The Poetic Chapters of MLP (Reference)

by Experimenteer

Chapter 67 - The Babs of Seed (Babs Seed)

The Babs of Seed. HUZZAH!

Far from a place, that was distant and fair,
Came arrive, a little brown mare.
She was silent and quiet and didn't know what to do,
That was when, she then met, a trio not two.

Treated as such, with happy and content,
A test, was then met, that could not really cement.
Her name, was 'little' Babs, that added with the Seed,
Let us hope, that she didn't, be mean and indeed.
Huzzah, not mean and indeed.

And as the story went, 'little' Babs was on the offense,
Trying so hard not to face such intense.
She was mean and indeed, a very 'bad seed',
But hold on, don't dislike, I have much more to feed.

As the trio was bent, to plot and devise,
For a trap, which in set, that they really despise.
But in the end, all was well and the four were as one,
With 'little' Babs,was sent, back home and gone,
Huzzah, let's hope not too long.