//------------------------------// // And worried for her safety // Story: Shimmer // by CrescentShimmer //------------------------------// IV: The ponies of Trottston have been frantically searching for Crescent for hours. Up and down the streets, in each home, and through the woods that surround the town, they looked; but they could not find her. Some ponies blamed Skyward for not following her. Others, like her parents, just wanted her back home. Skyward was upset that she had left, and worried for her safety, but he understood why she felt the need to do so. He was less than avid in the search for Crescent; instead, he prepared for her return. Skyward and Crescent’s parents prepared what they’d say to her, for they knew she would soon come home. They recalled a time when Skyward and Crescent were young. Without sight, it took years of practice and experience before Crescent got to the point where she could navigate through her town by memory. While she was learning, Skyward and some other ponies would play hide-and-seek with her. One particular instance that came to her parent’s mind was when Crescent had discovered a large, old structure, with a room just big enough for a filly her size to hide in. During a game of hide-and-seek, Crescent crawled inside and went as far back as she could. It was hours before anypony had found her in there. Her parents, her friends, and other citizens of Trottston had been searching for her, but she had fallen asleep inside the room of the building. It would be hours before she was found by Skyward and the others. They were so happy that they had found her, and even though she was confused, she felt loved.