
by CrescentShimmer



Twilight stepped up onto the raised platform that led to Skyward’s front door. Just as she was about to begin knocking, something caught her attention. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a Pegasus slowly circling a tree to the side of the house. As she looked up to see him, their eyes met, and he fluttered down to her.

“Can I help you?” He asked politely as he landed in front of her.

“Are you Skyward?” She asked.

“I am. Is there something you needed?”

“Yes, actually. I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh! I see. This is about Crescent, right? Shouldn’t she be with you?”

“I left her back in Ponyville at my house. She’s safe, don’t worry. She doesn’t know I’m here. I’m on a sort of mission to help her. Wait… How does everypony in this town know me?”

“Celestia told us not to go looking for her because she’s been with you. So we’ve been pretty much stuck doing nothing but waiting.”

“Celestia told you that!? She didn’t tell me…” Twilight was shocked.

“Yeah, here’s the letter.” He handed Twilight the message from the Princess.

“She didn’t tell me she would tell you all. I suppose it doesn’t matter, I came here on my own terms. Like I said, I’m on a mission to help Crescent.”

“So, what part do I play in all of this?”

On that question, Twilight explained everything that she had explained to Crescent’s father; the book, both spells, and the consequences if she were to be unsuccessful. Twilight was one of the most talented ponies in all of Equestria, but that fact does not dismiss the chance of failure. Skyward thought for a few minutes in silence as they stood at his front door. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, I love her. He could think nothing else. Anytime he tried to reason or use logic or think of something that could do what Twilight wanted to do other than the method that was being proposed, he just thought, I love her.

Skyward drew in a breath. “I’ll do it.”

“What?” Twilight was caught off-guard.

“I said I’ll do it.” He released the breath.

“You trust me that much?”

He paused for a minute and took another deep breath. Twilight could tell he was thinking hard about all of this. “You are Celestia’s star pupil, right? An experienced Princess such as herself wouldn’t choose just anypony for that title.”

“I suppose you’re right. Honestly, I expected more reluctance.”

“By no means am I excited for this. I just feel that it needs to be done. When and where?”

“Here and now, if you wish. If not, you choose. I wouldn’t want to pressure you.”

“The quicker it’s done is the less I’ll think about it.”

“Alright, tonight?”

“That would be best. Meet me back here in a few hours.”

Twilight nodded once and stepped down from the place they were standing. Skyward flew up and began to circle a treetop. As Twilight walked away, she thought of how much stress and pressure this experiment would put on Skyward. She went back down the road the way she came. She stopped at the store that Summer Blaze owned and peered into the window. He was still in there, sitting at the counter, sipping some sort of beverage. Twilight walked in but he didn’t seem to have noticed. She spoke up and struck conversation with him. She filled him in the same way she had explained to Skyward the situation. Summer Blaze had agreed to let Twilight stay in the store after hours so she would have a place to hang out while she waited on night to come.