Into the light

by Azuras

Flying High

Flying High

“Twilight I have a letter from the princess” Spike yelled up the stairs

“OH that’s great news” Twilight replied “But why would she send me a letter, if I haven’t given her my latest report on the friendship of magic” Twilight said a little worried “ooh maybe she wants to send me back to the castle and take me away from my friends” And with the comment twilight locked herself in the room refusing to see the letter.

“Twilight come on it can’t be that bad” Spike said through the door, “besides if the princess took you away from your friends you couldn’t study friendship any more, right” Spike said trying to convince Twilight to come out.

“I guess your right spike, sorry for acting like that”

“Twi you always overact you don’t have to say sorry every time” he said with a grin

Twilight opened the door and levitated the scroll out of spikes claws careful to not damage it on his now very sharp claws, because spike was no longer a baby dragon with cute little claws now he had razor sharp claws which could easily damaged the scroll.

“Thanks spiky wikey” she said to her number one assistant

“Twi you know I don’t like being called that anymore, I’m not a baby dragon” Spike said a little irritated

“I know I just love how your face turns all red whenever I call you that” and with that twilight opened the scroll

To my dearest twilight sparkle

I have been recently told that a new species has appeared in Equestria, and there currently headed to Ponyville. I know you might take this a chance to learn all about them but I truly warn you that you leave them be for they are as intelligent as you and I. They also seem to be traveling in an armored carriage with five wheels on each side. And before you run off to meet these new beings I must warn you not to do that for I do not know there attentions and I do know that there very dangerous, in more ways then one. So send me a letter when you see them and I’ll tell you what to do from there”

Your faithful Princess Celestia

“eeeeeeehhh” Twilight said jumping in the air “A new species that no one has ever seen, and there intelligent I can’t wait to meet them” She said excitement that rivaled Pinkies. Then she read it over again and her eyes caught on to the words *armored and dangerous* This made Twilight think about is she really wanted to meet these beings after all.

“Every thing al right in there Twi” Spike asked hearing her outburst of excitement

“Yeah Spike, I’ll tell you all about it when the girls get here”

“Wait what” Spike asked in confusion “Does that also mean Rarity” he asked with a hint of fear

“Of course silly, are you still worried about what happened between you two the last time you got together” Twilight asked with a hint of humor

“Well yeah”

“Don’t worry about it she probably has forgotten by now” She said trying to mend Spike’s pride “Now number one assistant I need you to send this letter to each of my friends ok”

“Yeah what ever” Spike said blowing green flames on each scroll sending them to each of Twi’s friends

A few minuets later each of twilights friends came to the library, the only pony missing was Flutter shy. No one had seen the yellow pegasus in over a week, and this made the rest of the gang worried. But a few minuets later she came into the library.

“Ooh I’m so sorry everypony” Flutter shy cooed

“My word Flutter shy, were have you been all this time, I haven’t seen you all week” Rarity said

“Oh well I’ve been taking care of some new animals which got hurt really bad and I couldn’t just leave them so I stayed by there sides the whole time” She replied in a sweet voice

“Well why didn’t you tell us we could have helped you know” an irritated Rainbow dash said

“Well I just got so caught up and…”

“And what” Rainbow said in a higher tone, scaring flutter shy into hiding behind a sleeping Spike

“Now look at what’cha did Rainbow, you scared her again you know she’s scared easily” Applejack said trying to defend her friend “Now go and say you’re sorry to Flutter shy, before I buck ya”

With a glare Rainbow walked over to the quivering pegasus “Shy I’m sorry for, you know scaring you”

“It’s ok Rainbow I can’t be mad at you” She said with a small smile “Just please don’t raise your voice”

“Sorry to interrupt girls but I have some really big news” Twilight said a little annoyed “The Princess just scent me a letter telling me how a new species has come to Equestria and how there headed to Ponyville right now” She pause allowing her friends to take it all in before continuing “And from what the Princess said there very dangours and very smart so if any of us see something that’s not normal tell me so I can send a letter to the Princess”

“Sorry sugercube but you’re telling me that there’s a new group of animals in Equestria and the Princess is worried” Applejack said getting a few nods from the small group of ponies

“I don’t know, but the Princess seems to be very busy or else she would deal with it, but she thinks that we can handle it so were going to” Twilight said confidently

“Yeah let’s do it” Rainbow shouted

“But…. The Princess said that there dangerous” Flutter shy cooed

“That’s true Flutter shy that’s why were not going to go near them in tell the Princess tells us to, and besides I have a good plan so we can know if they come and can tell the Princess way before they get here” And with that Twilight explained her plan to the five ponies and one half asleep dragon.

