Beacon in the Shadows

by Dee Bee Doo-wop Cooper

Chapter 4: Shadow of a Flower

Beacon in the Shadows


Cheerilee’s a Paladin

Chapter 4: Shadow of a Flower

By DigitDaemon


High up on an ancient cliff side, there sat the opening to a great cave system. The rock that made up the stony fortress had long since been worn smooth by wind and water. Tonight however, the wind carried not the agents of age, but something arguably more ancient and fearsome. The network of tunnels echoed in ancient song, and the stalagmites deep in the caves whistled back in respect. In the very heart of the mountain, there was a stirring.

On the cavern floor lay a stallion of huge stature. He wasn’t unbelievably large, but one would be hard pressed to find somepony larger. His coat and mane were a slate grey that matched the floor of stone on which he slumbered. That is, until the echoing song reached his ears as well.

He opened his eyes and dutifully rose before the one he had once pledged unending loyalty to.

“Terra, you once again interrupt my peaceful sleep.”

I suppose apologies are in order then. The years have been kind to you.

“Thank you. I doubt you woke me to complement my appearances though.”

My sisters face a terrible evil, one growing in the heart of Equestria itself. I know you long ago diverged from the path I had set you on, but now I appeal to your honor. Please, help my sisters defeat the foe they will soon face.

The stallion stood motionless, letting the caverns song wash over him as he thought. It had a grace that had always accompanied Terra. Beneath the melodies, there was a strength however, on that spoke of an unwavering commitment to prosperity, and all that is required to maintain it. Finally, the haunting echoes that played from the deep chasms, told of a darker fury that awaited those that would harm the innocence of nature.

“I will aid Equestria, but in my own way only.”

I would expect nothing less from the one I once loved.

Though he could not actually hear her voice, the pony could feel the sadness that his old betrayal had caused, and to say that the feelings that the ancient goddess of the earth had for him were one sided, would have been lying to himself. He had seen however, no other way, and would have made the decision he had again today, if the need arose.

“I’m sorry my dear, but my destiny never did lie with you.”

I know that now too. Take care, Onyx Lodestone.

The song slowly died away, and once again only silence was Lodestones company.

It had taken Cheerilee half an hour to get back to where the Expeditionary Force had been waiting.

“Lieutenant, I broke the spell on the pony that attacked you, but he can’t move on his own at the moment. I need you to go to the edge of the forest and let the medics waiting there know that the pony is suffering from shock and magic withdrawal. I also need to borrow one of your squad to help me get him out of the forest.”

“Chainmail, you heard her. Help her with the assassin. Crag, help me fly Shimmer out of here.”

The other two soldiers nodded, and Chainmail followed Cheerilee as she walked back to where she had left the catatonic pegasus. When they arrived he had not moved, but was curled up again and shaking.

Cheerilee pointed towards the pegasus, “If you can take some of the weight with your telekinesis, I should be able to carry the rest.”

Chainmail nodded, and lifted the pegasus onto Cheerilee’s back, And they both started back towards the edge of the Everfree Forest.

Cheerilee could hear some of the whispers of the pegasus she carried. Things along the lines of “failure”, “deserve to die”, and “why not leave me”, were all said under his breath. Cheerilee felt sorry for him. It was true that he had no control over his actions, but it was also apparent that he had remembered everything he had done under the enchantments influence.

When they finally pierced through the thick tree line, and onto the trail that ran along the forest, Cheerilee passed her burden onto the medical ponies who had been waiting for them. She went to talk to Lieutenant Flurry Wing, who was sitting nearby, but was interrupted by the familiar voice of the town librarian, Element of Magic, and Celestia’s personal student.

“Cheerilee!” Twilight came running up to the tired school teacher.

Cheerilee gave the bookworm an incredulous stare, “Twilight, what are you doing here?”

“I was thinking the same thing about you.”

Cheerilee looked back and forth nervously, she had never felt very good about revealing her alternate line of work. “Have you ever heard the stories about the champions of the princesses?”

“Of course, but those are just foal’s stories, just like Princess Terra.”

