//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 "The Game was Rigged from the Start" // Story: Equestria Noir Case 15 "Give Unto Discord" // by Jacoboby1 //------------------------------// Chapter 5 “The Game was Rigged from the Start” I never thought I’d be back here. The station situated in Manehattan was large and spacious. Many offices and labs were filled with ponies hard at work studying various crimes. I passed several desks I used to inhabit as I walked in. A feeling of nostalgia gripped me. I even waved at several ponies I used to work with. Many didn’t wave back… A little ungrateful for the work I’ve done it seems. I used one of the phones available and spent the next ten minutes trying to get a hold of Sandā’s office. After spending the next five minutes explaining the situation, Sandā spoke on the other end. “I can probably get the sentence lightened; she was only at the scene of a crime so she should be back with her kid once I settle everything here.” “Thanks Sandā” I said, with a sigh of relief. “This really means a lot to me.” “I’m always happy to help, Private; you kept my baka brother from becoming a total degenerate. I think that counts for something.” Raiden and Sandā didn’t always get along for a lot of reasons. Raiden was sort of the black sheep of the family. Whereas all of Raiden’s older brothers became Doctors, Lawyers, and Politicians, Raiden found his talent in music. Problem was he would get into trouble way more often than not and it didn’t leave him with a good standing with his siblings. Sandā was an honest pony, always willing to help others whether they can afford him or not. I guess that’s why both of us got along so well. It’s probably why he’s willing to do this for me as well “I’ll look over the case and see what I can do,” Sandā said, over the phone. “Keep Raiden out of trouble, you hear?” “I’ll try, Sandā,” I laughed a little, “but you know how Raiden can be.” “I got work to do,” Sandā said hastily. “It's kind of hard to do things now, without a District Attorney in office.” “Maybe you should run this year,” I suggested. “You’d make a great DA.” “We’ll see, I gotta get going with this case. Sayōnara puraibēto.” “See ya,” I said, as I hung up. I was about to call Applejack when I heard a pair of curses coming from the lab. I rolled my eyes and went to investigate. Inside the lab was a pair of unicorn ponies. Numerous photos were strewn on the tables. I recognized the cluttered up lab almost immediately. One of the unicorns, an ivory colored stallion with an orange mane looked up upon seeing me enter. “Hey Cut! It’s Private!” A nearly identical looking unicorn with a grey coat and silver mane looked up from the photos. He looked over at me with a smile. “Long time no see, Private!” “Well if isn’t the famous twins, Cut and Paste,” I said, as they walked up to me. Cut and Paste weren’t their real names but they went by the nicknames. They were in charge of the pictures taken at the various crime scenes. The two were always friendly and easy to work with. “It’s good to see you again, Private,” Paste said, with a smile. “I cannot believe it’s been three years, how’ve you been?” “I’m doing fine,” I said reassuringly. “What’s the problem here?” “Paste and I got a little problem on our hands,” Cut replied. “Somepony came in a few nights ago and stole our picture altering powder.” “It’s a chemical that we use to around here,” Paste explained. “Our dad invented it a long time ago. Celestia rest his soul.” “I’ve heard of this stuff,” I said. 'You guys use it to expand photographs?” “Mostly just to see if there was any tiny detail we missed,” Cut explained, “but if somepony stole it then who knows what could happen.” “You see, Private,” Paste said, with a worried expression. “The powder can also be used to change the image of a photograph. All it takes is the right amount on it and you can make the picture however you want.” “I can see how somepony can use that for a crime,” I speculated. “You could use the powder to alter a counterfeit painting to look like the real thing.” “Which is why we don’t want the chief to find out until we can get the new order in,” Paste said pleadingly. “Please Private? Don’t tell Shinebadge about this!” “I’ll keep it under wraps, you two,” I reassured. “If I see any powder I’ll let you know.” “Great” Cut said with a smile. “It’s a green substance that kind of smells like Paste’s house.” “Hey!” Paste retorted. “Sherrie likes scented candles!” “She only said that to get you to stop harassing her!” “Says you! She just understands a true stallions worth!” “True stallion? Yeah right, everypony knows her and I are made for each other!” “I’m sure she’d love to hear about your collection of My Little Human dolls!” “They’re collectables! I don’t see her going out with a pony that irons his underwear!” “Why you little!” The twins got into an all-out brawl with each other. I laughed and simply walked out. Those two got along about as well as oil and water sometimes. ________________________________________________________________ “Ah heard that Uncle Orange didn’t really love his wife all that much,” Applejack said over the phone, “but Ah didn’t think he’d just leave his kid like that.” “He was willing to murder Tangerio to cover it up,” I reminded her. “Thank goodness Babs didn’t get caught up in the crossfire.” “Ah’ll see about making some space in the house fer her,” she said firmly. “Legitimate or not, no Apple