//------------------------------// // off to Fluttershy's house // Story: To Make One Bold // by spike1256 //------------------------------// "All right I am off to see Fluttershy," says Twilight Sparkle. "May I came with you Twilight ,Fluttershy may need my help with her ba rabbits," says Pinkie Pie " Yes you can come with me,can we get somerthing on the right track between us." says Twilight Sparkle "What do you when now about me Twilight," says Pinkie Pie "Well I was curious of how you got so crazy Pinkie," says Twilight Sparkle "Well I was a good day to be in a good mood and I was told to ack crazy so that is way I am so crazy," says Pinkie Pie " Thank you Pinkie PIe lets gat to Fluttershy now!," says Twilight Sparkle " Why?"says Pinkie Pie " Becouse I have an order from the princessess, to help Fluttershy get over her being shy a lot, why did you want to tag along with me for Pinkie Pie," says Twilight Sparkle " I want to laugh at her why?," says Pinkie Pie " Pinkie that is not a good thing to do, I am going to help Fluttershy get over her shyPinkie please go and help someone make some cupcakes plaese I need to talk to fluttershy by myself," says Twilight Sparkles " Let me see if therer is someone that need my help," says Pinkie Pie "let me get to work now, off to Fluttershy, now were are you Fluttershy?Are you here," says Twilight Sparkle "Fluttershy were are you are at your house with Angle Bunny," says Twilight Sparkle " I am here why are you looking for me am i in troble with the princesses,"says Fluttershy " No you are not on trouble i was told to help you with your problrm with being shy that is all, can I help your with this Fluttershy or not at all let me now," "I would like to get help but angle bunny does wants me to but I do not the help Twilight sorry You now what Twilight I want to become over my fear of my shyness, can you help me get over it by the last day of this month please.," says Fluttershy "Yes I can help you Fluttershy, you have to not listen to angle bunny," says Twilight Sparkle "Fluttershy let Twilight Sparle help you so you can have more fun in in the town," says Princesses Celestia " I will try my best but Angle Bunny will not let me do it can you tell him to let me do this so I can be a better pony please that would mean a lot to me thank you,"says Fluttershy "I will try to tell Angle Bunny to see if he under stand what I whan him to do is that fine with you Fluttershy, I hope Angle Bunny under stands what I want from him so he can help Twilight ," Princesses Celestia " thank you Princesses Celestia I am so willing to get help for my shyness," says Futtershy " All right Twilight lets get the jod started, lets begin now," says Fluttershy " Hay Twilight can we do it tomorrow I need to help Angle Bunny with her babys is that fine" says Fluttershy "Yes it is fine just come and find me when you are done Fluttershy" says Twilight Sparkle " All right Angle Bunny had he babys there are four of them two girls two boys I am ready now lets go to chapter two ,"says Fluttershy " Let the helping begin now," says Twilight Sparkle Chapter two, 2 helps to not be so shy for Fluttershy both Twilight Sparkle and Princesses Celestia Pinkie Pie try to help too end of chapter one