“No, they’re not. I am Celestia’s Champion Warrior, the Paladin.”

Twilight was about to laugh, but when Cheerilee’s expression remained serious she became more concerned. “Really? Isn’t that dangerous? I mean, you're just a teacher.”

Cheerilee gave a snort, “Just a teacher? I only went to college for that. I’ve been training to fight almost since my tenth birthday, and at this point I’ve gotten pretty good at it.”

Twilight was dumbfounded, finding out that a pony she thought was almost as harmless as Fluttershy was actually a trained warrior was not an ordinary occurrence.

“I do have to ask you though; would you mind not telling anypony? I get pretty far remaining anonymous.”

Twilight just nodded in agreement.

“And since you're here already, the pegasus over there is on the verge of a severe mental breakdown, suffering from moderate magic withdrawal, would you mind helping treat him?”

Twilight finally collected herself and stood back up. “Sure...anything else I can do?”

“Actually, one more thing. If you could figure out what enchantment had been placed on him, I would appreciate it.”

“Right. Well, time to work then.”

Cheerilee nodded and they parted ways.

Celestia is so going to kill me now.

As she walked up to the group of soldiers, Lieutenant Flurry Wing had just finished speaking with a fellow officer.

“Hello Flurry Wing,” Cheerilee said with a tired smile.

The lieutenant returned the weak smile, “I see you made it out of the forest alright.”

“Yes. I was reluctant to leave him,” she pointed over to the medical team, “While I came back for help, but he was fine, relatively speaking.”

Flurry Wing’s expression became somber “I know he had no control over his own actions, but part of me still wants to see him burn.”

Cheerilee stared off into the distance, “I know what it’s like to lose somepony, and it’s hard, but we have to move on from our anger.”

The lieutenant only nodded in reply.

“I hope I’m not asking too much, but would you see if General Turncoat would be able to leave a copy of the investigation for me at city hall. I would stick around but I’m already feeling the effects of exhaustion setting in, not to mention slight magic exhaustion as well.”

The lieutenant glanced at Cheerilee’s forehead before giving her a confused look.

“It’s the armor.”

“Ahh. Yeah, I’ll see what I can do. Hopefully we won’t meet again under these circumstances, but I have a feeling that won’t happen. So, until next time.”

Cheerilee was the one to nod this time, before turning and setting her sights back on Ponyville.


When Cheerilee arrived back at her house, she lowered the magical enchantments that had been surrounding it walked inside. She found Berry Punch sleeping on the couch with a note lying on the coffee table.

I normally would have made you sleep on the couch (since Symphony needs a place to sleep), but I figured you would be exhausted, and should at least enjoy the few hours of sleep you are getting. Also, I have a surprise for you, but that will have to wait till tomorrow.

Love Berry Punch

P.S. Don’t look for your alarm clock, or mine. I hid them.

Cheerilee looked back over to where her sister was sleeping. She pulled the blanket back up over Berry Punch, from where it had fallen during her sisters tossing and turning. Heading up the stairs, she found her own bed occupied by Symphony, who had curled into a ball around the pillow. Cheerilee quietly stepped back out and headed to her sister room. It would have been too close to say which came first, sleep, or her head hitting the pillow.


When Cheerilee awoke, her alarm clock had mysteriously appeared on her sister’s bedside table. The hands informed her that it was a little after eleven in the morning. That can’t be right, I’ll have Time Turner take a look at it today. A look out the window informed her that it was in fact almost noon.

“At least it’s only Sunday…Sunday! I have tests to grade!”

Cheerilee shot out of bed, and pounded down the stairs. When she got to the dining room however, she found Berry Punch busily marking her student’s papers with a red pen, and Symphony sorting them into piles.

“Berry? Symphony? What’s going on here?”

Berry Punch casually looked over her shoulder, “Oh, hi sis, and surprise.”

Symphony jumped out of her seat and gave the school teacher a hug, “Good morning Miss Cheerilee.”

“Good morning you two, but seriously, what are you girls doing?”

“I figured you could use the extra sleep. So, I found your tests and started grading them. When Symphony saw, she asked if she could help. Turns out she’s really smart, did you know she already knows her multiplication tables?”

