2000 years ago

by Foalfree Press

Ch.1:At War

Clover ran into the castle and slammed the doors. She picked up a wooden post and barricaded the door. Clover walked to the window. The streets were a mess with craters. The sky was dark, filled with swarms of black, bug-like creatures. They shot beams of green magic into the crowds of fighting ponies.

Equestria was at war. Equestria was fighting with a race of creatures called changelings. Changlings are able to fly and use magic, as well as shapeshift. Nopony could be trusted. It starteded off as a seige, but within a few months, it became a full blown war. Ponies of every race were forced to fight. Pegasus ponies fought in the arial force, and Unicorns fought on the ground. Unicorns also enchanted armor and wepons to repel changeling magic. Earth ponies were talented at crafting. They made the finest wepons in Equestria.Earth ponies were also messangers, being able to run father distances than any other type of pony.

Clover stepped away from her window. She trotted off to Princess Platinum's chamber, where she was discussing battle plans with Chanceler Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane. Commander Hurricane could be heard loud and clear. " My soldiers are tough, but we can't go on like this forever."
" Well, we could send out a party of ponies to try to make peace with the changelings", Princess Platinum said.
"Ooohh! did you say a party?"
Chancler Puddinghead jumped at the mere mention of the word. With all the fighting going on, there was not much to celebrate.
"No darling, not that type of party", Princess Platinum said. "I mean a group of ponies to go on a journey"
"Who shall we send on this journey?" Commander Hurricane asked. "It will be dangerous, and we need to pick clever, resourceful ponies to go."
They all thought for a moment until Commander Hurricane spoke. "I will go with Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Shining Sword, and Edme." Princess Platinum stared at Commander Hurricane. " I like who you chose, but Edme, the war prisoner? Is that really such a good idea?"
"Yes. All she has done is help us. I will alert her and the others right away about the journey ahead. We must be ready."
Clover the Clever watched in the shadows. She was amazed that she was chosen to make peace with the changelings. Surely there was somepony else? She shook her haed and trotted off silently to her chamber. They must not know that she was spying. When Clover got to her room, grabbed a book from her rather large shelf. She opened the book titled 'Cures and Remidies'. Best to reveiw some healing spells if she would be going on this journey. Her consentration was cut short by a knock on her door.

"Clover, its Princess Platinum. We need to talk."
Clover sighed and opened her door. She knew what Princess Platinum was going to say, but Clover would act surprized anyway.
"Dear, as you are well aware of, we are in a war. It is a terrible time, and somepony needs to put a stop to it. I was discussing battle plans with Commander Hurricane and Chanceler Puddinghead, and we have decided to send a party of ponies to the Changeling hive, where their queen is. It has been decided that you will go to the hive. You will be accopanied by Starswirl the Bearded, Commander Hurricane, Shining Sword, and the war prisoner Edme."
Clover tried to look suprised, but she was puzzled at the mention of Edme.
"I know what you are thinking. Why Edme? Well, she is a healer, and is very valuable to Chrysalis. She will also show the way to the hive. The hive is surrounded by mile high cliffs with paths carved into them. Ponies could easily get lost, and only Edme knows a way through."

Clover nodded, her head swimming with thought. Will I ever return back home? Will I stop the war? Will Crysalis just kill me instead of reason with me? What will I eat? Where will I sleep......
"Clover", Princess Platinum's voice rang through Clover's thoughts, snapping her back to reality. " There will be a meeting in a half an hour in the throne room. I will see you then" Princess Platinum walked out of the room, gently shutting the door behind her.

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Clover swiftly trotted to the throne room. He stomach was twisted with unease. Se entered the room. There was a large, circular table int he middle of the room many ponis crowded around it. On jet black shape stuck out from the rest of the group like a sore thumb. Clover trotted up to the table, and took her place. Princess Platinum begain to speak.
"Alright, now that we are all here, lets discuss the plan. You five ponies, well four ponies and a changeling, will travel to the hive of the changelings and try to reason with the queen. If you suceed, it will stop the war.
"My queen will not be defeated so easiy." The voice heard belonged to Edme. "I will help you get to her though. I, too, am sick of this war. Too many have been hurt or killed. It needs to stop."
Chanceler Puddinghead spoke."We Earth ponies have pcaked a large array of preserved food for your travels. What good will you be able to do hungry? We have also packed spare chothes, blankets, first aid kits, and water. We have also included a map, but Edme will show you the way. We wish you good luck on your travels!"
"We will set out at dawn tommorow." Commander Hurricne's voice was heard."For now, we will head back to our rooms. Please make any additional prepperations before tommorow morning. Dissmised."

Clover trotted back to her room. She colapsed on the soft bed, knowing it would be her last chance to sleep in one for a while. She drifted into a deep slumber. Horrid dreams of war swept through her mind. The sreeching of fighting ponies. The sound of magic blasts shttering the streets. The constant, never ending buzzing of the changeling wings in her head. Clover awoke, gasping and covered in a cold sweat. So much for a restful night of sleep. She got up slowly, and looked out of her window. The sky was a soft orange. Clover turned away form her window. She put on her robe, and opened her door. She walked down to the throne room, dreading what was to come.