Speak to My Attorney

by BronyGuy


“What have you done to yourself,” Octavia questioned in disbelief, mouthing each word precisely. She looked over Steel, her eyes going wide when she saw the gash in his left hoof. She looked behind him and saw the utter chaos that used to be his suite. He had begun coming out of it, and started noticing what he’d done. The blood had already set, and the beginnings of a scab formed. He looked back and examined his suite, which was now a complete disaster. Glass and wine littered the walls and floor; his briefcase lay askew on his bed papers every which way. He blushed the deepest he’d ever been and look into Octavia’s eyes. He expected her to be furious, who wouldn’t be? He had just demolished an expensive suit out of overworked and overreacting spite! But instead of anger, fear, or remorse, Octavia only looked at him with concern. She stepped inside the room, Steel was still stunned by the fact she hadn’t fled and called the authorities on him. She walked into the kitchen and found a broom and dustpan. Without mouthing a word she begins sweeping up chunks of broken glass and other debris. Steel also helps her out, using his common household spells to pick up various rubble. After taking care of the carpet, they began working on the bed area, tossing discarded bottles in the trash bin. Steel gathered up the paperwork and organized them, placing them neatly in the work suitcase. He checks over at Octavia to find that she’d completely swept the place of any filth. Steel could swear that he saw his own reflection in the carpet. Once the room was cleaned out of any trash, and any remaining signs of Steel’s episode. They sat on the foldout couch and looked over the living space. It looked fine— in fact it was hard to tell there was any kind of mess at all. Octavia looked at Steel and mouthed, “What happened?”
With embarrassment marking his face with blush, he opens up to her. “Well… I don’t know what came over me. When I was waiting for you… you never showed up. You don’t realize how bad that tore me up, I thought… I thought you didn’t want to see me— that you stood me up! It took a toll on me, and I guess I just let my emotions run rapid. The thought of losing you… it had a pretty bad affect on me. ” He turned to see her face, still carrying a look of concern. She still doesn’t mouth anything to him; she just takes one look at his gash and gets up moving toward the kitchen. When she arrives a few minutes later, she’s carrying peroxide and a gauze. She ushers Steel to the bathroom, where she carefully pours small doses of peroxide into the wound. When she’s completed that she gently wraps the gauze around his hoof. He lets out a quick groan as the pain begins creeping its way into his hoof.
“You need to get some rest now, there’s no telling what you did to yourself by… by cutting your hoof like that.” Octavia says gulping as she looks at the now bandaged hoof. Steel thanks her for her help, but she’s already out the door.


Octavia opens her front door, muses over the events that took place in Steel’s suite. ‘Why would he do that to himself? I mean… I know it would be upsetting to be stood up like that… I know I’ve had my fair share.’ Octavia thinks as she walks inside. ‘But cutting one’s hoof like that? It seems a bit drastic to be honest.’ Octavia sat down on her couch, ‘Does he really feel that way about me? About losing me?’ she asks herself. ‘And… why do am I becoming smitten with him so quickly? No stallion has ever had this affect on me before…’ She looks around and finds a piece of paper and a pencil. She grabs a hold of the two and begins jotting down music notes— not really taking any interest in them, just sort of naturally doing so. ‘In fact it wasn’t until a few mere hours ago that I was trying to socialize— without the slightest thought of finding a male of my own!’ The sound of her pencil tip snapping brings her back from her deep thoughts. ‘I suppose I may be rushing things in this ‘relationship.’ What was the word Vinyl Scratch liked to call it?’ She placed a hoof to her chin and looked at the ceiling to aid in her attempt at remembering the quote. ‘Desperado? No that couldn’t be it. Disdain? Not even Vinyl knew words like that. Desperate? Yes, that sounded a bit more accurate.’ Desperate? Octavia? That she couldn’t wrap her mind around. How could she be desperate when she hadn’t really been looking for a stallion in the first place? Then she saw through her thoughts and understood how desperate she really was. ‘All those times trying to socialize, how I always chose to attempt socialization with stallions before I did with mares. Those times simply telling myself I’m not interested in a mate of my own.’ She didn’t know how to feel about that maybe it was bad, but something told her that there was nothing wrong with that. ‘Well even if I am a little desperate… at least I found Steel, right?’ Octavia didn’t bother to think over it anymore, as he fatigue crept up causing her to yawn. She head of to bed, her thoughts still ravaging through her mind.


