//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 "I Long for Atonement's Arms" // Story: Equestria Noir Case 15 "Give Unto Discord" // by Jacoboby1 //------------------------------// Chapter 6 “I Long for Atonements Arms” I tackled my father and started wailing punch after punch on him. He lifted his left foreleg to block me, shoving me back. He didn’t even make an effort to try and hit me. “What’s wrong?” I growled “Afraid to face your sins?” “I raised you better than this,” Irenius said, as he and I started circling each other. “I didn’t raise you this way.” “You didn’t raise me!” I fired at him. “I raised myself! Ten years dad! Ten years of my life I had to raise myself! You have no idea of what I’ve suffered! Raising Tailspin on my own! The son you cast out when you couldn’t face your mistake!” “Tailspin,” My father said slowly “That’s his name…” “The name of the son you forgot about for ten years. While you were sipping cocktails at parties, I was out working every day of my life. I was shot at. I was almost burned alive! I’ve faced down horrors that would make grown stallions cry! The reason is because you killed mom! What can you possibly say to fix any of that?” His blue eyes closed and he dropped the medallion. He slowly walked towards me and sat down in front of me, opening his arms wide. “Go ahead…” “What?” My grey eyes widened in shock. “I claim full responsibility,” he said. “It was my fault for so many things, Preventus. Go ahead, have at me, make me atone for my sins.” Kill him! No… What? No, this is too easy. Ooh… “No,” I growled. “Preventus?” He opened his blue eyes. “What’s wron-“ “I told you not to call me that!” I sent a left hook his way and pinned the old unicorn to the ground. “Tell me you’re innocent!” “What?” he asked, looking up at me. “Come up with an excuse!” I punched him again. “Tell me you’re innocent! Deny it! Say you didn’t do anything wrong!” He didn’t resist as I kept pounding on him with my hooves. Blood and bruises appeared on his face. He just let me keep hurting him! Why didn’t he fight back? Does it matter? It matters. Why won’t he fight back? Put him out of his misery… I reached into my trench coat with my magic, I pulled out Blackbird and aimed it at my father’s head. My magic was faltering, I couldn’t concentrate… Do it! Think of all he’s done! Why can’t I pull the trigger? Do it! Prove that you are strong! “Preventus…” I looked down at my father, his blue eyes looking up at me “I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there with you. I must have failed you as a father, because I did not raise a murderer.” Why can’t I shoot him? End him! “NOOOO!” I fired all six of Blackbird’s bullets at the sky. I couldn’t do it… Why didn’t he fight back? You really are weak. I turned to the statue of Discord. There was no doubt now, the voice was coming from the statue. The very same statue that was now cracking, I watched in horror as a freak of nature was set free from his stone prison. He was a Draconequus, a beast of ancient legend. He had the head of a horse, a long snake like body with the legs of various other animals. He had two horns jutting out of his head, and a smile that was dripping with evil. He spoke, snickering a little as he saw me, “Well, we meet at last, little Private. I must say, you’re everything I expected.” Discord… was the voice? Finally you catch on, it only took you, what, ten cases to figure it out? __________________________________________________________ Perspective: Twilight I heard the six shots fire in the air. Private wouldn’t murder anypony, I know that. I should’ve done something more to stop him! I should’ve… I looked around at my five friends all sitting around the garden. Applejack was occupying herself with bucking a nearby tree. Rainbow was sulking on a cloud trying to look like she wasn’t hurt by what happened. Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting next to Pinkie, who hasn’t spoken a word since what happened. You know things are bad when even Pinkie is depressed. My thoughts kept going back to Private, the fact that he was in there alone. Just how long has he been bottling up those feelings inside? I should’ve done something more to keep him here! “I never thought I’d see all six of the elements in such a state, again.” I followed the sound of the familiar, regal voice and saw Princess Celestia herself walking towards us. Her expression reminded me all too well of the one she had during the whole Smarty-pants incident. We all stood in front of her, except Pinkie who remained planted at her spot. She refused to move, even after Rarity yanked on her tail. After six attempts, I lifted her with my magic, placing her on the ground next to me. Celestia looked at each of us in turn. She closed her eyes and said, “I’m very disappointed in all of