A Wild Twist Appeared!

by PinkiePie37

Time Twist

BEEP BEEP BEEP! BEEP BEEP BEEP! Twist’s alarm blared as she jumped out of bed and turned it off. She skillfully placed it across the room so she would have to get out of bed first, then she would be able to turn the alarm off. She sighed at the thought of another boring day of school as she slowly made her bed, very tired. She didn’t get much sleep last night because she kept thinking about her time traveling/teleporting stopwatch. Twist wasn’t sure, but she thought she got about 2 hours of sleep. At the thought, she groaned in anger loudly, but then quickly shut up in fright that she would wake her parents. Twist began to head into the bathroom to start her daily routine. Brush her teeth, take a shower, eat some cereal, grab her bag and walk to school. As she began walking out the door she stopped and thought for a moment.
“Hmm, I could teleport to school! Wait, but people might just see me appear. But how am I supposed to tell the time? Well, I’ve gone my whole life without having a watch, so I think I’m good” Twist thought out loud as she sometimes does. She snapped back from her thinking and continued to walk out the door.
After school, Twist rushed home. During that school day she might not have shown it, but she was eager to get out so she could learn more about this stopwatch. Twist was a rather quiet student. She ran inside, gave her mom a hug and a kiss, and raced upstairs. She slowed down as she was running upstairs to a walk. Twist then opened her door and walked over to her dresser. She pulled opened the last drawer and picked up the stopwatch. She closed the drawer, put the stopwatch in her bag, and walked down stairs. She told her mom she was going to a friend’s house again. Twist knew that she wasn’t lying this time and didn’t feel bad. Even though she barely knew Dr. Whooves, she still considered him a friend since he was helping her and telling her what this stopwatch is and what it does. Twist stared towards Magic Avenue. When she got there, it wasn’t nearly as creepy as it was when it was dark out. Since it was bright out, she noticed that the street had many detailed things about it that she had not noticed before. One of them was that there were big brightly painted pictures on some of the brick walls. Twist had also noticed that the houses, which she saw as dark grim colors at night, were actually bright colors such as yellow, green, and orange. This street wasn’t as scary as she perceived it to be.
When she got to the alley in which Dr. Whooves’s house was, she began to walk down it and stopped at the machine in which Dr. Whooves had called the “TARDIS”. She noticed that it in between the words “Police Box” it said “Pubic Call” which she didn’t see the first time considering it was dark and it was so small. Twist got to the steps and walked up them in excitement. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The door opened up and there stood Dr. Whooves.
“Hello Twist!” Said Dr. Whooves
“Hello Dr. Whooves. How are you today?” Twist said as she stood on the steps.
“Good, good. I hope you are doing the same. Would like to come in now?” Dr. Whooves asked as he stepped to the side and pointed an inviting hoof inside.
“Thank you.” She said as she trotted inside. The interior of the house was amazingly neat and tidy. Everything in the house was in pristine condition. There were polished wooden chairs, tables, cabinets, and all in perfect condition. There was a TV set in the corner with a blue chair that looked quite comfy.
“Please. Have a seat Twist.” Dr. Whooves said as he motioned towards a light green sofa. Twist walked over to it and sat down.
“Thank you Dr. Whooves.” Twist said as she put down her bag next to her.
“Would you like some tea?” Dr. Whooves asked.
“Yes please. And thank you very much for helping me.”
“No problem Twist! I’ll have that tea ready in a jiffy.” He said as he walked towards the kitchen then disappeared. Twist continued to look around the home form her current point of view. The walls of the house were painted blue, her favorite color. She noticed that on the walls, there were these pictures of some pony she didn’t know. On an engraved golden plaque under the picture it said “Rose”. Twist thought that this mare was a very pretty lady. She concluded that this might be Dr. Whooves’s girlfriend or even his wife. She continued to look around, but staying in her spot. She didn’t want to seem nosy and start going around and looking through things, she would seem like a bad guest and she didn’t want that to happen. Dr. Whooves walked back out with a silver tray with a teapot and two teacups on it. He set it down on the table in front of Twist and sat down in a purple chair across from the couch she was on. Twist reached over a picked up the teacup. As she brought it up to her lips, she smelled the delicious minty scent. As she drank it, she smiled at the wonderful minty taste. Mint was her favorite flavor for anything! She loved how the hot tea slowly ran down her throat. The sensation was so wonderful.
“I take it you like it? It’s my specialty.” Dr. Whooves said with a smile. Twist had noticed that she had finished it very quickly and that some of it got around her mouth. She quickly wiped it away with her arm.
“Yes! It was delicious! Thank you very much!” Twist said with a smile. She placed the teacup down on the silver tray.
“Would you like some more?” Dr. Whooves asked as he picked up the teapot.
“Yes please. Thank you.” She said as he poured a new cup of piping hot tea. She picked it up and took a single sip, savoring its delectable flavor this time. She then placed back on the table.
“So Twist, may I see the stopwatch?” Dr. Whooves asked as he placed his teacup on the table. Twist nodded and took out the stopwatch and handed it to Dr. Whooves. He inspected it carefully.
“Um, Dr. Whooves, I think that the stopwatch doubles a teleportation device, in addition to time traveling. Because I was walking home from here yesterday and I was wishing I could just teleport home and I tripped and stumbled and I felt something hit my flank and then I was in my bedroom, still stumbling, then I hit my bed.” Twist said as she inhaled loudly from her long run-on sentence.
“Hmm, interesting. So then that must mean that when you press the button, whatever place you are thinking of, you teleport there.” Dr. Whooves concluded.
“Well, which button do you think is the button that makes you teleport?” Twist asked
“I’m not that skilled in the field of teleporting, I know more about time travel. But considering I know what every other button does but the top one, I think it is this one.” He said as he pointed to the top button.
“Oh, I guess that’s what hit my flank.” Twist said.
“Okay, so onto how to use this stopwatch. For time traveling, that is. So with these three buttons on the side you set the day, which is the first button, month, which is the second button, and year, the third button. You then move the clock hands according to what time of day you want to travel to and you press the big red button in the middle to travel through time. You got it?” Dr. Whooves said as he looked at Twist for approval.
“Yes. But I have one question, what would happen if the watch was to break while I was back in time or in the future, what would happen?” Twist said with a scared look on her face.
“Well, you would have to fix the watch in a span of 24 hours when the watch broke or you would be stuck there forever.” Dr. Whooves said handing the watch back to Twist. “Now Twist, I need you to do something for me.”
“What would that be?” Twist asked with a curious look on her face.
“I want you to go back in time 2 minutes ago. I need you to do this just to make I know you know how to use it. Can you do that for me? Oh, and one more thing, you get back to regular time, just hit the red button twice. If you hit it once, whatever time it says, you will go to there, so you need to hit it twice.” Dr. Whooves said.
“Okay. Got it. Here goes nothing!” Twist said as she stood up and set the time for 2 minutes before what the time was now and looked at Dr. Whooves. He nodded and she pressed the button. With a flash of purple light and a loud “BZZT!” she disappeared right in front of Dr. Whooves’s eyes.