Steel wakes up to the cinnamon-like smell of hot grass-cakes. Not to mention the splitting headache occurring, causing him to place a hoof to his head. He opens one eye just barely, as the light flooded into his field of view, understanding that the curtains weren’t closed causing the daylight to flood within the confines of the living room. After a few moments for his right eye to adjust to the light, he slowly opens the next one, feeling the same sensation as though he were looking at the sun itself. He peers around the room, taking notice of little details first, a filled coffee cup on a small plate, the small container next to it— probably filled with cream or something. He tilts his head to the right just a bit, looking through the doorway to find a familiar black mane and tail just in his view. His eyes go a bit wide as he registers that Octavia is in the kitchen making breakfast. Breakfast! He tries getting up by first taking a hold of the coffee table next to him and pushing upward. He almost has his first hoof on the carpet when he loses hold and falls off the bed, knocking his head against the table.
Octavia’s ears perk up at the sound of crashing and banging, and she quickly turns to find Steel in a mess of blankets and coffee cream. She looks at him mouth agape, and hurries to his side. When he’s helped up and back on his bed, she asks if he’s all right.
Steel coughs, “Yeah I’m fine.” I rubbed his head feeling for a bruise thankfully finding not much damage, “What I really want to know is: Why are you here?” He had guessed the question not too long ago; she was probably just making breakfast for him, and soon after going to leave him to his own devices.
“Well I couldn’t help but do a neighborly deed,” she mouthed, “especially after what happened last night.”
Steel shot into an upright position, “what happened last night?” he asks.
Octavia told him what she knew, and what she saw. Steel couldn’t believe what he was hearing, ‘me? Do that?’ he thought as she mouthed. When she was finished there was a long awkward silence that filled the air. “I’m… I’m sorry I put you through that.
“Well… it’s not much of a trouble.” Octavia mouthed. She paused looking for something else to say. Then she remembered her question; “By the way… what caused you to do such a thing to yourself?” she asked, worriedly.
Steel looked at the ground a little embarrassed from her asking about it, especially since she was his deepest love after all. But he knew he had to say it. He didn’t know how to start— where to start, so he just spilled out everything. From Ballpoint’s terrifying attack of Twilight, to his crushing case he lost to long ago, to his past problems with Wing Seed. When he finished tears streaked his eyes as he recalled his interactions with Wing Seed and everything she’d done to him and their family. “And in the end…” Steel says, his voice cracking a bit, “The only thing that I got hope from— the only thing that kept me going— the only thing that brought me joy when I needed it most…” He looked in her eyes, “was the dream of seeing your face.” There’s a long pause before he finally says, “I’m sorry fo—“
Octavia didn’t hear him at the moment, she was too moved by what he’d said to her, the only that matter right here and now…
… Was the feeling of her muzzle connecting with his.


