//------------------------------// // Stallion Reborn // Story: Searching Acceptance // by BronySinceEver //------------------------------// By Danial 'BronySinceEver' LeBlanc Searching Acceptance Volume 1 ~Stallion Reborn~ The average life of a pony is spent in work and play. Some play in the fields of the surrounding meadows and Forrest paths while others frolic with their friends in town. The workers range from simple street vendors to hard working farmers. Each pony plays an important part of the community. With all that said there are no real rule to how one enjoys their time off, only by the laws of their land, or the social chatter of gossiping fillies and mares. As much as in our world as it is in their's, even the odd pony as nonchalant as they may seem may partake in obscurities; in front of and behind closed doors. Hindered by the eye's of others; some ponies wish to shy away and play in private. Scared of what others may think of them, even some semi-average of activities may seem best played in Isolation. Not to say everypony is so obsessively paranoid of their actions. Some are very proud of their behaviors as odd, or childish as they may seem. A gentle breeze blew by on a warm summer apple orchard. It was an afternoon with little work. Most of the apple family was either in town or down by the river to relax and cool off. Not everyone was off though, somepony had to stay behind and watch over the estate while the family had fun everywhere but. Big Macintosh was more then happy to trot around in its grounds. He could had easily went with the rest and left it up to Granny Smith to watch over without anypony to mind. Big Macintosh had other plans, he wanted some time to himself to think, and just be himself. Since he was small he also had a strong fascination with the world, always curious and free. Sadly as he got older, he felt an obligation to push such silly things beside. Being the only relative male to the immediate family that could do the hard work that the mares were not simply not strong boned for and whatnot. Big Mac's trot of surveillance quickly escalated into a canter of glee as he watched over the land. There was very little to ever go wrong, but he wanted to make sure everything was just fine. With the gentle warm breeze blowing through his mane he felt youth break out in ecstasy. He pranced around wild and free. With the joy of a school full of fillies he dashed down the rows to and fro. All seemed quite but that didn't stop Big Mac's fun. He had so much fun that by the time he was done he was covered in sweat. He laid down under a tree by a small brook it was barely enough to wet one's fetlocks, but it was good enough. The rustling of the leaves and its sounds brought back memories of late colthood. He suddenly realized that he had been there before. Mac's head tilted up as the light shown through the trees images returned to him so lucently. Vividly he remembered being there with his sister applejack. She was still a filly, and a small one at that. They played by the running creek and pretended they were ships floating in the sea. Then landed on shore and were greeted by the bugs to their tropical paradise. They collected flowers and grass with the happiest of smiles. Applejack wanted to show Big Mac how to make a grass skirt. Big Mac was shy and asked “But sis, aren't skirts for girls” His little sister chuckled “Nah silly, not grass skirts, theze are custom-un-nary on the islands, even grampy wore one once” Big Mac understood but couldn't help feel somewhat embarrassed. It was poorly made and so small it barely fit, even after pulling ever blade of tall grass in sight. Applejack giggled. “Maybe yer just not ma'ent to welcome the islanders” Big Mac reminisced over old thoughts and aspirations that were derived form his days of youth. He said to himself over again and again in his mind. “I just wish I could have fun like that again” He was not deprived of his childhood, nor was he taken from it. He would look back and think of how silly it was for him to ignore his childhood games. Though another thought came on him. In dread he remembered the reason why he gave it up. He being the only male of the close family had to work hard, but more so; what would the other ponies think of him? He felt troubled by heaviness, a depression that put his mood under. All he could think of is the words or actions of other ponies. Would they belittle him, maybe ostracize him for acting like a little child. “Look there, off playing around again, you think he could ignore the flowers for a minute and understand his position.” “Well it ain't his fault, he's still at the age of curiosity, there is still so much to discover” “Indeed, but that doesn't change that he has a place to fill, and the sooner he starts working, the sooner we can stop breaking our backs on the soil plow” The voices played in his mind for a long while. Big Mac felt a strong responsibility to his work. It was unshakable. As much as he knew that he didn't have to shun his feelings of adventure, he couldn't help but be overcome by the eyes of others around him. What could they say? He did not know. They could had been good, and they could also be what he was afraid of. But not knowing is the biggest fear of all. The phase of depression faded, and he spirit regulated with calm and and an energyless stare into nothing. He looked up to the sky through the thin blanket of leaves and felt rejuvenated. He wanted to head back quickly and finalize his check up on the estate, but now he was attached to where he was. “Maybe it was a little bit up stream to where we played, or maybe tis downstream.” His mind became cluttered with thoughts of his play with applejack once more. He got up in a hurry and set off going upstream the running shallows. Big Mac didn't care if he were going the right way or not, just prancing the water was adventure enough as he left his work behind. He dashed with glee once more as though he had never thought of the meaningless squabbles of fictional gossipers. The memories of emotions he felt as a colt seemed nostalgic and made him want to remember them. It was weird even the shyness he had with the skirt he wanted to embrace once more. Maybe to overcome the it's silly fear or maybe to feel its very force again push his heart and stomach into two different places again. It didn't take long before he found what looked like the place he played before. The grass grew back thicker then before. In the next twenty minutes Big Macintosh had picked many blades of grass, and had stormed his mind trying to remember how to make it. He looped one through, then the next, a few mistakes were made, but at last he had it made once more. This time he made sure it fit him right before stringing all the strands in. It fit! Tough many strands would slip off of the top making the top of his flank making it very drafty. This was disconcerting to say the least. He started wanting something more stable then the strands, he wanted something of cloth. Big Mac broke off on a tangent, he felt so enthusiastic about it that he soon came to a great shock. He had an epiphany. Before truly giving it acceptance as it flashed through his mind he gave it much thought. ten or so minutes went by and after thinking of his colthood, he came to a conclusion. Either it was something that he wanted secretly long ago, or an aspiration that had peeked out quite obscenely at that moment. He had the desire to experience qualities and aspects of being like a mare. Not so much to be one, but to be act, dress, and pretend to be one. It seemed to have a sparkling appeal. He thought back on many things he did in the past, he couldn't be wrong could he? It was so odd that even with the excitement and knowing very well what it was; it was hard for him to truly grasp. One thing that shown in his mind was one day when Twilight Sparkle had placed a love spell on a doll and madly he went for it. Though he was not the only