Temporary ceasefire

by Ion Clockwork

BONUS CHAPTER A certain scientific phenomenon.

This chapter is considered skippable, you will only miss the birth of the villain by skipping this one. If you dislike gore, then don't read this.

We introduce our villain. It gets gorey and grimdark in this chapter, you have been warned. It won't be quite so dark the next time we meet our villain however.

"You did what exactly?"

"I ripped a hole!"

Pinkie was jumping up and down, bubbly mane whipping through the air as her jumps took her in a perfect circle. Lyra groaned, turning back to the huge rippling hole in her house. It looked like someone had pushed their hoof into a pond. Only through it, faint shimmering shapes could be seen.

"And you thought, poking into my wall was totally a sensible idea?"


Lyra attempted to put her hoof to her face, but missed and hit herself in the horn.


Pinkie kept jumping, took a spinning turn in midair and jumped into the rippling hole.

"Wait! Pinkie!"

Lyra dived after her. The portal enveloping her like a second skin. An odd liquid sensation. She was floating in an ocean that stretched out in every direction possible and some impossible. Pinkie was slightly farther ahead. The pink blob floating in space. Lyra swam after her, pushing her back hooves against the current to maintain her speed. Pinkie simply gliding forward almost gracefully. Towards five lights in the distance.

Ion stirred in his sleep. A soft pressure reaching him, not similar to the alarm. This was an almost ethereal sensation. It suddenly surged. Ion bolted awake, the mental pressure causing him physical pain. After almost three minutes writhing in his bed, the pain receded. Ion got to his hooves, rolling off the bed.

"What the buck was that?"

A hint of the feeling lingered, leaving a faint pull in the air, out of his room. And with only a seconds hesitation, Ion pushed open his bedroom door and stepped out. The small study eerily quiet. Everything was tense, as if the world had drawn a bow string. Ion made his way out to the hallway. The force drawing him along the carpetted floors, to the staircase. As he put a hoof on the staircase, someone spoke behind him.

"Ion? You feel it too?"

Honeysuckle's voice reverbrated slightly in the large corridor. Ion turned to face her, only to be met with Colgate and Cinderpile as well.

"This can not be a coincidence." Ion intoned.

"Whatever it is, we all feel it. And I want to find out what it is." This was Cinderpile.

Then, as if on unspoken consent. They all made their way up the stairs together. When they reached the third floor, the trail went off into the maze of classrooms and interlocking corridors. Drawing them on as it twisted and turned. The pressure got stronger and stronger the more they followed it. And Ion was experiencing some form of deja vu, the corridor was eerily familiar.

"Wait, is this not where w-"

A scream shattered the silence. Or rather, a symphony of screams. A sound that could only produced by something as twisted as the everfree forest. Everypony broke into a run. The scent drawing them towards the same classroom they had shared the day before.

Pinkie Pie was screaming, she did not know why. She did not know when, she saw only red as the continuing pain caused her to writhe in pain all across the floor. The explosion of pain in her forehead had blotted out everything but itself and when she screamed she heard nothing except the pain she was experiencing.

Ion was at the head of the group now, moving at a full gallop towards the door of the classroom they had used.

Pinkie felt the immense force harder than ever, it seemed to flood out and fill not only her with pain but the very room. She felt it, the very fabric of the universe was hurt here.

Ion barreled into the door, not taking time to reach for his magic. And the door swung open, slamming into the doorframe. Everypony stopped in their tracks. The abomination before them burning itself into their retinas. The creature was vaguely pony shaped, except it's shape ebbed and flowed, bulging and shrinking randomly. It turned its head towards them.


It was a pink pony, her face contorting in directions impossible. A huge welt on her forehead formed, only to burst. Spraying blood in a frenzied spray, as a mint green horn erupted from its forehead. Its skin cracked in a straight line down the middle of its face.


It continued its screaming, the entire room pooling with blood as the creature was torn apart from the inside. Cinder reacted first. Coalescing her magic into a real fire, that tore through the room towards the creature. Its mane caught fire, and its fur burned all across its body. The creature let out a bellow that shook the very fabric of magic. The entire room wobbling before the group's eyes. Flickering, as if someone was madly flipping images. The room changed between the normal classroom and a hellish region. The mangled bodies of ponies impaled on large pencils, or having the blood squeezed out of them by books. The words of the books whipping through the air, leaving welts on the ponies as they begged for mercy.

Then as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. The world reasserted itself as the hole in the world closed itself. The creature continued writhing. Occasionally flickering out of existance, or reappearing somewhere else in the classroom, spasming wildly.

Lyra was going mad, she felt it. Like a physical part of her, she felt her sanity bending under the weight of the situation. Magic was everywhere, flesh was everywhere. She felt herself taking a place she shouldn't have. She felt her sanity bend almost all the way around.

Pinkie let go, she could not live in this pain. And after surviving many deadly accidents, the pink pony simply let go of life. Dissipating into the fabric of the realm, becoming not one but many others.

Lyra's sanity snapped. The sound was like a twig, she could see now. Through the burning holes in the skull covering her head. The eye's blocking her vision had melted. She could see the ponies watching her. She could see their magic, odd looking magic. She laughed then.

The sight was unfathomable, the pink pony's flesh had burned away. A green unicorn now laughed before them. Covered in the blood of the pink pony. She was wearing the pink one's bones like armor. her eyes were bloodshot, and she was mad. Utterly, gloriously mad. Ion felt himself going mad too, this pony could not exist. These events could not have happened. It was becoming too much for his fragile mind, and then the thing spoke.


Then she cackled madly, her voice betraying no guilt for her actions. She eyed the students, looking at them, almost tasting them with her eyes.


Ion reacted instinctively, breaking the barrier of his magic. Pushing it towards the thing, before letting it go. And achieved the desired results. The magic coalescing into a massive green bolt of energy. Slamming into the bone clad unicorn. The thing stumbled, before regaining its footing. Then the bolt froze, the air around the creature warped and the magic dissipated, floating away.

All of them screamed, Ion sending another bolt flying towards the thing. Accompanied by a wave of magical fire, a huge translucent dragon hand and a tidal wave of orange magic. All of the power hit it at once, and it waved its mane, sticking out of the place the pink ones mane had stuck before.


It was a command, and the magic obeyed. For a second, the world around her became again the hellish classroom. Then it was gone, along with the magic. The green unicorn eyed them.


Every word seemed to strain her. Her bones catching fire, a deep green fire. That moved unnaturally, in every direction. Her body transformed, turning into something that looked a pony with large skeletal wings instead of front hooves. Then with a flap, it flew up. Into reality, which warped around it to accomodate its passage.

Ion fell over on the floor, staring blankly at the blood soaked planks. The world blackening around the edges.

Then he fainted.