Assassin's Tears IV: Loyalty by Corruption

by MisterGTFO

Knowing The Ugly and The Bad

Chapter Two: Knowing The Ugly and The Bad

Silent Wind didn't want to be tackled by a hostile Rainbow Dash since he was already in confusion and didn't also want to be in pain too. He quickly dodged out of Rainbow Dash's hurling body at him by shifting quickly to the left, not looking behind him. He sighed, relieved. All the sudden, he was hit in the back by Rainbow Dash. A blunt pain ached in his back as he fell into the river that was over the bridge of Ponyville. Soon, he regained his focus and swam back up into the river's surface. He soon got on the ground, still feeling a small ache in his back. He looked up, seeing a Rainbow Dash with goggles around her neck. Silent Wind didn't understand why he was attacked by Rainbow Dash since he knew that Rainbow Dash was never hostile towards others unless they show danger towards her or anypony. Rainbow Dash walked up to him, grabbing his Dark-Blue cloak with her left hoof and looking at him in his eyes.

"You! You're a Changeling, aren't ya!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Silent Wind's eyes widened in shock. How could have Rainbow Dash take him for a Changeling? It was very odd to Silent Wind. It was foolish to Silent Wind to be mistaken for a Changeling. Silent Wind began to feel frustration within himself.

"What? How can you even mistake me for a Changeling! It's me, Silent Wind!" Silent Wind replied, hoping that Rainbow Dash would remember him. Rainbow Dash made a confused expression at Silent Wind, as if She had never seen Silent Wind in her life.

"Hey! I've never seen you before, you've gotta be one!" Rainbow Dash denied, pulling back her right hoof. Before she could give Silent Wind a right hook, She heard a voice and so did Silent Wind.

"Rainbow! Stop it!" A mare's voice pleaded. Rainbow Dash lowered her right hoof and released her grip from Silent Wind's cloak. Relieved, Silent Wind rubbed his neck and flapped his forelegs to dry his clothing from the river's water. He didn't know that the mare who was talking, was Twilight Sparkle. As soon as he looked up, he saw Twilight's hoof reach for his forehead, as if he was sick or something. The first thing he noticed about Twilight was that she was oddly wearing rectangular glasses, it was very alien to Silent Wind. Twilight soon took her hoof off his forehead and shooked her head at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in reply.

"I'm sure this isn't a mistake.. You aren't a Changeling. Thank Celestia.." Twilight said, relieved. Silent Wind was relieved also but wanted to know how Twilight knew that he wasn't a Changeling without any doubt. But at that moment, he also wanted to know if Twilight even knew him.

"Thank you, but Twilight, how did you even know that?" Silent Wind asked. Twilight heard Silent Wind say her name, she was quite surprised that he knew her name.

"Oh, you know my name? But to answer your question, I used a Aura-checking spell. Celestia made it so that I could confirm anything that's a Changeling or not." She replied back. Despite of his question being answered, his heart fell when he heard that Twilight didn't know him. He still kept a strong spirit, he never did show any sadness for anypony, especially Twilight.

"Oh- uh.. I've heard a lot about you and your friends!" Silent Wind lied, feigning a grin. Twilight smiled and nodded.

"I think it's best if you'd come with me. If that's okay with you of course." Twilight obliged. Silent Wind nodded in reply to her request. Rainbow Dash soon barged into the conversation and said that she would have to go into the skies to scout out for any Changelings. Silent Wind didn't completely understand what was happening but what he did know, was that something really bad was happening in Equestria.


As soon as Silent Wind got into Twilight's library which was of course, her home also. He saw that there were no lights at all, just flickering fire's from candles that were placed throughout the librarian's home. Silent Wind wanted to know what was going on which was his main objective right now. Before he could, he wanted to know where Twilight was taking him. After walking through the library, Silent Wind found himself on the balcony. He turned his head towards Twilight, who was fixing the lens on her glasses with her left hoof.