Cheerilee looked down at the filly, who was nodding proudly.

“I asked her the sort the tests out by grade and subject. Honestly sis, being organized doesn’t mean everything is in one pile, no matter how much you’ve straightened the pile out.”

Cheerilee gave the two a huge smile, “Thank you so much girls. Do I have any mail by any chance?”

Berry Punch tossed a letter and a document envelope over her shoulder, and Cheerilee caught them. “I’ll be right back you two.”

Cheerilee walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. She opened the first envelope, in it was a request to attend a meeting at town hall later that day. She opened the the other and found the investigation files that she had requested along with a note.

Cheerilee Punch,
My lieutenant informed me that you had requested a copy of our investigation, which you will find along with this letter. I am glad to have somepony like you aiding in this matter. If you wish to go through everything be my guest, but I thought I might give you the summarized version. None of the victims were related to one another. As I’m sure you deduced they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I will refrain from discussing the matter of the assassin, because that is the matter we wish to discuss tonight. As for the soldier we lost, Three-leaf Clover, his funeral will be next week; you are invited to attend. As for the Children of the Night, we have no leads as of the time of my writing this. I will make sure to keep you in the loop, and I ask that you do the same.

General Turncoat

Cheerilee placed the letter and the rest of the papers on the coffee table and sat back.

Four ponies, killed in cold blood in a single night, as well as Symphony’s parents, and no clues as to who is responsible. How many more innocent ponies are going to die before this is over?

She was no stranger to death, in her line of work, one might almost call death a close acquaintance. However, every now and then, Cheerilee’s work caught up with her. A tear fell from her eye, which was followed by another, and another.

Cheerilee was on the verge of weeping when she felt two hooves wrap around her head and cover her eyes.

“Guess who?” Berry Punch said in a deep scratchy voice.

Cheerilee’s tears slowed. “Thanks sis.”

Berry Punch walked around the couch, and sat next to her sister. “I always remember how, whenever you or I were sad, dad would always sneak up on us with that silly little line.”

“I still miss him Berry, and…I’m afraid that I going to lose you too. How am I supposed to protect everypony?”

Berry Punch pulled Cheerilee into a hug, “The same way you always do, with skill, intelligence, and hard work. And you’re not alone either; almost every soldier in the expeditionary force is looking for the same ponies. You need to give yourself more credit. You’re the best in Equestria, and I don’t feel an ounce of fear, knowing that you are around.”

“Thanks sis.”

“You’re welcome. Now don’t get me wrong, Symphony is a sweet little filly and great company, but weren’t you supposed to turn her over to the orphanage in Canterlot?”

“The princess decreed that I was to take care of her until a suitable home could be found.”

Berry Punch gave a mischievous smile, “It looks like she found one then.”

Cheerilee gave her sister a confused look.

“Oh Cheery, you’re so cute when you're clueless.”

Cheerilee snap out of her confusion, “I should probably get working on my investigation notes, there is a meeting tonight.”

“I will let you get to work then, Symphony and I have the dining room table covered, so feel free to the desk in my office. Don’t you dare touch anything else though; I still haven’t been able to sell all that vodka you made me order by mistake.”

“Thanks,” Cheerilee replied sheepishly.


Other than the mayor, Cheerilee was the first to arrive at town hall. She took a seat at the far end of the large, oak, conference table. General Turncoat and Lieutenant Flurry Wing arrived next, the General sat at the head of the table, and Flurry Wing took a seat next to Cheerilee. Without her armor on, the lieutenant had a light blue mane with white streaks in it, tied up in a bun. Her cutie mark was a swirl of snowflakes. It was clear by the fact that her cutie mark was visibly that white was the natural color of her coat, not a product of the budget dying job that the Equestrian armed forces were notorious for.

“Hello Cheerilee, sleep well?” Flurry Wing asked with a friendly smile.

“Not bad I suppose, how about you?”

“Well it only took us about another hour to wrap everything up, that and the general’s alarm clock mysteriously vanished,” Flurry Wing winked, “I didn’t wake up till probably two thirty.”

