//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Brotherhood is Magic // by GauntletsofRai //------------------------------// ...did send forth her sister into the reaches of the heavens and imprisoned her within the moon. Now she awaits the time that will come when her one thousand years of penance are complete, when night shall rain upon the lands for eternity. -The Ballad of Nightmare Moon, page 214. Thomas sighed and rubbed his eyes as he placed the old book back on the shelf where he had found it. He wasn't one for fairy tales, but this story was apparently historically accurate, or so the author had claimed. What he couldn't get his mind around was the disturbing image of Princess Celestia, the benevolent picture of all that was good in the world, banishing her only sister into the moon. Princess Celestia wouldn't do that... would she? Even for as long as Thomas of House Twilight had known the princess as his personal teacher and mentor, there was still a lot he didn't or probably never would know about her. Legend said that she was at least a thousand years old, which he had held as true since his father had told him stories of when he'd seen the princess as a boy, almost forty years ago, and how she hadn't changed one bit since then. Even if he didn't know everything about the princess' past, he was sure that she would never lie to him. He had been thinking since he started walking to the princess' chambers to meet with her, per her request. As he reached the door to the chamber, he flattened his straight black hair where it had stuck up and straightened out his deep purple tunic the way he always did when having audience with the princess. He took a few nervous breaths and then opened the door cautiously. "Princess Celestia, you wanted to see me?" He looked around the wide chamber, still in awe at the high-vaulted ceilings painted with murals of the sky and clouds that he could swear were moving. For some reason, every time he saw that ceiling, he was filled with awestruck wonder, even though he had seen it hundreds of times. He searched the room until his eyes settled on the familiar form of the princess. She stood tall and glimmering in the evening sun that poured through the stained glass windows that circled her chamber. The strangest, and in Thomas' opinion the most beautiful thing about her, was her hair, which cascaded down her shoulders in rippling pastel greens blues and pinks. When she turned to face him, her deep and wistful eyes rested upon him, and she addressed him in tones as smooth and warm as honey. "Hello Thomas. Come, sit down! Have some tea." Thomas walked reverently to the princess and sat down in the chair she gestured to. He picked up a cup of tea that she poured and sipped it while he waited for the princess to begin speaking. "I wanted to tell you about a special assignment I have for you." Thomas almost choked on his tea when she told him that. A special assignment?! What could it be? She actually trusts ME with a special assignment?! He choked down his excitement and spoke as coolly as was possible for him in his current state of unrest. "Um, what assignment would that be princess?" "There have been reports of strange things happening in the lands to the north. Some say that demons are roaming freely in the open, and some say that there is a powerful necromancer that has awoken. I have no confirmation to any of those theories, but there is no doubt that something very unsettling is going on." The princess rose gracefully to her feet and stood by the window, looking at the red sun sinking in the horizon without blinking. She sighed heavily and turned to Thomas. "I have lived through some very difficult and disturbing times, Thomas, but if this disturbance turns out to be what I think it is..." She lowered her head and stared at the ground, her eyes filled with thousands of years of sorrow. "Your assignment is to find the source of this disturbance, and end it. I would go myself, but I have other matters to attend to." She approached Thomas, who was now rigid with anticipation in his seat. "I have faith that you will complete this task, Thomas. This is the most important thing I have ever asked of you, but I know that you can accomplish it." Thomas leapt to his feet with determination. "I won't let you down, Princess! Just tell me where to go, and I'll be there by morning!" The princess eyed him with what can only be described as amusement. "Thomas, I know you are confident in your abilities, as am I, but you won't be going alone." Thomas' expression changed from elation to disbelief so quickly that it was almost comical, which he noted from the princess' stifled smirk. He sat back down and stared at the ground in despairingly. Truth be told, Thomas did not work well with others. Partly because he was always afraid he would do something that would upset someone, or cause someone to turn on him. This would often lead to him doing exactly what he tried to avoid. He looked back up at the princess, speaking with caution. "Who will you send with me, princess?" The princess revealed a scroll from her sleeve and handed it to him. "This is a list of the five men I want you to take with you on this trip. You can find each of them in the town of Mannsville." FIVE others? I would have been fine with one, maybe even three, but FIVE? Thomas' heart sank even lower than he thought was possible. He would have to lead a group of five men, and each of them from a place he had never visited? He felt as though he might heave right in front of the princess, he was so nervous. Princess Celestia laid a hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "I have been observing these men for quite some time now, and I am confident that they will be very useful in this mission." She straightened up, moved back to the window and formally addressed him. "Find these men first thing tomorrow, and then head along the North Road to Manesburrow east of White Tail Woods. When you arrive there, speak to Thane Edwin about the strange occurances." She looked back at Thomas, more friendly now. "By the way, how is Spike doing?" Remembering the hatchling dragon he had received to care for several years ago lightened his mood. "Very well, princess. He mastered his message fire just yesterday." A genuine smile broke across the princess' face. "Very good indeed! You can contact me during your mission if you run into any trouble." She once again placed her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes with her assuring stare. "Sleep well, and good luck on your journey, my faithful student." Thomas bowed and exited the chamber. Once he closed the door, he let out a sigh as though he had been holding his breath the entire time. He walked back to his room in the castle, still dazed by the task set before him. As he reached his room, he climbed into bed, not bothering to change his clothes, and stared at the ceiling until he finally fell asleep. * * *