is going to starve in the cold on mah watch.” “Are you sure you can handle it?” I asked. “I mean you’ve already got Tyran to think about.” “He’s been willin' tah sleep out on our couch until we can make a space fer him. I hate having him sleep there but he’s just so darn grateful fer us takin' him in that he up and refused to use one of our rooms. Babs can share with Applebloom when she gets 'ere.” “Thanks Applejack,” I said gratefully. “She’s a good kid, though she seems to have trouble around bullies. Just make sure that Ponyville gives her a good home for the next few weeks.” “Ya can count on it, so how’s the investigation going?” I couldn’t lie to Applejack. She’d see right through it, and buck me through the phone somehow. I sighed and told her everything that’s happened. “Private, Ah don’t mean ta sound like a worry wart but are ya sure ya can handle this?” “I’m fine, Applejack,” I confirmed. “I’m going to find out what happened at all costs. "Private, ya don’t sound so sure…” “I AM SURE!!!” I blinked, where did that come from? That voice, it didn’t seem like my own… “Private…are ya sure ya don’t need one of us to come and talk to ya?” “I’m fine really; it has just been a rough day.” “Sugercube, ya know we’re all here fer ya.” “This is my war, Applejack,” I said brusquely. “It’s better if only I fight in it.” “Private, wai-“ I hung up on her. You don’t need them to get involved. I can find this case on my own. Your father needs to pay for what he did. He should be the one suffering for all of this. He needs to die… He’ll pay for all that he’s done and not done!!! “Private?” I turned around, County was standing there. Her gold eyes looked at me worriedly, “Ya were shakin', Private, somethin' wrong?” I let out a breath and said slowly, “I’m fine, just a little tired, is all.” My old partner walked up and put a hoof on my shoulder. “Hey, chief wants tah see ya.” “I know.” We both began to walk down the halls to Shinebadge’s office. I looked over at my rust colored friend, “He’s pissed over the fact I shot up Vegas.” “Ah would’ve shot em too,” County said firmly. “Ah honestly don’t see why he’s kept around. He’s a good vice cop but he bows out of cases way too quickly at times.” “I agree,” I affirmed. “To believe he’s been in the force longer than I have.” “Almost a five year difference between ya,” County explained. “Did ya hear he wants tah take Shinebadge’s job?” “He’s retiring?” I asked. “Yep, apparently all of these crimes are getting tah poor chief,” County looked a little worried. “The crime rate going up doesn’t exactly look good on yer resume.” “And Vegas thinks he can take the job?” “He’s been tryin' long before you or I showed up,” she sighed. “Never liked the bastard, it seems like every day I work here I start seeing more and more of the nasty stuff.” “What are you planning on doing?” I asked. “Appaloosa’s gonna need a new sheriff after what happened,” County said, with a smile. “Ah’m planning on applying for the position.” “You’re going to leave Manehattan and all of its corporate lack of character behind?” I asked, quoting County’s words when we first met. “It’s still nothin' like Horseton,” County said with a laugh, “but the small town’s gonna need somepony to look after it.” “Are you sure this isn’t just a means to hang out with a certain cowpony?” I smiled. County looked over at me, her gold eyes betraying what she was thinking. My ears flattened in regret. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the subject up.” “Ya know how Ah feel about talkin' like that,” County said slowly. “I really think you should give it another chance,” I explained. “Braeburn’s a good guy, a little too happy for my tastes, but a good guy nonetheless. Not everypony is like Rawhide you know.” She just walked up to me and punched me in the arm. She gave me a small smile. “Yer too damn carin' fer yer own good.” I watched her walk off, County and I had known each other for years. From those years I learned that there are two things you never talk about with her. Her parents and Rawhide. __________________________________________________________ “Private, I’m taking you off this case,” Shinebadge said as he sat across from me inside his office. It was small and only had a single desk and a couple of chairs. On the walls were pictures of several officers on the force. Shine held a special place in his heart for us fellow officers. He wouldn’t admit it to anypony though. This didn’t detract from my already foul mood. “What do you mean you’re taking me off the case?” I cried, slamming my hoof on his desk. “You’re too invested,” Shinebadge said with a voice of command “Private you assaulted an officer, broke into a prostitution ring and worked with the mob” “First of all, Vegas was scum and I was interrogating, second you have no proof I worked with anypony to find Talonbreak. Last but not least, I was in that prostitution ring solving the case I couldn’t ten years ago.” “Private,” He looked at me square in the eyes. “I already knew that about Talonbreak and your father’s involvement in all of this.” I got within inches of his face and spoke venomously, “You mean to tell me you knew my father was connected the whole time! That you knew that vice was connected to all of this!” “I did,” Shinebadge got up from his chair slowly. “I kept it a secret from you because I knew you would lose it like this.” My horn glowed in sheer fury. Instead of a grey magic coming out though, a