The Sunset Trilogy

by ocalhoun

Book 3 - Chapter XLVIII

Book 3: Equestria Abides
Chapter 14

Apollo watched Needle Point's flank moving in front of him – not because it was particularly shapely or anything. Thoughts like that about a longtime subordinate would just be... unprofessional. Covered by a bulky parka, it wasn't much to write home about anyway. No, the reason he found himself staring at the shy navigator's flank as they walked was that it was simply the only thing – at all – he could see besides snow and the rope that held them all together.

He was trudging along second in line in the little chain of five ponies he had created, all roped together behind Needle Point, which would hopefully prevent them all from becoming lost themselves. She had never been lost before, and completely blinded as he was, Apollo had to trust her judgment... he couldn't even figure out where the road was anymore, or if they were on it or not.

He glanced back, seeing Albatross's face through the blowing snow, but he couldn't see any further back than that, and he had to just hope that Shimmer and Pebbles were still behind. He could catch an occasional blink of light from there, so Shimmer was still there apparently, still laying her markers down. Each flash silhouetted the ponies behind him for a brief moment, confirming they were still around.

He tried looking to the sides... but it was a little hopeless, really. He couldn't see anything except snow... how could they ever hope to find Twilight if she wasn't on the road? He was pretty sure she would have gone this way, and pretty sure she would still be near the road... but where? Would she have continued on to Las Pegasus to seek shelter? Would she have wandered around lost? Why didn't she just teleport back? The worry was getting to him, he realized. Even worse than usual when a teammate was in trouble... but the middle of a blizzard probably wasn't the best place to ponder on that.

Before he noticed, he found himself ramming into Needle's backside... and before he could even come to realize what happened, he found Albatross ramming him from behind... the chain reaction probably went down the whole rope. Note to self – make spaces between ponies on the rope longer next time, he thought. The wind seemed to have died down a little for some reason now, and Needle turned around to talk to him, apparently.

“Um... Apollo... we've reached Las Pegasus now,” She said, her quiet voice barely audible over the still heavy winds. “I maybe think she wouldn't have gotten this far before the storm came.”

“And if she did, she's hiding in a building right now,” Apollo said, looking side to side for one of said buildings... and not finding any, though he thought he might have seen a bit of a reflection from one of Shimmer's marker, as if from a window maybe? “Let's turn around and look for her on the way back.” He shivered, despite his heavy coat and despite the burning, frustrated worry growling away inside him. “And then we'll stay at the castle until it blows over.” He hated the idea of abandoning her out here, but what else could he do? If he and his crew stayed out here too long, they would all freeze. He just thanked the stars for now that they had been able to convince the foals to stay home and sit this one out!

* * *

Apollo watched the road ahead now. The snow hadn't lessened. If anything, it was coming down even faster and piling up higher now. He could see Needle Point ahead of him starting to tire, always breaking up the snow in front... but if anypony else led the way, they might get lost, despite Shimmer's markers dimly lighting the way with their brief flashes. In fact, in their back glow, he could even make out silhouettes of things on the side of the road occasionally: a bush being beaten down by the wind one moment, a growing snowdrift the next, and a big billboard on the side of the road, with a strange circular hole off-centered in it... He stopped for a moment – causing another pile-up crash along the line – considering this hole... and remembering Twilight's perfectly round shield spell... No, it couldn't be.

...But he couldn't forgive himself if this was it and he didn't check it out! He rushed to the side, heedless of the rope joining his crew together – which apparently wasn't such a good idea. He found himself suddenly jerked back by the rope from both sides as the weight of Needle in the front and the other ponies behind him both caught him at the same time. He heard a scream from his side as Needle was flung around by the combined momentum, followed by a sickening crunch as she hit the billboard he had been making for.

He strained against the icy road beneath, trying for enough traction to reach the poor little mare, and with a few beats of his wings he was finally able to make enough headway to drag the others behind him up to where she was laying. As he finally managed to make his way up to her, she slowly rose from the snow, only to fall again as one of her back legs gave out. “Stay put, we've got you,” he called out, while pulling the others close with the rope.

He looked down at the furrow he had caused Needle to make in the snow... right next to a partially filled up one a lot like it... Growing more sure now, he called back, “Shimmer, can you get her on my back?”

If there was a reply, it was lost in the wind, but Needle Point did glow blue for a moment and float up onto Apollo's back. With her safely in place, he began walking in the direction he thought Twilight might be, more carefully this time, now that he could sense the solid layer of ice beneath the snow.

“Everypony fan out into a search pattern!” He called out behind him, and at least one pony seemed to hear him, as the rope began to stretch off to his right more than directly behind him. He watched the snow ahead of him carefully, but didn't see any sign of the unicorn he was looking for... and he had walked quite a way beyond the billboard now he thought nervously, glancing back and wondering if he could find his way back there... Needle was still conscious for now, but for how long? And would she be able to navigate as well without walking the distance herself? He winced for a moment for the pain she must be in... but he wouldn't pass up this chance to save a team member.

A shrill whistle came from off to his right somewhere – the team's prearranged signal to stop because they found something. Excitedly, he hurried over in the direction the whistle seemed to have come from, following the rope to its source. He found them, finally: Albatross, Shimmer, and Pebbles huddled over a lump in the snow, with Shimmer Spell hurriedly brushing away the snow to reveal a hoof. He couldn't be sure in the uncertain light, but it seemed purple!

* * *

Twilight Sparkle slowly opened her eyes... she felt awful for some reason. Blurredly, she could see a pink face hovering in front of her... “Pinkie Pie?” she asked, drowsily, “But I thought you–” Her vision cleared a little, and she began to be able to see the straggling streaked yellow mane... no, not Pinkie. “Splints?”

“'Bout time!” Splints said, “You've been lounging for long enough!” The pink pony quickly turned around, turning to another bed beside her.

Twilight took a moment to look at her surroundings and get her bearings... she seemed to be in the room Apollo had set aside as an infirmary, a few cots, and lots of medical supplies – most of them still packed in boxes – littered the floor... Light streamed in the windows, despite the thin curtains that had been installed. Looking down at herself, she was glad to see no obvious injuries, and even gladder to see Sunny Daze curled up into a ball sleeping adorably at her side... Indeed, sleep suddenly seemed like a splendid idea. She closed her eyes for a little nap... wouldn't want to wake Sunny, after all, right?

* * *

“So, I heard she woke up earlier today,” Apollo mentioned quietly, leaning over Twilight's cot.

“Yeah, she did, but then she went right back to sleep, lazy pony.” Splints replied, turning back to Needle. “Need anything honey, maybe some water?” Needle just shook her head a little. “You're sure?”

“Um... well... maybe a little snack?” She asked shyly.

“Sure!” Splints rushed over to a small table at the side of the room, quickly returning with a half of a sandwich.

“Uh, Splints... is it just me, or is it...” Apollo started to say.

“Or what?” she replied venomously.

“Well... it kind of seams like you don't care about Twilight as much for some reason...”

“And what do you care?”

“Well,” he wasn't sure, actually. “It's... It's just not like you to be like that with somepony who's injured...”

Splints turned on him viciously. “And you would know what I'm like, would you? How about you keep your nose in your job and I'll do mine! Nopony asked you to come up here you know!”

Put off by her display of animosity, Apollo retreated, leaving the infirmary and wondering to himself what had gotten into the mare. She was usually very kind to anything injured or sick, and unrelentingly acidic towards anyone who was healthy... It just wasn't like her to be critical or short with a patient... what would be next, her having a civil conversation with a healthy pony? For all that he knew about his crew, sometime they still were a mystery to him sometimes.

* * *