//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Starlight // by Nero_amatam //------------------------------// “Attention 3rd fleet remnants. This is now a suicide mission. The enemy has superior firepower, and we've lost far to many ships to hope to win this fight. B I will not order you to help me, I will not order you to stay. If you want to escape, I will not blame you. We will do our best to cover your escape as you leave. However, I will not run. I know that if we cannot stop them, then the others stand no chance. We MUST do some damage. I'm going to punch a hole right up the center, and take as many of those bastards with me as I can. To those of you leaving, take what little time we may have and spend it with your families. To those who are staying, keep the memory of your loved ones in your heart. Godspeed gentlemen, and may God have mercy on us.” -Rear Admiral Kris Naga, 3rd FLT Commanding Officer Battle of Arcturus The bridge's windows were awash with color, not only from the reflected light of the nearby planet of Arcturus, but also from the dance of lasers, plasma, and tracers that light the night sky against the cold black background. He sighed to himself and stepped away from the comms panel he had been using to send out his message. “Full speed, hard to port.” Kris said simply. his helmsman echoed his order and began to turn the massive Kol-class battleship back around into the hell that was the orbit around Arcturus. His mind drifted slightly. Under normal circumstances he would have never allowed that to happen, but since they were all about to die, a few thoughts off-subject were maybe not such a bad thing. Had he wasted his life? Seems like all he could remember was going out and partying every night, until he got himself in trouble. Luna had been exceptionally kind, offering to let him serve in the Navy rather than be imprisoned. He had never started a family, although he was pretty sure he had kids. But if he did, it surprised him that the mothers hadn't come out of the woodwork asking for money. It wasn't as if he hadn't been all over the news. The flash of plasma impacting on the bridge brought him from his reverie. “Sir, we're taking fire. About half the remnants of the fleet have formed up and are starting to attack, but they're being wiped out as soon as they get into range!” “Then let's give them something else to shoot at. Gunnery, all fire forward!” A series of replies came back, followed by the gentle shaking of the ship as the main batteries opened fire. Four beams of light crossed the gap between the two ships instantly, and tore chunks from the target, leaving it to float in space, completely helpless. “Sir! Large phase lane opening up nearby, on the edge of the Grav Well.” The tactical officer turned to look, removing her headphones. “Nothing we have is big enough to make a displacement that big.” “Calm down Blip.” Kris said, his voice betraying his calm stature he had maintained through the fight. “We'll make them pay before we go down.” “Sir. Permission to speak freely?” “Granted.” “I'm scared.” “Me too.” “I don't want to die.” “Go. Get to the escape pods while there's still time.” “No. I won't abandon you. Or anyone else giving their lives here today.” Kris smiled at that, but it was a proud smile, not a happy one. He looked out toward the direction of the incoming ship. The phase lane opening was so big that he could see the ripples in space completely unaided. The thought crossed his mind that ripples of that magnitude couldn't be good for the fabric of space that it was distorting. His comm panel crackled to life. “Damn Kris, how many times am I going to have to pull you out of the fire?” ---------------------------------------------- 3 days before the Arcturus engagement Luna stood in the orbital hangar as the shuttle landed smoothly in the bay. The shuttle bore the mark of the NLR, but was definitely a Solar Empire design. That would be her sister's gift. She walked calmly down the stairs and the ramp dropped, and a series of 6 ladies walked out. She smiled as she recognized each of them in turn. “Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and... where is Fluttershy? She always stays with you." “Tell her I stayed behind!” A meek voice floated from the shuttle. Twilight rolled her eyes. “Now she know you're here, might as well come out.” she called back. Fluttershy appeared in the doorway, albeit mostly hidden, with a rather foolish look on her face. “Thank you all for coming.” Luna said. “I am not certain that we could have managed without any kind of support.” A frown creased her brow. “The firepower that these new foes demonstrate is far beyond anything we have seen so far. If they attack in force, it may become necessary to flee the system. I have bolstered our defenses around Arcturus in response, but I am not sure that will be enough.” “Don't worry Ma'am.” Dash spoke with enthusiasm. “We'll crush them!” Luna smiled brightly, betraying her nerves. While she was grateful for her sister's support, one thing still plagued her. “Do not think that I take your support lightly, but military assistance had been what I was hoping for.” Luna said, almost to herself. The last thing she wanted to do was to upset her newest help. “Do relax, Ma'am.” Rarity's voice was as smooth as the silk that Luna's bedsheets were made from It was no surprise to her that Rarity was Celestia's top diplomat. Even as her superior, Luna felt compelled to give the beautiful young woman gifts. She suppressed that urge. “We aren't all that your sister sent. She also-” “Quiet!” Twilight hissed, interrupting Rarity. “Sorry Ma'am, but your sister told us that this was to be a surprise. It'll be here in 3 days time.” Same old Tia. Luna thought. Her sister was still playing games with her even when her empire was on the line. Still, if she knew her sister then the wait would be worth whatever she was sending. “There's just one more thing that I need from you six.” Luna had adopted her best command stature. “Do not call me Ma'am.” She grinned devilishly. “To you, I am Luna.” ---------------------------------------------- That voice couldn't been who he thought it was. They hadn't talked in years. But it couldn't be anyone else. Kris continued to stare at the distortion at the edge of the well. A massive shockwave rippled across the area of engagement as the huge 4 kilometer titan