"So, what do you want to know? I know that you want to say something." Silent Wind wondered. Twilight was always a curious mare to Silent Wind. Twilight did feel like questioning the mysterious silver coated Stallion that didn't know what was even going on.

"Do.. you know what's going on? Did you hit your head or something?" Twilight questioned. Silent Wind should've known that something was indeed feeling ominous. At that point, Silent Wind remembered that he was sucked into a portal. He then spoke up about it.

"Well, I do remember being sucked into a portal.. The weirdest thing was that I heard two words that I couldn't really put my hoof on too." Silent Wind said. Twilight gasped, making Silent Wind give her a confused expression on his face.

"A portal?! I remember being told of Changelings activating a portal all the way south of here! It must've closed, right?" Twilight asked. Silent Wind nodded, making Twilight sigh in relief.

"Yeah.. Uh, I'll just say this and tell you that I think that I'm from another universe of Equestria. Weird, right?" Silent Wind admitted. Twilight didn't find it odd at all. She had actually started her theories and studies on other Dimensions of Equestria, different ponies and personalities in each dimension. She had also been noting her mentor, Princess Celestia of such things.

"No, not really. I mean- I recently just made theories on Alternate universes. But I can't do that in the big thing we're in right now.." Twilight said, mumbling the last words that went out of her mouth. Silent Wind wondered what the 'big thing' was and questioned Twilight about it.

"Thing? What thing?" Silent Wind questioned. Twilight had already know that the Stallion in front of him was from another universe of Equestria and understood that he didn't know much on what was going on.

"I guess that since you're not from here, you don't really know.." Twilight chucked, putting Silent Wind in a much more curious situation. "I'm sure that what it is.. that you can just call it.. war." She finished her sentence.

"War? What kind of war?" Silent Wind asked. Twilight re-focused her glasses for a moment and raised her head up, wanting to answer the silver Stallion's question.

"A war with the Changelings, of course." Twilight explained, saying it calmly. Silent Wind's mind flashed at that moment. He remembered all of things about Rainbow Dash accusing him of being a Changeling and everything. It was so obvious! Silent Wind saddened, lowered his head with a frown.

"How.. will I get back home?" Silent Wind grimly mumbled. Twilight remembered him saying something about hearing several words and decided that was a possible way to his world. To Twilight, it didn't seem like a good one, but Twilight was very kind and would most certainly want Silent Wind to go back to his world since She thought that Silent Wind was a simple stallion who had no special kind of help for the war that was going on. But u"nfortunately, she didn't know anything about Silent Wind.

"You said something about hearing words. Do you know what they said?" Twilight wondered. Silent Wind began to focus and attempted to remember what exactly he had heard. Though it had taken at least over thirty seconds to remember what Silent Wind had remembered, it made Twilight's mouth go agape.

"I think it was defeat some.. queen. I dunno, but I'm sure I heard that precisely." Silent Wind said with assuring that was exactly what he had heard. Twilight knew whom he was talking about and it was not Princess Celestia. Twilight was smart enough to distinguish words that other ponies said, also being able to know who they were talking about even if they were describing in single words.

"You.. must be talking about Queen Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings..!" Twilight hissed. Silent Wind froze as he heard that he had to 'defeat' a Queen who was the leader of hundreds, possibly thousands of Changelings. In other words, he would have to kill Chrysalis, in order to get back to his world. Silent Wind lowered his whole body down and was literally sitting down on the wooden balcony floor. Despite of how skilled he was, defeating a Spirit, even sealing away a dark, evil spirit. Silent Wind never did take on a Queen who would most certainly be powerful as him, maybe. To him, it felt as if he was given a test. To see if he could protect Equestria against anything. Still, he was quite shocked on how the Queen whom the voice had spoken of was nonetheless, Queen Chrysalis.

"Dammit.. what do I do then..?" Silent Wind asked. Twilight had to remembered that she had to pick up several things within the Everfree Forest for planning. She would also need her friends too. But since Silent Wind was by her, she decided to tell Silent Wind to bring her friends to the Library.

