The Lone Plum Blossom

by Leoheartxx2

Chapter 9- Grim Future

The next day Jino was later released from the Hospital due to and emergency appointment at the Cantelot Castle. Upon arrival at the Gates, Jino meet up with Twilight Sparkle. She told Jino to follow her to meet Priencess Celestia, whom she is already waiting. Minutes later they enter a large Hall, fully decorated and funished. A large timber table in the middle of the room, engraved on it was a large sun symbol in shining gold and amber. A large group of Alicorns surrounds the table. Some wears distinguised amour and cape, but 1 alicorn, white mane and a crown on her head, was the center of attention.

" Priencess Celestia....It is an Honour...." Jino bows down as a sign of respect.

" Now now...there's is no need for such greetings. After what you have done so much for my fellow ponies and to my faithfull student Twilight. I heard you single-hoof save not 1, not 2 but 3 of my ponies from the Hydra, if I'm not mistaken? "

" It is indeed me...but I do strongly believe that Your Higness did not summon me on such introduction...."

The atmospher in the room suddendly dies. There's a awkward silience. Priencess Celestia gesture the Royal Guard to leave the room, leaving Jino, Master Kira , Twilight and a couple of Alicorns in the room.

" Master Kira had told me a lot of things about you, your tale and your misfortune....and your betrayal. " Priencess Celestia expression change drascically. " However...when you came to my land to start anew, you have also brought...."

" There will be war...." Master Kira interupt. " I am truly sorry I did not discuse with you but It had to be done....."

Jino stayed silient. Master Kira slowly walk up to him and places his hoofs on Jino's shoulder. Jino was cleary disappointed although he wouldn't blame it on anypony. He hid his emotions, trying to stay clam.

" Dear Master Kira, You had travel so far and hard to look for me. You came bringing news, both good and tragic....but please, no more secreats. " Jino's eyes changes. A sign that he meant it.

" I was nearly on the verge on discovering the conspiracy that got you banished in the 1st place. However after some deep findings, seems like Irou had another plans. In regard of the council of 7, you were the only pony in the way as you are the mentor, and also the most skilled and loyal to the Royal Court. Irou sees you as an treats to his plans to overthrowing the Emperor , so he slowly corrupt a few of the Council of 7 to his will and frame you. When your are gone, his plans proceded without any problems. "

" And on the night you went to the Emperor to consult this matter, it was also the same night whan Irou puts his plans to work. Irou knew that only you still belive in me and that I would never betray anypony at all. " Jino stoms his hoof on the floor. The floor cracks a little. " And after he took the Emperor hostage, he act "God-like" and decided to rule the land with an iron-hoof. but he wasn't satisfy. He wanted more than what he had. And so he decided to wage war to all neighbouring land....and Equestria was on the list....isn't that right Priencess Celestia? "

Everypony were dumbfound. Jino having only to know so little, manage to figure out this many detail.

" And so I have come to a decision. I will send Cantelots's most formidable Royal Guards to assist you and all it's armies to assist you in th....."

"NO!!!......THIS IS MY WAR!!!....AND MINE TO WAGE ALONE!!!" Jino shouted.

Once again Jino's emotions got to him. The bitteness, the hate....the scars that were inflited on him runs ever deep. There was no way he could let it go.

" JINO!!! CALM YOURSELF!!! " Master Kira scorn. Jino look away for a moment before he regain his composure. " I know you are mad and all but....." Jino shoves his hoofs at Master Kira, siliencing his at once.

" Princess Celestia, could you bring your best warrios and generals to the open yard infront? "

" Care to please explain this action Jino? " Princess Celestia question Jino's intention.

" You'll see soon enough."

An couple of minutes later a large number of Ponies, some Royal Guards while some are Generals gather outside. Jino together with Master Kira stood in the center. Jino stares into everyone of the ponies that were here, his hoof tight around his blades that hang ever so close to his side. Princess Celestia watches from afar.

