//------------------------------// // The sun // Story: Love and chaos // by sapphiresong //------------------------------// I think I'll start at the very beginning, with some of my first memories. Of course, I had no parents. Even I sometimes wonder how I survived as a baby, as well as how I came to be. some ponies once told me I was created through dark magic, from the combined power of the chaos and evil in the hearts of all ponies to bring about punishment for everypony who had ever committed an evil deed. I still deny this theory over and over in my head, but it has always haunted me being that I have no way to prove it wrong. The first thing I remember is a deep, dark, cold forest. I hated almost every moment of my existence. I was alone, cold, and hungry, surrounded by darkness and tortured by the sound of the terrifying creatures lurking around every corner. I scarcely saw much light, and to sustain myself all I could find were small, unsatisfying plants that grew on the floor of the forest. However, there were times when my miserable life would become just a little better. It wasn't too long before I realized I had wings. Following the examples of the few birds I had seen, I began to flap my tiny wings in an effort to fly. After days of struggling and bumping into trees, I managed to hover a few feet off the ground. Flying was a great deal easier for me than walking. When I had walked, it had always felt awkward due to my mismatched limbs. But when I flew, I felt free and rejuvenated. Because of my new ease of movement, I began to wander around and explore the forest more. I became curious, and it seemed like I saw something new and wonderful in the world everyday. My favorite amongst these discoveries was an open meadow. The first time I entered the meadow, I saw something that shocked me so much that I ran away from it at first. An enormous expanse of blue above, with fluffy white things drifting across it and- best of all- a huge, extraordinarily bright orb that was slowly creeping across it towards the horizon. I didn't know what to think. Everywhere else in the forest I had seen,the trees grew so close together that I had never even seen the sky or the sun. As far as my knowledge went, the sky looked like branches, leaves, and vines. But this place was, as I discovered, wonderfully different. The air was clearer, there was more open space then I had ever seen, and the sky- oh the sky! back then, I regarded it as the most wondrous thing ever. That is, besides the sun. I loved the sun most of all. I loved the light the sun cast, the warmth of its gorgeous rays, and the beauty of the horizon as it rose and set. To me, the sun was the most wonderful and gorgeous thing ever to exist. Little did I know that I still had yet to see the most beautiful thing in the world. About 4 years went by with me living in the meadow. For all of those years, the sun was my only companion. But then one day, everything changed. I was just lying curled up in a tree, feeling more melancholy than ever, when I heard strange sounds in the distance growing nearer. I had never been near other ponies, and I had never heard anypony talk, so I couldn't understand what they were saying. But their voices sounded light, friendly, and... Beautiful I thought, sighing happily, but quickly becoming quiet. I felt my body become completely tense with pure fear as I realized that the owners of those lovely voices were now standing just below the tree and looking up. I remember what they said, even though I didn't understand it at the time. "Sister, did you hear something?" The smaller one asked. "Maybe it was just the wind", the other one replied. "I don't know... it sounded... different. More intentional. Like somepony sighing or something." "Are you sure you didn't just hear wrong because you're scared?", The larger one teased. "Tia-!" "Oh, come on Luna! You know I was just teasing!" "Sure didn't sound like it... ", Luna grumbled. "Anyway, you know we shouldn't have come here in the first place. How many times have they told us not to-" She couldn't finish before the older one shoved her hoof over her mouth. "Shh. I think I see something up there", The older one said, looking straight at me. I gasped and hid my face in my paw while the younger pony stared in my direction. Her eyes widened with fear at the sight of me. She tried to gasp as well, but couldn't due to the hoof over her mouth. The older pony stepped forward, removed her hoof from her younger sister's mouth, and spoke. "Hello up there!" she said loudly, but with a friendly tone. "I'm Celestia!" She pointed to herself as she said this. "and her name", she continued, pointing to her shocked younger sister. "Is Luna! we're from the royal palace! Do you know where we are?" I slowly lifted my paw away from my face as she spoke. I couldn't tell what she was saying, but for some reason I began to get the feeling that they didn't want to hurt me. " I-I don't think it can talk, Tia", Luna said. "L-let's just go before something bad happens." Sometimes I wish Celestia had followed her sister's advice back then. "I've got a better Idea!" Celestia exclaimed, smiling mischieviously. She then began to fly upwards towards me. "Tia! what are you doing?" Celestia looked back at her sister, still grinning widely. "We're going to take him home with us, of course!" She replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "We can't! Silver Hooves will-". "I don't care what Silver thinks! that grumpy old butler never lets us do anything ! And besides, we can't just leave him here! He looks so sad and lonely..." The moment she looked into my eyes, I felt a wave of joy and warmth fill my heart. Her smiling gaze was like a cozy ray of sunshine, a salvation from the cold darkness that had filled me all of these lonely years. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, even better than the sun. Looking into her eyes felt relaxing, and it Immediately melted away the rest of my fear and sorrow. She carefully lifted me up with soft, gentle hooves and carried me down from the tree. She placed me on the ground in front of her sister. "See?", She said to Luna. "He looks so innocent and cute!" Luna slowly turned to look at me. she still appeared frightened, but soon began to smile. "Yeah, I guess... he really is kind of cute. I suppose... it wouldn't be that bad to take him home". "Good. now let's go. It'll be time for you to raise the moon soon." Gently lifting me up once again, she unfurled her wings and began to fly, holding me safe and warm in her arms.