you.” “In us?” Rainbow said incredulously. “With all due respect, Princess,” Applejack said defensively, “shouldn’t Private be the one getting the tell all from you?” “He was simply brutish to all of us!” Rarity complained. “He even went so far as to drive Pinkie to… this.” She gestured to our pink friend; her mane was still flat, and she was simply staring at the ground in sorrow. “Am I allowed to speak?” Celestia said, spreading her wings to get our attention. We all had the good sense to keep quiet. My mentor spoke softly to us “I know Private’s words must have cut deep, but you can't see what his heart is feeling…” “What are you talkin' bout Princess?” Applejack asked. “Just close your eyes, my little ponies.” Her golden horn glowed softly, and I began to feel woozy again. One by one all six of us fell into deep slumber; before I completely gave into the spell however I heard Celestia say, “My love, it’s up to you now…” ______________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye “You’re the voice in my head,” I concluded, as I climbed off my father. Discord lounged on his former pedestal, and smiled at me, “Ooh, brilliant deduction, Detective.” “Just what do you want from me?” I yelled. “How were you summoned without the medallion?” He laughed a maniacally. “You actually thought the medallion would summon me? Wow, Celestia really knows how to pick her imbeciles!” “What are you talking about?” He suddenly teleported to my side and ran a finger along my chin. “Ooh my dear detective, the whole point of this little plan was to get you here.” “Why me?” I asked, slapping away his claw. “Maybe I just wanted your company, the other statues aren't much for chit chat,” he said, in mock sorrow. “That, or the little spat with your father was just enough disharmony to awaken me again.” “Dad was just bait?” I looked over at my father who was trying to get up. “But, the pictures…” “What pictures?” my father asked. “The pictures of you cheating on Mom!” I yelled at him “You cheated on mom and then killed her to make sure the scandal didn’t see the light of day!” His blue eyes blinked, and then he said slowly “It’s true, I accepted the mandrake believing it to be ginseng root. Corset gave it to me so that the pictures wouldn’t come out, but they were not of me.” “What?” I growled “Do you think me blind or stupid?” “Maybe both,” Discord said, with a thoughtful tap of his claw on his chin. “Of course, that’s just my opinion.” “The pictures weren’t of me; they were of your grandfather.” “Grandpa?” I looked down. “That doesn’t make sense” “Now where’s the fun in making sense?” Discord said, appearing in front of me. “The fact is, you couldn’t perform your job right.” “You wanted me to kill my father,” I said slowly, "but why?" “To fulfill a little deal I have with some lowlife” Discord explained. “However, I’m far more interested in you, little Private.” “I ask again, why me?” “Why, because you have been quite the thorn in my side,” he growled, teleporting back to his pedestal. “Time and time again, I’ve used the touch of my namesake to convince little ponies to give in to their darkest desires.” “So all those ponies committing crimes,” I said, realization dawning. “The increasing crime rate, it all points to you” “Well, I can’t take all the credit, my rain on my parade colored friend,” he emphasized this by summoning a cotton candy raincloud that rained chocolate. I wish I was making that up... “You see, my little pony,” he continued, after dismissing the raincloud. “Everypony has a nasty little darkness inside of them. The fact of the matter is, I have nothing to do with that darkness being there. It was implanted at the very beginning of creation. I thought it would be fun to see Equestria give in to that very darkness.” “So, you used the Miasma to make them give in to their hate and greed,” I deduced. “Well, I like to think of Miasma as a little booster.” He flexed his tiny arm, and suddenly the muscle was as big as an athlete’s. “You’ve felt its effects, it makes thing easier to deal with. I had to use it on some of the trickier villains you detained” “All of them,” I said, with a glare. “You were the mastermind behind it all!” “Again, I can’t take all the credit,” he explained. “For even I serve a higher master, one that I’m sure your dear Princess is quite familiar with.” “You won’t get away with this, Discord!” I shouted, reloading Blackbird. “So cliché,” he said, rolling his eyes. He held up his claw, and suddenly a bolt of lightning fired from it. The blast hit me square in the chest sending me flying into the hedge wall. I felt a pain in my body like never before. Discord laughed as he fired another bolt of lightning at me. I tried to fight it, but the magic was far stronger than any I’ve ever faced. I dropped down on my knees. “Your power cannot hope to match mine,” Discord sang. “You should just fall in line.” He’s right. I can’t beat him… ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Irenius I watched as that horrible creature fired blast after blast at my son. Preventus, I’ve done so much to cause you pain, perhaps this is my punishment. Being forced to watch my son die… I saw my son’s grey coat slowly get darker; his efforts to fight back were becoming more and more feeble. