//------------------------------// // Reign of the Hammer // Story: What Lies Beyond // by Sparx //------------------------------// Reign of the Hammer "Rarity, this is AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash looked down at her new armor. "But of course it is Darling. Dragon leather almost never comes off less then fabulous." Rarity responded. "I had no idea what I was going to do with all those scales I'd been holding onto for the past year, so when I saw that incredible weapon of yours I just knew that I had to make some truly spectacular armor to match." And spectacular it was. The rainbow of scales glistened in the light, with a lightning shaped sapphire right at Dash's throat holding the piece together. It all flowed over her body, stronger than steel yet light as a feather. With a band for each of her legs, this little pony would be well protected. "I can't thank you enough for this Rarity. Wow... Amaranth." Rainbow Dash looked at the armor in the mirror. Suddenly she saw something come in the door. An orange and blonde pony. "Applejack?" Dash turned away from the mirror and looked at the country pony in the eye. "What brings you around Carousel boutique?" Applejack didn't say anything, a frown was dressing her face. "Ah need ta talk to ya Sugarcube..." Rarity looked over to the two of them. "...Alone." Applejack said requesting with her eyes. "Oh, but of course Applejack." Rarity nodded and started nudging Rainbow Dash out the door. "Now, you two have some speaking to do. I'll see you later Rainbow Dash." And with that Rarity closed the door behind the two of them. Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack and the earth pony looked back. "Come along Sugarcube, I... This is important." The two approached the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. "Now... Sugarcube... Ah know that you an' Spitfire have a...a bit of a relationship." Applejack looked to the ground as she opened the barn door slowly. "And ah know that we... have been really close like for a while now... But ah also know that you an' Spitfire have... well..." She knocked her forehooves together nervously, looking about the barn with a red hue on her cheeks. "Been... intimate... so ah figured... if ah even wanna be on even grounds.... jus'..." Applejack walked over to a pile of hay and plopped down on her back. She blushed like mad. "Come an' get me Sugarcube... jus'...be gentle. Mah first time an' all." Dash just looked at her friend lying there, face red and looking to the ground, hat covering her muzzle. "Applejack..." Dash walked over to her friend, and pressed her lips against the orange mare's. The two kissed for half a minute, lovingly embracing one another's lips. "AJ, you don't have to do this..." Rainbow Dash pulled back and replaced The earth pony's hat on her head. "I don't like you less than Spitfire because we haven't slept together... I like you for the way you are Applejack, and... I just..." Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. "I know I haven't been fair... to either one of you. I need to decide or it'll hurt the three of us a lot more than it needs to." She pulled AJ back up onto her legs. "But I need you to stay as just you if I'm going to decide. Don't do something out of your nature just to try and change my view of you, because I like you the way you are AJ." The rainbow pegasus smiled and lifted the chin of her close friend. Applejack smiled as tears rushed to her eyes. "Oh Rainbow..." She leaped onto Dash, forcing their lips to join once again. She pulled back, tears dripping down her face. "Well then, Ah have another proposition for ya Dash." She pulled her back up to her hooves. "Let me come with ya on your adventures." "I'm sorry?" Dash shook her head, trying to clear her head. "Ah wanna come with ya over the mountains. Somepony has to watch your back after all, an' ah can't think of nopony better than me ta keep ya safe." AJ wrapped a foreleg around Dash's neck. "No way, it's dangerous out there Applejack, I can't risk-" "An' ah can't risk you Dash. Ah'm comin' with ya whether ya like it or not. If'n yer so worried about me, then ya best protect me ya hear." With a wink and a grin Applejack walked out the barn doors. "Now are ya comin'?" Later, in the forest, Dash led Applejack to Smith's hut, popping up over the trees every now and again to get a view of the landscape. "So, what weapon interests you miss Applejack?" Nilt asked from Rainbow's back. "Well, ah hadn't thought about that. Ah have much more trust in my own legs than some relic." Applejack walked over to a tree and demonstrated her bucking prowess, knocking down nearly every leaf on the tree. "Ah! Most admirable." Nilt responded, impressed. "We're almost there" Dash said. "It's just across this moat." coming out through the trees the ponies and sprite saw the hut ahead of them with weapons scattered about with a stretch of water encircling it. "Now, I know there's a shallow end right about... here!" Dash stepped her hoof in the water and it sank about only an inch. "Come on, make sure you go straight though, the rest is pretty deep and full of monsters. Wait a minute... Why is his door open?" Rainbow flew for the hut, Applejack racing by closely after. At the door, Dash stopped and covered her muzzle. "Blood?" The smell was overwhelming. She peeked her head in and pulled it right back out, gagging. "Oh Smith... Who did this?" Applejack came over and prepared to open the door. "NO! Don't look, it's bad." Rainbow Dash pulled on her friend's tail to stop her from going in the hut. Nilt flew up onto Rainbow Dash's head and peeked into the hut. "This stallion... His... His head is..." But he didn't need to say it. Applejack pulled the door closed.She looked around, noticing blood spatters, and a number of hoof prints left in blood in the dirt. "This weren't no monster, somepony did this themselves..." Applejack walked over to a nearby hammer and lifted it in her teeth. "On second thought, maybe ah will need one of these things... Nilt, Rainbow, let's get going."