Mean while the group of humans had just met there first unnatural creature, it looked like a lion. But had bat like wings and a scorpion tail, and was probably the size of a small car. All it did was circle the APC with causation as to not get to close for fear of the strange object attacking it. Inside the APC no one had a clue as to why the strange beast circling them had taking a liking to there vehicle and none of them knew what it was.

“Ssssir, what the fuck is that thing” Corporal Telis asked with a quiver in her voice

“I don’t know” major Alsea said, “But whatever it is, it likes this APC” Thinking about what he could do he hunks the horn repeatedly hoping to scare the beast. It only made it more interested in the APC

“Sir maybe we should fire a warning shot” Lieutenant Dreams said from the gunner seat

“Go ahead Lieutenant but make sure you don’t hit it, we don’t want to piss something that big off”

And then Dream pulled the trigger shooting several eighty millimeter rounds at the beast. Lucky the beast was spook and ran off into the thick brush. And with that Major Alsea started the APC up again and continued its way East.

“Well whatever it is, its gone now” Alsea said “Also good idea Lieutenant”

“Thank you sir” was the only reply he got

“Since you can look all around us dream make sure nothing else surprises us, if you see something give it a warning shot and try to not hit it” “Also Lieutenant Black since you know how to work the radar system get on that, I don’t want to have anything sneak up on us”

“Yes sir” Both Lt’s said at once knowing that it wasn’t the time to goof off

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM “what was that” Rainbow thought to herself. She knows it came from her left deeper in the Everfree forest, and seeing how she was flying high, she might as well check it out.

Coming to the spot were Rainbow heard the loud noise, she looked around not seeing anything. So she landed to get a better look. Once grounded Rainbow look every ware but the ground, she took a step forward and tripped into a small grove in the earth. When she got back up she was horrified.

“I have to tell twilight and now” was the only thing rainbow could think off as she sped off back to Ponyville, with the news of an even grater threat then a news species…

When Rainbow got back to the Library she all but crashed through the window

“Twilight, problem, hydra” was all that she said as she got out of some books which feel on her.

“Rainbow slow down, and tell me what happened” Twilight said a little aggravated and worried

Sighing Rainbow told twilight “There’s a huge hydra following the new things hear, after I heard a loud noise I went to check it out, when I got there I found hydra tracks and they were big, like really BIG”

“Oh no… this isn’t good a hydra in Ponyville could kill everypony in a mater of minuets” Twi said worried “I have to tell the Princess” she said with some hope in her voice

“Rainbow go tell the rest of the girls to get here quickly while I tell the Princess”

Dear Princess Celestia

I was recently told that a large hydra was following the new species to Ponyville, And I am in need of some assistance, for I have only tricked a hydra, never fought one and I would really like it if you could come down here and help me and the girls with it and the new species.

Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle

And with that she gave it to the now awake spike to send it to the princes. A few seconds later spike gave Twi a letter from the Princess.

My dearest Twilight

I’m truly sorry to say that I can not come to assist you with this problem but I have faith that you and your friends will be able to conquer both of these problems. And before you send another letter to me I must say that I can not help because I’m in the middle of a very important meeting with the Gryphon Empire.

Your loving Princess Celestia

Right when twilight finished reading the scroll, her friends came in with very worried faces besides Pinkie who always wore a grin.