target, plenty before and plenty after him had fell for the bewitched cloth effigy. It was not of his choosing to go after it. Eventually in an odd spectacle the Princess herself arrived and stopped the spell. The doll was casted aside, and forgotten by the mob of crazed ponies. As the opportunity presented itself, Big Mac took the doll while nopony was watching and took it home to where he hid it in the trunk he kept below his bed. To this day he still regrets taking it and never had the courage to confess. Though why would he have interest in it, especially after the spell wore off. In that moment walking home he felt a warm glow of glee encumber himself. Almost as though a colthood wish were to have come true. Big Macintosh returned home and picked the doll out of the chest. He looked at it very carefully. He felt bad for taking it, but it had a heart warming sensation of belonging to him and he put it back gently. He still felt excited about his newfound aspiration to act like a mare. The sad fact was that there was nothing he could really do to experiment with. He could never think to snoop though one of his families closets looking for an extra large dress for his Stallion's big build. He also wouldn't feel right just asking if he could barrow it even if he found one. He felt out of options and had to settle down. It wouldn't be long before the family was back. Everything was in order. Every tree in good health and every root crop in wet soil. Nothing was out of place, nor a trespasser in sight. There never were unwelcome folk around, everypony in town was always so nice and respected another's land. With as much family running the place as there was, there was little to fix, or much need worry of fixing. It was also very hard to get quite times alone with three hundred yards distance and out of sight of anypony. Big Mac enjoyed his time alone. He knew that another would not happen like that for a week yet, and beyond that he could not say. Sure enough one by one, and not far behind one another they returned. Some with umbrellas and baskets, others with groceries. Applejack came in the door and greeted Big Macintosh on her way in “Nice to see yer still in one piece, everything fian and dandy? “Eeyup” Big mac replied full heartedly. Applejack smiles and walks on. Big Mac turned around and said “Ahm...” Applejack faces Big Mac and replies “Ahm what? Some'tin wrong” Big Mac stutters at the thought to think if she would understand his request. Applejack continues “did ya forgot to mention some'thin, anything broken and you just don't didn wanna say it?” “Well... nah, its fine” “It don't sound as though its all fahn. Ya look down about something. Did the chickens escape?” “Eenope” “The well dry up? Did a high wind knock the barn doors clean off?” Uncomfortable with the situation, and knowing he had to give some kind of answer to get Applejack off his hind quarters, he tried to think of something. “Well its nothing to do with the farm” “Don't tell me it girl problems is it?... Say... where's Granny Smith? She didn't pass out in the composter again did she?” At this Big Macintosh cracks up and easily replies “Nahh, shes out on the back porch resting out in her rocking chair from the heat. she mixed up'er sunblock with hoof lotion, but she'll be fine giv'in a good meal an some cool apple cider” Applejack was relieved by this. Big Mac turned and tried to leave before Applejack could ask any more questions. She heard a noise. She watched Big Mac leave and called out “Hey Big Mac! You brought a buddy along wit ya?” Big Macintosh looked back and found a third of the grass skirt attached to his tail. It was long enough with its strands that it had rubbed against the floor. “It's nothing, got board so I got into some old crafts” Big Mac Said with a smile as he walked on swiftly and embarrassed. In the time that Big Macintosh was waiting for the family to get back he was in deep though planning how he would fulfill this dream of his. The joy while in thought coursed through his veins as he laid in the mid afternoon sun. At that time it flowed through his bedroom window. He rolled around on the floor in eager frustration as his situation bared little seed for success. He couldn't just ask, how obscene! He couldn't be seen in town carrying one back, or at least not without the nervousness of telling everypony on the street who it was allegedly for. He didn't want to lie, but how could he ever acquire one in the first place. Hope burned a whimpering flame that was snuffed out by a knocking on his door. Big Macintosh quickly got up to his hooves. “How silly lookin would it be for a grown stallion like me to be playing on the floor?” Big Mac muttered “Its suppah time Mac, best get down here, Granny Smith had worked up quite the appetite” Applejack Humbly announced from the other side of the door Big Macintosh walked slowly to the door thinking to himself of how paranoid he was over laying on the floor. It was his room, and he was quite a respectable Stallion of the household. Nopony would ever think of just walking in on the closed door of his room, but he couldn't help feel somepony might forget their manners. He was a strong figure and of a golden heart, but timid of the mind. Often he was shy when it came to expressing himself in feelings, though he also excelled with logic of matters and how others may feel about something. He walked out of his room with a stern face and went to the dining room. Along the way his mind ran wild about actions and how others looked upon them. As he turned the corner he saw his aunt sitting at the table. Strangely something barely related popped in his mind that struck him as curious. He sat at the far end of the table with Granny Smith who was rearing ready to dig in. His aunt across the other side one seat down. The dishes were placed on the table by Applejack, Apple Fritter and Applebloom who was trying for her cutie mark as a waitress for the 3rd time. Everpony started to pile their plates high, but with the guest they tried to restrain themselves a little bit. Big Mac put some mashed potatoes, and a few tomato and and squash cabbage rolls on his plate. Everypony was digging in. With the guest at the table some were inclined to chatter with her, Applebloom especially. “How'arve you been anny Apple Spice? Had the ride here bumped you to badly?” Applejack being the older sister rose up exclaimed “Applebloom! That's no way to talk to yer aunt Apple Spice in front of the dinner table!” “Ahlm sorry” Apple Spice took a bite out of a mighty big pickled beet. She chewed it, then swallowed. With a kind smile Apple Spice replied to Applebloom “Not as bad as before, you se the spring runoff from the mountains bring all kinda of dirt an rocks down. Its about mid early summer, most of that has been flattened down and it was as smooth as a dirt road can be. I'm glad you cared about me.” It soon became busy in chat as most of the ponies were done eating. Granny Smith was half way through a story about her and apple crusher that got stuck when the food kicked in and nodded her off to sleep. Applejack looked over at Big Mac who was contemplating on the revelation that struck him before he sat down. “Why Big Mac you haven't said a word all this time. I thought you'd be excited to see your favorite Ahunty.” Big mac looked up and realized he hadn't paid any attention at all to their guest. He smiled in fond memory of his aunt and him. She would always be kind and forgiving, even after he accidentally knocked over the pretty flower vase she bought at the farmers market in Ponyville. In an instant Big Macintosh completely forgot about his endeavor and started to make conversation with Apple Spice. “So last I 'herrd you were in a pie making competition and ended up in second place. I'm sure with your ama'zing pie you should'a made first easy.” “Well I should'a, and I would'a but I think something silly happened behind the curtains of the show” “Ya don't