Friendship is Epic - Book 2: Dat Mareami Heat

by FlareGun45

The Haunted Mansion

BOO! Happy Nightmare Night, everypony! It’s my first Nightmare Night in Ponyville, which means its Pipsqueak’s second Nightmare Night in general! Wow, this is the fourth chapter in the second season of my series we’re talking about Nightmare Night, and MLP’s first Nightmare Night episode was in episode 4 of season 2. Pretty ironic, is it not? Nightmare Night is a great time to get candy, and as Pinkie says, you're never too old for free candy! I got my trailer all decorated for the trick or treaters that'll be coming soon. Lots of spooky stuff around my place. I even decorated the fish tank. In fact, I'm just doing the finishing touches on it. Darrel was afraid of the skull I put in it.

"AAAH!" Darrel cried. He swam away from the skull, but unaware that he was swimming to a scary looking pumpkin. He screamed again. Everywhere he swam to there was something scaring him. The last thing he was swimming to was a picture of Darla from Finding Nemo which scared Darrel the most. Eventually, he hid behind Rainbow.

"You okay, Darrel?" Rainbow asked.

"Rainbow, where are we? Everything looks scary!" Darrel cried out.

"That's because Flare decorated the tank for Nightmare Night." Yoyo said.

"Huh?" Darrel asked.

"Do we have to go through this every year, Darrel?" Dorthey asked.

"I keep forgetting." Darrel said.

"So, where's Pearl and Piddles?" Yoyo asked.

"Getting dressed." Dorthey said. Pearl then showed up and was wearing a princess outfit and Piddles was dressed in an apron and hair net.

"What are you guys suppose to be?" Yoyo asked.

"I'm Princess Cadance. I spread the love all around. When two ponies are fighting, I make them fall in love." Pearl said. “See how OP I am?”

"Like the time Cadance accidently made a brother and a sister fall in love?" Piddles teased.

"What about you, Piddles? What are you suppose to be? A bus colt?" Pearl asked.

"No. A Steak ‘n Shake cashier." Piddles said.

"Thanks Piddles, you made a hungry." Yoyo complained.

"What doesn't make you hungry?" Piddles asked.

"Hey fishies!" I said to them in an evil tone. Darrel screamed like a little girl and fainted on Rainbow. I was wearing a black outfit, with a necklace with buttons on it, a black cape, and I was painting a big red 'S' on my right eye, while holding a mirror so I can see where I'm painting so I don't get any paint inside my eye. Ouch. That happened to me before, and it wasn't pretty.

"Wow, what kind of outfit is that?" Dorthey asked, but I can't hear what she's saying, but a coincidence, I answered anyway.

"Look at me, I'm evil Flare! Darth Flare!" I said.

"Darth who?" Rainbow asked.

"I never heard of a character by that name." Dorthey said.

"I'm going out to do a little trick or treating, and in every house I go to, I'll do a little jingle." I said. "Trick or treat, smell my feet that I put in a tub full of garlic and purple onions. Except, I don't have feet, I have hooves."

"That doesn't even rhyme." Pearl pointed out.

"Well I'm off. I'll see you when I get back!" I said to the fish and when I opened the door, Spike and Twilight were waiting for me outside.

"Trick or treat!" Spike said.

"Hi Flare!" Twilight said.

"Hey Spike! Hey Twilight! I was just about to go out trick or treating myself!" I said.

"Well first this dragon needs his yearly Nightmare candy!" Spike said.

"Of course, bro! Of course!" I said putting a few candies in his bucket.

"Is chocolate all you have? Where are the gems?" Spike asked.

"Bro, I can't provide gems for you ALL the time. You know how expensive they are?" I asked.

"That's fine; I can get some from Rarity." Spike said.

"Spike, don't be so selfish. Thank Flare for the chocolate." Twilight ordered him.

"Thank you, Flare." Spike said with an attitude.

"No problemo!" I said. "I'm saving most of the Milky Ways for me though. Milky Ways are my favorite chocolate. So what are you two wearing?”

“Since I was Starswirl the Bearded last time, I decided to be his apprentice Clover the Clever. She was one of the ponies that discovered Equestria.” Twilight said.

“Wrong holiday, Twlight.” I pointed out.

“See, THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” Spike yelled. “I told you, Twilight, everypony’s going to say that.”

“What are you supposed be, brah?” I asked Spike.

“Oh I’m a Ghostbuster.” Spike said. “When something’s strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?”

“The police.” I said.

Twilight then looked at my costume weirdly. "Why are you wearing that?" she asked.

"What? My Darth Flare outfit? It's my Nightmare Night costume." I said. "Didn't it scare you when I first used it?"

"Yes, very." Twilight said.

"Oooo Twilight, you betrayed me, I'm gonna sing a song about ruling the world." I said sarcastically, teasing her.

She chuckles and joins along. "Oh no, Flare. This isn't like you, you're being tricked."

"But you all betrayed me, and now you're gonna have to pay!" I teased. We both laughed.

"I.... I don't get it." Spike said.

