Silly Song of Silver Snow

by I Thought I Was Toast

Piece the 8th: Tune of the Tactless Tomboy

The cry caused the ground to quake.
Excitement filled the trio, for they had snow to make.
The crusaders had arrived at Fluttershy’s in the dead of night.
The spoils of their errands being clung to, so tight.
They set up as the animals had sweet dreams in their lairs.

“How are we doing this?” asked Applebloom.
“Scootaloo, ya’ll were the one who asked Rainbow.”
“What’s the use of all this stuff we had to tow?”
The tools and the ice sat off to the side,
While the fillies leaned in with eyes their eyes sparkling and wide.
They snuggled in cozily in their coats as the night did loom.

“It’s actually really simple!” said Scootaloo.
“I work on cloud production, and filling the skies,”
“Applebloom builds snow by chiseling the ice, till it cries,”
“And Sweetie Belle sweeps the ground layer around.”
“Then it’s mission accomplished and we watch the snow settle down!”
They high-hoofed in the air, unaware of five mares watching the crew.

Scootaloo dashed off to the lake by the house.
She’d never made clouds before, but it couldn’t be hard.
Besides, she wouldn’t want her awesome record to be marred.
She got on her scooter, zooming round and round.
Slowly more than wind began to lift of the ground.
A whirlwind rose from the lake, and things were no longer quiet as a mouse.

Water rose through the funnel, spraying into the sky.
There it flashed into mist, to float down to the crew.
They were now engulfed in fog and couldn’t see anything they had to do.
“Come on!” shouted Sweetie Belle, her hooves flung in frustration into the air.
Her friends couldn’t see them, but they guessed they were there.
“Scootaloo! Couldn’t you please make the clouds proper so they’ll fly?”

Scootaloo growled something under her breath.
She rounded up the clouds into small little bundles,
Missing the smothered snickers coming from the bush at her bungles.
There Rainbow was snorting and Pinkie was chortling.
Rarity smirked a small smile, and Applejack couldn’t help chuckling.
Even Fluttershy grinned towards her friends on the left.

Scootaloo looked to the sky, eyes making a dare.
“Come on, kid,” whispered Rainbow, silently encouraging.
“You can do it,” she whispered, considering emerging.
Scootaloo suddenly dashed into the night.
Rainbow hoped she hadn’t given up without even testing her might,
Then, suddenly, a bold and brave blaze shot into the air.

Scootaloo had launched herself off of the cottage while pulling a cloud.
Her form filled the night sky, her scooter twirled around.
Doing a hoofstand she pushed off from her scooter, sending it crashing to the ground.
Flipping in the air not once, but twice,
She pushed off of the cloud, leaving it floating high above the ice.
Her two friends below now giving her cheers that were loud.

She continued to glide along the path of her launch.
That’s when it became clear to the others her stunt wasn’t done.
Her scooter had landed upright on the ground, and it had continued to run.
Scootaloo glided down slowly, keeping pace with her scooter.
She made a perfect landing on it, bringing a muffled squeal from her tutor.
With that landing, as Scootaloo was left standing, the five in the bushes saw her haunch.

The five in the bushes stared in amazement.
The trick Scootaloo had just performed went way beyond cool.
The fact that they couldn’t cheer aloud was cruel.
They saw something the three working hard had easily missed.
Upon Scootaloo’s flank a winged wheel shined bright in the lingering mist.
This night was turning out great considering how crusading normally went.