mean it was sabotaged was it?” “No... and just to keep it polite for everpony here, I think the judge was persuaded by that spicy Gingerann Berry who I took second to” “Ah see... Its a darn shame when an innocent friendly contest gotta be up and fiddled around with like that, yer apple pies are the best.” “And so I'd like to believe, in fact its just about time to bring it out. Apple Fritter, would you be a darling are bring it out for everyone?” Applejack added in “So you brought one of them with you did ya?” “Why yes I did, I couldn't just stop by without giving ya'll a little present from Grand Coltin Canyon Orchard nah could I?” “Well honey you could had saved a little bit more room in the carriage if you stuck it on the roof” A stranger added Big Mac looked to Apple Spice's side. It was Apple Tart, her husband. Of all this time at the table Big Macintosh never noticed that his undesirable uncle was here. He did not care for him, but thought best if he were to converse a little out of polite gesture “It seems that the sun has been getting a fierce like out there this year” “Frightfully so! Its been so hard to keep our employees working when they can't see over their sweat” Applebloom butts in “You mean ya don't got family over 'dare helping ya?” “... Well... no, not at the moment” “We were hoping to start'a family there, but, it hasn't been as successful as we thought” added Apple Spice Apple Tart veered his vision away, as Apple Fritter came in with the pie. She cut it up and distributed the pieces to everpony at the able. It was a pleasant night, everyone enjoyed themselves, and when Granny Smith awoke from her plate the story continued. Big mac talked to Apple Spice some more and sunk back into thought for a while. It went on until bed time, and they soon snuggled down in bed. Big Macintosh was tired of both the body and the mind. It was quite the day of discovery and strategy. Unable to concentrate, he rolled into his covers and tried to drift to sleep. It felt so good to rest at ease, but he was to tired to relax completely. In the daze of the night he was troubled with the thought of opening his mouth to something stupid. Earlier he thought to himself “How silly is it to lay on the ground?... maybe its not that bad, what about to try something new? Even... Even it is does seem perverse. Apple Spice always encouraged me to play with mah sister an cousin in the leaves, in the fields, on the deck, and in the barn. Though Granny Smith didn much care for the last one. She never minded me been an early stallion or an late colt. She always understood.” Socially he put himself behind because he was afraid, but at this age he felt it hard to regress. The feeling of care for loss faded. Deep inside it became resent, but reason fended it off. A passion was born that day that he would reach out to the sky and and try and act more freely. Though a spark was lit in the night. Whether he understood it, or whether he was moved by emotion he couldn't tell. The motive was there, and the choice was his. But, what to do? The sun creaked it's weary head over the tops of apple trees and hills. The dawning of a new day came to be once more as Celestia rose up her mighty horn and so to did her blessed day's light. Big Mac woke up with little knowledge of what happened the night before, only that it happened. With a new sentiment he felt it may had been motivated by emotion. Though he decided that he would let himself go with it, for fear of thought may make him reconsider. Big Macintosh got up before the the rooster crowed. He was eager to get out and enjoy the day before the clouds started to appear in the morning sky. The air was brisk and refreshing. He got himself some good speed down the Halter Held Gap. Many years he had gone on this road, and was proficient in its course. All the bends, every sharp turn made with precision and exact. Every shortcut and off-trail memorized. He made it to the peek of the hillside just across a field and a thicket of trees from the mountainside with a clear view of the orchard and the barn. At that peek you could hear plenty, though Big Macintosh couldn't hear much over his panting and heart beating from the rushed hike up there. He calmed his breathing, and his mind. Embarrassing the wind off the east across ponyville he could barely see the top of the town center over the hill. Its blurred his sight for a moment but strengthened his senses. In the distance, the crowing of the roosters could be heard and Big Mac knew he had to go home for breakfast. Upon returning Applejack walked by Big Macintosh with weary eyes over the late night they had with company, and Apple Tart's snoring. “So, yer up early, I'd take ya didn't hear Apple Tart much last night did ya.” “Nope, not a bit, slept like a log.” “Thats nice, thought yer still up pretty early regardless.” “I felt like getting a good start at the day before them there clouds come in” “So they are, your quite the weatherstallion, you could show them yahoos over at 'Ol Manes Press a thing or two about weather predictions. “Nah, I cant tell you the supposed Pegasus weather charts. I just know that in the morning, the left over clouds like to make their way from the mountains outward.” “I'd still say you could plan those schedules a lot better. Anyway I got to get the crusher going, ponies gonna be wanting something to drink, and it don't sound like its in much condition to be pumping much after Granny Smiths story last night.” Big Macintosh went in to see what little there was left in the fridge to drink. His exercise earlier parched him and left him dry. Apple Spice walked in with a yawn and walked up to Big Macintosh. “There anything in there to wake up your poor Ahunty?” “Not sure, Applejack went to go work on the crusher.” “Sounds like Granny Smith had her way with it, that thing okay?” “Not sure, Applejack was just headed out to it when I saw'er.” “Your Granny Smith there may be getting older, but thats only made her know where to hit things. With the weight of a feather she could have the whole thing come crashing down. An I tell you, not even them big town folk engineers could do anything to stop it.” Apple Spice chuckled. “She's a pretty feisty old gal when she wants to be, I'd give her another ten good years... build like a brink and determination to boot. I could tell you stories about her you would never believe.” “Ah don't mean to ask, but why are you so talkative over Granny Smith?” “Ya see, I always come here and everyones got such a happy face. Its nice to see and it makes me want to know why they are. But everypony always wants to know how I've been at the Grand Coltin Canyon Orchard, and I've never get to talk about much else. It's nice to have a change of topic. I known your grandmother for quite some time, and I got a lota respect for her with her nice orchard here... and such a nice family.” “Whats so special about this place? I hear that canyon is amazing for growing apples. In fact, some of the best apples come from your orchard.” “Thats true, but... I wanna start a family there like you have here. Its a beautiful place with beautiful ponies. Where I'm from we got ponies coming in from all over to work.” “Aren't ya hooked up with Apple Tart?” “Yeah, and have been for ten years coming next fall, but he's mostly focused on expanding in monopoly then family. Since about seven years ago he hasn't put much out enthusiasm for having an heir.” “Oh, I see... thats a bit of a shame“ “Don't think of it like that, I love the stallion truly I do. It takes 2 with a priority to have kids to have kids, and if its not his, then ah can't force him, and I wont hold it against'em.” “Sorry” “Its fine. Though, are you sure there ain't not'in in there? You've stood there with that door open letting it get warm.” “Yeah, there is some apple juice left” Big Macintosh shakes container and takes a smell. “We may want to wait until applejack gets that crusher up an...” Crash! “...Uhh” “DAG