Don't Stop Believing

by Mitslits

Goin' Anywhere

Going Anywhere

"Next stop, Stalliongrad", the speaker crackled.

Dawn's Glow jerked awake. "Wha-?" she mumbled. Lights flickered on and she blinked blearily. That's when she noticed some of the other ponies on the train. Shady characters all of them. Her eyes narrowed.

A colt noticed this and rolled his eyes. He got off at the stop. The doors closed and the train continued on its way.

"Final stop, Detroit, Mareigan", the speaker informed the now panicking cream pony.

Dawn's eyes found their way to the speaker. "Mareigan? I'm supposed to be going to Manehattan not Mareigan! How did I get on the wrong train?" She stood to get off the train and reached for her suitcase. It wasn't there. She gasped. Everything was going wrong! But she had no choice. Dawn's Glow stepped tentatively off the train and gasped as she surveyed the, no her, surroundings.

The train had stopped in Detroit, Mareigan. The train had stopped in the slums.

Author's Note: I apologize for the shortness, but I couldn't think of much more to say about this. I promise the next one will be longer!