Captain Equestria: The First Wonderbolt

by ShamrocknRoll

The Super Stallion Serum

The Crusaders looked out the window of the train. Scootaloo looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still sullen. As if mentioning the hero of the Changeling War stirred up some trauma in her life. She wasn't the Rainbow Dash she looked up to anymore, she wondered why did Rainbow Dash change suddenly?

“Look I know you four are excited for the fact you are going to visit my brother. But he's a captain of the guard. Not a super stallion, he doesn't have anything like that in his archives, or his possession and Princess Celestia did not create Captain Equestria in real life. She made it to keep the war effort running.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I'm here to tell you while Cheerilee might entertain your imaginations. But me and my brother won't. I'm sure Rainbow Dash is with me right.” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, yeah Captain Equestria is fake. The first Wonderbolt was...” Rainbow Dash muttered something inaudible. She looked at the Captain Equestria book Scootaloo was holding.

“So what's your favorite adventure of The Cap?” Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo, trying to lighten her own meloncholy. Twlight sneered at her friend's gesture.

“I liked it when he fought off the Changeling Baron Von Pupa. The one with the mechanically enhanced hooves.”

“Ahhh.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she looked out the window.

“I swear, I'll prove to you Captain Equestria existed. Remember when you said Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense didn't exist?” Dinky Hooves asked Twilight Sparkle. “We'll do the same.”

“Look.” Sweetie Belle said as she pointed her hoof north. “Canterlot's up ahead.” Applebloom beamed with intensity, as if her cutie mark was up ahead. “Quills ready girls, we're getting our cutie marks today.” Twilight started to part ways with the Crusaders but she saw Rainbow Dash walking with the Crusaders.

“Rainbow, what are you doing? Don't you like the Wonderbolts?” Twilight asked.

“Yes but its Captain Equestria. Next to Daring Doo, the best pony ever created.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Besides he was the first Wonderbolt. Plus Rarity and Applejack are going to hold us responsible if anything happens to their sisters.” Rainbow Dash was taken aback by this. Did she just turn down a Wonderbolt show? Did she just sound responsible? Either way Raibow Dash felt like she was maturing. Ever since she started reading she felt a duty to mature as a pony and watching over the Crusaders was a a sign of maturity to her. “So Fillies, do you know where to go for this project?”

“No but we can find somepony to help us.” Dinky answered as the five trotted around looking for a royal guard to ask about the Super Stallion Serum. All the five mares got were chuckles and looks of “Are you insane?” The five looked around looking for Shining Armor. Rainbow Dash decided to open a door that was labeled “Royal Guards and Royalty only”.

“Are you sure this is legal Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked her mentor.

“Only if you want the best book report biography ever.” Rainbow Dash said as she winked at her charges. The five soon sidled near Shining Armor, who was instructing a new recruit that was a vaguely familiar blue unicorn next to a large metal door with a symbol that was the same as Captain Equestria's shield on it.

“Now Ms Lulamoon, you do know that the thing you are guarding isn't just Equestrian history. It is the biggest mystery of science Equestria has ever made. Dr. Saddlewood was a pony who helped us win the Changeling War.” Shining Armor said. “You may be new, but you are genuine in turning a new leaf and have potential to be a very powerful unicorn. This is why I am telling you to guard the Super Stallion Serum.”

“I understand completely.” The Unicorn responded. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will guard this with The Great and Powerful Trixie's life.” The Crusaders and Rainbow Dash rushed towards Trixie and Shining Armor when the discussion ended. Rainbow Dash's wings went up in excitement. She found the proof of her hero's existence. Daring Doo she knew didn't exist, but the fact that Captain Equestria's existence was the biggest

“Shining Armor!” The Crusaders yelled. “You gave us the evidence we need to prove to everybody that The Super Stallion Serum exists.” Dinky pulled out her camera and shot a picture of the door.

“Can we see the serum? Please?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah I mean you have a guard that you can trust.” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“Why are you in a classified area of Canterlot Castle?” Shining Armor asked the five mares.

“We're doing a biographical book report on Captain Equestria. We need to prove to everybody that he exists and for that we need a photo of the Super Stallion Serum.” Dinky said.

“We promise we won't touch it.” Rainbow Dash assured.

“Well despite breaking security protocols. I guess I can make an exception as you fillies have a chaperone. Plus it can make a case for Celestia to increase the defense budget.” Shining Armor thought out loud. Shining Armor placed his Hoof on all three of the symbols of the three pony species and the door opened. On a pedestal was a vial of platinum colored fluid.

“Wow.” Trixie said as she stood awestruck at her post.

“It's pretty.” Sweetie Belle said. Dinky took five pictures of the vial.

“Is that the Super Stallion Serum that made Captain Equestria?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes. And we ponies have yet to replicate it.” Shining Armor answered. “Sadly Dr. Sandlewood died before she could share the secrets with Celestia and well, the Changelings were on to us and destroyed the machine.”

“Can we interview you about what you know about the Changeling War?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure.” Shining Armor answered. “Trixie, can you close the door

“No you cannot!” The six ponies turned to see Spike and Twilight Sparkle behind them looking furious. Twilight was the owner of that voice.

“The Train to Ponyville is half an hour away.” Spike said. “We have to leave now.”

“Yeah, we have so many things to do. Including list making.” Twilight Sparkle huffed. Rainbow Dash smelled something in the town of Przewalotte. Twilight and Spike were supposed to be at the Wonderbolt show which went until nightfall, and they don't end early. Nor were her friends usually this grouchy.

“Look Twilight it won't take all day.” Shining Armor said trying to defuse the situation. The six ponies all went out of the room that contained the serum and sat down to begin the interview. However, before it started there was a huge CRASH coming from the Serum room and the group ran back as fast as possible. They saw that Twilight and Spike gone, Trixie tied up in a spider-web like material and most frightening, the Serum gone.