//------------------------------// // What if Discord became good? // Story: Dear Princess Celestia, What if? // by djElectrOctavia //------------------------------// Dear Princess Celestia, What if Discord was to become good? What would happen? How would he use his magic? How would he blend in? What would happen to his magic? Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I wish this could be true. If Discord became a side with harmony then our lives could be far more easier, and indeed more fun. His magic could produce drinks, foods and of course many more fun things if harmless. Remember his strange sense in humour? Change it a bit and it could potentially be humorous for all. His magic would be used for good, obviously. It could create a good amount of fun for the fillies and colts, whereas also act as a repellent for the high class Canterlot. It would take a very long time for him to blend in, but I am sure with a lot of convincing the people of Equestria could learn to love him. Princess Celestia.