Chapter 15 About a week after their first date Twilight and Thunder have been on three others. In the Ponyville library a purple dragon begins shaking the sleeping lavender mare that is in her bed. “Wake up Twilight the princess sent you a letter and it has a magical lock on it so I can't read it. Actually she sent two one is tied with purple ribbon and the other is tied with a dusty white one.” Hearing this the lavender unicorn's eyes almost pop out of her head. “Spike! Where's the letters?! Oh, I hope the princess isn't mad at Thunder and I.” The little dragon raises an eyebrow. “What did the two of you do that would make her mad?” Not answering the question she snatches the letter out of his claw and removes the lock ,and begins reading to herself. “Dear Twilight Sparkle I hope your date's with my son have been pleasant ,but that is not why I am writing to you. I need you and Thunder to come to the castle. Last week a rather disturbing thing happened that affects your relationship. I will not go into detail ,but it is very important. I will be sending two carriage's one for you and one for Thunder. You are not to share the same carriage. This is to retain the cover the two of you have made. Also I must commend you having Thunder change his form must give the two of you some peace. I'm happy for you ,but also sad. Your teacher Princess Celestia” After reading the letter a knot ties its self in her throat making her unable to speak. The last line however filled her with the most dread. Looking down at Spike she does her best to retain a normal voice. “Spike, Take that letter to Thunder ,and don't stop for anypony it is very important that he reads it as soon as possible.” Leaving the room the little dragon looks down at the letter and shrugs his shoulders. In Canterlot Thunder trots through the town finally coming to the home of Twilight Velvet and Noteworthy. After knocking on the door Twilight's father opens it. “Hello, Is there something I can do for you?” Immediately when the door swings open the former prince bows. “Hello Mister Noteworthy may I come in?” A little confused the blue unicorn lets obliges his request. In the main sitting area of the house the couple continue their conversation. “I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself at the door ,but I didn't want to lie to you. Even though I don't look like it I am the former prince of Equestria. My name is Thunder Flicker.” The blue unicorn with a dark blue mane raises his eyebrow. “I'm sorry ,but like you said you don't really look like the prince.” Nodding his head the dark gray unicorn brings his horn to a glow. Slowly a film of red aura surrounds Blade turning him back into an alicorn. Seeing this Twilight's father begins to hate what he said to the former unicorn. Standing their Thunder waits for Noteworthy to speak. “My prince please forgive me! I did not mean to call you a liar.” Feeling a little uncomfortable the tall alicorn begins speaking. “Sr it is ok. I'm actually here on a personal reason. For some time now your daughter and I have been...... dating.” The former prince's throat begins to close up as he continues speaking. “Being raised with old traditions I feel I must ask you for permission for her hoof in marriage.” Noteworthy begins looking Thunder over. “So you want to marry my only daughter. Have a seat.” Sitting down the off white alicorn remains silent. “Have you ever been married before?” Not wanting to go into detail about his last engagement he nods his head no. “I see. Well it is obvious that you could provide for her. Do you have any foals?” Feeling like he is being judged Thunder begins speaking. “Yes Sr I have two. I adopted them some time ago.” With a huff Noteworthy starts wracking his mind for another question when his wife trots into the room. Looking around The white mare with a light purple and white striped mane begins speaking. “Your majesty to what do we owe this honor?” Seeing her enter the room Thunder instantly stands. “Uh....... hello Mrs. Velvet it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so many good things about you from Twilight.” Rolling his eyes Noteworthy begins speaking. “Dear he's here to ask permission to marry our daughter ,but I do have one more question.” Thunder looks back over to his marefriend's father as he continues talking. Knowing that alicorns live forever he stands up “Would you die for her?” Feeling the gravity of the question Thunder takes a gulp. “Yes Sr. I would. Twilight is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. My foals would also be on that list. I love your daughter, and nothing will ever change that.” Thunder continues standing waiting for the final word from Noteworthy while Twilight Velvet tries to figure out what all has happened. About to answer Thunder's question Noteworthy is cut of by his wife. “Wait. Our son marries a Princess now a prince want's to marry our daughter! What's next is our grandfoal's going to become gods?” Thunder's expression shows a horrible poker face. “Um... well if they were alicorn's then sure they would be.” Getting back on topic Noteworthy begins speaking. “Thunder you have my permission ,but you better treat my little filly good. If not I'm gana be at your door with a nice new wood ax.” A smile comes to the former prince's face. Overjoyed he begins speaking. “Thank you Sr. This is the best news I have ever received. Now I just need to ask her. I hope you will not think it rude of me not to stay ,but I have place's to go and pony's to see.” About to open the door Thunder is stopped by Twilight's father. “Son you sure are a busy stallion. Can I at least know when your going to ask her?” Thinking about this the tall alicorn turns around. “Tomorrow, at noon.” After finishing his sentence he turns back into his unicorn self and leaves the house. On the outskirts of Ponyville A little purple dragon stands knocking on the white door to Thunder's home. Slowly the door creaks open revealing a little orange filly. “Oh, hi Spike what's up?” Entering the house he sees