Rifters of Equestria

by AldenExMachina

Chapter 1: Insertion

Chapter 1: Insertion

“Spike, did you find that book I asked for?” “Yeah, here you go Twilight.” Twilight used her magic to levitate a violet book with
the words “Temporal Disturbances” on the cover quickly into her saddlebags which had been sitting up against a wall. It was
noon on a sunny day in Twilight’s library Ponyville. Twilight had been frantically packing her saddle bags with books and scientific gear.

“Spike, I need you to hurry, there is no time to waste with a matter such as this!”, Twilight spoke with urgency in her voice as she shuffled frantically around the library from shelf to shelf enveloping books with her magic and bringing them close as she examined their titles before either placing them in her bags or rejecting them by laying them in a nearby book pile, something that was unusual given her customary need to be organized.

Spike stood watching in confusion as Twilight moved with speed that could match Pinkie Pie on a sugar. “Twilight?” Spike asked. “Ok, I have to bring that, but this covers relative physics on multi-dimensional planes and I still need-“, Twilight continued to mumble to herself as she ignored Spike’s call. “Twilight?!” Spike yelled a little louder in an attempt to gain the frantic mare’s attention to no avail. “TWILIGHT!?!” Spike yelled finally getting her attention. “Yes Spike, what is it?” Twilight replied, as if he only asked only once and not noticing his volume. What is so urgent that it has you looking so nervous? It can’t be that important can it?” Spike asked. “Not, important? Not Important!?!” Twilight half-yelled with concern in her voice and possibly a bit of overreaction. “Spike, this could be one of the most important scientific developments in Equestria’s history since Starswirl the Bearded discovered time travel!” Twilight explained.

Now in Equestria, Starswirl the Bearded was a legendary pony wizard and pioneer of magic. If what Twilight had discovered was more important than what Starswirl discovered than it had to be important. “This morning I sensed an extremely powerful surge of energy far more powerful than any magic I’ve encountered before coming and going not too far from here. Plus, the energy felt temporal and alien, so given my inclination and my being Princess Celestia’s personal student I’ve decided to take it upon myself to investigate the disturbance and report my findings to Celestia herself, so you see why I have to go right now so I don’t miss anything!” “But Twilight, wouldn’t it make more sense to alert Celestia to this now?” “No Spike. The Princess is probably way to busy with her own work to have to come all the way down here and we’re so much closer to the location. I can handle it myself.”

Twilight trotted over toward a stack of books when she heard a knock at the door. “Spike, could you answer that, I have to get my saddlebags. Just as Spike was reaching for the handle the door flew open barely missing Spike as a pink blur bounced through the thresh hold followed by a cyan colored Pegasus with rainbow striped hair. “Pinkie, calm down, I swear one of these days your break one of our door off of their hinges and mines made of clouds.” The pink cotton candy-haired, bright eyed, bouncing, pony could barely contain herself when it came to doing something fun with all of her best friends. “Oh, I’m sorry Dashie,” Pinkie replied calling Rainbow Dash with the pet name she gave her. “I’m just sooo excited for the picnic we’re gonna have! I made cupcakes and pie and-” Pinkie stopped talking (which was rare for those that new her) after noticing the book cluttered room. “Hey Twilight, what’s with all the books all over the floor. Ooooh, are you making a book fort?! That would be so fun! We could even make a book house with all of the books you have here!

Oh! oh!, and we could have our picnic inside of it, wouldn’t that be crazy?” “I don’t think that’s what this here is sugar cube.” From outside walked in Applejack, followed by Rarity and Fluttershy. “Twilight you simply must tidy up in here, It’s just simply un-ladylike to have ones place look so messy. Rarity always believed that there was a certain standard by which a mare should adhere through posture, behavior, and proper etiquette. This also applies to how someone- excuse me some ponies home looks. Then again Rarity herself must not notice how her boutique looks when she has an “idea” while designing and it looks like there was some sort of fashion war. “Oh um, Twilight we could help you clean up in here I mean if it’s ok with you.” Fluttershy said in her soft whisper of a voice. Fluttershy usually spoke softly, she never wanted to seem like a “loud mouth” as if that were even possible. Twilight looked at a nearby clock noticing that it showed the time as 11:45am.

“Oh, I’m sorry girls. I was in such a hurry I forgot about our picnic.” Twilight said apologetically. “Well, what’s got you ‘all so riled up Twilight?” Applejack asked. “Well, earlier today I sensed an energy disturbance and have been trying to pin point its location so I could go and investigate. “So, did’ya find out where it is?” Applejack asked curiously. “Yeah, It’s outside Ponyville, just a little ways north from here. Basically walking distance and its very important that I examine this.” Twilight said. “Well, how’s bout we join you so we can still have our picnic?” Applejack said. “Twilight said as her and the others started toward the door. “Oh and Spike, while we are gone could you clean up this mess?” Twilight said as she closed the door behind her. Spike looked around the library which looked as if Discord had thrown a drunken party in it. “Saw that one coming he mumbled to himself as he got to work.

