The Time Space Adventure of Lucky P. Blitz

by LuckyBlitz

Lucky's Life intro and History

It was normal day for LuckyBlitz. He was your average teen; about 19 years of age. He had highlighter yellow blonde hair with three bangs split that was suspended from his face. Though his bangs had a sub color of bright red on, painted to look like fire. He had a normal build to his body, and he wears a blue shirt with a breast pocket, a white lab coat with two pockets,
navy blue sweatpants, and a red tie that very day.
"Same old, same old" Lucky mumbled as he closed his front door. He sashayed into his living room, plopping his bag on the couch. Lucky let out a big sad sigh as he sunk down between the cushions. He looked up and grabbed a picture he had been gazing at.

"It's has been that long..." as Lucky sighed again. The picture showed a very younger version of him before his change of image.

There was a small girl who was younger than him in the picture. She had a pinkish shirt and a skirt. Behind them was his father, a man slightly taller than his current height, wearing a white dress shirt and black dress pants. Next to him was Lucky’s mother, a beautiful lady who showed no signs of aging. She had a dress that was a soft pink mixed with white, and had blonde hair. Lucky was 5 years old in the photo. He had a on blue shirt and shorts, though he didn’t have his bangs that defied gravity or his flame tip either. The back was signed:

Technous Blitz (dad)
Lilith Diamond Blitz (mom)
Sketchy Petal Diamond Blitz (sis)
Lucky Phoenix Diamond Blitz (him)

After some time, he set the picture back in his draw near the couch. He then lifted another picture. This time the picture was of him a couple of years ago. He was with a girl in a park holding hands and both were blushing. The girl was clearly a bit older than him, and she had long, straight golden blonde hair, accompanied by a white tank top and blue jeans. The back has written

To my love Lucky

-Sammantha Hope

There was a delicate kiss mark implanted on the bottom with pink lipstick. Lucky sat the photo down, not wanting to remember those memories, but he did and started tearing up. After a brief moment of swiping away stinging tears, he headed toward his library and pulled out a book titled The History of the United States. Diving deep into the book, he began reading the origin of the U.S. and how they went to war to get there freedom from Great Britain, ruled by their king named King George. Next he read about the war that followed the American Revolutionary War and how the states were led by George Washington, a general and soon the first president of the United States. After an hour of reading the American Revolution, Lucky got up and headed to the kitchen. He started readying a cup of hot water. While that was going on, he yanked open the fridge, grabbing a carton of eggs and setting two eggs aside before putting the rest back in their cold home. He then went up to the freezer and grabbed a small strip of bacon. After ten minutes occupied in the kitchen, he went back to his book with a mug of hot chocolate and a bacon-and-eggs on a roll. As he munched on his meal, he began reading about the civil war, and by the time he was finished, he was preparing to read about how a new wave of technology has helped change the nation for good and bad. And how most of the country was still at war… Lucky sighed for the third time and slumped to his man cave, retrieving his blue print paper. He began to sketch a phone booth design on it, writing various measurements beneath the drawing. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Lucky was nearly complete with the measurements, though the various crumpled pieces of papers on the floor wasn’t speeding up his progress. Suddenly, he heard a knock.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The knocks startled him to the point that he fell out of his chair.

"Who could that be?" Lucky murmured as he collected his cool sprawled all over the floor.
He jogged over toward the front door, looking through the peep hole to spot a young woman.

"Lucky, are you home darling?" Lucky knew this woman’s identity: Ms. Anderson, his adoptive mother.

"In a minute!" Lucky called out.

His arms jolted into action as the crumpled pieces of papers were smooshed into a wastebasket. He didn’t like people in his house when it was dirty.

knock, knock, knock knock

"I said in a minute, geez!" Lucky shouted.

"Lucky Phoenix Diamond Blitz, open the door this instant!" Ms. Anderson screamed.

Lucky rushed to the door so fast that if The Flash was there, he’d applaud him.

"Come in," Lucky said in a gentleman's tone, his lower body bending into a bow.

“You know you don't have to do that when I come over,” Ms. Anderson stated.

"I know, but this is how I was raised and I intend to be like that," Lucky explained.

"Nevertheless, I’d like you to go to bed. Oh, and I need a copy of your house key."

"For what?" Lucky questioned with a hint of shyness.

"That's a secret," Ms. Anderson answered gingerly. "Now scoot!"

"Ok," Lucky gave in with a slight sad tone.

"Good night Lucky, and try not to have any nightmares like last time."

"If only I could..." Then another thought seeped through Lucky’s brain:

"I wonder what she has in store. That, and the fact that she asked for a copy of my own house key?" As if answering his question, Lucky’s shoulders gave a small shrug.

"Well, time to hit the showers!"
Lucky stepped out of the shower, clean as a shiny coin, heading straight to his bedroom to throw on a clean pair of clothes. Once that mission was accomplished, he peered at his draw, which was settled next to his bed. The clock on the bed stand read 9:30pm.

"It's still a bit early, what should I do now?" Lucky pondered quietly.

"System upgrade completed! Booting now…" the automated voice of Lucky’s computer exclaimed.

"Forgot you were updating, R.A.D," Lucky said to his computer.

R.A.D was a supercomputer that Lucky personally invented himself. He desired to make an assistant that was both mechanical and willing to help. R.A.D, meaning Robo Assisting Droid, fit both of those categories.

"How uncouth of you to forget me," R.A.D grumbled.

"Sorry, but I need you to turn these blueprints into a 3D diagram for me," Lucky requested.

"Oh, that and I almost forgot the measurements." Lucky flushed with embarrassment.

"Anything else?" R.A.D asked.

"No, that's all. If you don't mind, I'm off to sleep," Lucky replied while yawning.

"Alright, night Lucky."

With that, R.A.D began calculating the structures for the 3D models while Lucky continued to his bed. Seeping under the sheets, he grabbed his stuffed dog, embracing it ever so tightly. His eyelids growing heavy, Lucky slowly drifted off into a dreamless slumber.