NABBIT” applejack exclaimed “I'm not sure we'll much be getting anything to drink for a little bit. Would you care to go somewhere else till its all up and running?” Apple Spice Suggested “Sure, though, are you sure you want to? Apple 'N Crescents might make up some'tin nice.” “I've always eaten here, I want to go someplace in Ponyville” The two Apple Family ponies went off, thought it was still early. Most places were not open yet. Some of the Clouds appeared in town. It was very calm. In the blaze of light a pony flew across the sky. Rainbow Dash was up to her job somewhat early today. “Oh my, what a darling pony that is” “That's mah sister's friend Rainbow dash, she's in charge of the clouds around Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash continued her assault on the clouds as though she was trying to break a record. Gently landing on a cloud she froze. In an instant she dashed off and plowed through 8 clouds in series. Zig zags between clouds, a mad barrage of directions till she set her wings aside. In a free falling motion she fell through a cloud and lifted up her wings. Plowing downward with her wings fully extended like a parachute. She landed on a cloud with a lot of clout. The lone cloud in the sky puffed out and just about broke. A moment of still silence was had. “Bravo darling” Apple Spice had clapped her hooves together shouting quite cheerfully. Rainbow Dash looked down to try and find it's origin. She pinpointed it to the light brown pony with the hazel mane next to Applejack's brother. She swooped down and basked in the praise for a moment. Apple Spice let her hoofs down and asked “So do you always clear the skies like that?” “Well, not every time, but most times I find them good targets” “What crazy stunt were ya trying today” Asked Big Mac “Oh that, you see I was trying to numb my senses as crazy as that sound. I set my mind behind me with a general idea of what I was going to do, and I tried to scare myself with a freefall... Not to say I was scared or anything, but that was kind of the point.” “I thought you already were a fearless flier” said Big Macintosh with a big grin “I am, its mind over matter, but my body sometimes doesn't think so... so I decided to test myself this morning.” “And?” “I did alright... free falls aren't the best for nerves, and thin clouds have a hard time holding up the weight of a jittery Pegasus So I had to make it REAL flat if I wanted to get proper results with my level of self control. Its for a new trick of mine, needs lots of precision“ Rainbow dash looked a little shy after her speech, but she perked up a little and asked ”so who's this girl, family?” “Eeyup, arrived here for a visit form Grand Coltin Canyon, they got an orchard there. We were looking for a place to eat, though it don't seem most places are open, an were kind of parched.” Rainbow Dash chuckled “one sec” She flew up to the remanence of the squished cloud and packed it conveniently into a ball. Then she pushed it down to the ground. “Just a trick I learned in flight school” Rainbow dash pulled off a small lump of cloud and held it in front of her. With a twist and some pressure she squeezed it “Clouds are made of water, just squeeze it and you got liquid” Apple Spice giggled, and took a chunk of cloud. And squeezed it “See, easy as that” Rainbow Dash humbly stated. Big Macintosh and Apple Spice thanked Rainbow Dash for her help and continued on their merry way. Most places were still closed, but there was plenty to see in town. The odd vendor could be seen setting up shop in the sidelines, but it was mostly just crops and fresh milk. “That was quite the aspiring young mare there, it seems like a lively community you got'ere.” Apple Spice stated “Don't tell me you don't have happy faces in Great Coltin Canyon community too” “Oh Celestia yes we do, but its nice to see'em wherever you go” “Yeah it's true we got ar'selves bright sunny community here, but there is an awful lot of gossip'in fillies.” “They are everywhere, you just can't let they get ya down” Big Mac stopped and paused with a heavy face. “There something up?” asked Apple Spice He thought about it for a second and continued “Well... Actually yes its been bothering me fer longer then I can remember... Is it wrong to have fun?” “What kind of silly question is that? Of course there ain't no'tin wrong with having a lil'ol fun, how do you think we keep ourselves sane half the time” Apple Spice said laughing “I mean... is it wrong to play games still? Like when I was a colt...” “I never discourage it, if anything I first to promote it... I'm glad yer more mature now so I can talk to you seriously like this. You always were one who was a little quiet at times. There was things you wanted to do, but ya never wanted to let it out.” “I remember always lov'in it when you came over, it felt like ah could be me again” “You held yourself back too much, you had youth and you bit your lip to stay down. There ain't much that can change that... Yer of a lot of responsibility now, I'm sure ya can't just go off and pick daffodils in the field all the merry lov'in day.” Big Macintosh gave a big sigh “But that don't stop you from doing it in your own time.” Big Macintosh felt quite discouraged, and weeped in his heart. “Don't get me wrong honey, you can be who you want to be. There's noth'in wrong with playing games. There ain't noth'in you can't do if you really want to. You may not be able to take ignorance and sleep the day away, but how you do things is up to you. If you feel like humming a little tune thats your thing, if you want to hop and skip with the plow, I'm sure those fields are a little to tight for their own good anyway. If somepony wants to talk bad about you, let them, there is only so much one can say. eventually ponies stop listening to them an everything they say don't seem to mean much anymore. It's never to late to be yourself, you just got to start thinking less about others impressions an concentrate on the emotions that actually matter.” By now Big Macintosh's face was drenched in tears. He held little of his normally stern and masculine appearance, but he lost the fear to show it. With the driving force of a dozen fearless fliers he reached around Apple Spice and gave her the most meaningful hug he ever gave. “You... you wer... were al... always the one I could... could trust to understand...” “There, there. Its okay, Let it out.” For the next half an hour Big Macintosh and Apple Spice sat down on a bench as Big Mac regained his presentation. “You don't know how long I've waited to hear that” “You're right, I don't know, only you know how long ya have kept that deep inside of you” “Its just a great burden lifted from me... I thought about it last night and I wanted to go through with releasing it myself but I had no idea how'ta, more importantly I didn't know if I could when opportunity presented itself.” “You'll get the hang of it, excepting to a new standard can be difficult especially when you've never tried to abide by it” “But I have... I always did it when nopony was around” “You mean to where you didn't have others about and their devious little eyes.” “Their not devious, their just other ponies” “So whats so hard about acting like you do when they don't watch, and when their eye's mean not'in?” “I guess your right, but I still don't know how jumping and skipping all the live long day is gonna is gonna go over in town, I'm pretty big mass. I'd hate to think for someponies safety.” “Then maybe skipping and jumping isn't your best freedom of action, but when the time comes and it seems right let it go... I don't expect you to get it instantly, you are a very special pony, and you know I will always love ya.” Big Macintosh's heart gleamed with a golden sunset. For it being still before noon it felt as though he witnessed the most extravagant ray of golden light he ever laid eyes on. They chatted about numerous things until finally getting to a restaurant. Big