//------------------------------// // chapter 10 // Story: serenity under the night sky // by flutterguy54123 //------------------------------// Chapter 10 In record breaking time Shining Armour puts the mail into three stacks important ,might be important ,and junk mail. After finishing he looks over to the prince with hopeful eyes. “Was that fast enough?” Thunder stares at him in awe with his mouth hanging open. “Y.. uh.... I mean yes that was defiantly fast enough. Congratulations you have twenty-four hours off with pay ,and a bonus for doing that so fast.” The prince trots over to the 'important' stack and sifts through it finding what he needs. Levitating the letter in front of him he begins reading silently. “Dear Prince Thunder Flicker We regret to inform you that we have not found any suitable orphans that we feel could adapt to the kind of life style that you are offering. If you wish us to continue our search please write back. Signed the home for orphaned foals” The prince starts muttering to himself something about dumb orphanages then turns to his two foals. “Well I have good news and I have bad news. What do you want first?” Scootaloo looks at him the says. “Give us the good news first then the bad news.” A smile comes to Thunder's face. “Well the good news is you're stuck with me ,but the bad news is...... you're stuck with me.” A smile comes to Scootaloo's face. Seeing this Thunder turns to face the queen. “Grandmother would you happen to be free to foalsit while I pay a visit to foal protection services.” The queen gives a simple nod and Thunder disappears in a bright flash. Appearing outside the local branch of the government Thunder looks around and sees a Weather Warrior. Shaking his head he continues his course into the building. Coming to the front desk he looks down and sees all the necessary paperwork needed to fill out for adopting a certain filly and colt. Reading over it he signs the conditions and looks at the pony behind the counter with a smile as the she starts talking. “I never thought that a prince and princess would ever be born in Ponyville. What are their name's?” Thunder looks at the cream colored mare and says. “There names are Princess Scootaloo and Prince Butterscotch. Didn't you even look at the paperwork?” The cream colored mare starts blushing. “Actually when your guard's informed us on what was going on my supervisor took over the case ,but I'm glad you chose to adopt it's a wise choice.” Thunder nods with a smile and teleports back to the hospital ,but appears at the nurses desk. “I have some information about my daughter's file I need to add. Who do I talk to?” With out looking up a nurse points in a general direction at his daughter's door and says. “Sorry mister were waiting for the prince t.....” She stops speaking as she looks up ,then continues. “Um..... that would be me. I apologize for any inconvenience.” The nurse takes the file and adds it to Scootaloo's. Trotting up to the door Thunder sees Shining Armour taping his hoof. As he approaches the captain starts speaking. “You know your mother Princess Celestia gave me permission to forcibly take you back to Canterlot if need be.” Thunder smiles. “But then you wouldn't have the chance to see your sister. By the way I must commend you on placing your stallion's in strategic places thought the city. It will be hard to escape your watchful eye If need be.” Shining Armour remains silent as he glares at the prince. Entering the room Thunder and the captain hear laughing. Looking around the curtain they see an orange colt on the queens back and an orange filly on the bed kicking her hooves from being tickled so hard. Unable to keep a strait face Thunder begins speaking. “Grandmother you simply can not treat the princess like that.” The queen looks up with a confused look as Thunder keeps speaking. “No I must say. You see you're doing it all wrong. To receive the most laughing you should tickle right under the wings” While saying this he demonstrates receiving a louder giggle. A smile comes to the queens face as she try’s saying. “Oh I see like this?” Tears come to the little filly's eyes because of her laughing. Hearing a knock they stop and allow the little princess time to breath. Opening the door a brown pony in a lab coat enters the room ,and goes through a well rehearsed introduction. “Hello My name is Doc. E.R. I will be taking care of you until you are released from the hospital. Now who do we have here?” Looking over the chart his eyes almost pop out of his head as he looks at the name. Looking up he sees the members of the royal family. “P.... P... P... P... P.... Princess Scootaloo?” The doctor looks over the chart again making sure his eyes didn't deceive him. “Now little filly I've known you for I don't know how long ,and you never mentioned that you were a princess!” Giving a little chuckle she smiles. “Well it happened kind of sudden.” She holds a hoof out pointing at Thunder. “This is my....” A confused look comes to her face. “Um... what do I call you? Dad? Father? Thunder?” Brushing her mane out of her face he replys. “You can call me what ever you want angel except old.” Giving a light chuckle she nods her head then addresses the doctor. “This is my father ,Prince Thunder Flicker!” The doctor looks over at the prince and raises an eyebrow. “Quite the active and wild filly you have there. She has managed to break two ribs and acquire a concussion.” Thunder's face fills with anger at the thought of letting that low life get away. Sensing his agitation the doctor continues. “There is nothing to worry