“Ok the engines origin point is coming from this field.” The 6 friends led by Twilight using her horn as a sort of sensor walked into a large open field that was only a medium distance from Ponyville. It was also close to the Everfree forest. Not to close to be dangerous but far enough that Fluttershy was not shaking. “This looks like such a lovely place, Fluttershy please do set the basket over there by that tree.” Rarity said as she pointed towards a lone tree in the middle on a very low incline of a hill. The butter yellow pegasus walked over to the tree ,which provided a nice slight shade from the revealed sun in the barely cloudy sky, and set down the basket. The basket was then illuminated in a blue glow as Rarity opened it and floated out the contents. A blanket, plates, a tea kettle, and some food.

The six friends all sat down to enjoy their picnic. After leaning her saddlebags against the nearby tree and getting comfortable, Twilight pulled out a quill and some paper ready to record anything out of the ordinary she saw besides Pinkie Pie’s regular shenanigans. They all sat there for awhile talking and exchanging stories and laughter. Twilight had long since put down the quill and paper to put her attention on conversing with her friends. “So Twilight are there gonna be any fireworks, cause I love fireworks, oh or maybe a parade with lots of pretty balloons and streamers and music! That would just be funnerific!” Pinkie said excitedly ‘Actually, I’m not sure what could happen. Anything could technically speaking. I guess all we can do is wait.” Twilight said keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings. “Oh ok,” Pinkie said while reaching for a cupcake. “Well, while we wait try one of the cupcakes I made. I made them wi-” Pinkie stopped in midsentence with her mouth hanging wide open and blue eyes locked on the sky. “Pinkie, are you ok?” Twilight asked concerned about her friend whose gaze was now locked at the sky. “Ooooh, pretty! Twilight look!” Pinkie Pie pointed at a single large group of dark gathering clouds surging with electricity. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity all looked at the anomaly. “It looks like some kind of electrical disturbance.”Twilight said examining the clouds. “Maybe it’s the Wonderbolts coming to tell me they want me on their team because I’m so awesome.” Rainbow said, confidence emitting from her voice. “Whatever it is it’s utilizing an explosive amount of energy. There’s no doubt. This is what we came here for.” Twilight was then shocked to hear a terrifyingly, gut wrenching roar shoot out from the sky. Fluttershy shrieked in fear and terror shooting into a nearby bush to hide. “What was that!?” Applejack said in disbelief as her and the others looked up with shocked expressions.

Suddenly a huge pitch black figure with jagged wings crash landed about 100 hooves (70ft) from them away from them. When the dirt and dust cleared they saw a horned creature with an extended long neck, a huge body riddled with razor sharp scales, a long thick tail with thorn like bones protruding from the near end, four huge claws that looked like they could eviscerate anything they came in contact with in one swift strike, and the most disturbing head structure. A pointed snout with smoking, flaring nostrils, two huge unnerving horns that were bone white coming from its head, a mouth full of teeth so sharp and serrated and worst of all dark, sinister, red eyes, the eyes of a dragon. The 6 ponies stood there unable to understand the draconic dialect, paralyzed with fear and unbelief. The legendary beast was unlike any other dragon known to Equestria.

This was a dragon, a REAL dragon who was no stranger to the brutality, lethality, a dominant nature known to most dragons.
It sat there as if trying to compose itself from the fall before uttering words in a draconic language. “Xsio munthreki! Astahii nearly tepohada ve spical mobi. Coita vi bensvelk youwe si rechan batobot rift. Astahii re jaunus ekess qe woari ekess wer rift ini jaka, rechan stoda vur separated vur thric drongilt vi problem ekess ve.” Which translated to: “Damn humans? They nearly had me back there. It’s a good thing I cast that rift. They are sure to be lost to the rift by now, cast off and separated, and no longer a problem to me.” The dark creature brought its attention to the 6 ponies and looked at them for a few seconds as if examining them before speaking yet again in a draconic dialect which the mane six could not understand. Keh, shar svabol ui nomeno? 6 equines, shio ini astaha? bensvelk, si tiliw klae vi meal ghent batobot annyo ordeal. Which translated to: “Ah, but what is this? 6 Equines, all by themselves? Good, I could use a meal after that last "ordeal".” The 6 mares stood there paralyzed with fear, shock, and disbelief as the creature began to expand its lungs and just as it was about to summon its fire to cook them a voice shot out from the sky.

“HERE COMES THE PAIN!!!” Just then the dragon stopped its breath and directed its attention upwards. To his surprise with anger in his face he spotted three humanoid figures falling from the sky with unbelievable speed. The creature spoke again, but this time in an understandable language due to its blazing rage. “YOU! YOU SHOULD BE DEA-” He didn’t finish his sentence as one of the figures landed feet first on the dragons head driving it to the ground and nearly crushing it with the force of the fall, not enough to kill it but enough for the dragon to be pissed off at the fact that his little contingency plan had failed and his adversaries, the ones from before, had come to finish the job. “You can’t kill me.” the human said.