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, he was giving up… No son of mine is going to give up! I clambered to me hooves and leapt in the path of the next blast. The pain from the lightning bolt shot through my entire body. I yelled in pain as Discord’s yellow eyes narrowed at my interference. “So predictable, your line was always eager to throw yourselves in front of the weak.” I saw Preventus looking at me as I fell to the ground. Tears were in his eyes… _________________________________________________ Perspective: Discord Just a little bit more, ooh we’ll have so much fun! Once little Preventus is under my control the other elements will follow. He has no idea of his power! Take that you miserable dragon spawn! You really thought you and your little trinkets could hold me? The almighty god of chaos, Discord? Wait, why can’t I cast any more bolts at the fool? Oh no… No, this can’t be! Suddenly a barrier formed around the father and son. I tried to fire at the barrier, but all I saw, were those all too familiar red eyes… ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye I opened my eyes slowly; the last thing I remembered was Dad trying to save me. Why? Why is it that everypony wants to die so much? Why can’t they just let me protect them? I looked around, I was somewhere dark again. I couldn’t see anything at first; then I looked up, and directly into a pair of red eyes. They were slitted like a dragon’s. They seemed eerily familiar… “Who are you?” I asked the pair of eyes slowly. “You will know me soon enough,” I heard a very deep voice speak. It almost sounded like it belonged to a dragon. Wait! The voice when I entered the old princess’ castle on Nightmare Night! “It was you!” I said, pointing at the eyes. “Indeed,” The eyes said. “Though you came far later then you were supposed to.” “What are you talking about?” I asked, mystified. “You were originally supposed to accompany the Elements of Harmony when Nightmare Moon returned,” it explained, “but Discord arranged otherwise.” “Before Mom died she wanted to go to Ponyville. Mom would’ve wanted to stay. I would’ve spent my entire life there if she hadn’t died,” I said slowly. “Discord foresaw the events, however, and took control of your Grandfather. Using the Miasma, he planned to force you to stay in Manehattan by killing your mother…” “No!” I shouted “My father is responsible for her death!” “You want to know the true culprit? The one you know of, but keep avoiding.” “Shut up!” I shouted, knowing what was coming. “Don’t say it!” “I don’t need to say anything. For you know who was responsible. You know him very well.” A mirror appeared in front of me, but instead of my normal reflection, I saw myself as a fourteen year old colt. I was covered in my mother’s blood. She died, because of me. I fell on my knees and started sobbing. it was true…Had I only accepted myself as the family heir. Had I only given up on my dream of becoming a Detective… We could’ve all have been happy, Tailspin would have his wings and legs, And dad would be happily spending his twilight years with mom. That happy dream was gone, all because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut about what I wanted to be! “You believe yourself responsible,” the deep voice said. “Yes, yes I am. I just… I kept blaming dad,” I sniffed “because it took the blame from me. I just didn’t want to face the guilt… the pain.” “The reason you try to keep others safe,” the voice said, almost soothingly, “is because you fear having to bury one of your friends. Just as you saw your mother getting buried.” “I…” I didn’t even bother wiping my eyes. “I’m so weak; I try and look like everything is under control. The reality is, I’m a mess. I help so many ponies find solace. I catch criminals, but none of that matters in the end. I still think of mom dying in front of me. Tailspin is still never going to be normal. Most of all, I’m never going to be able to do a damn thing about any of it!” I just broke down, sobbing into my hooves. I didn’t care that some voice could probably hear my sobbing. I just wanted it all to come out. I felt so alone… Then, I heard something land in front of me. It was the scrapbook I got for my birthday. I slowly opened it. Each page was dedicated to a pony. I opened to Applejack’s page. Suddenly the orange mare appeared in front of me. “Applejack,” I