//------------------------------// // The Madness Continues // Story: An Average Day in the Life of Pinkie // by Xartis //------------------------------// The entirety of existence re-materialised itself. Yet again, myself, the author and narrator of this story, was writing a chapter of what I can only describe as madness. I picked up a piece of paper and a pen, quickly drew a picture of a really cool looking space-ship, scrunched up the paper upon realising it looked terrible and then threw it away. I then picked up my laptop and began writing this chapter of the story, and so, as the title suggests, the madness continues... Pinkie was hopping along the path, away from Sugar-cube Corner, and towards Twilight's house. She was visiting her today, not for any apparent reason, but still it's Pinkie, I think we can assume this is going to be fun. She bounced over to the door to the library and knocked a tune on it. She was halfway through a percussion version of Necrofantasia when the door opened. Opposite to Pinkie stood Twilight, a look of question on her face. "What is it Pinkie, I'm really" She looked over her shoulder, quickly levitating books up to a shelf, accidentally knocking down about four books, she sighed "busy..." Pinkie just smiled broadly "It's okay Twi, I can always wait! Or can I help, do you need help, you look like you need help!" Twilight just smiled awkwardly in return "no...no, it's fine" There was a loud explosion from her basement "Oh faecal matter!" Twilight always made it her objective not to swear when around Pinkie, she remembered one time she had said 'Kumquat' around Pinkie, the last thing this town needed was Pinkie jumping around yelling a new swear word she had just learned. Pinkie's ears flattened and her eyes grew to large sizes "I can't even help a little?" Twilight didn't like guilt, so she slammed the door and quickly thought of something else, like puppies, puppies are guilt free. Speaking of puppies, the explosion... Pinkie slouched, depressed. Suddenly she had an idea. "Hey narrator!" I merely smiled, not that anyone could see it, but they could read about it, and maybe that will make them feel better about themselves. "Heeeeeey, narrator!" I remembered I was writing a story so quickly woke up from my prideful trance. "Yes Pinkie?" I inquired. "I'm booooooored, make something happen!" I smiled "Gladly..." I reached over to my right and pulled a switch labelled 'Randomness'. I flipped into the 'on' position. Pinkie appeared in a puff of pink smoke, she looked around, only to discover she was in the marketplace. She remembered from last time that a whole lot of crazy stuff happened here. She decided that she would have to do something really random to keep this story going. She would've thrown a party, but that pun had already been used (twice) in the last chapter. She quickly decided she would make some cupcakes, a dark thought rushed through her mind, but she was too excited to even acknowledge it. She rushed over to Sugar-cube Corner, where she bought ALL the cupcakes. It wasn't expensive, she was Pinkie Pie. She jumped into the air and remained suspended for a few minutes, eating the cupcakes. She proceeded to swim through the air towards Rarity's boutique. She made it her mission to hi to all of her friends today. Rarity was busy sewing, she glanced at the mirror to her left, it was reflecting the image of a clothes rack back at Rarity. She glanced again, Pinkie Pie was right beside her. Rarity jumped ten feet in the air, when she landed she was kind of glad the boutique ceiling was so high. She returned her attention to Pinkie Pie. "What are you doing, darling?" She inquired Pinkie Pie replied gleefully "I just wanna say high to all of my bestest friends!" Rarity stared blankly, after a few minutes she said "Well?" Pinkie snapped back to attention "Oh right, Hi!" She then disappeared, leaving a pink blur in her path. Rainbow Dash was flying through the air at insane speeds, her speed wasn't a constant, but it was definitely too fast. One thing I would like to point out is the breaking physics chart. 1 is an ordinary pony, they break no physics, and don't fix any either. At 2 is Rainbow Dash, her Sonic Rainboom and incredible speeds unlike most other living beings. At 3 we have Discord, the god of chaos, it's kind of his job to break physics. At 4 we have Tom the Rock, his impossible six-dimensional form only being visible to an insane fashionista, which there has only been one of. Then, we have Pinkie, at an incredibly high 42. Some physicists like to say this number isn't coincidental, saying that Pinkie might be the answer to the existence of life, the universe and everything. Some improbability professors like to say that the only reason that Pinkie is at that scale is because she radiates improbability. One person likes to say she's at 42 because he put her there, the creator of the chart, he put a lot of research into it and said that she is at 42 in relation to other ponies, bring humans into it and it's 43.8564. This left a lot of people very confused, none of them knew what a human was, except Lyra, of course. So anyway, back to the story. Rainbow Dash was flying along when Pinkie appeared, she was swimming through the air again. Rainbow Dash was visibly confused, but she quickly dismissed the confusion, this was Pinkie Pie after all. "Hi-ya Dash!" Pinkie said. Rainbow Dash didn't hear what she said, they were travelling to fast for sound to catch up with them. Rainbow Dash slowed down and swooped down to land on the ground. Pinkie kept going in the direction she was heading in, then swiftly appeared next to Dash. She jumped, not actual jumping, just shaking suddenly from shock. Pinkie smiled "Hi-ya Dashie!" "Hi Pinks, how ya doin?" Rainbow Dash said, she would have bragged about how fast she was going, but she couldn't really brag, seeing as Pinkie was going at the same speed. "I'm doing great Dashie! I'm just going round town saying hi to my bestest friends, I said hi to Rarity just now, I kind of said hi to Twilight, but I might have to say hi again just to clarify that I said hi to her." Rainbow Dash just smiled at Pinkie "Are you gonna do it all today?" Pinkie thought about it for a minute, then replied "Maybe, depends on how fast the story is gonna go!" Rainbow Dash looked confused "The story? What?" Pinkie smirked "Oh...Never mind..."