Mac ordered the Wither Gate Special, as Apple Spice requested the Vichyssoise. Upon sending their orders Big Macintosh was stuck on what Apple Spice's request. “What exactly is that ya ordered?” “It is called a Vichyssoise... Its... A French soup with a base of potato” “Seems pretty fancy knowledge fer somepony from around here.” “Well I actually had no idea what it was when I had it the first time in Canterlot” “Canterlot huh? I never expected you for a Classy mare... I'm sorry, I meant as in posh or... um...” “No, no, its fine. I went with a marefriend of mine. We had the weekend to ourselves an we grabbed the bull by the horns so to speak. It was quite the place, though it wasn't my money... Naturally I came home packed” Apple spice chuckling on her last addition. “So you have some exuberant fun there I'd assume?” “Yes, and then the same fun was had when Apple Tart paid off the bill, but he did forgive me. Ah know it was wrong of me, but I had to act like a Queen for once in my life.” “I think you'd make a fine Queen might I add” “Why do you say that?” “You're a kind and benevolent mare of some decency in fine taste” “Now who's becoming fancy with their big words” Apple Spice surely was enjoying herself “It's true I would make a fine queen in them aspects but there is much more to it then that, I am far to tolerant to be in that position.” “And a queen being as fancy as she is would have to have trouble wit indifference?” “You would be surprised at some of the classier of gals around. They can be the funnest to be yourself around... Given the adequate respect is given, and their not total snobs. In fact my mare friend who I went to Canterlot with I grew up with in school. She became her own mane styler in manehatten, and a posh one at that. One of her best friends is a Colt Cuddlier and they couldn't fit together any better as the most inseparable of friends. Though ah guess it also doesn't hurt he likes a lot of the same things as she does... stallions, fashion, even gossip, but she still respects everypony she sees despite rumors.” “Really... I may know somepony here who'd fit such a description.” “Really? Thats fabulous, you'll have a good friend you may never be able to part wit” “Really... she just don't know me other then being AJ's brother” “Well thats fine, just tell AJ that you wanna meet her... By AJ ya mean Applejack right?” The waiter comes back in with the food. “Your house special sir, and to the lovely lady, one Vich... Vinich... yssoi... Potato soup” “Well that was fast...” Apple Spice remarked surprisingly. Upon returning home Apple Spice and Big Macintosh take a scenic path home through one of the alleys and down a forest path. “That was a wonderful morning I had with ya, thank you.” “Nah, it was my pleasure. Its been so long since we spent time together ah just wanted to hang out again like we did when I was just a colt” “The only difference between den and now is that I didn't buy you an ice cream, we can go back for one if ya want” “Ahm fine, I enjoy the company, and ice cream just makes me feel sleepy after.” “Knowing how much you could down its no wonder if you got nightmares over it now” “I sure had a sweet tooth back then...” “So where does this go?” “Off around the back of Halter Held Gap, you can see Sweet Apple Acres from the summit, but unless you wanna walk all the way over there I'd assume we should make a priority to head back.” “Poor Apple Tart is probably sick over me.” Apple Spice gave off another hearty chuckle. “So Apple Spice...” “Yes?” “Ah don't know how to say this in a way you could understand of me” “Oh come now, lay it on me however you want, you know I wont hate you over it... unless ya killed some pony then I would feel quite uncomfortable in this situation right now.” She said with a sarcastic grin. “Well... its not like what I've told you before, an it is. Its more of a recent issue that I think I might be able to handle on my own, but I just wanna get it off my chest.” “I'm all ears hun” “There is this thing I want to do, an its not dangerous. Its kinda silly when you think about it, but most folk might think of it as sick, or wrong.” “You haven't been fooling around with that cute Crumpet girl have you?” “No, she's family, I'm not that sick... Its more of a fascination issue” “You stared Collecting thing?” “Not really... there is just this material possession I want, but someone might think I'm weird for wanting it” “You want a doll?” “No... thats not it, though... I wouldn't mind” Apple Spice turned to Big Macintosh and put her hoof over his tall back. “Its fine if your curious about girls, and they lives. I wished I knew about boys until I had that 'Ricky' Sails Fonder chase my tail around. We became a 'ol silly couple. Then lost interest In learning of boys behavior when I went to his place for dinner one day. He had 5 brothers and their crude jokes and gestures in the garage perturbed me sickly ill at the time. Not to say that was how they were, or how colts act as a rule, it just turned me off until I met Apple Tart. One day you may find something that you really don't like about'em, but don't let that stop you. If you ain't hurting nopony, and nopony minds then whatever you want to learn should a be given as good faith to a kind soul.” “Thanks, so its not wrong?” “Not at all, its only natural. Now the means that is taken should be looked over. Though as I said 'don't hurt nopony and don't make nopony uncomfortable' an as sick as others may think of it's their opinion and theirs alone.” “Your amazing” “Now if only ah went to collage for a psychiatrist position I would be paying for Apple Tart's shopping habits.” The two ponies made their way along the path until meeting the exit. They walked around the estate until they got themselves to the front where everypony was waiting for them at. “So what is everypony doing here looking off at town for?” Said Big Macintosh with Apple Spice in the back trying to think of a smart crack. Applejack turned around covered in sticky apple juice. “Whay we were wait here for you guys. Where've you been?” “We thought we'd cause ya'll a stir so we decided to flank the opposition.” Remarked Apple Spice proudly “Where have you been? We were supposed to leave an hour ago!” exclaimed Apple Tart “Wait, you were supposed to leave before lunch?” replied Big Macintosh shocked “Well yes, but I wanted to get away from here for once and see your beautiful town. It's just always looked so nice from afar I thought I would sneak off before anypony wanted me” “AND SHE'D DO'ID AGAIN!” yelled Granny Smith from her rocking chair. “I took the liberty of packing our things while you were frolicking in the community. The Carriage is waiting for us.” Apple Tart said vexed “I'm sorry I had taken you away from yer man like that.” “It's fine Big Mac, I needed to get out, an I would had some way.” With a big smile, and her stuff being placed in the carriage along side the hard earned apple juice, Apple Spice got on and waved her goodbyes to the Apple Family and Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac felt bad to keep the carriage waiting, but he was glad he got to spend the time with Apple Spice and talk to her about his troubles. With a new fire burning within, Big Macintosh knew what he would do next, but how would he do it. He thought to himself that maybe he would get a dress from rarity and say it was for somepony else. They couldn't be that cheep, but he had saved up a lot of bits for many years. Maybe he had even saved up enough to go to collage, but thinking on his standing and his family, he knew his place was with them. Collage had no place in this stallion's life, but what to spend it on? What better then his dreams and aspiration. He decided to make the order, find out how much he would need, and then get it. An almost flawless plan. That night at the dinner table he was questioned on all the things he did with his aunt. Not upset, but madly curious. “So what's this