“What’s this I hear about a giant hydra Twi” Applejack asked

“Well you see a Hydra seems to be following the new beings and since there headed to Ponyville…. So is the hydra” Twilight said trying to hide the fear in her voice “And the Princess can not help us”

“What in tar-nations do you mean she can’t help us” Applejack said with a hint of anger in her voice

“Yes darling, why would the Princess not help us with a problem like this” Rarity asked

“I don’t know girls all she said is that she was in a very important meeting with the Gryphon Empire. Twilight replied

“A meeting is more important th”

“Sorry to cute you off Rarity, but does anyone else hear that” spike said loud enough to cause everypony to be quite

“Yeah, its sounds like that sound I heard earlier” Rainbow said

Then a huge roar came causing everypony and dragon to freeze in place. It was loud enough to shake the whole tree house and shatter windows all over Ponyville

“I think that the new species just met the hydra and I don’t think it’s happy” Twilight said while shacking in fear. Knowing what was about to happen Twilight stopped to shake in fear and stood tall before telling her friends what they had to do

“Ok girls and spike listen up. We need to get everypony away from Ponyville before that hydra gets hear, make sure that the homes closest to the forest are evacuated first, in tell everyone is out, ok” She said with courage

“Yeah” the five ponies and dragon said before running out of the library in order to get everypony to safety

“I hope that we can get this done in time” Twilight thought to herself “Or else a lot of good ponies are going to die”

A few minutes later twilight could just make out the heads of the hydra. This was unlike anything she had ever seen it, had nine head and its skin a greenish colour. And to top that the sound that they heard before was now loud enough to pop her ear drums.

Running to the small area were all of Ponyville should be she told Mayor Mare to get all the ponies even farther away from the small town for the threat was even bigger then they thought before. After she did that she told her friends to go to the center of town and wait for she had a plan to deal the hydra.

“Yawl sure this is a good idea sugercube” Apple jack asked

“Yeah Twi I don’t know how this could stop a hydra that big” Rainbow said

“Girls relax if my calculations are correct, the new beings should pass right through hear and then the hydra will follow allowing us to trip it and then trap it using this spell I found on trapping dragons, and since dragons and hydras are very similar it should work” Twilight said as confident as ever

“SIR IT GAINING ON US” Lt Dreams yelled to major Alsea



“On it sir” Privet Silver said

She carefully loaded the rocket into the launcher aimed it, and fired directly at the monsters chest

“HELL YEAH, good hit Privet” Lieutenant Dreams said

“Don’t get to excited troops it’s getting back up” Alsea said

With that the giant hydra got back onto its feet this time with it didn’t just want a meal to satisfies its hunger it wanted the blood of the creature that just harmed it. With that the hydra quicken its speed gaining on the strange creature before it and with a mighty swing of its tale scent it flying over the town”

“SHHHHIIIIIIT” was all that major Alsea could say as he felt the APC become air born, the next thing he knew he was on his side inside the APC and cover in blood… But it wasn’t his own he looked next to him and saw that captain Knoll had a large wooden beam impaled into her chest.

“Captain, Captain, Captain can you hear me, don’t you fucking leave me yet, we still got to kill the fucker out side, open your god dam eyes” He started to cry, this was the first time in a very long time he cried. The captain had saved his life back when she was a corporal and now when she needed him most he couldn’t save her. He put his hand to her neck looking for a pulse. He felt a slight beat and that was enough to know that she still needed him. So Alsea unstrapped himself, pulled out his gone and shot her in the head ending her pain and sending her to the heaven that she believed in. And taking her dog tags to help remember her and to give to family member back home.

Major Alsea then check the rest of the group for signs of life, finding Lieutenant Dreams with his head impaled on the controls for the turret, taking his dog tags and moving on, He also found Corporal Tyler with bullets holes in his chest from friendly fire and the last dead he found was Privet tuner who had been thrown out of the APC and was now as flat as a pancake, the sight of the poor boy nearly mad Alsea hurl his launch for it was simply disgusting, his guts were push outside of him and their were bones piercing his skin all over his body.

Just when Alsea was helping the other out of the now wrecked APC he heard a shallow voice say “kill me” he turned to the privet he previously thought dead and saw him somehow breathing and talking. With out thinking Alsea shoot him just like he did the captain. And collected his tags as well before heading back to the APC to help the survivors and recover any supplies.