"Oh, I have to gather a few things in the Everfree Forest. Can you get my friends back here for me? I need them here. I promise that it won't take long, I'll be back before you." Twilight promised. Silent Wind sighed, but still, he really didn't have anything to do. So just for now, he decided to follow Twilight's orders.

"Mmm.. fine. I know where your friends live, so it won't be a problem." Silent Wind agreed. As he got to the Balcony door, Twilight gasped as she saw the white Silentblade Insignia painted on the back of Silent Wind's Dark-blue Cloak. Silent Wind managed to hear the gasp from the Librarian and turned his head to her.

"What's wrong?" Silent Wind asked. He didn't like it when ponies around him gasped. It made him feel like something was coming after them. Twilight pointed at the Silentblade Insignia at his Cloak. Silent Wind looked where she was pointing and chuckled.

"Yeah? I'm a Silentblade. Nothing too special about that." Silent Wind admitted. Though Twilight knew what a Silentblade was, she was quite surprised to see another Silentblade ever since the large incident that happened. Since the incident happened around her world, of course Silent Wind wouldn't know. She decided that it was right to tell Silent Wind what happened but it was quite hard to say it because Twilight had difficulty to say it.

"I know what a Silentblade is.. I just didn't think you were one. But more importantly, I don't ever see ponies like you anymore.ever since that one incident.." Twilight began. Silent Wind didn't know where Twilight was going but somehow, he stayed for a bit to hear what she was about to say. Silent Wind thought about that incident when he was young but nopony knew that. Only the Silentblades, of course. To his curiosity, Silent Wind wondered what the incident that Twilight was trying to explain.

"What incident? Tell me, please." Silent Wind asked. Twilight rubbed her left shoulder with her right hoof, Silent Wind noticed, she looked as if she was in a very uncomfortable in saying it. She just blurted it out but it was clear enough for Silent Wind to hear it.

"The- The Silentblades.. are dead. Killed by Chrysalis and her Changelings, several months ago! Down in the south.. I'm very sorry." Twilight blurted out. Her eyes closed. Silent Wind thought he had mistaken her say some about the Silentblades dead. All of them, dead. But why did he care so quickly? Silent Wind was feeling oddly weird, as anger began to fill up within him. But then it's was in a silent fit of rage. He decided to not to holler at her. Instead, Silent Wind spoke to her before leaving outside.

"It's alright.. besides, that gives me a reason.. to kill Changelings then. I don't care how big or 'great' they are, they're all just insect pest scum to me, now. I'll be back, Twilight." With that, Silent Wind opened the balcony door, closing it his way out. Twilight was a bit worried about what he was going to do. Though she remembered that she had more bigger matters, she opened the balcony door, closing it behind her also. As she gathered her saddlebag, she just hoped that nothing bad would happen to her.


In a dark room, far from Ponyville, Chrysalis laid upon her throne. Watching her subjects repel off the Royal Guards like fleas in a small, black crystal ball.. One of her prince servants, Ignis was being ordered by Chrysalis to do a task.

"It seems that we have a little mare moving out from the safe boundaries of Celestia's pathetic little ventures.. Ignis, get this mare, Twilight Sparkle.. bring her to me. I am sure you know how she looks." Chrysalis ordered, her dark voice surrounding the room. Ignis quickly obeyed as he bowed down, his Changeling armor making small noises. He raised up his body and grinned with his pointy teeth, his eyes glared with a red eye and a white eye.

"Understood!" Ignis growled with his low, evil voice. He quickly teleported out of the large room, leaving Chrysalis by herself. Though she knew that Twilight was now getting out of Ponyville, leaving her to vulnerable danger. But Chrysalis saw another pony, Silent Wind who had such an amazing spirit inside. Chrysalis noted herself to keep an eye on that silver stallion but for now, she would see Twilight be captured first.

"Things.. are getting interesting." Chrysalis mumbled, howling with laughter.