green and violet lined magic came out of it. I don’t know what caused it to come… But it sure as hell felt good when I levitated Shinebadge and slammed him into the opposite wall. I growled low as I held Shinebadge in my magic, “You lied to me! Three years ago you lied to me! You knew my father was connected!” “Private” He struggled against my magic. “What’s gotten into you? This isn’t you!” “I just don’t appreciate ponies lying to me!” I tightened my magical grip on him. “Now tell me how my father fits into all of this!!” “Three years ago after you left I decided to further investigate the case” Shine explained as I held him in my magic “I looked into some records belonging to some seller from Saddle Arabia. He sold some mandrake to the same dealer you caught that started all of this.” “You didn’t let me interrogate him,” I remembered. “I left him to you; you mean to tell me he had the mageth in addition to mandrake.” “Yes, Private.” He let out a heavy breath. “I did! Then I remembered what you said about your mother dying of an overdose of Mandrake. I dug into it and made the connection. I eventually found out, your father took the mandrake believing it to be some foreign root that could help your mother. But he was forced to have her take it when the pictures showed up” “The pictures I found in Corset’s office,” I said darkly. “Now tell me…did my father take the mandrake for the pictures…?” “Private-“ “YOU WILL ANSWER ME OR I WILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING JAW!!!” “Yes, he did…he took the mandrake to make sure the pictures didn’t see the light off day…” I dropped Shinebadge right then and there. I turned and walked out… Now do you see what you need to do? Yes… Who needs to die…? Irenius… ____________________________________________________________ Perspective: ??? Tenacity… You constantly struggle… Why do you fight? Is it to prove a point? Is it to bring peace? Because I know… No good can come from the dark path you are treading… Tia…what has happened in my absence to cause such evil…? ____________________________________________________________ I left the office and let out a breath. I can’t believe what I’ve been thinking. I needed to find my father…now. Suddenly a uniform ran up to me and spoke urgently “Sir! You have a phone call from Officer Dunnit! Says it’s an emergency about your case sir.” “Tell him I’ll call as soon as possible” I said with a nod. I walked outside while the officers inside would investigate Shinebadge suddenly being assaulted by me. I left quietly and quickly before they could see me. I walked to a pay phone and got linked to the offices in Ponyville. “This is Dunnit” “This is Detective Private Eye, you wanted to hear from me?” “Detective! Thank Luna you called! Somepony made off with some evidence!” “From the case?” I asked “What did they take?” “The medallion that Shelter had, Twilight Sparkle was investigating it’s origins. We came by to check up on her and found out somepony knocked her out with an aesthetic spell and stole it.” “Did you get a good look at the thief?” I demanded. “No, but Twilight describes him as being an older version of you” Irenius… “Sir that’s not all, according to Twilight Sparkle, that medallion was used for one singular purpose.” “And that is?” “To summon Discord sir…” “That would mean he’s heading for Canterlot! I’m on my way!” I hung up before Dunnit could say anything else and made a beeline for the train station. So dad, you really think this will erase everything…? Because I plan on erasing you… __________________________________________________________ Perspective: ??? Are you really doing good? I can feel the darkness grip on your heart… You aren’t a murderer Yet when pushed… You may become one, Such is the curse of Tenacity. _________________________________________________________ It took me nearly half an hour to get from Manehattan to Canterlot. It took me even longer to get to the castle and speak with the guards. The twin solar guards looked at me as I ran up to the front gate, “State your business.” “Has somepony named Irenius Eye come through here?” I asked, while trying to catch my breath. “He has,” one answered. “What is your relationship with him?” the other said. “I need to get to him now!” I spoke frantically. “He’s got something that he plans to summon Discord with!” “Private?” I looked behind me to see Shining Armor come in front of me. “What’s this about summoning Discord?” I explained everything that happened leading up to this point. Shining looked particularly pissed at the thought that somepony hurt his sister. But then he looked to his two guards in a commander fashion, “Inform Princess Celestia of what’s going on! I also want a perimeter around the entire sculpture garden! Nopony gets in and nopony gets out without my permission!” The two guards saluted and flew off quickly. I ran towards the sculpture garden, ignoring Shining’s orders for me to stop. I wasn’t going to let him get away… _____________________________________________________ Faust… I pray you help this one see… That the path he’s treading… Will only bring him pain… For I once fell along his path… And it nearly destroyed me… Keep him from repeating the same mistake… Please… ___________________________________________________________ Discord’s statue was moved from its normal position after his first defeat. Celestia decided to keep it out of the public eye and hide it in the hedge maze. I