said, looking at her. “Applejack, I’m so sorry.” Her greens eyes looked at me sorrowfully. “Private, ya ain’t got nothin' tah be sorry fer.” She walked over to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “When mah brother was taken Ah thought nopony could help me. Ah know what it’s like tah want tah do everything' yerself.” “I…” I couldn’t even say anything. “Ya got a good heart, Private.” She prodded my chest with a smile “Ya ain’t got nothing' tah be ashamed about. Sure ya have trouble every now and then, but that’s what friends are fer. That’s the honest truth, and don’t let anypony tell ya otherwise.” The page turned again, this time to the one dedicated to Fluttershy. I saw the butter yellow Pegasus smile sweetly at me. I didn’t deserve that smile. She walked to me and met my grey eyes with her aqua eyes. “When we first met back in Cloudsdale, I didn’t think I could help much. Then when we went to that mansion I saw how confident and brave you were, and it gave me courage.” “But Fluttershy, after everything I said” “Private” She said firmly “At the end of the day everypony has to stop and realize that they aren’t perfect. We all have flaws and things that can make us seem scary, but in the end, all it takes is a little kindness to bring out the best in everypony.” The page turned, this time to Rarity. Her blue eyes looked down “Private, you showed me that being an element doesn’t mean you are perfect. For the longest time, I’ve struggled with my element.” “But Rarity,” I interjected. She shook her head, and continued, “Private, if anypony is deserving of generosity, it’s you. You constantly throw yourself at danger to make sure everypony can go home at the end of the day. I’ve never met a more generous individual in my life.” The page turned, now I was looking at Rainbow. Her wings drooped limply at her sides. “Rainbow, I’m so sorry about what I said.” “I should’ve gone with you,” Rainbow said. “When you and I first started working together, I’ll admit, I did it really to show off more than anything else. Then I saw how much you were willing to help Spitfire. You made me take a long hard look at myself.” “I’ve never thought I’d hear words like that come from you,” I said, with a slight chuckle. “Hey,” she smirked, “I’m trying to give an inspiring speech here.” “You taking lessons from Raiden?” I joked. “Eh,” she shrugged. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I saved you from falling out of that warehouse because I wanted to. I didn’t do it to show off or anything. It was because you were willing to do Spitfire a favor without any attention or photo ops that made me want to help you. You taught me a thing or two about loyalty without even really trying.” The page turned, and I saw Twilight. She opened her arms to me, and I ran to her. She held me tight to her chest, running a hoof down my back as I sobbed into her coat. “Shh, it’s okay, Private. I’m here.” “Twilight,” I choked out, “I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to break up with me.” “Private…” “Look at me!” I cried, stepping back and spreading my forelegs out. “I’m arrogant and too stubborn for my own good. I almost raped you, for Celestia’s sake! You deserve a far better stallion then me…” She took my face in her hooves and said softly, “I don’t want another stallion, I want the one I fell in love with.” “Even after all I’ve done?” I asked, fresh tears filling my eyes. “You’re a pony just like the rest of us” she said, gently wrapping her forelegs around me. “You aren’t perfect, but neither am I. After you and I split the first time I couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from you. When I’m around you I feel I can do anything! You showed me not only the Magic of friendship. But the joy of love…” She buried her muzzle into my chest. “I’m so sorry, Private; I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I don’t want you to leave again.” I slowly moved my lips to Twilight's and kissed her. I felt her tears fall on my muzzle as our kiss deepened. I loved Twilight. I wanted her with me forever. I love Twilight… Then the page turned, and Twilight was replaced by Pinkie. Her blue eyes stared fixedly at the ground as she sat a little ways in front of me. Her mane was still flat like I remembered it. Her expression was so sad it broke my heart to see it. “Pinkie,” I said, bowing my head. “I’m so sorry I called you stupid. You didn’t deserve any of what I said. You were one of the first to volunteer your help with a case.” I forced myself to look up at her. “Please, I beg your forgiveness.” Pinkie stared at the ground for a few more seconds then lifted her head, her gaze meeting mine. Her blue eyes were brimming with unshed tears. Slowly she opened her forelegs spread wide. “Hug.” “What?” “I may not be a good detective, Private,” Pinkie said, tears slowly spilling from her eyes, “but I know this, when ponies are sad it makes me want to cheer them up. I may not be smart as Twilight, or as brave as Rainbow Dash, or anything; but I do know one thing, that a hug makes things better. That it means that you and the other pony are just happy in each other’s company. I don’t want you sad anymore.” I ran to Pinkie and pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back just as tightly. I noticed her mane gained its air back and she started bouncing all over the place again. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Oh that felt so good! Hugs really do make everything better! Maybe if I hugged Gilda then she wouldn’t have been such meany pants, but then again she might have tried to really stick a cupcake in my eye if I tried. Oh well, Pinkie is Pinkie again!” “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I said, when my laughter died down a little. She looked over at me and gave me one last smile “Laughter really does make everything better” The book closed, then all six mares were around me. The voice spoke again, “There’s one last pony you need to see.” I looked up as Applejack and Rainbow parted as Ireni- no, Dad walked forward to me. He bowed his grey head slowly, “I can’t begin to ask for your forgiveness, Preventus. I loved your mother more than anything. You have to believe me when I say those pictures aren’t of me.” I looked at my father. He was pony who taught me how to be a stallion, the one who I had looked up to. I had blamed him for my mother’s death, but learned he was innocent… The father I loved… love. “I believe you.” A bright light enveloped us all… ________________________________________________________________ I opened my eyes and saw a strange pony standing before me. He was very tall, as big as Celestia. His coat almost blended in with the blackness all around us. His long, almost shaggy white mane, however, showed that he was here. His eyes were red and slitted, and his wings were leather like, almost like a dragon’s. He smiled, “So, you finally realize everything?” “I think so” I replied, thoughtfully. “Then tell me,” he walked to me and lowered face to meet mine. “What have you learned of friendship?” I met his red eyes with my own grey ones. “I learned there’s no shame in accepting help from your friends. No matter what the challenge before us, as long as we stand together, we can accomplish everything a single pony cannot.” He raised his head and a strange object descended upon me. It was a necklace, in the shape of an eye, my family seal. It was made of silver with a bright diamond in the center of it. The Alicorn before me spread his wings, as the necklace clasped around my neck. “Preventus Phelps Eye,” he said in a deep voice, “you have faced every trial and hardship placed before you. You have realized that your power comes, not from just yourself, but through the power of the bonds you formed with others.” “The chanting!” I exclaimed, as comprehension came to me. “It was the power of this thing?” I asked, pointing to the necklace around my neck. “Indeed,” he replied, with a small smile. “The chanting was the spirits of those your line has saved, and will save in the times to come. You have the power to bind the other elements together, to make them stronger by reminding them of the bonds of friendships they’ve formed.” “You, Preventus, are the Element of Tenacity.” _________________________________________________________ The barrier burst and I was floating in the air. My eyes were closed as the girls were around me the Elements of harmony around their necks. Discord saw us and his yellow eyes dilated, “What? No! You're supposed to be dead!” “You thought wrong Discord,” I said, with a smirk. “You underestimated the Elements yet again, it seems.” “No!” His hand glowed with a flame. “I will not be denied!” He cried, flinging a fireball at us. We all raised our hooves in unison, and a barrier formed, blocking the attack. The fireball fizzled out harmlessly and gray glowing cords of light extended from my element to the others. The chanting came again, this time with the vigor of a battle cry. The elements started to circle me, and a bright light enveloped us again. I looked down to see dad floating there with a cord of light connected to him. The Element of Tenacity hung around his neck, as well. “Care to let your old man on the action?” he asked, with a smile. “Always,” I answered. All eight of us raised our hooves to the sky. A rainbow of pure magical power fired from the elements. The beam hit Discord square in the chest. Instead of turning him to stone, however, he flew into the sky and exploded in the air. The blast radiated throughout Equestria. Discord was no longer sealed anymore; he no longer needed to be. He was