about a simple spell will make those broken bone's clear up in no time at all. Princess I need you to be as still as you can alright?” Scootaloo nods her head and the doctor begins his work. Knowing that this takes as much concentration as possible all the other pony's exit the room. The queen trots over to Thunder with a worried look on her face and begins speaking. “Thunder there is something that I regret you have forgotten to consider. In order for the foals to become a true prince and princess they must become alicorns. I doubt you have noticed ,but even Shining Armour has been through the process.” Thunder looks over to his friend ,but sees no wings. “Grandmother I don't see his wings where are they?” Faust sighs as she looks over toward the captain. “There under his armour. For some reason he is shy about pony's knowing the truth about the royal family. I believe it has something to do with his sister ,but I don't pry. The point I'm trying to make is at the moment they foals are simply just part of the nobility not part of the royal family. If it were up to me I would accept them as they are ,but the country expects us to look a certain way.” With his head hanging low the prince looks over to his new son and begins speaking. “Will it hurt them? Because I will never allow them to be endanger of any pain just for society's sake.” Queen Faust sighs as she nods her head. “There is a way that it will cause them no pain ,but it has never been tried before. Thunder I would never ask you to go through with it if there was another way.” The prince raises an eyebrow and waits as the queen explains. “The pain must go somewhere would you be willing to absorb it as I activate the gens?” Thunder gives her a look as if it is a trick question. “There my foal's I would do anything for them.” The door knob on Scootaloo's door starts wiggling ,and the doctor comes out. “She will be fine. You can see her but remember she need her rest. You got her here just in time. If it were any later then I couldn't have healed the bone's.” Thunder nods with a solemn look on his face and enters the room alone. Trotting up to her bedside he begins speaking in a calm and collective voice. “How you doing Scooter?” Fighting a smile the little princess looks up at him and says. “I told you not to call me that ,and I'm fine that dumb doctor doesn’t know what he's talking about.” Giving a chuckle the prince ruffles her mane. “Well princess lets just do as he suggests.” After hearing this Scootaloo gives a huff while Thunder continues speaking. “There was actually something I was wanting to ask you............ In order for the country to accept you as a princess of the royal family......... you....... you need to become an alicorn. If you don't want to I completely understand. I wouldn't change a hair on your lovely little head ,but I thought that you should have the choice.” The little orange filly lays there pondering this for a moment then responds. “D... Do you want me to? If I don't can you still be my father?” A smile comes to his face and he says. “Of course like I said you're stuck with me ,but on a more serious note. If you did there would be no pain. I will make sure of that. Your head would be a little sore other than that things will pretty much be normal. Well normal as things can be. With or without the horn you will be treated like a princess. Why not have the perks that go with it?” Scootaloo gives him a confused look as she asks her next round of questions. “Why would my head be sore but there be no pain ,and what perks are you talking about?” Thinking the prince strokes his chin. “Well the first question is hard to explain ,but just know that is in fact the truth. As for the second well you've seen how I can literally change my face ,and that is only a small portion of my power. True it does make me weary but that is more physical exhaustion than anything.” Scootaloo brings her hoof up to her face and starts taping her cheek. Looking around she notices how large his wings really are. “Ok ,but you have to teach me how to fly.” With a chuckle Thunder shakes his head as a voice behind him starts speaking ,almost making him jump right out of his skin. “So my grandson actually talked you into it. Very well we will begin at once.” Thunder's horn starts glowing with a red aura as he casts the spell for receiving the pain. The queen's horn glows a bright white hue that eliminates the room. Slowly a small horn starts emerging from the young filly's head. Looking around she sees her father's face twisting in anguish as he prevents any pain from even coming close to her mind. With her horn to the right size for a filly her age the queen's horn stops glowing. Thunder makes sure and holds on for a few more moments ,but after the pain ceases to be he stops the spell. Scootaloo sits on the bed wondering if it worked when a powerful surge of magic shoots through her body. Complete shocked and scared a beam of pure energy streams out the end of her horn shattering the only light bulb in the room. Using all of her energy she manages to control her new skill. Turning to Thunder she begins speaking. “I...... I...... is t..... that it?” Thunder nods his head saying. “Yes it is. Now it was just like I said wasn't it ,not a bit of pain.” Scootaloo shakes her head as she remembers his face while she was growing her horn. Looking up she begins speaking. “But it hurt you ,and don't lie to me. I could see it on your face.” Thunder starts pondering what to say when Queen Faust jumps in. “Princess the pain had to be felt by somepony. Your father simply chose