//------------------------------// // The Portal // Story: Together // by Jomm the Dino //------------------------------// The Portal The cars were coming quickly to my home. No doubt were they following the sign that read "garage sale". My parents were selling his stuff. By "his", I mean Jomm. My brother. Their son. If I were a parent and my child was missing for over a month, I sure as hell wouldn't be selling their shit. Oops. How silly of me. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Renee. Renee Christina Alexander. But people call me Chrissy. I am 15 years old and in the 10th grade. I am 6'8 tall. I have blue eyes, and my hair is white, rough-cut (Like Vinyl but longer and covers my left eye), and the tips are dyed blue. I have larger-than average boobs for a girl my age…sorry….shouldn't have mentioned that…I am very shy, and I like to paint, plant, sing, and play bass. I also have a tiny blue halo over my head! I have one older brother, Jomm Alexander. Back to the…uh…now..part….I was looking out the window. My parents were trying to give away all of Jomm's stuff. They didn't give a flying fuck about trying to find him. He did have a few things that he bought. Xbox 360, PS3, Swiss Army knives, Desert Eagles, Hand grenades, brass knuckles, AKs, you know, basic kid stuff. How he bought it? Your guess is as good as mine, buddy. People just browsed, looked around and stuff. I continued to watch as they tried to solicit people. "Chrissy?" I heard a voice I could easily recognize as my eleven-year-old cousin's. "Why are you crying?" I couldn't resist the adorableness of his concern for me. "I'm kind of sad, Anais. But I'll be fine." I responded as a tear fell down my eye. Anais is the most friggin' adorable kid ever. Her full name is Anais Antoinette Alexander. She has long beautiful bleach blond hair, and the most beautiful forest green eyes, and a gentle nature warm enough to melt your heart. She's wearing a white DC hat, black skinny jeans, black DC shoes, and a whit t-shirt with the DC logo written in black. She's slightly shorter than most girls her age. During Jomm's disappearance, her parents were….killed…in a car accident…They were out drinking and well….that pretty much explains it. "Don't be sad…" she came over with a tissue and wiped the tear off of my cheek. I love this kid. "I..don't like it when you're sad…" I wrapped her in a hug. "Thanks cuz." Suddenly…I felt this blow to the back of my head. It didn't hurt but I could only see black now…And Anais was no longer in my grasp… I was alone…In this hollow black void…Then I saw this….light…and it spoke to me….. "Hello Renee." I gasped from the sudden break of silence. "I am Princess Cadence…" "Princess…Cadence…?" I asked. "Yes. You're probably wondering how you got here, correct?" I nodded. "Well", she began. "I can see you visibly and mentally upset…about the loss of your brother…" I simply put my head down. "What if I told you that I know where your brother is?" The princess said cheerfully. I swallowed hard. (HA!) "Y-you know where my brother is?" "Yes. Your brother's name is Jomm, right?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "YES!" "But I can see that you are not happy here. Your parents abused Jomm and neglect you, am I correct?" She asked. I nodded as a tear rolled down my face. "I also understand that there were deaths in the family that Jomm doesn't know about, and that a younger family member was staying with you?" I nodded…weeping gently. The light got brighter and soon I saw a pink alicorn by my side, wrapping it's hooves around me. "Don't cry…everything's going to be fine…which is why I would like to invite you and you family member to live in Equestria….where you can reunite with your brother, and live in piece. "You're not….human…" "Of course not. I'm a pony." I couldn't react…this was all too much for me…I spoke softly…"..yes…yes please take me to Equestria…..I feel alone here, I have no friends, parents who hate me, I can't stand it here." "Alright." She responded. I saw this flash and Anais was now with me. She grabbed my leg. "A….talking…pony…?" "No need to be afraid little one." Cadence spoke up. "Would you like to live out the rest of your day in Equestria?" "Equestria…?" Anais responded. "I don't know what that is but anyplace will be better than where we are now." Cadence chuckled. "Ohhh…how exciting!" A portal appeared from where I was standing. Cadence's horn glowed as we were lifted up and flown in the portal. Royal Canterlot Castle. 