Cheerilee gave the lieutenant a mock glare, “Vanished, I wonder how that happened.”

“Certainly you don’t think I had anything to do with it? Cheerilee, you wound me.”

Their conversation ended when the stormy grey pegasus from the previous night walked in, Cheerilee could see that his mane was clearly a rich brown, and his cutie mark was a cloak and dagger. He was followed in by Twilight Sparkle. From the timing of their arrival, it could be assumed that the two walked at least part of the way together.

General Turncoat, after greeting the two new arrivals turned back to the rest of the table. “Ladies, I would like to introduce to you Shadow Fetter, he was the espionage trainer for the Equestrian Clandestine Operations.” Shadow gave the group a small wave. “That is until he was abducted two months ago by the Children of the Night. And I am sure that you already know Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic. I asked them both to be here, as each of them have unique insight to offer on the recent events. Mayor, I mean no disrespect, but I ask that you please leave us for now. I will call you back when we reach matters pertaining to Ponyville.”

Mayor Mare gave a single nod and left the conference room.

“I think we will begin with the events of last night. Other than the murders, is there anything important you would like to share with us Cheerilee?.”

Cheerilee nodded, and stood up. “During the course of my investigation, I found that the Assassin-“

“You can use my name, I know what I did,” Shadow interrupted.

“Yes, you were kidnapped, and manipulated using dark sorcery. You were not responsible for the death of any of those ponies, and I will not accept any argument from you as to the contrary. I was saying, I found that his path would have roughly intersected both the Ponyville post office and library. Assuming that the post office was not a point of interest for this group, I believe that it is safe to say that they are targeting the Elements of Harmony, or at least one of them.”

General turncoat turned to look at Shadow Fetter, “Is this correct.”

Shadow shuffled his hooves, “Yes, I remember being told to eliminate one of the Elements of Harmony in order to render them useless. I was scouting out their different homes.”

“Flurry Wing, when this is over, have Willow post guards at all of the Element’s houses.”

“Yes sir.”

Cheerilee continued with her findings, “Following the trail back into the forest was fairly uneventful. While fighting with the assassin, I noticed that his memories seemed to have been repressed. I used that as leverage to break the mind control. That’s all.”

“Twilight, does this match your findings?”

“Yes sir. The enchantment controlling Shadow’s mind was actually several different ones. One of them did suppress the victims memory, another was a suggestion spell, and I haven’t quite figured out the last one yet, but I am working on it.”

“Very good Miss Sparkle, and thank you for providing your services.”

The general turned to Flurry Wing, “Your report lieutenant?”

“Well, we set off into the forest. The plan was to search for tracks or any other signs of disturbance. My squad was about thirty minutes in when we heard a rustling in a bush on the left. Three-leaf Clover had point, so he went over to investigate. When he looked inside, this black...thing jumped out and pinned him to a tree. By the time we got to his body, he was dead... Shimmer was able to get her hooves up before she got attacked, she sustained heavy damage to her front legs but was otherwise untouched. I got the squad to a nearby clearing where we took a defensive position. I figure I could have flown to get help, but I didn’t want to leave my squad alone, and I knew that help would be sent eventually.”

“Actually,” Twilight piped in, “If I may interrupt, your decision to stay probably saved your life as well. Along with the two mind control enchantments and the third unknown enchantment. There were dozens of physically enhancing enchantments. A trained racer might have stood a chance of getting away, but in armor, you didn’t.”

General Turncoat looked troubled, “So not only are they targeting ponies based on their strengths, but enhancing those strengths as well? This doesn’t bode well. Does anypony have anything to add to last nights events?”

The rest of the ponies shook their heads.

“Alright, Shadow, can you give us anything that might point us to the next step?”

Shadow gave the general an apologetic look, “All I know is they mentioned something about Appleoosa, sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s a start. Cheerilee, I know I don’t technically have any jurisdiction over your actions but I strongly suggest that you take the train tomorrow to Appleoosa, and see what you can find out.”

“I wish I could, but I do have to teach tomorrow.”

