//------------------------------// // Piece the 10th: Melody of the Mellow Minstrel // Story: Silly Song of Silver Snow // by I Thought I Was Toast //------------------------------// The day will come when things will change. So thought Sweetie Belle with the smallest pang. The other crusaders were as bright and bold as before. Only Sweetie Belle seemed to realize that life had more. What happened when one of the crusaders found their talent? So thought Sweetie Belle watching the snow relent. It was swept from her tail as the shadows did loom. She spread it around thinking of the future in gloom. Sometimes Sweetie wondered if finding their talents would drive them apart. After all it was there lack of talents that made this all start. They were so busy trying to find them each and every day. Would the one who found theirs first end up being pushed away? Rarity told her not to worry what the future would bring. Her sister always encouraged her to let her voice ring, To wash away her worries and just let herself sing, So Sweetie let her voice take to the skies, almost like the words had wings. “Sometimes the darkness fills us with fright,” “And sometimes beasts howl deep into the night.” “Sometimes we fear the silliest things,” “And sometimes what we fear the most is the song our thoughts sing.” “For all of the tears you shed in your fear,” “There will always be somepony near you who’ll hear.” “You’ll find them behind you,” “And their voice will ring clear.” “They’ll sing you a song, as I’m doing now,” “To lull you to sleep, and bring your fears down.” “They’ll lead you to dreams, and banish your frown.” “They’ll cut off the worries etched into your brow.” “Sleep in the sweet melody of the night.” “I promise the darkness you fear will not bite.” “Sleep as the wolf cries out to its friends.” “It seeks only comfort as the day ends.” “Sleep as your fears turn to sweet, silly, things.” “Things you thought foul only make you want to sing.” “Sleep as sweet thoughts dance through your head.” “Sweet bells sounding softly, hear how they ring.” “Sleep to the song of a friend you hold dear.” “Sleep as you know there is nothing to fear.” “Sleep to dreams where you play with your peers.” “Sleep softly knowing your friends always near.” Her song filled the night as the fillies worked on. They were all too exhausted to last to the dawn. Eyes began to close as snow filled the lawn. Even the five in the bushes fell to the grace of the song. It was the song that her sister sang to Sweetie in bed, Until sweet dreams swam into her head. For Sweetie, this song always settled her fears. It was nice to know a friend would always be near. Snow gently fell as the lullaby worked it’s charm. Each friend of Sweetie’s fell into sleep’s arms. At last it was Sweetie who fell into slumber. Her doubts washed away as she finished her number.