The Fade of Rainbow Dash

by Eternal Dream

The Journal

My name is Shining Armor and this is a journal made for keeping up with what's happening around Ponyville.

Day 1:
Today I arrived in Ponyville, my sister was waiting for me at the train station. Her eyes were stricken with tears as she told me about the reason she asked me to come here. I was surprised to learn that Rainbow Dash was found dead. I followed my sister home and helped her around the library a bit staying till she went to bed. After she had fallen asleep I went to go check out Rainbow’s cloud house, who would want to hurt Rainbow? Rainbow’s house didn't hold any answers whatsoever so I went back to Twilight’s after that to catch up on some sleep.

Day 2:
Today I went to the morgue to see Rainbow Dash's remains, her body was ripped to shreds by what looked like claw's, but the cut's were too deep to be from animals nearby, even in Everfree Forest. She was missing her stomach, lungs and heart, her body looked as if it had been dissected in a hurry. I asked the doctor where her body was found, he told me she was found about a mile away to the west. I headed there next and all I found was an open field. On closer examination, I saw a spot of grass near a small pond that was covered in blood, some of it had spilled into the lake giving it a reddish tint. The place showed no signs that she had been there except for the blood. I went to check up on Twilight after I was done looking around, she seemed to be in worse shape than she had been in yesterday. I had heard rumors in Ponyville that she and Rainbow were dating. I decided to ask her if she was dating Rainbow Dash. Twilight said yes, with tears in her eyes, and that she loved Rainbow dearly, I held Twilight close to me while she cried. After a while I fed Twilight dinner and sent her to bed.

A few pages seems to be torn out of the journal.

Day 7:
Today I found a strange black pony in a cave. Her eyes glowed the most unnerving aura of red, but at the same time she acted kind and sweet, because of this I ended up spending most of the day with her. For some reason she wouldn't tell me her name though, quite odd. I guess she can't remember having a name, for having no use of it. As far as I've seen, she’s been here by herself. She asked if I wanted to stay the night, but I had to say no, I need to be with Twilight whenever possible, she’s going mad with grief. Her condition is only getting worse, she believes Rainbow Dash is alive and that Fluttershy is dead, along with Rarity. Twilight tells me be careful of the pale one, and I still have no idea where she got that sword. All she tells me, is that Rainbow Dash brought it to her and said it was the pale one’s sword. I tried to get her to see a doctor but, she say’s she's fine.

Day 8:
Today I went back to the cave, the black pony was waiting for me outside of the cave. She smiled and waved me over, her eyes still haunt me. I asked her if she’d ever seen a cyan Pegasus go by this cave, she said she did. I asked her what this pony was doing at the time, she replied that she had a purple unicorn on her back, was flying around with her and that they both seemed to be having a great time. It was around lunchtime when we ate. She had something red and it dripped blood in front of her. She continued to eat with abandon, not noticing that she had finished her meal. I grabbed her hoof before she bit into it, she looked at me weirdly and asked what was wrong. I simply answered that she had finished her meal. She giggled at me and cleaned up the area. I stared at her for a while before I said I had to go. I went to back to the library to check on Twilight.

“Twily!” I screamed, shaking her.

She stood there like a statue staring off into the distance. I moved a hoof and tried to push her. She fell over like an old stone statue.

“Twilight!” I screamed, as I picked up her up and teleported to the castle.

“Princess Celestia!” I screamed.

I heard fast hoofsteps getting closer to my position. Celestia came running into the room.

“Captain! What’s the matter?”

“ It’s Twilight, I believe she been petrified somehow. It didn't look like anything had been in the library but me at the time.”

“Has anything been happening recently to her that could have caused this?”

“She's been seeing Rainbow Dash, but that’s not possible considering Rainbow Dash has been dead for over a month now and everypony knows there's no such thing as ghosts. She also for some reason believes Rarity and Fluttershy have also died. She told me that Dash saw their dead bodies, and now she’s like this. Can you do anything to help my little sister?!”

“That’s quite a tale Captain, but I don't think I can help, because it’s all up to her now. She has chosen to do this, maybe Dash convinced her to do this.”

“Princess are you sure you can't do anything to help my sister?!”

“Yes Shining Armor, I’m sorry, but its up to her now if she wants to join Dash or come back to us.”

A/N: This has been edited by Dopple Ganger, at his convenience. Have fun