fancy soup?” “Ah don't know how to pronounce it, and apparently neither did the fancy waiter.” “I didn't know there was a path on 3rd trot that lead to Halter Held Gap.” “Neither did I until last year when I stumbled into town after taking that wrong turn.” “She did what in Canterlot?” “She just had a lil fun” It was a long and tiresome day cleaning the apple crushing room. Applejack had made quite the mess when the tap got caught, and ripped off. If the place didn't small like apples already, it would for the long summer days. After a washing of his own, Big Mac was ready for bed. Before he tucked himself in he pulled out the chest from under his bed. Gently taking out the doll, he went to his window and gazed out at the stars. It was a beautiful lit sky with plenty of small specks of light. Big Macintosh wondered if it were as nice out at Great Coltin Canyon, and if Apple Spice was looking out there too. In the morning things were pretty normal. Fresh juice in the fridge, and left over pie. He went outside and looked at the morning before the clouds rolled in. It was an average sight but where he lived anypony could find pleasure in little or common things. Proud, happy working family with many eligible to claim a spouse. A perfect place for family to be brought up and ship themselves off to a new location to start their own with a good start at the business. What would be up for Big Macintosh? There were plenty of fine mares around town, but none seemed quite right. He sat back as the Roosters crowed. Morning began and it was time to get busy. Big Mac did all his work quickly and made sure to reserve some time to go to see rarity. All he could think about was how he was going to go there and do it. It stuck in his mind and all he could think of to conclude his thoughts and soothe his mind was that it couldn't be simpler. He stood outside Rarities shop strong. Some mares walked by in front of him. They looked at him for a moment as they walked by and continued. He looked back at them and saw them talk to one another happily. One of them gazed back with a happy look on her face. Big Macintosh seem puzzled “could she had been interested in me?” he thought. “I don't think she was curious about me standing here of all places... though” he looked up at the monarch that stood before him. No place of power to the bystander, though its gaze had control over Big Mac. He held strong despite his nerves and walked in the door Upon entering he noticed many streams of ribbons attached to the walls and ceiling, Astonishing glamor, and so many colors. It left Big Macintosh blinded in amazement that a place could look so fantastic in such little space. The door closed behind him rattling the dangling wind chimes. “I'll be with you in a moment!” called from the back room Big Mac wondered if it were rarity. He heard her voice a few times in the past, and was left feeling discontent that he couldn't recognize it. There were many garments on display. Many creations that rarity made and thought fine enough to stand out in front; whether they deserved to or not. He wondered the store aimlessly still trying to get used to his surroundings. A sense of adventure in the room of the holy grail bestridden him and a tingle ran through his body. He looked over top of a dress and saw his reflection in the mirror. Looking everywhere he moved his body so it was directly behind the reflected dress. It did not compliment him very well. He tried to find another that would go well with his colors. Like before he got in front of the dress, and gazed into the mirror “Can I help you?” Big Mac turned around quickly “I was just admiring... yer fine works” “Oh that thing? I was thinking of putting it in the back but some pony was interested and hasn't gotten back to me so its good to one pony... just in the back of the storage room... in the very, very back.” “So I'd assume you know me” “How absurdly preposterous, Of course I know you. You are One of Applejack's brothers” “Well actually I'm her only brother” “How quaint. So how may I help you?” “You see... I have this relative who needs a dress” “Thats sweet of you to come here. She must be honored, very few stallions come here, and many to squeamish to stay for long. You have no trouble” “Why would I, its only mares dresses” “And that there is something they all the could learn. So who for, do I know them?” “Eenope, she's visiting.” “Where from?” “Ahlm...” “Don't mind me, I'm just a little snoopy... You wouldn't happen to know here size would you?” “Her... Her size... Well she's a lot like me.” “Like you? “Big.” “Oh my, time to get out the charts again.” Rarity opened a door in the wall that one would barely consider to be much more then a shelfing closet. “Just to render my endeavor redundant, may I ask if she is big like your size of just big” “My size” “That's what I was afraid of” Rarity continued to scavenge her shelfs, discarding things about in disarray. “More should I say, is she muscular build or just gone all out on her diet” “She's from the Bareback River side of the family” “I never knew your family stretched out to there... Quite amazon like I must say. So muscular would I safely assume?” “Eeyup” “Found it!” Rarity pulled out a chart of sizes beyond the normality of mare sizes. “Thank Celestia she was a muscular build or I would have to dig deeper yet to find the one on obesity. Needless to say it has been quite some time since I dealt with anypony who was that free going.” “And big muscularly build mares are more common?” “No, just last year I had a stallion come in here needing something of such” “So... a cross dresser?” “Not at all, he needed a suit for a funeral and he was quite big” “Don't ya have a male chart for that?” “Yes, but it doesn't cover kilts” Rarity started her heavy work of uncoading all the ratios and measurements. Though something perturbed her. She looked back up at him a few times. With a stern voice she asked “I don't suppose she can come in to get sized up can she?” “Shes not here yet... And its a present” “I see, so that is out of the question now isn't it.” Rarity looked down about something. She had seemed as though her endless enthusiasm was hindered by something troubling “I may need you to do something unpleasant, and possibly unbecoming of such a marvelous figure...” Big Macintosh felt a sense of distress, with the hint of hope. He knew either it was truly an unearthly request, or possibly... “Can you model for me?” Big Macintosh's jaw dropped “I mean... If you have the time of course, it just makes things so much easier” “Sure! I mean... nah, I don't mind. I have the rest of the day “Wonderful! Though I should warn you that this may take a bit of patience. You are going to have to stand as still as a rock, but you will have it in today and it will save me a headache. Now what color is she?” “What color?” “Well I have to make something that suits her, color is everything, otherwise its just cloth stitched to look pretty.” “She's... uh... Red” Big Macintosh let out a silent sign. “Hmm... She's... I know! How about Blue and orange?” “Yer the dress maker, you should know” “But its your gift after all” Big Macintosh never really thought about color. He was merely satisfied with a few barrels of cloth stitched to looks nice.. “How 'bout Blue and white?” “Blue works... White... why... its simply divine” Rarity pulled out some fabric from the side. “Well, this place should be as good as any to work with.” Rarity turned on some lights in the studio, and set the stage. “Do watch your step” “Is it required I have to be up on this pedestal of a stage?” “Your tall as is, but I need some good space if I am to work underneath you for the underside. Your going to look fabulous.” The words were very assuring to Big Macintosh, though he questioned himself why she said it to a stallion. Rarity tossed a sheet over his back. She contemplated its position and color, then tossed it aside. She went through a few other fabrics