Twilight stood up a little too enthusiastically, knocking her chair over, “Hehehe...I could teach for you, I mean other than you I’m probably the most qualified in the town.”

Cheerilee let out a little chuckle, “Twilight, I’m sure you’re probably more qualified than me even. I would be happy to have you fill in while I’m gone.”

Twilights expression looked as if she was on the verge of exploding with excitement.

“Now that that’s settled,” Turncoat said, drawing together everypony’s attention once more, ”A few other matters. I would like Shadow to remain here in Ponyville for the time being.” he turned to the grey pegasus, “I think that helping out the town would be good for you, and on top of that, you can provide extra protection for the Elements of Harmony.” He turned back to the group, “Flurry Wing, you and your squad, once it has been returned to full strength, will be running ghost missions against the Children of Night. The Royal Academy of Military Science is currently developing a way to counter the effects of enchantments on mind controlled ponies.” Lieutenant Flurry Wing saluted the general, “Twilight, you are to serve as substitute teacher for Ponyville in the event of Cheerilee’s absence. Additionally, I ask that you continue your research on the magic used in those enchantments.” Twilight nodded, “Everything for the moment is taken care of, I call this meeting adjourned. I will fill in the mayor.”

Twilight got up first, followed by Shadow, who followed her out. Cheerilee got up at the same time as Flurry Wing and the two walked out together.

Cheerilee turned to her companion as they left town hall, “Looks like the general has everything together.”

“Everything that can be. We still don’t know so much about the enemy we are facing.”

“That’s true, but worrying about what we don’t know won’t help us know it any more.” Cheerilee replied with a reassuring smile.

Flurry Wing giggled at the remark, “I suppose it won’t. It looks like we both are going to be fighting on the front lines now.”

“It sure looks that way, I guess we should hope it’s not a very big line.”

This time Flurry Wing couldn’t hold her laughter, “I was thinking that the military would give us a little support.”

“I would hope so.”

The two came to an intersection in the road.

“It looks like this is where we part ways for now. Good luck, Cheerilee.”

“You too, and if we do meet in battle, you can be sure I have your back”

Cheerilee continued to walk forward, while Flurry Wing took a left. The school teacher spent the rest of the way home thinking of what she would leave for Twilight Sparkle to teach. It’s possible I might be gone quite a while. Perhaps it would just be better to give her an outline and let her make her own lessons? That seems reasonable.

Cheerilee arrived home to find that Symphony had already gone to bed and Berry Punch reading the newspaper. Cheerilee simply waved to her sister before going into the dining room and pulling out some blank paper. She spent the next couple of hours writing an outline for Twilight. At some point her sister had come in and wished her good night.

By eleven, Cheerilee was satisfied with her work. She stacked all of her materials together so that she could deliver them on her way to the station tomorrow, and went into the living room. She curled up on the couch, which was not actually all that uncomfortable, wrapped a blanket over herself, and closed her eyes.


Cheerilee felt a gentle nudge rousing her from her sleep. She mumbled something incoherently and tried to brush it away. She felt it again and finally opened her eyes. It couldn’t have been much later than one in the morning, as she could still see the moon out of the living room window. Much more important to her however, was the light green filly standing by the couch. In the moonlight, Cheerilee could see the wet streaks under Symphony’s eyes, from her crying.

“What’s wrong sweetie?”

Symphony looked down at her hooves “I know Celestia said it would be all right, but I still miss them.”

“That’s perfectly fine dear. I’ll let you in on a little secret, I still miss my dad, and he’s been gone for almost twenty years.”

Symphony nodded, but didn’t look up.

“How about you sleep here with me tonight. Maybe some company will help you sleep.”

Symphony looked up at Cheerilee with pleading eyes, “Please?”

Cheerilee lifted the blanket and patted the spot between her front legs. Symphony happily jumped onto the couch and settle next to the fuchsia mare. Cheerilee wrapped her front hooves around the little pegasus and pulled her in close. The two quickly fell into a deep and peaceful sleep, but Cheerilee could have sworn that the filly had called her mommy before succumbing to the abyss of unconsciousness.