was about to enter said maze when a voice stopped me. “Private, wait!” I turned around. I saw Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack all running towards me. I shook my head “How’d you guys get past the guards?” “Yer kinda outranked by Princess Celestia, Private,” Applejack explained. “We’re here to help.” “Yeah!” Rainbow landed beside me. “We heard somepony is trying to summon Discord. We can’t let that happen.” “We’re here for you darling through and through,” Rarity quipped. “That big meanie Discord won’t cause trouble on our watches,” Fluttershy said, but then hid behind her mane. “Maybe if we ask him politely instead of fighting him he might just go.” Applejack and Rainbow rolled their eyes as Pinkie Pie came with her party cannon “Say the word, Private, and we’ll blow him to smithereens.” “You all aren’t coming,” I said simply. “WHAT?!” They all exclaimed at the same time. “Ya ain’t serious!” Applejack fired back. “You can’t take on Discord alone!” Twilight said worriedly. “He hasn’t summoned Discord yet,” I explained. “I’ll stop him, this is my war.” “But, Private!” Rainbow got in front of me when I tried to go into the maze. “This is Discord we’re talking about! He probably has a trick in mind!” “Back off Rainbow!” I growled. “I told you this is my fight!” “Private,” Twilight got between me and Rainbow. “What’s gotten into you?” “I’m just tired of ponies asking themselves to get killed!” I yelled. “But Sugercube,” Applejack spoke. “Ya can’t do this alone.” “You know what…?” I said looking down. Everypony started to look at me nervously… I couldn’t hold it in anymore… I just was so tired of this… I had to let it out… “YOU ALL ARE INTERFERING!!” I yelled. “Private…” Fluttershy said nervously “This is my war!” I yelled at all of them. “You know, before I met any of you I was perfectly capable of solving cases on my own! What? You guys think that you catch a few bad guys and suddenly you get to play hero!?” “That’s going too far, sugercube!” Applejack demanded. “Not being honest with yourself, are you, Applejack!” I said, getting in the country mare’s face. “If you forgot, it was me who got your damn brother out of jail!” “Hey, nopony picks on Applejack except for me!” Rainbow said, getting in between me and the country mare. “I don’t need you showing off Rainbow!” I growled. “I don’t need you to prove yourself by throwing your life away!” Rainbow’s wings drooped, the truth hurts huh? “Private, stop it!” Rarity scolded. “You’re saying such hurtful things!” “Tired of the truth Rarity!?” I glared at the mare. “Well you know what! The only reason you came onto the case was to get closer to me! Don’t even pretend that you showing up at the train station was a coincidence!” “Private…” Rarity’s blue eyes looked down. “Private, please…” Fluttershy spoke. “Let’s just calm down.” “I don’t need calm now!” I yelled. “Fluttershy, the time for calm is gone! Time for growing a back bone once in a while is now!” Tears started to flood Fluttershy’s eyes! The doormat! Pinkie finally just got in my face, “Private! Stop saying all of this stuff! We’re only trying to help!” “Pinkie!” I shouted at her, “If I need somepony who knows about parties then I’ll ask for it! I don’t need a bunch of stupid, annoying and constantly interfering mares throwing their lives away!” Then… The mane popped… Pinkie looked at me, her mane now straight and falling down her face. Those eyes…the ones she gave me when I almost denied her help during my first case in Ponyville. “You’re a meanie pants, Private…” She said slowly. “No better than Gilda…” “Pinkie…” I said trying to reach out for her “Wait I…” Pinkie turned and slowly started walking away. Applejack looked at me “Ah though ya were somethin', Private, now ah see all you really do care about is the case…” She walked away. Fluttershy walked up to me, and slapped me across the face, she then just flew off crying. Rarity just followed her friend without saying anything… Rainbow looked at me. “I didn’t follow you because I wanted to show off…I followed because I cared…” She flew off leaving me and Twilight alone… I looked at the mare I loved. “Twilight, surely you understand…” She closed her amethyst eyes. The eyes I fell in love with, she turned and spoke simply “I’m sorry, Private, I can’t love somepony who says my friends are stupid for wanting to help.” I saw tears fall on the ground in front of her. My heart snapped in two as I watched her… “Private, now you will know how I felt…” “Twilight, what about all we’ve been through?” I asked desperately. “Surely you understand why I do this! I’m only trying to protect you all!” “Frankly my dear, Private,” She looked back at me. “I don’t give a damn…” She then left me… Just up and left me alone… Who needs friends anyway? I’m only thinking of them… And this is how they reward you… Why can’t they just listen! Looks like you’re on your own on this one… As it should be… ______________________________________________________________ He did… He made the mistake… Tenacity… Your hubris will destroy you… Have you truly learned nothing!? I can no longer stand by… I must act… ________________________________________________________________ I walked to the center of the maze. There standing before the moved statue of Discord…was Irenius He looked at me, he was holding the medallion in his magic… He spoke “Preventus…?” I glared at him, and said this one phrase… “You have no right to call me by that name…”