//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: What Some Mares Talk About // by the other sans //------------------------------// “Hey there, haven’t seen you in awhile!” A mint green unicorn turned to look at who was calling her, it was a cream coloured earth pony with a curly mane who goes by the name of… “Bon Bon, came to share another one of your stories?” “Oh Lyra, I don’t always come to talk to you about stuff like that!” Lyra giggled, seeing as she was one of the few ponies in Ponyville who enjoys her company while others would probably either make an excuse to be somewhere else or just plain fall asleep on the spot. “If you didn't come to have a chat then what did you come by for?” “That’s simple, to hear you play your lyre silly!” Lyra had to admit, when she first moved to Ponyville from Canterlot and looking for a place to stay Bon Bon was the first pony to have helped her find a house, which was just right across hers. She did have to admit however that the salespony who had the deed for the house was quite… eccentric… -O- “Are you sure about this, Miss Heartstrings? I understand that you are a musician and all, but combined with a Miss Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, and Fluttershy nearby your peace might be interrupted.” “I believe I should be quite alright, I’ve gotten used to music constantly being played where I last stayed at and I don’t mind animals one bit, in fact, I adore them!” “Very well then… Oh, one more thing, how sociable are you Miss Heartstrings?” “Huh?” -O- “And you won’t believe how my teacher Pen Stroke was during my time in school, I mean he is an earth pony that knows how to write and very well that I might add, I mean his little ‘side projects’ are quite well written and everypony in the class wanted to read the ending of how this one pony finished off a giant mean machine that can think on its own! I mean…” It’s probably a good thing that I can drown her out now and again but doing that every time would be quite rude… Lyra decided to play some music as that usually helps to stop Bon Bon and her talking. “And this one time, I swear that I, oh no wait, you most likely wouldn't believe me on that anyways,” Lyra immediately stopped playing “Wait… did you really just say that?” “Huh? Oh yeah, it’s just another farfetched story that you most likely wouldn’t believe anyways…” This intrigued Lyra as Bon Bon has never said something like this in the year that they spent as neighbors. “No, please continue, I want to hear about this!” Bon Bon’s ears perked up ever so slightly but also had a nervous smile on her face debating whether or not to tell Lyra what she saw. “Well… you know Gummy right?” Pinkie’s pet alligator? Who doesn’t know about him? Why every time she went to prank somepony Gummy wouldn’t be far behind always latched to her mane as she bounces around like she had springs for hooves and Celestia knows that Lyra had heard on occasion the supposed ‘springy’ sounds from Pinkie. “Of course, what about him?” “Why just last month when I was just umm… lying down on a bench at the other side of town, I saw Gummy take out a gramophone playing some kind of catchy tune and dancing to it! Without Pinkie no less!” Lyra stood there with her mouth agape, “So what you’re saying is… Gummy, the alligator, pet of Pinkie, danced on his own?” “Yeah he did! But judging from how you answered you don’t believe me…” Lyra furiously shook her head and hooves “Nonononono, it’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that-” “Oh, I nearly forgot to mention one more thing…” “What is it?” “I could have sworn that I saw something else rustling the bushes nearby when I heard a twig snap… must’ve been a squirrel or something,” Lyra started to sweat and pupils dilate, “Err… yeah, most likely,” Little did Bon Bon know that on that exact same day Lyra was in the area because it was hardly frequented by ponies due to mysterious rumours of haunting music being heard in broad daylight. She in fact had seen Bon Bon on a bench sitting in a weird position with her hind legs dangling from the bench while her forehooves rested to her sides. She also saw Gummy dancing with his Gramophone and subsequently stepped on said twig and ran away. “Hey Lyra…” “Yeah?” “Why are you sitting like that against the tree?” Lyra quickly glanced at how she was sitting, with her back against the tree, her hooves sprawled in front and at her sides with her lyre levitated in front of her, much like how Bon Bon sat. “Err, I saw a… Minotaur! Yeah, a Minotaur sitting like this when he came to Ponyville and thought ‘Wow that looks like an interesting way to sit!’ and soon it became a habit, heheh…” Bon Bon peered into Lyra’s deep golden eyes looking for any trace of deceit but found none as she immediately started talking yet again. “Oh you mean Iron Will? Yeah, he was super awesome with his ‘Don’t be a doormat!’ speech but what got me to go and see him were his hands,” Lyra wiped her brow as she knew Bon Bon would be raving on about hands yet again. She practically knew what Bon Bon wanted to say about them: about how they were so flexible, dexterous, could handle most objects better than hooves and even craft marvelous candy sculptures. Why even at one point in time, Bon Bon mentioned she had a ‘vision’ of bipeds like Iron Will but mostly furless and wears clothes to compensate for that but mostly the hands. “That day was also when I was having this pleasant conversation with Carrot Top, then suddenly Fluttershy, Fluttershy of all ponies, came up to us and knocked all the compost meant for Carrot Top’s garden right onto us! You think she also went for Iron Will’s motivation session?” “I’m not too sure about that, though I did remember Pinkie Pie and Rarity crying when they ran past me that day, could it have been? No, I don’t think it could have…” Bon Bon tapped her hoof on her chin, “Think this could have been that one time where Celestia suddenly came by for a visit and everypony was just sprawled on the meadow just outside of town?” Lyra instinctively rubbed her shoulder, “Yeah, weird thing that nopony remembered what happened there. Why when I asked Twilight or her friends, they just gave me some round about answers.” “Weird… I could have sworn that all of us were fighting over something, must’ve been since quite a few of us woke up with bruises… So Lyra, have you ever wondered about your cutie mark?” “Huh? What about them?” “I mean, everypony says that your cutie mark represents your special talent right?” “Yeah…?” “But what about all of our other talents as well? I mean, I practiced in the school play to sound like quite a few ponies myself and yet I got a candy making cutie mark! Don’t get me wrong, I love candy just like how Pinkie loves pranks but I don’t want to be known as just another candy mare.” “Well, you could say that it represents one of our more… dominant talents. Take a look at Sugar Cube Corner for example, you helped to sculpt the… the… candy cane on top!” Bon Bon didn’t look amused as Lyra mentally bucked herself in the head for coming up with such a lame excuse and started to slowly back off. “Lyyyraaaa… come here sweetie, it looks like you need another time out.” Bon Bon crept ever closely towards Lyra with a smile that could extinguish the sun. Lyra panicked as she remembered the last time Bon Bon put her on time out. -O- She’d rather not, the experience is too horrifying that words cannot explain how she felt. -O- Lyra frantically thought of something to help her get out of the situation, her eyes darting everywhere until… “Lookout, a Manticore is behind you!” “Nice try Lyra, but you won’t get out of timeout so easily.” “You’re right, after all it was only a brony.” “A brony?! For real?” Bon Bon turned around to only see Pinkie Pie staring at nothing. “Lyra, are you su-“ All she saw was a mint green running off into the sunset and out of danger. Until she went back home that is. So ends another day for Lyra and Bon Bon.