that Scootaloo has a horn. “It's still weird seeing you with that thing on your head. Anyways the princess sent a letter to Twilight and she told me to take it here.” A mischievous look comes to the princess's face. “Hay wanta read it?” Placing it on a nearby table Spike shoots her down. “Sorry, it has a magical lock on it. I already tried with Twilight's.” Not wavering from her thoughts a purple aura levitates the letter to her. “Dad showed me some magic stuff. Maybe I could unlock it.” After trying and failing more times than countable Scootaloo gives up. “Gee, Grandma really didn't want anypony except Dad reading this did she.” rolling his eyes spike begins talking. “Tell me about it. I've been wanting to read the thing all day. So is he nearby?” Thinking the little filly remembers the note that was left on the fridge door. “Na he left before I was up. Left this on the frig.” Holding up the note Spike begins reading. “Scootaloo I need to go to Canterlot to run some arens. Breakfast is in the refrigerator ,and don't skip school. Now that you know how to use your horn you can make it invisible yourself. Love Dad.” Almost rolling on the floor laughing the little dragon tries to speak. “Hahahahahahahahaha wow you even have school on Saturday! What did you do yell at your teacher?” Becoming increasingly annoyed the princess begins yelling. “NO! IT'S MAGIC SCHOOL. Stupid magic. Why do I need this stuff anyway?” As she continues mumbling something pops into her head. “Oh ya I got flight school today not magic school. THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!” Not wanting to stay for the explanation Spike opens the door and leaves. In Canterlot Thunder enters another jewelry store. Looking over the rings he still can't find what he is looking for. The pony behind the counter notices him and begins speaking. “Hello, so who's the lucky mare?” Glancing up he sees the nametage on the pony. “Oh... Her name it's Twilight ,but I can't find the right ring. I've been to twelve stores today and none of them have one that is good enough.” Stoking her chin she leans in closer to the dark gray stallion. “I'm not suppose to promote other store's ,but by looking at you I can already tell you we don't have what you need. If you want to buy her something she will never forget why don't you go to Tiponys. It's in Manehattan ,but it's worth the journey.” Thunder immediately facehoof. “I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner. Thank you I'll come back and buy something later.” Without even moving the former prince teleports to Manehattan. Looking around he sees the luxurious jewelry store. Trotting in he goes strait to the engagement rings. Much to his displeasure he still doesn't see what he wants. “Welcome to Tiponys is there anything I can help you with?” Turning around he sees a black blue mare with a ed mane, “Um maybe. I'm looking for an engagement ring. Price is no option.” Hearing this the mare gets stares in her eyes. “You don't want any of these. Let me show you where we keep the more beautiful gems.” Shrugging the dark gray unicorn follows her. To his surprise she goes behind a red velvet rope and ushers him in. “The front of the store is where the non-rich shop. Welcome to the vault.” Looking around Thunder sees the walls covered with all sorts of gems and necklaces. Still following her the come up to a clear glass case. Pairing down into it he finally find the right one. “I'll take that one. Oh and can you have the band engraved, and I know the exact cut that I want.” Looking down she sees that he is pointing at the one that cost the most. “I'm sorry ,but how were you planing on paying for this?” Looking at her confusion attaches itself to Thunder's face. “With bits how was I suppose to other wise?” The sale's mare clears her throat. “Yes of course ,and we do engrave things. That will be.....” She pick’s up a peace of paper and begins doing figures. After several moments of silence she begins speaking again. “Did you want that ready today?” Nodding his head she lets out a long whistle. “That will come to....... seven million bits.” Wincing at the last part of her sentence she expects the unicorn to walk away. “What time can I pick it up?” The rather short mare begins blinking her eyes at a very fast pace trying to understand why he would still be here. “Uh..... it will be finished at three. Please fill out this form and you can pay at the desk, or back here so you don't get mugged.” Running this through his mind Thunder finally understands why she is being so cautious. “Oh, I forgot about my appearance. I can't tell you who I am ,but know I do in fact have the money. If you will wait right here I will be back in just a moment. After about ten minutes the dark gray stallion teleports back into the room with saddle sash full of bits. “It took some time to count ,but here's the money.” Seeing this the mouth of the sale's pony drops to the floor. Quickly a guard gallop up to Thunder's side thinking he is trying to steal something. “Next time steal so.......” Before he can finish his sentence the salesmare cuts him off. Levitating the bits out of his sash he begins counting them till the salesmare brings over a bit counter. About ten minutes goes by as they go through the transaction. “It looks like everything is here right down to the last bit. If you don't mine me asking who are you. I didn't know anypony had this much money.” Not wanting to give away his secret he begins speaking. “I'm just somepony that luck has been very fortunate to ,but if you need my name mark it as an order for Princess Celestia's son. I was just sent to find and pick up ,also he has requested that nopony know of his purchase here. He said something about spoiling the surprise.” Finally understanding where all the bits came from the blue mare nods her head. “We are sworn to secrecy nopony will know. Client privileges and all.” Hoofing the form back over to her she begins reading over it then frowns. “You didn't fill out the part with your name.” Begrudgingly Thunder takes