Twist, after pressing the red button, closed her eyes and a couple seconds later she opened them. She was now inside the same room, and standing in the same spot she was when she pressed the button. Dr. Whooves was walking in with the same silver platter with the same teacups on it filled to the same height as it was when he walked in the first time before she traveled back in time. It was the same everything! The only thing missing was her on the couch. She quickly pressed the red button twice and with another loud “BZZT!” and a purple flash, she was gone. She was now standing in the same spot, again, and Dr. Whooves was there looking at her.
“I take it that it worked.” Dr. Whooves said.
“Yes, yes it did. But it didn’t take too long because I saw you walking in with the silver platter and I wasn’t on the couch. If you didn’t see me on the couch, it might’ve changed the future. That wouldn’t have been good.” Twist said. Twist looked at the watch for the time and noticed that it was the correct time.
“No it wouldn’t be good at all. Oh, I forgot to tell you! The stopwatch sets back to the normal time after you go back to present time.” Dr. Whooves said.
“Thank you Dr. Whooves!” Twist said as she put the watch away in her bag.
“Before you go Twist, I need you to know the responsibilities of owning that stopwatch. You can’t just teleport wherever and whenever you want. The only reason you should have to teleport is for something urgent. And traveling through time is not child’s play. You could alter the entire future just by moving one tiny thing out of place. Be very careful with that.” Dr. Whooves said with a serious look in his eyes.
“Okay, I promise I will only use this for good. Cross my hope and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Twist said as she did the motions to the Pinkie Pie swear which Pinkie taught Twist herself. Dr. Whooves chuckled at the motions Twist did. “But wait. Can I try this out really quickly to see if it is a teleportation device?” Twist asked hopefully.
“Yes you may. That will not break our promise considering this is for good. Please try teleporting over there by my fireplace.” Dr. Whooves said as he pointed to his beautiful brick fireplace quietly crackling. Twist nodded and thought about the fireplace as she held the stopwatch in her hoof She hit the button on the top and with a flash of blue and a loud “BUZZ!” she had disappeared from the spot she was standing in and now reappeared next to the fireplace. She trotted back over to Dr. Whooves.
“So I guess it is a teleportation device! Not that I didn’t believe you!” Dr. Whooves said with a smile.
“Well, thank you so very much Dr. Whooves! I really appreciate the time you took to tell me what this stopwatch does and how to use it! Thank you so very much!” Twist said with a wide smile as she put the stopwatch back in her bag.
“You’re very welcome Twist!” Dr. Whooves said, also with a wide smile on his face.
“I’m sorry Dr. Whooves, but I think I should get going now. Thank you again!” Twist said she as she picked up her bag.
“It’s okay Twist. And you’re welcome again! Thank you for showing me the teleportation device! I have never seen one before. Goodbye!” Dr. Whooves said as he opened the door for Twist. Twist walked out and waved goodbye to Dr. Whooves as he waved back. She walked down the steps and she heard the door close behind her. She began walking out of the alley and saw that it was still bright out. She stopped for a moment, pulled the stopwatch out, and looked at the time. It was 4:37. She didn’t realize that she was there for about an hour and a half. She put the stopwatch back and continued to walk home.

Twist got home, walked inside and greeted her mother with a hug and a kiss. She trotted upstairs and put her bag down on her bed. She pulled the stopwatch out and looked at it. She just couldn’t believe she had a time traveling/teleporting stopwatch in her hooves right now. Twist thought about how helpful Dr. Whooves was and she was glad he trusted her. The only thing she feared was a possible time paradox or the stopwatch breaking and her getting lost in time. Would she be able to fix it? Would she even be able to fix it? If she couldn’t, would she be able to find someone who could? She snapped back into reality for a minute and put the stopwatch away in the bottom drawer of her dresser. These questions floated around in Twist’s head the entire rest of the day. She thought that maybe she wouldn’t have to use the watch or anything, maybe just keep it as an antique. But as she thought that she wouldn’t have to use it, more thoughts of why she would have to flooded her mind. Her thoughts haunted her the entire day. At 9:07, she just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to just go to sleep. She’d think more deeply about this tomorrow. Twist kissed her mother and father goodnight and hopped into bed. She pulled the covers over herself and drifted off to sleep.