A few days have passed since… since they’re kiss. Wow, was all Steel could think for the whole next day. He lay in his bed simply staring at her, his blush still marking his face a deep crimson. She’d check up on him, helping around the suite, make him lunch and dinner and whatnot, and chuckle whenever she saw the look on his face. Octavia tells him to remove it for its daily cleaning. Steel would check on his bandage to see how well it’d healed, slowly taking off the gauze surrounding the gash. When the entire cloth was off his eyes practically shot out of his skull when he saw the entire gash had healed— leaving behind a scar barely noticeable. At first he doesn’t know what to make of it, but then a small fragment of what Twilight told him comes to mind. She said something about a theory that his spell he used to try and help Twilight really did help, it… it… something about increasing the recovery rate? Steel couldn’t wrap his head around it in time, as the sound of the peroxide bottle smashing against the ground pulled him out of his thoughts. Octavia’s own eyes grow twice their size as she gawks at the scar. “What… did it… is it…?” she mouthed.
“Yeah it looks like it’s fully healed.” Steel says staring at the scar with curiosity.
“But it’s only been a few days how can this already be healed?”
Steel looks up at her, and tells her his memory of what Twilight said— and how he thinks that spell may be still inside him. She puts his hoof in hers, causing his blush to redden even more. She gently pokes the scar, rubbing it to make sure that it’s not just her imagination; it’s definitely real. Steel gets off the couch, flexing his muscles and stretching. Octavia tried to stop him, worried that he may not have fully recovered but, to her surprise, he felt better than ever. Octavia still gazes at him with worried eyes until Steel explains to her what Twilight had said only a few months ago. She still holds her gaze at him, however. Steel puts a hoof to her shoulder, “Don’t worry I’m fine! Look!” He jumped and landed on all fours, “See? If I can jump then I’m pretty much set.” He gave her his trademark smile, and soon it even made her smile with him.
“Now I’ve been thinking,” Octavia mouthed, “Since I had trouble arriving to our original date, why not try again tonight?” She winced, “I mean uh, if you think you’re up to it?”
Steel kept his gentle stare on Octavia and nodded.
With a surprised smile she mouthed, “Great shall we meet at my suite and decide on where to go from there?”
“That sounds lovely,” Steel said. He walked her to her suite— which was about one floor up— and waved goodbye as she closed the door behind him.


Octavia turns to see her own suite looking a tad bit dusty in some places. She casually walks to her kitchen easily finds the broom and dustpan. She sweeps up the kitchen floor, taking time to go over every inch with careful pace. When the floor was spotless she went to the living space and began putting dishes away, fluffing pillows and overall straightening it up. Although she does this with easy timing, and efficiency she can’t help but think about how she practically threw herself at Steel. ‘How could I do that? What in the world made me suddenly act in that matter?’ She studies the carpet etchings, letting her thoughts run amok in her mind. She kissed Steel, had that even truly happened? It must have been… there’s a strange lingering taste in her mouth… and… well she liked it.


Steel looked outside his porch, eying the view bellow. The wondrous sun as it shone in day, sweet scent of a nearby bakery, it made him feel like jumping up and taking yet another stroll in the Canterlot streets. And he did just that.
With the surprisingly cool day, Steel was glad he didn’t need to wear anything heavy or warm while out. Steel loved parks— always had, even when he was a colt! — Making his walk through the main Canterlot Garden Maze instantaneous bliss for him. He walks around a small hedge, taking a big whiff of the roses and carnations before him, smiling. Steel takes an easy turn left and finds himself in the midst of the maze, where the eight-foot high walls decorated with flowers of all kinds danced in the breeze. The middle was a circle, with a large fountain sculpture of Princess Celestia, while the water rushed down from her wings like delicate drops of happiness. He knew what he was thinking was just absolutely crazy-minded, but still. Something about gardens gave Steel such a warm feeling— such a… well a happy feeling. Aside from Octavia, Gardens were his other treasure. He takes a seat at a bench with intricate markings he never knew possible! As he looks around, he notices a pure white mare walk by, and take a seat next to him. At first he didn’t pay much attention but suddenly his eyebrows rose, and he faltered. He was sitting next to the one and only Vinyl-Scratch! He’d heard of her before— many rumors spread that she and Octavia were dating, or something like that— but never thought she of all ponies would be interested in Garde—
“Hey, I know you!” Vinyl says poking at Steel.
Steel gave his weak attempt at a poker face, “Heh, well a lot of ponies know me!”
“No no, you seem familiar. Weren’t you the one that helped bail my cousin out of that case?” She says, her eyes glowing.
“You… you’re related to him—“
“Yeah! Sweet you are Steel Thunder!” She says clapping her hooves together.
“Wow, I never would have thought I helped Vinyl Scratch! That’s… whoa.” Steel shook his head, unable to comprehend what was happening.
“Hey would you mind if we went and got something to eat? I’m starvin.'” Vinyl says getting up and stretching.
“Why, sure I guess. Won’t hurt not to.” His stomach growled just then, right on cue.
They walked out of the Garden, relishing in its beauty. Before long, they had gotten themselves an outside table, awaiting their meals to arrive. To break the ice, Steel talks about a funny family story, involving an apple tree, two dim-witted brothers, and a single bit.
“And so…” Steel says pausing as he snickers a bit, “We ended up having to clean the cattle stables for a week!” A explodes with laughter, while Vinyl joined in her eyes tearing from the tall tale. She wipes a tear from the corner of her eye, and moves aside the napkins as their food has arrived. They gorge upon their succulent meals, savoring the glorious flavor of the sweet honeydew melon sandwiches. When they had finished, Vinyl offered to pay the bill.
“Well thanks it means a lot!” Steel says picking up a napkin to use.
“Hey hey hey, no problem you’re going to need it to the date tonight!” She wriggled her brow.
Steel inhaled his napkin, causing himself to choke it back out, “How did—?!”
“Trust me, Octy tells me everything! Why wouldn’t she? We’ve known each other for years, baby!” She got up and started her way back to wherever she needed to be. “Have fun you two.”