until she returned with a great number of sheets. “So tell me a bit about this relative of yours” “What could ya want to know” “Well she's muscular, but is she elegant? Body is only half of it. I can get something to match her looks, but her personality is another.” “Shes... sort of like a sister to me. We're just very alike.” “In looks and in personality?” “Eeyup, but.. Secretly she told me one day that she wanted to be a girl fer once.” “So I assume a bit of a tomcolt? Or is she just very into her work that she has no time for feminine indulgence.” “The second option” “Oh I pity her... no offense, but the glamor of fine etiquette is but a noble fascination of mine. I would die if I were to go a day of social indecency and boorish activity. A girl must have time to enjoy such blessings of life.” Rarity continued to try different fabrics and colors. “Ya see, its a hard working family, its to be expected of us farm'in type” “Doesn't mean you can't take time to enjoy sophistication during your free time. Though I guess everyone has difference in their ideals. Take Twilight for example; she lived in Canterlot, she lived in a place of higher class and she lived with rich ponies. Though with all that around her, she thought nothing of such surroundings. Instead she takes to her books. A wise pony who has such potential to become a marvel of those around her in elegance and formality. But she wishes to abide to her study, and despite the chatter of other ponies she is reluctant to have such words recede her. It doesn't matter what she does with herself, a girl who is able to stay true with what she wants to do in life deserves admiration. For such things she earns my respect in the fullest.” Rarity's speech gave Big Macintosh a lot of courage, and with her acceptance of others, he knew what Apple Spice said was true. Still he had not the nerve to say the dress was for him, he just wished it would never end. A while longer passed and many stitches had been sown. What was once scraps of cloth seemed to be taking form. A beautiful dress was underway. Rarity started to work on stitching the underside of the dress. It was a dream being forged by coincidence, though he couldn't help but wonder if she somehow knew. Then Big Macintosh was struck by an epiphany with the driving force of a dozen stampeding bison. “Um... Rarity, I really hope you don'mind me asking this right now... But what am I looking for in cost?” “Roughly fifty bits” “Only fifty!” “You simply must stay still while I'm at work under here.” Big Macintosh had prepared himself for the event that he may break himself with his small farmers allowance, But never would he imagine it would only cost 50 bits. “Its not like I'm set up in Canterlot, I can't charge a hoof and a hock for my works. Its fifty at starting, then we have labor, fabric, size, yadi yada. Pardon the informal blabber, but maybe ninety to a hundred when all is said and done.“ It was music to Big Mac's ears. He knew that he could come back times and times again if need be. Maybe that farmers allowance wasn't so little after all. Though it still was not done. An hour passed and rarity was becoming a bit clouded in her plans. She started running out of ideas. “There some'thin wrong?” “Its just that I've never made a dress over top of a stallion before. Its not so easy to vision these things as clearly as if it were on a mare. Though I must say that if I can, then it will either be astonishing on her... or just compliment you very nicely.” Rarity continued her mental belabor. Another half an hour had passed and they were starting to get hungry. “I'm sorry if ya have to miss out on eating over this, if its any conciliation I'm to be called home to eat myself.” “No no, I am in my zone... I am hungry yes, I may be struggling yes, but I shall reign victorious, and I know JUST how to do it.” “I just don't want ya to have to...” “Hush, I know what I must do... I've thought about it all wrong, you are a stallion, she is a mare. I tried to compensate and that made me try and compliment her in your image. She looks just like you in shape correct?” “Eeyup” Big Macintosh said nervously “Then forget her, work on you.” “But ain't that like making a dress for a stallion?” “No, I've over complicated things to much. You have the same build, I make it for your shape, and leave charm to its own...” “Assuming she's slightly smaller then you and the fabric wont shrink” Rarity mumbled nervously. It did not take long after that and the artist sat down. “Soo.... its complete?” “I must say you look darling, have a look” Big Macintosh was a tad jittery. He had no idea either to hush him emotions or just stern his fears. He walked toward the standing mirror and gazed into the sight. “Oh gosh... Is that me?” “Give a little Make-up and I think you would make an excellent... bareback river... aristocrat? They have those there right?” “I have no idea whada say, I am amazed” “You and I both. I have succeeded, and came out with a new means of torture to the squeamish of mare's coltfriends. It is yours now... Well, not yours, your cousin's? Also I'm assuming you brought your bits with you? It doesn't matter I can put it in storage till you return.” “Nope, as is they are right here. An possibly more then needed, but I came prepared.” “Very well, then I will give you a discount for you patient and being applejack's brother. I would also give washing instructions but assuming you have a washing machine and not those old fashion scrub boards you should be fine” Big Macintosh paid Rarity, and placed the dress in his saddle bag along with his money. He walked out into the bright town with a golden supper time glow. He decided he had to make way for home as soon as he could. He felt so overcome with joy that he had to stop himself from skipping. He looked about, but most ponies weren't around, either eating at home or concentrated on other things. He was embarrassed, he had skipped merrily through town for a few blocks and came to a standstill. It wasn't something everypony was used to seeing from him. Though nopony seemed to care. He looked around and saw that some looked at him in passing but nopony stared. Nopony minded that he had just came in from a joyful trot holding the biggest smile he ever caught himself with. He was, normal. Apple Spice's words came back at him and burned his heart. A fire started inside his being, and lifted his soul above the clouds themselves. A grand day it had been, and there was nothing that would get in the way of him enjoying every moment of it there on after. He left off into a bouncy trot just like his sister's pink friend would do. Nothing could scar the frame of joy that surrounded him. No eye nor stare turned to do him ill, nor could it ever penetrate his resolve. In passing he noticed Rainbow Dash soring in the sky and Twilight Sparkle returning to the library with something to eat “Hey RD, whats life like up there?” Rainbow Dash turned around to see where it came from “That sounded like Big Mac” “Hey Twilight” Twilight jumped “Oh... Hey Big Mac. He seemed to be in a rush” With the bouncy trot now into a canter he ran the road to Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac arrived at the door. He opened it with the slightest ease and flung it wide open. With the greatest of moods he greeted his family who had recently put away their plates. “So what'd I miss?” “What did ya miss? You missed supper you silly filly. Where were you, and whats with the saddlebag?” Replied his curious sister. “That, I was doing some Hearts and Hooves day shopping” “Seems kinda early” “It was on sale so I thought I'd get it when it was cheep” “Doesn't explain why yer late though” “Well I went out in the countryside” “Then why do you smell like perfume?... you never told me ya had a marefriend” “I went to see Rarity at her shop for a bit, and nothing happened” “My, you and rarity?” “Were just acquaintances” “You certain?” “Eeyup” “Yer all hot and sweaty” “Thats