“Sir how… many dead” Sgt Cook asked while coughing

“Four, Knoll, Dreams, Tyler and Tuner” Alsea replied “Now get everyone patched up and grab some high explosives were taking that fucker down”

And with that Sgt Cook patched up everyone’s cuts while major Alsea garbed the biggest guns he could get, and pulling out a large black box. When he opened the box he let out a small whistle at the sheer size of the super weapon. It was an experimental Ion Cannon capable of destroying whole columns of tanks with a pull of a trigger. This is what the Chinese wanted but right now he needed it to take out the huge monster.

Waiting a few moments for the rest of the squad to get ready Alsea then made a short speech

“I have no idea what that thing is, but what I do know is that it killed four of our men, it destroyed our APC and it fucking pissed me off” Picking his gun up he then said “Now are you going to help me take that FUCKER OUT” he yelled

“Hooah, hooah, hooah, hooah” was what he received in response


And with that the small group now armed to the teeth ran to the were the saw the monster, they ran through allies, in between the homes and even through some, to reach what they guessed to be the center of the village. Standing there was the beast destroying the buildings looking for its prey.

“Oh buck Twilight, now he’s really mad” Rainbow said “I thought you said your spell would work”

“Sorry Dash but I guess it only works on dragons, now SHHHH”

Twilight immediately regretted doing that for the hydra turned all nine of its heads towards Twilight “Buck” was that she said before it smashed into the small house were she and Dash were hiding.

The next thing she knows the hydra is roaring in pain and turning around

“HEY UGLY” a strange creature yelled

“You killed our friends, now were going to kill you”

And with that a huge BANGent and knocking out twilight…

“Hey Twi, can you hear me” Rainbow said in a hush voice

“Yeah Dash, what happened”

“Well those weird creatures started attacking the hydra with weird boom sticks, and killed it, there’s a huge hole in it now from the one who distracted it, and after he used his boom stick you and rarity got knocked out”

“Oh really, are they still hear”

“Yeah there just making sure that its dead, and the last I check they were burning it along with there friends”

“WHAT, there burning there friends, why would they do that” Twilight screamed

“WHO’S THERE” a voice yelled at them

“I KNOW YOUR IN THERE GET UP” It yelled again

Slowly Twilight and Dash got up showing the strange two legged creature that they could understand. It looked at them with wide eyes, of both confusion and curiosity, and Twilight did like wise as well.

“Sir get over here, I got something to show you” It yelled behind it not taking its eyes off of them

Slowly another one walked to the one who was pointing its boom stick at them. They said something then the one who was seemed to be in charge spoke.

“Hello weird pony creatures do you understand me” It asked

“Who you calling weird, you monsters” Rainbow yelled at it

“Dash they just killed a hydra don’t yell at them, let me do the talking” Twilight said to Dash in a hush voice

“Um hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this here is my friend Rainbow Dash, and we would appreciate it if you could call us by our names and not point those things at us.

It seemed to conceder its options, then to her surprise it put its weapon down, and told the one next to him to put his down as well

“Hell miss Sparkle and miss Dash, I’m Major Alsea and this here is Corporal Simmons, as you can see we are not from here, and it’ll be a great help if you could tell us….”

“Sir were being attacked, by ponies” Lieutenant Black yelled from the over side of the dead beast

“Shit” he said to him self “Don’t shoot them just restrain them” he yelled back

Quickly he turned back to the over ponies in front of him “Do you think you could tell your friends to stop attacking my men” He said more then asking

“Oh no, I’m so sorry Major Alsea, I’ll stop them right away” And with that the lavender pony called Twilight Sparkle ran around the dead beast and yelled at her friends to stop, he quickly followed suit to prevent anyone from being harmed.

Then all of a sudden a bright light appeared in front of him blinding him and causing him to fall to the ground. When he opened his eyes another pony stood there, but this one didn’t just have a horn or wings and it wasn’t half his height it was a good six feet and a had huge wings, and a huge horn. Then it spooked.