Double Check.
Steel counted three hundred in all…. soooo… check.
He was ready for the splendid night they were going to have soon enough! He had already taken his shower— careful to get in his… let’s just say dark parts of his body so as not to attract smells— and had applied his cologne! He excitedly waits on his couch for the desired knock to emit from the front door. A slight knocking disturbed the quiet room, and Steel couldn’t help but give a broad smile. He walks up and opens the door, feeling his jaw slightly drop at the sight of her.
Octavia. What a lovely creature to behold. Her red-velvet dress, complemented by her lavish deep rose-red lipstick with a hot crimson bowtie, made her look like the goddess of love. She giggles a bit (or would if she could) and gently taps his shoulder, bringing him back to consciousness. Steel shakes his head a bit, and gives his apologies for doing so. “May I say,” Steel says eying Octavia, “You look absolutely magnificent tonight!”
Octavia blushes, and mouths “Well why don’t we got back to the Daisy Diner? After all, we never truly ate there in the first place.”
With a warm smile, Steel agrees and they make their way to the way to said diner. Once there Steel picks out a booth for them, one with a magical view of the city lights in the night. The waitress comes by, asking them what they want for drink. Steel asks for a virgin-pìna Colada, while Octavia mouths just water.
“Oh lost your voice from singing so often?” The mare asks with a smile.
Steel and Octavia look at one another, and shrug. Octavia nods yes as if that were the case. She gives a small giggle and lets them know their menus will be with them in a moment. The mare came back holding two two-paged menus, thin as a sheet of paper. She departs, leaving the two to themselves. “Order whatever you want, dear, I’m paying every last cent.” Steel said with somewhat hazy eyes.
“Why thank you it means a lot.” She said looking back at him. Had he just called me his dear? She felt herself blush a tad bit. Why am I blushing? If anything this seems a bit rushed! Octavia thought in her mind, though she must’ve been blocking it out— as she didn’t pay much attention to it. They gave the waitress their orders and waited for their meals to come. When they did, they looked into each other’s eyes and ate silently. There was nothing that needed to be said or done, as they both felt content on the view. Not of the city, but of something else.
Of his eyes…
Of her eyes…
They walked home after the dinner; both smiling as the night air playfully swished and swirled around them. Steel opened the door for Octavia, and followed her up to her suite. It was amazing to think that Octavia… the one and only Octavia had decided to date a stallion like Steel. He held her hoof as she entered the doorway, and slowly released his grip on her own, letting it slip. All at the same time still staring into her eyes— thought beautiful purple eyes. Steel walked down to his suite, and finally— finally made it to his bed where he quickly lay down and fell asleep right on the spot. The final thought that came to his mind was a vision of Octavia and him, sharing a heart shaped bed as the candlelight flickered and dimmed around them.