truly defeated, by the power we all held within us. ______________________________________________________________ We floated down to the earth cheering and celebrating. Twilight embraced me while Rainbow went on to talk about how awesome the win was. “Forget defeating Nightwind! I classify this as the BEST WIN EVER!” “I’m so happy!” Fluttershy said, beaming. “We rock!” She then let out a soft, “Woo hoo!” “You still need about 20% more cheering training,” Rainbow said, crossing her hooves in annoyance. We were all laughing, giddy in our victory, when I noticed somepony was trying to pry the diamond off my element. I looked down at Rarity, she laughed nervously, trying to hide the chisel behind her back, “Old habits die hard, I guess.” I just laughed, “You guys are all amazing, I’m so lucky to have friends like you.” Pinkie then cheered, “Group hug!” Oh crap… All six mares hugged me in a large group hug. I just rolled my eyes and accepted their affection. After a few more minutes of celebration, I joined my Dad. He grinned at me, “An Element of Harmony, a detective, and a friend to six lovely mares. If there’s any way you could make me more proud, I can’t think of it.” “Dad,” I blushed a little in embarrassment. “So, you are Irenius Eye,” Twilight said, joining us. “I’m Twilight Sparkle; I was hoping to meet you under less strange circumstances.” “I apologize for casting the spell on you,” my dad said, bowing his head. “Somepony threatened to make the pictures of my father public. I had to do it to protect him, and the company. I take full responsibility for what I did.” “What about those pictures?” Rainbow asked. “Didn’t they have your dad in them?” “Hold on,” I dug inside my ruined trench coat and fished out the pictures, my horn glowing. Then I made the connections…. __________________________________________________________ Vegas sat down inside Shinebadge’s office, smirking to himself, he had won. The job was as good as his… His train of thought was ruddily interrupted when two royal guards burst in and pointed spears at him. He stared in horror as Irenius, Shining Armor and I entered behind them. “You!” He exclaimed, pointing at me. “He’s the man who shot me! Arrest him!” “It won’t work, Vegas,” Shining Armor said, with a glare. “The jig is up.” “What jig?” Vegas retorted. “The jig to get Shinebadge’s job,” I said, tossing the pictures on the desk. My horn glowed as I aimed my magic at the pictures of my father bucking Corset. They glowed a bright green, and so did Vegas. “Your DNA is all over these pictures. You stole the picture altering powder to make it look like my father was the one in the pictures.” “What would I gain from a couple of dirty pictures?” he asked incredulously. “Shinebadge’s position,” I replied. “You’ve been trying for years to become Chief of Police, only you knew I would eventually discover your little conspiracy; so you decided to kill two birds with one stone. You made a deal with Discord to have the crime rate go up. That would make Shinebadge look bad, forcing him to resign. Only I solved all of those cases, with the help of my friends. Then you tried to use me as a weapon against Shinebadge. Had I killed my father, I would’ve been arrested and Shinebadge would have gotten fired for trusting in me. You altered these pictures to use as bait, and you got me to shoot you up, earning you sympathy points. Once I was found out to be a murderer you could claim to have been right about me all along.” “You were always so full of yourself!” Vegas glowered at me. “I was clearly the more experienced cop on the squad, but you made homicide at twenty. Twenty! Barely out of the academy and already working your way through the ranks. It sickened me how runts like you got the attention while all my work did was get me a slap on the back.” “I didn’t become a detective for the fame, Vegas,” I said, heatedly. “I did it to stop scum like you from running Equestria.” “Now I have a real excuse to kill you!” he cried, pulling out his revolver. “I should’ve done this years ago!” Bang! Vegas swore and keeled over as a shot hit him in his bandaged leg. One of the guards knocked the revolver away and butted him with his spear. I looked behind me as my dad levitated his own gun, a .223 pistol he called “This Gun”. He glared at Vegas, “That’s my son you’re trying to kill, you bastard!” “Get this slime out of here,” Shining Armor ordered to his guards. Vegas struggled, yelling and swearing, as the guards dragged him away. Several cops cheered at Vegas finally getting his just desserts. I looked over at my father, “Thanks again, Dad.” “Anything for you, son,” he said with a small smile. “I just got you back; I'm not going to lose you again.” I looked down and then back up at him “You know something?” “What?” “You still have another son to meet…”