back the form. “You wont believe it. In fact you will probably have me arrested for trying to steal another pony's identity.” After signing his name he hoofs it back.” Seeing it the salesmare gasps trying to find the right words to say. Having seen this plenty of time he turns back into an alicorn. “Yes didn't you wonder how I could hide from my mother for so long. True it was only a week ,but that is still a long time to hide from somepony that can control the sun. I will return at three for the ring.” Turning back into a unicorn he gives the salesmare a nod then exits the vault. Thinking on where he should go first he teleports home. In the Canterlot castle Twilight Sparkle trots through the long hall until she reaches the throne room. Having been here many times as the personal student of the goddess of the sun she knows her way around. As the massive doors open the lavender mare sees only Celestia. Slowly entering the room she approaches her teacher. “Twilight I'm glad you could make it. Thunder hasn't received his letter as of yet ,but I believe he will find it soon. I'm actually happy that this happened because I was wanting to talk to you alone before we began.” Fearing the worst Twilight begins jumping to conclusions not even noticing her coltfriend's crown on a pillow beside a tiara. “Your not going to be my teacher anymore are you?” A smile comes to the solar goddesses face as she ponders how to answer. “Well, no. I will continue being your teacher ,but there is something you should know. Once Thunder was engaged. They were completely in love ,but I actually he loves you more. Anyways the night before their wedding a changeling killed her in cold blood. That is why he always worked so hard. He blamed himself ,but lately he has changed. He is enjoying life again thanks to you.” Looking over Twilight sees the crown and tiara. “Was that her's?” Celestia nods her head yes as the little mare continues speaking. “So..... all you wanted was for him to be happy ,but he's not really happy is he?” Sitting down on her throne the princess of the sun begins speaking. “Not completely. He love's you I know that much otherwise he would not have give up his crown. Twilight I'm going to ask you to do something that will break your heart. As long as Thunder is not a prince he can not raise Scootaloo and Butterscotch. Before he moved to Ponyville they were made part of the royal family. Regrettably we never told him about this. In order for him to continue raising them he must become a prince again ,but he will never want to hurt you. When he did leave you I could tell was in agony even through he tried to hide it. Luna and I have been trying to find a way for the two of you to be able to stay together ,but without going against my word it's just not possible.” Almost unable to speak Twilight begins chocking out her words between her sobbing. “What your basicly saying is that we can never be together because of you. Even if the stars were aligned ,we had three wishes ,and we were the luckiest pony's in the Equestria we still would be separated from each other. I know what your asking. You want me to leave him so you feel good about yourself. So...... so buck you Celestia!” Galloping out of the room she almost tackles Thunder to the ground. Looking at him tears continue flowing freely down her face as she tries to escape the craziness that is her life by teleporting out of the room. Completely distraught at seeing his marefriend in such an emotional state he steadily trots toward his mother. “What did you say to her! Tell me!” In shame the goddess of the sun lowers her head. “Did you read the letter?” surprised by her unwillingness to cooperate the former prince begins to fill with anger. “Yes. So either I keep the foals and loose Twilight ,or they are taken from me and I am allowed to remain with the mare I wish to marry. What a sick way to get what you want!” Shaking her head Celestia tells him about how there was somepony impersonating her making it to where he would renounce his right to the crown. After explaining Celestia begins questioning him. “Prince Thunder did you say marry? Were you really going to ask Twilight for her hoof in marriage?” Looking over to his crown he levitates it to his face inspecting it. With a huff he magic's a window open ,and taking careful aim jets his crown into the open sky. “Yes, and don't expect me to where that thing anytime soon. I may be a prince ,but I will find a way to be with Twilight. You can count on that. Now I'm going back home the foals and I will remain living there. If you have switched Captain Armour off of my detail please send him back. I wish to get better acquainted with my future brother in-law.” Raising an eyebrow Celestia begins speaking. “Get, Don't you mean become? It seems that your grammar is slipping son. Don't speak like that in public. It could possibly give us a bad reputation.” Rolling his eyes the prince returns the retort. “Don't, should it not be do you not. Face it Mother we act royal more than we truly are. I learned that from my foals. I need to see Aunt Luna will you please tell me where she is.” With a heavy heart for striping her only son of happiness she answers the question. “She's in the library ,and Thunder I am truly sorry for all of this. If there was any way......” Before she has a chance to finish her sentence the tall off white prince interrupters her. “There is! You might not have found it ,but that is why I am the prince of weather. My special talent is deciphering things just like the weather. I look at all point of the situation. I half to go over everything said ,everything done ,and every little secret. For the longest time Aunt Luna and I made it seem like it was her that found loop hole in the law for our subjects ,but it was actually me. Have somepony send me everything that has happened starting with the day I left the palace for Ponyville. The rest I can gather from Aunt Luna. Until we see each other again Mother.” After he finishes talking he turns and trots out of the room.