The Harlech's Song

by doddythechef

What a view

The wind blew a small fine breeze across the ocean as the sun began to set on the horizon. It blazed the sky in an orange glow that would make any artist inspired, the water rippled as the current swayed from the small wind rolling across the ocean. A near clear sky with only the few thin clouds hanging high in the sky.

The wind finally met a greyish material hanging in its way, it became caught by this net, but it was no net that hung in the sky but a sail, one of many that had sprung from a wooden craft that glided through the rippling ocean, the others still tied away waiting for the perfect weather to strike the wind. It had three wooden masts linked with ropes, the ship itself was a 36 gun triple decked frigate with copper wielded armour lining the inside and a brass bottom for faster speed and less erosion, certainly a jewel of the fleet, only this was a quartz compared to some ships in the fleet. It mattered none the less for this ship, The Harlech was still one to match even for the diamond of the fleet.

On board stood a pony looking out to sea upon the glorious view before him, the wind ruffling his crimson mane and grey coat, however his uniform stood steady and fine to the point that still glimmered in full blue and white colours in the orange suns rays. The wind became stronger cause his mane now to flow like a leaf in the wind, he turned and headed to the helm of the ship, where a wheel or oak wood stood. It awaited a commander to steer this piece of carpentry master with its golden painted trimmed edges.

The pony reached the helm where a bircone hat lay resting on the banister, the hat having an emblem stitched into it. The emblem resembled a small seal upon which the words stitched in read “The Sun and Moon guide us”, this was the naval seal to all Equestrian ships. The grey pony placed the bircone upon his head where it lay between his ears and pointed skywards.

His hooves reached out and took hold of the oak wheel and gazed upon the ship, bellow ran the deck which had only a few ponies and griffin strolling upon it, these where the crew of this ship, ponies and griffins that had trained for sailing and ready for loyal service to Equestria.

The grey pony look slightly to his right had set eyes upon a small brass bell next to him, the wind blew past again stronger than before meaning it was time. The grey pony started ringing out the bell for the crew all to hear, whistles began to be heard from the galley to signal all the crew. At once the sound of clambering sailors could be heard as they make their way to topside.

The grey pony stopped ringing the bell to call out in a deep booming voice for the crew to hear, “Let fly! Full sails on the double!”, and with that the crew thundered their ways to the ropes. A young green unicorn rushed to the centre of the deck with a drum strapped across his chest, he levitated a pair of drum sticks with his red aura of magic and began to beat the run into a marching pattern to tell the crew to move. Next to him griffins began to fly up the masts to untie the knots holding them from the winds.

A griffin arrived next to the wheel with its eyes down starring at a small silver orb of some kind. The sails flung out from the knots and began to dance with the winds, the ponies below on deck pulled with their might and reined in the sails tying them to the wooden slots which ran down the ships deck. The whistle blew and a pony called from the bow signifying full sail, the griffin clicked in a button on the silver device and looked up to the uniformed pony before him.
“2 minutes captain, 2 minutes from half sail to full sail,” spoke the griffin in a slightly timid voice.

“hear that you sea serpents 2 minutes! Your best time ! HUZZAH !” cried the captain, the crew cried out as well as they cleaned the knots on the mast's railings and ensured the sails had been tied down strong enough, the captain turned to the griffin with the silver trinket speaking in a plain rustic tone, “well done Bellen now go record the times down in the ships log”.
“Yes Sir Tailgate, right away Sir” and with that the griffin sprinted away bellow deck.

The captain turned to the rear of the ship to find a yellow coated earth pony leaning on the banister, he wore a blue naval vest and a small orange berretta. “Pintle you unusually quite, something the matter?” Questioned Tailgate.
“Nothin’ be the problem captain simply observing,” replied the pony in a slight southern accent but not one strong enough to be called a southern pony, he stiffened his stance and headed to the captain’s side.

“Well then first mate you should be running the decks no?” the captain raised an eyebrow towards his officer who shifted his weight and began to look like a colt guilty of eating and apple. The captain chuckled to himself and tapped his officer on the shoulder, “Anyways organise the last of the cider to be shared out tonight, we arrive at New Saddle two days time might as well use it up and congratulate the crew for another safe travel upon the sea.”

“So captain what awaits us in New Saddle?,” Questioned Pintle.
“Two days rest and new orders from the naval head quarters,” replies the captain who now had returned his view back out to sea, the sun now on the last edge of setting allowed the sky to turn the darkest shade of blue, the stars starting to glimmer as they hung.

“Oh captain before I prepare the festivities of cider, Loggerhead requested if he could gain experience in taking control of the ships helm.”
“Loggerhead, the battery griffin, I was planning on making him starboard gunnery sergeant due to his extremely keep eyes for accuracy.” replied Tailgate as he turned the ship into a north-westerly 270’ heading for New Saddle. The ship creaked slightly and thundered forward as it caught the wind in full sail, the small counter on Tailgate’s right ticked up show 21 knots.

“Very good sir I shall inform him, oh and sir..” Pintle was cut short as the captain swirled round to face him.
“Yes Officer Pintle you must join in on the hold, stop being scared of the crew, they respect you, so just get to know them!” and before Pintle could object Tailgate had pushed him towards the galley ramp. “oh and Pintle I will take a cider as well, that Sweet Apple Acre stuff really is something,” and with that the captain knocked his officer down the ramp and await the usual thud that occurred, “thud”, right on queue Tailgate thought to himself.

He turned to the crew who seemed to have finished tidying up the main deck of misplaced barrels and loose ropes. The captain let a smile rise upon his face as he lent on the mast and observed his crew. “ you know by now officer Pintle should have the cider cabinet unlocked, show him a good time and sing and dance!” and with that the crew dropped that lay in their hooves or claws and scrabbled to get into the galley, a loud cheer soon followed.

The captain headed back to the helm and now observed to full moon that shone in the clear night sky, lighting up the waters around them. The only reason he broke a beautiful moment was the sound of hooves climbing up to the helm could be heard. A white earth pony appeared with a short rough cut yellow mane. The pony wore only the simple uniform that all the crew did, an amber barrette with the equestrian emblem. The pony carried a cast iron jug with foam frothing out the top. The white pony placed in on the banister next to the captain an headed off.

The captain admired the white pony’s figure and tidy wings, the cutie mark on the flank, was a wooden spoon with a fig, the ships cook. He let out a comment to the pony, “you know your flank is certainly amazing in this moon light.”

The white Pegasus stopped and turned around to face the captain, a voice of softness came from the pony, “My My captain, hitting on a mare and not even taken a sip of your cider.” the mare now blowing her mane out of her green eyes.
“Well what can I say Soapberry, you certainly are as tasty as the food you cook” the captain replied with a horrible attempt of a wink, holding it for a second too long.

Soapberry simply giggled as the captain’s flirt, “well captain if its so tasty I'm sure I can whip up some desert for yourself in the captain’s quarters” and with that she headed off swaying her hips more to entice the captain, the move worked as the captain downed his cider in one gulp and wiped his muzzle off. He shouted at the top of his lungs for the galley to hear, “Loggerhead its your lucky day, drive the ship on its heading!” and with that the captain had already gone to search for his dessert.

The boat began to hit full sing as the music began to play, a cello could be heard while a guitar and flutes also were thrown into the mix, a odd combination that would only work out at sea. Clinks of jugs could be heard from below as the crew of griffins and ponies drank and sang together old song of the sea.