because I ran home” “Then... ah give up. Thare ain't much fer scraps so I'd hope you had something to eat in town.” “I'm fine” Big Macintosh's stomach started to growl. “Sure” He retreated to his room as swiftly as he could and pulled out his chest from under the bed. Opening the wooden storage to his heart sat the doll once more. Big Mac looked deep into it's poor sowing, and its loose button of an eye. It wasn't much, but it was enough. He placed it aside in the bottom and put the dress right beside. Looking over the contents, Big Mac took the doll and placed it on top “There, now you have a bed” He closed the chest and went scavenging the leftovers in the kitchen. There really wasn't much more then a bit on the bottom of a few pots and pan. Though a few jars of canned fruits and vegetables would suffice for the gap between. The sky was lit brightly with the stars above. It shown in brightly through Big Macintosh's window. He decided it was another wonderful night to gaze out. Instead of getting sentimental, he rested on the window and embraced the cool night breeze. It was rejuvenating after standing for 2 hours on his hooves. They were sore, but they felt so wonderful when he actually got into bed. The great sense of relief could be felt for the few minutes he was awake and far into his slumber. Big Macintosh got up and felt the best nights sleep he had had in many months. He was bursting full of energy, and quickly ran down stairs. “About time you got up, whatever was left of that rooster crowed half an hour ago. We had some heavy winds last night and there is junk everywhere.” Big Macintosh said not a word but hopped out the door. To his eyes Applejack was not capable of a lie. Tree branches, roof shingles, and bit of trash from town had made its way to Sweet Apple Acres. It was no problem for Big Mac, and he had plenty the energy. “ya sure you don't want no'tin to eat first?” The feeling of freedom fell upon him once more, and in the blazing glory of a dozen geese Big Macintosh took to the fields and started to pick up all the sticks. An hour had passed and still no wither in his resolve. A true testament of his determination, and the fun of a game within his own mind. To the normal pony's eye it looked like a never ending war. Applejack stepped out onto the porch once more and watched her brother go it. “Wha I can't understand why hes so determined to do it all alone like that” A pile of sticks exploded beside Applejack “THERE YOU GO SONNY! SHOW'EM WHAT YER MADE AAAHHVE” Exclaimed Granny Smith “Oh my, we forgot you outside again didn't we” Applejack responded “Look at him go! That there is the power of youth!” “What do you mean the power of youth? Were you drinking that apple cider last night?” “What are you talking about there sweetie. Don't you see? Hes happy. He don't mind doing it, to him its a game, and a game that he finds a challenge worth of enjoying to its bitter end.” “So yer sayin that to him its a game huh??” “Yes sir-ee. Just look at that youth shine. Haaahehehe! Now who's the older sibling.” “Yeah, looks like I'm becoming to ripen up like a canned date now don't it.” Applejack Ran off to meet her brother in the orchard “Hey bro'der, you wanna have some fun?” Big Macintosh looks over at his sister, and down at the ground. He looks back up again with a big smile. “Eeyup” “Hows say a friendly competition just you and me?” “Only if ya think ya can keep up” “Unlike you ah ate something this morn'in. Big Mac's smile grew bigger. It took them well past lunch time, and Big Macintosh had the lead until Applejack's prediction about the food issue came true. Sure Enough Big Mac slowed down and eventually needing a break. Everypony else had a pretty normal day with the two of them off taking care of the mess. Afterward they had a grand bonfire in the back, though a spark flew off and claimed one of Granny Smith's eyebrows they would surely grow back, eventually. Big Macintosh had to have a thorough bath to get all the smoke smell out of him, but he let himself go at “Good Enough.” The evening sun was still gazing though the window, and not a pony in sight at the estate once more. Since the day after the Bonfire everypony got another chance to relax in town for a majority of the day leaving Big Macintosh to look after the place. He opened up his chest and pulled out the dress. It had the slight sent of perfume from Rarity's boutique. Carefully opening the dress from its packed form Big Mac started to struggle with finding out which way it went on. He knew that it had came off somehow. Eventually he found the end to crawl into. Very slowly he snugged himself into it. After making the a few adjustments to its placement and making sure it fit just right he walked around a little in his room. It was very beautiful and as Rarity had said before, it had suited him very well. He danced around the room in glee. And laid in bed. Excited to see what it looked like once more he snuck out of his room despite nopony being within two hundred meters of the land but him. He found the closet mirror and took many minutes to admire his reflection. It looked marvelous and the dress flowed with his every move. He pranced about and pretended to be a fancy mare. It was quite the feeling of happiness, a dream complete and a very gorgeous mare in a stallion's body. All that he would need now would be some makeup and a pretty rose, but that would come another time. For now he would play as he would in his youth, and put comments in his mind aside. It had been a month and Big Macintosh's life seemed better then ever. It was very happy and lived to the fullest each day. Though the odd time he would lay back when he could be out and about he still needed to rest. He thought about his aunt and all that she did for him. It was time to let her know the ripe fruits of her Bolster. Fairest Greetings to Apple Spice I wish that I may tell you how much you meant to me as a child and how much more you are aided me even now. Though I am Short of words to ever express the endless gratitude that I bare, I can only put in words the effects of what has become as of late. I have taken your words to heart, and I have even made a new Friend, the one I had mentioned to you. Her name is Rarity. She makes dresses in town here, and is quite proficient in her fine works. She is very fun to be with, and though Applejack has made plenty of assumptions that there is something going on between us there is not. She is simply a wonderful pony to talk to. I have lived well and have been surprised at that happens when I live as though I I am free to act as I will. And short as this letter may be, Apple Bucking season will start soon and I wont be very much into writing letters. So I thank you again of the highest gratitude and may my love be felt there even in the hardest of times. Much Love - Big 'Big' Macintosh Apple. Life continued to go well and work got harder. It was normal, but this time it was with a prouder face and a smile that could not be altered. Big Macintosh went up to his room. He gandered in his chest and picked out the doll. He brought it to the window and looked out at the setting sun. “One day we may have to part. Its a burden on my heart to have you when you still should belong to Twilight. But right now, I would never let you be harmed. You are something special to me. Still, one day we will part, until then...” “Big Mac, suppers ready, come and get it while its still hot” “I'll be right down.” Big Macintosh placed the doll down into the chest on top of the dress, and beside the letter from his aunt. He then closed the chest and went down stairs. The letter read: Dear Big Macintosh I am glad to hear from you. It is wonderful to hear that you found a good lady friend you can talk to and that you are doing so great. I never was one for writing fancy letters like your's there, but know that I love you and may you live a long happy life. Loving regards to you and the family - Auntie