to make it himself. His body is larger for one ,and with that it diminishes the pain. If you were to feel it you would have let out a blood churning scream. That my dear no father ever wants to hear from his foal.” Scootaloo looks over to the prince. “T..... thanks….. Thunder.” About this time a thought crosses her mind. “What about Butterscotch? Are you going to make him an alicorn?” The queen looks over to her grandson with an inquisitive eye. Feeling all eyes on him Thunder begins speaking. “If we do the procedure at such an early age he will never know the difference. Sure he might remember a few things ,but I doubt he would remember not having a horn.” Faust gives him a stern look ,and says. “So is that a yes or a no?” Turning to Scootaloo she continues speaking. “I can say one thing about your father he has a way of dancing around a question that's for sure.” Ignoring the last comment Thunder fights with himself over whether or not to actually do it. After about five minuets of this the prince decides. With a confidence and hope that he is doing the right he begins speaking. “It would be unwise to not give him the gift of immortality. Growing up with a horn is completely different than..... acquiring one later on in life. With this in mind I have chosen to make him an alicorn.” After completing his sentence Thunder leaves the room. In the hall Scootaloo and Queen Faust can hear him explaining what is going to happen to the little colt. Turning to her Great-granddaughter the queen begins speaking. “My dear I was just wondering what is it that a filly your age does for fun around? Surely you don't just lie around the house all day.” A little twinkle comes to the filly's eye as she speaks with confidence. “I'm a cutie mark crusader! Me and the other crusader's try to find our special talent and earn our cutie marks!” Chuckling the queen begins speaking. “Well my dear it's going to be hard crusading as a princess.” The little orange filly slumps down a little. Paying no mind the queen continues. “You know I'm the one that helped your father keep his wings a secret while he was here. I don't see why I couldn't do the same for you. I will give you a spell after you've learned to use your horn it should be no problem hiding it from everypony.” A wide grin comes across the little princess face. With a knock on the door a little orange colt comes in on Thunder's back. Turning to his grandmother the stallion gives her a swift nod ,and they begin the process. After an incredibly shorter time span than the first they cease there magic and look at the young alicorn with comforting smiles. Looking over to the the young filly Thunder begins speaking. “You know we should probably let Scootaloo have her sleep. She's been through a lot today ,and I have a somepony that I owe an explanation.” With that said all the pony's in the room except Scootaloo leaves. Thunder teleports Butterscotch and himself to the Ponyville library. specificly his room. Turning to his son he instructs his to stay in the room ,and that he will return shortly. Thunder's horn begins glowing and he turns back into a unicorn. Trotting down the stairs he sees Twilight reading over a book. Trotting up to her a worried look comes to his face. Hearing the noise the lavender mare looks up ,and begins speaking. “So I know your secret. If I wasn't sure before I was after the prince stopped by.” Blade begins shaking his head which catches his marefriend off guard. “No Twilight y.... you don't know my secret. Before I tell you I want you to know that these past days have been the best I have had in a long time. Everything we have experienced every time I looked at you I will never forget.” Twilight looks up at his with pleading eyes then says. “Blade I love you. You know that what ever it is it can't be as bad as you're making it out to be.” A small tear trickles down his face as he starts speaking. “Twilight I..... I lied to you. My name is not Handsome Blade. I'm not the prize student of Princess Luna..... My real....” She cuts him off. “If you're not then who are you? I'll tell you who you are you're a caring pony that would never do something without a good reason.” Unable to take it any further the prince brings his horn to a glow. As a ball of magical energy surrounds him as his body begins taking it's true form. Twilight stares in horror as her once beloved starts becoming somepony she fears ,and at the same time likes. Once the spell is broken the prince lowers his head in shame saying. “Twilight I'm not what you want in life. The world that I come from is very judgmental ,outlandishly cruel ,and not worth having a kind caring mare such as yourself in it. Twilight as soon as my daughter is well I will be retuning to Canterlot. This is good bye.” Thunder horn starts glowing as his things are gathered ,and start disappearing with puffs of burgundy smoke. Not listening a little colt comes galloping from the upstairs room scared. “Daddy the woom is going cwazy!” With tears running down her face she recognizes the voice of the little foal. “B.... B.... Butterscotch? What ar....” She stops speaking as she realizes what he just said turning to Thunder the lavender mare begins speaking. “You're his father but I thought he was a pegasi. You're an alicorn.” Thunder looks over at the crying mare. “I adopted the young prince and his sister today which reminds me I need to gather my mail. It's still on the table at the hospital.” With great sadness Thunder places his son on his back and leaves the library hoping never to see that look on another mare's face again.