Sisterly Love

by Lux

Chance Meetings

Chapter 2 – Chance Meetings

The light of Princess Celestia’s sun streamed through the windows of the basement illuminating the blackness. The orange filly winced as a beam of light was aimed directly at her eyes like nature’s way of telling her she needed to get up. She yawned and stretched as she rolled over onto her hooves. Immediately she felt a wave of pain through her body as she started to walk. She checked her body and didn’t see any injuries other than a few cuts from rogue tree branches lashing her as she made her way through the storm. She figured that the pain was from her journey to Ponyville. It was annoying but not painful enough for her to not be able to walk.

Taking her prized scooter, the orange Pegasus trotted up the steps and opened the wooden cellar doors. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she stepped into the alleyway and carefully made her way out into the main street. She had to be careful now that it was daytime that she didn’t give away her hiding place. She made a note to return to her makeshift home only at night or if she really needed to.

For a moment the orange filly looked out into the main street. Ponies of different types, ages, and colors were busily making their way about town. Some ponies were helping to clean up from the storm. Others were conversing with each other. Still others were opening their businesses for the day. The ponies appeared very friendly to each other, giving the Pegasus a satisfied feeling that she had chosen a good place to live.

The filly then saw a white unicorn with a curly lilac and pink mane and tail approaching her. This was it, the chance to make a good first impression.

“Hi there,” the unicorn said in a bubbly upbeat tone, “I’m Sweetie Belle. What’s your name?”

“I’m Scootaloo,” the filly said, “nice to meet you.”

“Scootaloo. That’s a neat name. So are you new in town? I’ve never seen you around before.”

Scootaloo thought about what she was going to say. She didn’t want to outright lie to the filly, but she couldn’t risk telling her secret just yet. Something like that would require time and trust.

“Yeah, I’m new,” Scootaloo said, “My parents and I just moved in.”

“Oh, that’s cool,” Sweetie Belle said, “Hey, you don’t have a cutie mark like me. I thought I was one of the only fillies in town who didn’t have her mark. So do you want to hang out with me?”

“Sure,” Scootaloo said happy to have a pony take an interest with her.

“Great! I can tell we’re going to be the best of friends soon! Hey, did you have any breakfast?”

“Not really,” Scootaloo said, her stomach rumbling in agreement.

“Well, my sister Rarity can make you something. Follow me!”

Scootaloo got on her scooter and used her wings to propel her through the crowd as she followed the unicorn through town.
“Hey, that’s a neat trick with your wings and scooter.”

“Yeah, I wish that I could fly though. I feel kind of silly not being able to fly like the other Pegasus ponies. My wings just are too small.”

“I know how you feel, the part about not being able to do things. Not the flying part. I’m bad at magic. I know it’s silly since my sister is really good but I can barely cast a spell. But I know I’ll get the hang of it one day. Oh, did you meet Rainbow Dash?”
“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said with a confused look.

“Oh, that’s right,” Sweetie Belle said, “You just moved here. Rainbow Dash is a really good flyer, maybe even the best. You can’t miss her as she has a rainbow mane and tail and creates rainbows in the sky. Gosh I’d love to have my mane and tail rainbow like. Oh, look! There she is overhead!”

Scootaloo stopped she scooter and careened her neck to look up at the sky. There she saw a blue Pegasus with a rainbow contrail flying in the air. She didn’t look like that she was going any place particular as she flew back and forth. It was then that she realized that the pony was doing stunts! The filly watched as Rainbow Dash did loops and somersaults and barrel rolls in the sky. Although she was overjoyed, Scootaloo felt a sense of longing, a feeling that she was destined to be in the clouds like Rainbow Dash, forever free. The word “free” lingered in her mind, reminding her of how in the past she wasn’t free but now she could be. There was also with that word a hint of regret as she knew that it wasn’t her desire or drive that would hold her back. It was her small wings, the one thing that she had no control over in her life and the one thing that would keep her grounded.

“Scootaloo,” a familiar voice was heard, “Are you ok? You went quiet all of a sudden.”

“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about how great it would be to fly like Rainbow Dash.”

“Well who knows? Maybe one day you will.”

Suddenly the two ponies heard a pony yelling and looked around to see where the sound was coming from. Scootaloo happened to look up just at the right time to see Rainbow Dash heading right towards her. She didn’t have time to move out of the way, so she quickly placed herself around Sweetie Belle who was frozen in place, ready to take the brunt of the hit.
Rainbow Dash, seeing that she was about to crash into a pair of frightened fillies tried to slow down as much as possible before crashing into the two. The three ponies rolled into a ball before coming to a stop.

“Ugh! I really have to work on that move,” Rainbow Dash said as she slowly stood up. She then unfolded her wings to check to see if they were ok. The mare then remembered that she crash landed into two fillies and looked around for them. There in a pile were the two, Scootaloo resting on top of Sweetie Belle. The fillies opened their eyes to see that the collision was over and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Um, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said, “Can you get off me now?”

“Oh, sorry,” the Pegasus sheepishly said as she rolled off the unicorn.

“Hey are you two ok,” Rainbow Dash said with concern as she looked at the two ponies she hit.

“I’m fine,” Sweetie Belle said, “How about you Scootaloo? You took the brunt of the hit.”

“I’m ok,” Scootaloo said.”

“Heh, sorry for crashing into you like that,” Rainbow Dash said, “I guess I have to work on some things before I meet the Wonderbolts.”

“Woah, you’re trying out for the Wonderbolts,” Scootaloo said.

“Of course I am,” Rainbow Dash said, “It’s my dream to be one of them, soaring through their and performing awesome stunts as the fans cheer my name!”

The cyan Pegasus then recovered from her fan crazed moment as she realized that the two fillies were there.
“So you’re Rarity’s sister, right?”

“Yep, I’m Sweetie Belle. You know my sister?”

“Well, I meet her some times. She’s a bit too frilly for me. I mean being cute is not my sort of thing. I haven’t seen you in town before. What’s your name?”

“I’m Scootaloo.”

“Scootaloo, eh? Well I got to say you really showed some courage protecting you friend like that.”

“Aw, it was nothing,” Scootaloo said trying to down play her act.

“No way, it was something. Take it from a pony that never leaves a friend hanging. You’ve got guts kid. So, I guess I’ll catch you two around. Oh, and Scootaloo if you want to fly with me sometime, just come find me, ok?”

“Actually,” the filly said with her head hung low, “I can’t fly. My wings are too small.”

“Oh,” Rainbow Dash said, “Well, you can still hang with me and we can do some other stuff. Anyway, I got to go. I need to practice some more. See you later!”

With that the mare took off into the sky, a rainbow trailing behind.

“That was cool meeting her,” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, she’s a neat pony. By the way thanks again for protecting me like that.”

“Sure. What are friends for?”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes lit up upon hearing that Scootaloo was now her friend. She suddenly gave the orange filly a big hug which caught the pony off guard.

“So how about breakfast then, friend?”

“Sure,” Scootaloo said as she followed the unicorn on her scooter. The day was already starting to be going great as she not only met a friend but an awesome pony to hopefully look up to.