//------------------------------// // Episode 5 Dan vs. Ponyville Elementary // Story: Dan's Adventures With The Mane Six // by dbzponyninja //------------------------------// Dan's Adventures With The Mane Six Episode 5 Dan vs. Ponyville Elementary In General (not just Cheerilee and the students) by Evan Carlton Written on ‎November ‎23, ‎2012 Last time on Dan's Adventures With The Mane Six Dan, Chris and Elise took their fourth visit to Equestria and like usual wound up in the middle of Ponyville however this time Trixie had returned to Ponyville and was putting on a magic show just like the last time she was in Ponyville, Dan, Chris and Elise were going to ignore her and hang out with either The Mane Six or Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in Canterlot however when Trixie insulted Dan by calling him a angry little monkey Dan foolishly challenged her to a magic battle which he won because he asked Twilight Sparkle to temporarily give him some of her unicorn magic which he activated by waving his hands around. What happens next let's find out right now? Dan, Chris and Elise used their magic necklaces given to them by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to take their fifth visit to Equestria and as usual wound up in the middle of Ponyville. Upon setting foot on Equestrian soil in Ponyville Cheerilee asked Dan "umm excuse me sir are you Dan?" Dan told the earth pony mare with a fuscha fur coat and a long mane and tail with both white and pink streaks on it "yeah why do you ask?" Cheerilee told him "well I don't know how your school records from Planet Earth appeared on my desk but it said that you passed and graduated from all your classes in Middle and High School but there is a week of missing data from when you were in Elementary School so tomorrow morning you are scheduled to come down to Ponyville Elementary and fill in the missing week because you never officially graduated Elementary School, the information right here says the only reason they allowed you to go on to Junior High is because you were a bad student with anger issues, anyway that is all." Dan screamed to the heavens "PONYVILLE ELEMENTARY!!!" So Dan attended school for a week and on his first day Diamond Tiara asked Dan "what are you supposed to be?" Silver Spoon told her earth pony filly friend with a pink fur coat and a long purple mane and tail with white streaks on it who always wears a tiara on her head "whatever he is Diamond Tiara he sure is ugly." Cheerilee told her class "alright settle down my little ponies, I have an announcement before we begin class today for this week and this week only Dan over there will be attending your classes so treat him with respect while he's still here anyway let's begin." Dan sighed before saying to himself sarcastically as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon poked him and made fun of him "this week is going to be so very fun." However after a while Applejack's little sister Applebloom whispered to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon so Cheerilee wouldn't hear her "hey leave Dan alone." Scootaloo said while also whispering "yeah so he looks different big deal just leave him alone." Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle told Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon while also whispering "yeah he's trying to learn so be quiet and leave him alone." Diamond Tiara asked all three members of The Cutie Mark Crusaders "why should I waste my time listening to three blank flank fillies who don't even have a Cutie Mark?" However Diamond Tiara forgot to whisper and Cheerilee asked Diamond Tiara "Diamond Tiara do you have something you want to share with the class young filly?" Diamond Tiara told Cheerilee "no Miss Cheerilee it's nothing." Cheerilee then said "ok good now get out some paper and a pencil it's time for a test." Dan told himself "oh great I was never good at testing and I always hated bullies but with Cheerilee over there to keep Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in check and The Cutie Mark Crusaders standing up for me, this week might not be so bad after all." The rest of the week flew by pretty fast and in the end Dan finally got his certificate saying that he both passed and graduated Elementary School. Chris and Elise congratulated Dan for his hard work and not giving up and in the end graduating from Elementary School then the three human friends went back to their homes on Planet Earth. The End.