6:30 a.m. READER'S POV The three females appeared out of the air and landed gently on the ground. It was dawn outside; a lot of ponies were out getting ready for the day to begin. "That was….interesting…" stated Chrissy. "Are you kidding? THAT WAS AMAZING!" Anais shouted. Princess Cadence chuckled. "Come this way please." The two were awestruck by the foundation of the castle. It was HUGE! They've never been in a place so…..fancy before…. "So…you're a princess?" Anais asked. "Yes. My husband and I rule over the Crystal Empire." "That's why your mane is so sparkley." Anais responded. She also noticed Cadence's unusually large tummy and the fact that she was wincing with every step she took. "Are you pregnant?" Anais asked innocently. "ANAIS!" Chrissy snapped at her. Cadence started to laugh. "It's alright Renee. But to answer you question, yes I am. Eight months along now." "Awww….." Both girls cooed in their minds. The girls continued to follow Cadence. "Where are we going actually?" Chrissy asked. "We're going to meet up with my aunts, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." She responded. We stopped at what appeared to be a meeting room. Where we saw a white unicorn stallion and two more alicorns. "Hello Cadence. I see you brought the surprises." The stallion spoke. "Woah…" The girls were focused on the room itself. The other two mares giggled. "I see you've taken a liking to the castle." The darker mare spoke first. "Here have a seat, if you want to, that is." The white mare spoke. "Of course, your highness." Anais complied, as did Chrissy. "Allow us to introduce ourselves, I am Princess Celestia. To my right is my sister and co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna." The white mare stated. "A pleasure it is to meet you." Luna spoke happily. "And to my left is the co-ruler of the Crystal Empire, as well as Cadence's husband, and soon-to-be father, Shining Armor." "Hello!" he waved. "If you don't mind, we'd like for you to tell us about yourselves." Said Princess Luna. "Well," Chrissy started. "My name is Renee Christina Alexander, I'm fifteen years old, I like to paint, sing, plant, and play bass guitar." "And I'm Anais Antoinette Alexander, Jomm and Renee's cousin. I'm eleven years old, and I like to read, build things, play electric guitar, and skateboard. Mainly study and skateboard." "Nice to meet you two." Said Celestia. "Anais?" "Yes?" "I've heard that you've recently lost your parents." She said with a hint of sorrow in her voice. "Could you please give me a little more detail about that?" Anais hung her head, and her face suddenly became dark. Cadence came to her side and put a wing over her. "It's okay, you do not have to explain, I was just curious." Celestia explained. Anais just nodded. "Are you excited about seeing Jomm?" Cadence asked. "YES!" Both girls screamed with excitement. Celestia smiled at the two girls. "I've sent a letter to my student in Ponyville. They should be here in a few hours." "I'm am so excited!" Chrissy shrieked as she let out a little squeal. PONYVILLE LIBRARY. 6:54 a.m. "Ugnh…..Twilight what's so important that we have to go to Canterlot this early?" The purple/green dragon whined. Obviously the dragon needs his beauty sleep. "Spike, don't you understand? Jomm's sister and cousin are going to be living in Equestria, and Jomm doesn't know! EEEEEEEEEEE! So Exciting!" Twilight squealed. "Really?" Spike asked, suddenly interested. The door opened and outside stood, The mane six, the CMCs, Ditzy, Dinky, Featherweight, Pip, Silver Spoon, Snips, Twist and Snails. "Hey Twilight! Hurry up! It's really cold out here, and the train leaves in ten minutes!" Rainbow Dash called out to her. "Alright…I'm all set. Let's go!" "Man don't you just love this warm weather?" asked Jomm, appearing out of nowhere. "Jomm! Thank goodness you're here. Come with us!" Twilight commanded. "What? Where are y'all headed?" Jomm asked. "To see your sister and cousin in Canterlot." Spike answered. "SPIKE!" Everypony shouted at him. Spike laughed nervously and took a step back. Jomm stared into space. "My sister….MY SISTER! IS SHE REALLY HERE!" "Yes sh-" "AND MY COUSIN TOO?" "Well yeah b-" "WELL LET'S GET ON THAT TRAIN!" He yelled excitedly as he grabbed his gray hoodie. (That Rarity made for him) He then raced out the door. "PARDNER WAIT!" Applejack yelled. "JOMM!" Twilight tried to get his attention. "YOU'RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!" Jomm stopped. He looked left, then right. He ran back to the library with an embarrassed blush on his face. "Sorry 'bout that…." The other ponies laughed as they headed off to the train station. … A/N- Yeah this story was based off of an idea in my head. Not bad if I do say so myself. And yes I am trying to get the next chapter of "That's What Little Colts Are Made Of" up. I kinda got lazy, but anyways read and Review, and sorry for the delay!