//------------------------------// // I'd like to show you around // Story: Shimmer // by CrescentShimmer //------------------------------// II: Ponyville was close to home, but also a comfortable place in which she has visited before. It wasn’t too big so that she’d be out-of-touch with everything, but not too small where she would feel confined like she does now. Crescent began hearing voices as she walked, and it broke her concentration. She walked toward the voices to see if she recognized any of them. As she approached, the voice became more distinct. It was a lively and somewhat annoying voice. “Oatmeal!? Are you crazy?” Then, all Crescent heard was laughter. She didn’t recognize any of those voices either, but she knew she needed help. She walked slowly closer until she was noticed. “Hey! Who’s that pony?” the same voice shouted. All the laughter ceased, and even though she couldn’t see, she knew they were staring at her. “Hey! New pony! Over here!” the same voice shouted once more. Crescent remained silent and walked toward the sound. She made her way there slowly, so she wouldn’t run into them. “Hi!” the voice blurted. Crescent was almost nose-to-nose with the pony. “What’s your name?” “I’m… umm… Crescent.” “Well, Howdy-do Crescent!”, said another voice from behind the first. This pony had a distinct southern dialect. “I really like your mane! It’s so… uhh… straight! Not like mine, but I still like it! My name is Pinkie Pie.” said the first. A third voice with a sort of snooty tone, “Oh, as do I! I say, Miss Crescent, was it? What do you call that color?” “I… I don’t know” Crescent said so softly, she was almost whispering. “You don’t know? How do you not know? Didn’t you learn your colors?” said a fourth voice from the sky; a Pegasus for sure. Crescent shut her eyes to avoid crying and took a step back. She felt herself run into somepony. Then, a fifth voice even softer than her own: “Oh, I’m sorry Crescent. I didn’t mean to walk behind you...” Crescent began to say something like “that’s alright”, but was interrupted by yet another new voice. “Who are you talking to, girls?” said the voice. “A new pony!” Pinkie shouted back. “A new pony? I think that Celestia would have written to me about that…” Crescent sat down in the grass. She didn’t know where she was or who all of these ponies were. She was afraid. “My name’s Applejack, nice to meet you. You gonna be here long?” “I… didn’t really plan on it...” “Oh…” Applejack sat down. “Well, hmm… I really must be going, Crescent. My name is Rarity, by the way.” Rarity began walking the opposite direction. “Oh, I just remembered. Angel needs his lunch! I’m Fluttershy, see you around.” She trotted to catch up to Rarity. “Well, Crescent, I am Twilight Sparkle. Where did you come from? What are you doing in Ponyville?” “I’m… in Ponyville!?” Crescent stood up quickly. “Why? Is that a problem?” Applejack said with an irritated voice. “Oh, not at all. I wanted to end up here.” Crescent said with her head aimed in the direction of Applejack’s voice. “End up? What do you mean end up?” Pinkie chimed in. “Well, I… I didn’t know exactly where I was going. You see, I came through the woods from my hometown.” “What’s your hometown?” Twilight asked softly; purposely trying to not bring back any bad memories of Crescent’s home. Twilight sensed that she wasn’t here on a happy vacation. “Trottston; I’m from Trottston.” “You walked from Trottston?! That’s just at the foot of Canterlot! How long have you been out?” Twilight was now fully engaged in learning about Crescent. “All night, I guess. What time is it now?” “It was nine ‘o’ clock when I left the library and came here.” “So, yeah, all night. I’m exhausted.” Crescent sat back down. “Oh, well if you’re planning to stay for awhile I have a spare room in my house, unless you’d rather sleep in Applejack’s barn.” Twilight suggested. “Hey! I have a nice barn!” Applejack protested. “I’m sure you do, Applejack. But really, Twilight? You mean it?” “Sure thing! I’ll have Spike make a bed for you. Be right back.” Twilight walked off back to her library. “Spike?” Crescent asked. “Twilight has a baby dragon as an assistant! His name is Spike. She’s a student of the Princess herself.” Pinkie said in her ever-so joyful voice. “Yup, Twilight is a real smart pony. She’ll take good care of ya.” Applejack patted her on the back and stood up. “Now, I gotta get back to my apples. See ya around!” “Bye, and thanks!” “Well, it seems it’s just you and me, sister!” Pinkie put an arm around Crescent. “Since you’re the newest pony in town, I’d like to show you around!” “Pinkie, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea…” “Why not!?” “Well, I…” “Oh! You wanted to wait for Twilight to come back. Good thinking!” Pinkie sat down uncomfortably close to Crescent. They sat in an awkward silence for a few moments until Pinkie stood up. “I’m bored! Let’s play tag, you’re it!” Pinkie slapped Crescent on the shoulder. “But Pinkie, I…” Pinkie ran off. Crescent began walking in the direction she heard Pinkie’s hoofsteps, but stopped and sat back down. After a few minutes, Twilight returned. “Hey, Crescent. Spike is preparing everything for your stay. Would you like to walk back with me?” “Sure, but… Pinkie ran off and I can’t find her.” “She’ll be fine. She probably got distracted by cupcakes or something.” “Okay… lead the way, Twilight.”