//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: New Job // Story: Mason's Quest // by gplane1749 //------------------------------// “Stop right there criminal scum!” the guard shouted at Mason and Sunny. “We were not trying to break into the tunnel I promise.” Mason tried tell the guard but he was convinced in the slightest. “Sunny you have to have a badge or something right?” Mason asked. “I forgot it at home.” Sunny said with a calm voice. “We can’t get arrested! Quick use some mind control or something and convince him that we are not the ponies he’s looking for.” “Mason, that is very illegal and would definitely get us in serious trouble. Do not worry he will take us to the princess and she will recognize me and pardon us.” “Ok, I trust you Sunny.” Mason whispered. To the guard he said, “We surrender.” “Stop before I… Wait you surrender?” The guard asked skeptically. “Yes,” Sunny replied “and we wish to have our trial immediately.” “Very well, I will take you both to day court. Follow me.” Mason and Sunny followed the guard along the small trail back to the castle. After about twenty minutes of walking, the group reached the entrance to the castle. The guard leading them spoke to the two guards on duty and they let them pass. Mason was awestruck he had never seen anything so magnificent as the castle. The spires seemed to rise into the sky forever. The entire building was like an embodiment of the princess. Strong and powerful but also full of grace and beauty. “Quit gawking and hurry up. We do not want to keep the princess waiting.” The guard ordered. Mason and Sunny quickened their paced and rushed to keep up. Soon the courtroom doors loomed up to meet the group. Mason’s breathing was starting to become panicky “I can’t meet the princess. I am not worthy. I am a no good thief and she is going to punish me for it. Oh, man I am going to get Sunny in trouble too. No! The princess will not punish Sunny for being nice to me; he will be fine.” Mason reassured himself. “Your Highness, these petty thieves wish to have their trial held now.” The guard told the princess. “Thank you. You may return to your post, the situation has already been explained to me by the guards at the door.” The guard turned and left the courtroom but not before saying, “Good luck, you’re going to need it,” to Mason. Mason looked upon the princess in absolute wonder. He had never thought that he, a lowly bricklayer from Ponyville, could meet the princess. He mane looked like it had been infused with the best colors of day. Every color was a light pastel just like a utopian painting. The colors swirled and danced through the mane as if they each had a mind of their own. Her coat was as pure as the noonday sunlight that streamed in through the stained glass windows of the courtroom. Her wings shimmered like marble in the light. He could feel the immense power radiating off of her like heat from the sun. “Sun Swirl please explain yourself.” The princess commanded. “I was down at my post, Your Highness. Then I heard a knock at the door. The pony that was knocking was this young fellow right here, Mason I gave him some food and a drink and he explained what happened. . Mason told me that he had fallen down the abandoned mine and got lost. I teleported us back to the entrance so we could reseal it when your guard arrested us.” Sunny quickly explained. “I see. Tell me Mason what you were doing in the mine in the first place.” The princess inquired. “I was working for a band of treasure hunters. We were trying to find another entrance to the catacombs underneath the city. We had planed to steal the paintings hidden during the dragon wars. Our client was very wealthy and was going to pay us a very large sum of money for them.” Mason admitted. “Maybe she will go easy on me since I confessed. I am still looking a month or two of prison though.” Mason dejectedly thought. “So you were trying to steal precious art, some of which is worth millions on bits. For that, you must be punished. You are hereby sentenced to three months in prison with no chance of parole.” The princess ordered. “Wait, what if he serves five years community service under me as my apprentice. Consider it a favor.” Sunny suggested. “Why should I give you a favor? You were the one that let the changeling queen into the caves where she imprisoned my niece.” The princess asked. “Your Highness. Is it true that you could not beet her? Why do you hold a grudge against Mr. Swirl? He could do nothing to stop her.” Mason interjected. “What you say is true Mason. Sun Swirl I will accept your offer; Mason you are now ordered to Sun Swirl’s apprentice for the next five years.” “Thank you so much Your Highness!” Mason said as he bowed as low as he possibly could.” “Both of you got back to your post you have work to do.” The princess told them. “Yes Your Highness.” The two stallions said in unison. Once they had gotten out of the castle, Mason asked a question that had been bugging him. “Why did you help me back there, you could have just let me go to prison?” “I could not pass up on the chance for free labor.” Sunny replied, “I am kidding! You should have seen the look on you face. The real reason is I did not want such a good stallion like you go to prison because he fell in with the wrong crowd. I do need an apprentice though and I thought you would like this job better than a being a thief.” “Thank you Sunny; you do not know how happy I am.” Mason responded. “Now I have a job I can be proud of. Not to mention a pretty cool boss.”