" THOSE WHO HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-DEFENCE SKILL OF ANY SORT PLEASE STEP FORWARD!!! AND ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE A POWERFULL KNOWLEDGE IN MAGIC PLEASE STEP FORWARD!!!! " Jino scream aloud. His voice echos across the yard. Moments later, everypony in the yard did the same.

" Good...I may not know your names or your strength. But I ask you of this....IF YOUR HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, NOTHING TO REGRET AND ABSOUTLY NOTHING TO FEAR....stay...if not please step out."

The same responce. All the ponies stay. None move. Jino look at all of them closely. He wraps his hoofs with a roll of white cloth and takes a deep breath. His eyes change again. The ponies in the yard were surprise, but they kept there composure.

" Now all of you....step forward....AND TAKE ME DOWN!!!! " Jino plunge his blade into the ground and rush towards the group of ponies infront of him.Without hesitation he lift his hoof and gave a swift punch to the nearest pony. In an instant he flew a few feets back, slaming agasint the wall. A loud shotgun-like sound echos the yard.


The others hesitate awhile, then a pegasus and an earth pony charges towards Jino. A swift kick send them both the far end of the yard.

" Well?? what are you all waiting for?! If 2 can't even take me down I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU DO IT ALL AT ONCE! "

In an instance all the ponies gank up on Jino.As they pile up on Jino, it all seems helpless. But as if fueled by some mysterious power, a large flash burst from the pilling, Jino now levetating, purple aura envelop him and his eyes glows bright. An unatural sound echos across the yard.

" You see now Celestia, you may have an army, you may have battle-ready generals but do they have any experiences in an ACTUAL WAR? "

Princess Celestia was dumbfound. Equestrial had never engaged itself to war or expension of the kingdom. All was peacefull and tranquill.

" War never lay it's hands of destruction and death on this land. But it was war that makes me what I am and what I am capable of doing. It's harsh and brutal teaching has made me what I am....if you won't mind I would like to ask you a very personal question..."

The massive purple aura that envelop his body decepitate into thin air and his eyes back to normal.

" How far would you go to save the one you love? and will you KILL to save another life??"

Princess Celestial was indeed a little angry. But all she could do what sigh. She gesture the the ponies in the yard and her generals to return back to their post. She flew down and face Jino personaly. In all manner of ways she was cleary upset. All of the sudden she raise her hoofs and slap Jino across his face.

" I may never experience war in my life, nor have will do such the ruler of Equestrial I will uphold my duty and protect all my fellow ponies, be it unicorn , pegasus or earth pony. I may never shade blood on this hoofs but when time comes I will do otherwise..."

Jino hold his cheeks, still sore from the slap given by Princess Celestia. He lets out a smile. For a slap it's quite painfull.Guess she's not a pushover even though she's the violent type.

" Then by this day I will have no more argument about this matter. By LAW and ORDER , I Princess Celestia , will entrust the fate and future of Equestria in your hoofs, Jino. I pray that you will not fail us or war will be the next chapter in this land..."

Princess Celestia bow her horns to Jino, taping gently on his left and right shoulder. A soft sensation runs down Jino's body, her magic now flows gently in him. Jino picks up his blade and unsheaths it. He plunge it to the ground and swore.

" And from this day forth I promise that war will not set it's hands in this land as long I live. And by all that is intrust to me, I will protect everypony in this land to my last breath..."

A wide smile spread over Princess Celestia's face. Although she may not know the true nature of war, but at least she now can rest assured. Jino now knows. His road will once again be long and hard.

" Well Master Kira, guess It's back to my old duty......"

" Forgive me Jino...maybe I should have realise my own foolishness....." Master Kira sigh

" It's too late for apologies now....what's done is done....but know this....You have always been my most trustworthy teacher...and things you did for me I will not forget or will I forsaken....."

"......and I've never been prouder. " Tears runs down Master Kira cheeks. Jino hug him as to ease his pain.

" Time to heal back what has been back what has been destroyed....and repair what has been broken.....