dropped from phase space. “I swear, you act like you don't want to win!” The ship was big enough that Kris could see the name written on the hull. SR-1 Omega. He smiled wryly, knowing that meant the ship would both begin and end a conflict. Enormous mass drivers began to pick out targets in the enemy fleet as the Omega fixed a bearing on their flagship. The cannons fired, sending fire-wreathed projectiles hurtling through space that were large enough to be seen even at 20 kilometers. The frigates and cruisers that were the targets of those guns never stood a chance, practically melting under the force of what must have been 1000mm of pure destructive force. ---------------------------------------------- 2 days before Arcturus engagement The cracks and pops that always surrounded the firing range grew louder with each step. It was rare for Luna to come down to the range, but the past few days had her at wit's end. She needed to relax, and paper seemed a safer alternative to shooting at live people. The guard at the entrance snapped to attention as he saw her approach. She simply walked past and drew her pistol; a 1911. These models were rare anymore, and were usually only given to people in high prestige as a status symbol. By Luna's guess, she was about the only one who ever even used it. There were more powerful and accurate alternatives, of course, but she had her preference. She loved the way the pistol felt in her hand, the warm wood of the grip against the contrast of the cool metal of the trigger and guard. 7 shots, straight into the bullseye. “Nice.” She paused for the first time since leaving the office. The new voice had caught her by surprise. “I didn't know we would be graced with your presence, miss Luna.” Kris Naga, the admiral of 3rd fleet had been in the range the whole time. Luna kicked herself inwardly. If this had been combat, she'd have been killed and she knew it. “Apologies. I did not know that anyone would be in here.” she replied, attempting to sound as casual as possible. “You shouldn't have to apologize. You ARE the head of the NLR after all. You should do what you want, so long as it doesn't keep you from leading us.” Kris smiled broadly. “I won't tell if you won't. Besides, how long have we known each other?” Luna laughed for the first time in what felt like ages, and made a mental note to spend more time with the friends that she had been neglecting for duty. Some of the work could be delegated, she was sure. “Perhaps you are right. But I am still sorry.” She said with a mischievous glint in her eye. “But not for coming down here.” “What then?” “For beating you in a shooting contest! What do you say, loser buys lunch?” She knew that Kris could never turn down a challenge. “You're on!” He replied, as expected. “Besides, no way a desk jockey like you could beat me!” ---------------------------------------------- “I can't believe you beat me...” Kris moaned as he paid the cashier. “Don't feel too bad, it was a close match.” Luna replied, attempting to console him without letting him forget that he had lost. “Besides, if I didn't pay you, you couldn't have bought this lunch. Consider it thanks for hiring you.” She laughed, and truly felt happy for the first time in a while. “Ah well, maybe you're right.” He replied looking at the food before him. “But I'm worried about you, Luna. I haven't talked to you in a long time, and lately you just seem so upset. You have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” Luna sighed. She wanted to tell him, but she also wanted to keep what was happening under wraps. She didn't think she could handle a panic as well as a war. What would happen if someone overheard? What if he let it slip to someone by mistake? But she knew that she would end up telling, and that it was only a matter of time. Deciding to not delay the inevitable, she told him everything. “Wow. I'm surprised at the very least I haven't heard of that. A whole station?” Kris was shocked at the news. “I had been wondering why the people from the Solar Empire showed up suddenly.” “Yes. But as I told you, it's all officially classified.” Luna said. “You absolutely CANNOT tell anyone what I just told you.” “Yeah, I know. But what worries me is that they would just attack out of the blue like that. What are we doing for defense?” “Nothing, yet. I still don't know what I should do. I've never had to deal with anything like this before.” “You mean the entire planet is defenseless? We can't just leave them there like that!” “I know that, but what can we do? They have superior firepower! I don't want to throw the lives of my people away in a fight I know that they cannot win! I ordered Arcturus to begin evacuations very soon after I received the news.” “The planet won't be able to evacuate quick enough. They hit us with a sneak attack. Odds are that they'll hit us in force, and it'll be a massacre when they do. We have to do something!” The words cut at Luna even more than the sharpest sword could have. She knew that many would perish one way or another. Kris was looking out the nearby window, toward Arcturus. He suddenly looked back to her. “Let me take 3rd fleet there, and defend the evacuees. We'll come right home afterward and set up in defensive positions on the phase line.” Luna couldn't speak. The only person that she had ever been able to really talk to (besides her sister, of course) was asking her permission to commit suicide. She couldn't let him go. But on the other hand, she couldn't let the refugees die either. “Make it so.” she said quietly. Kris didn't say anything as he left the chair and began to run to the hangar, leaving his untouched lunch on the table. ---------------------------------------------- The cheers were erupting across the bridge, and only grew louder when the Omega's main cannon fired, throwing a ball of magnetically contained super-heated plasma directly into the enemy's forces, cutting their number nearly in half. The remainder began to retreat, but the Omega didn't appear to be breaking off. The comms crackled to life. “This is Admiral Amatam broadcasting on all channels. You have invaded our homes and killed our people, including our women and children. You are dangerous wild animals and you will be put down as such. You can't hide. You can't escape. You can try to run, but you will only die tired. Make your peace with whatever god you follow.”