"Oh you were probably being worked on by that time, becoming that dragon beast." I said. "But yeah, and what are the odds of anypony else wearing this? At least we had a costume meeting this time, unlike that costume party we went to a few weeks ago."

A cutaway shows somepony started knocking on the door at my trailer and Blaze was with me inside. He was finishing putting on his Flash outfit and started walking to the door. "I got it!" he yelled. Once he finished putting on his glove, he opened the door and Psyche bursts inside the trailer, making a zoom noise, wearing the same Flash outfit. They were both shocked to see eachother. "Oh no!" Blaze complained.

"Oh no!" I complained as I walked out of my room also wearing a Flash outfit.

"Make way for the fastest pony alive!" Engie yelled as he ran inside my trailer also wearing a Flash outfit. "Oh no!" he complained.

"You see, this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting!" I complained.

"Well we all have different costumes, we can change!" Blaze suggested.

"Or, we can stay behind eachother all night; it'll look like one pony going really fast!" Engie suggested.

"No, no! It's a boy, girl party, this Flash runs solo." Psyche said.

"How about this? Nopony gets to be the Flash, we all change, agreed?" Blaze asked.

"Agreed." we all said gloomy, as we all went back to our places to change.

Just then Blaze yelled; "I CALL FRODO!"

"DARN!" we all complained. The cutaway ends.

"So Flare. I guess you and Pinkie aren't so different." Twilight said.

"Whatcha talkin about?" I asked.

"With the trick or treating. How old are you?" Twilight asked.

"26." I said.

"Oh, really?" Twilight asked.

"Times 1. What's 26 times 1?" I asked.

"Uhh, 26?" Twilight asked.

"Yep! That's how old I am!" I said. "How about you Twilight? What's your age?"

"Well, my age is-" Twilight said, but Spike interrupted her.

"Uhh, Twilight? Can we continue trick or treating?" he asked.

"Of course, Spike!" Twilight said. "Flare, you coming?"

"Why else you think I'm out here wearing this costume and holding this bucket?" I asked, holding an orange bucket with a jack-o-lantern face on it.

"I see what you mean." Twilight said.

"C'mon, I wanna go to Keith's house." Spike said. So we all went trick or treating. We started off at Keith’s house. We rang his doorbell, and he opened it. I said my trick or treat jingle. "Trick or treat, I feel leet, time to feel dat Mareami heat!"

"Flaaaaaaaaaaaaare!” Keith said excitedly.


“KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITH!” Spike said excitedly.

“No… this is Flare and mine’s thing.” Keith said to him.

“So can we have some candy?” I asked.

"Oh.” Keith said.

“What?” I asked.

“I ate it.” Keith said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah.” Keith said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I was hungry.” Keith said.

“Don’t you have anything else in your fridge?” I asked.

“Nothing I want.” Keith said.

“Oh.” I said.

“Yeah.” Keith said.

“Well that SUCKS!” Spike complained.

“Sorry.” Keith said.

“Thanks anyway, Keith. You have a Happy Nightmare Night!” Twilight said.

“Whatever.” Keith said.

“See you on Facebook, brah.” I said.

“Ok.” He said as he closed the door.

“He’s quite a charming fella.” Spike said.

“He has a quiet social life. He spends the majority of his time mining for diamonds.” I said.

A cutaway shows Keith inside his house playing Minecraft. Umm… yeah, that’s about it. Short cutaway wasn’t it?

"Where to next?" Spike asked. So we went from house to house, getting more and more candies. Of course, my jingles weren't all the same. We went to Steve the Combine Soldier’s house next.

"Sup?" he asked.

"Trick or treat, I don't like meat. Give me candy to rot my teeth." I jingled.

"I wish I can have candy to rot my teeth, but I can’t take this gas mask off. Combine surgery and all that.” Steve said.

“Who’s this dude?” Spike asked.

“His name is Steve. I’m just gonna leave it at that.” I said trying to avoid another narrative contradiction attack. Trust me, it was hard for me to rebuild Ponyville.

“Am I going to be able to go back home soon, Flare?” Steve asked. “Stew is becoming impatient not being able to say his favorite word.”

“I’M TIRED OF SAYING BADFLANK! It just doesn’t feel the same!” Stew the Combine Shotgunner yelled.

“Here’s your candy.” Steve offered.

"Thanks!" Spike said.

“No prob! Just remember our deal, Flare.” Steve said.

“Just give me time, brah. I promise you two will be back home just don’t mention the name ok?” I asked.

“Got it.” Steve said as he gave us a thumbs-up and closed the door. Don’t worry, I’m planning on him leaving by the time chapter 8 is done.

So Spike and I went to many other houses and got more stuff. The three of us met in the town square and told each other what we got.

"Cool, I got some 3 Musketeers." Spike said.

"I got some laffy taffy." Twilight said.

"I got a rock." I said.

We went to more houses and met in the town square again after we got more candy.

"I got some bottle caps." Spike said.

"I got some milky ways." Twilight said.

"I got a rock." I said.

We met at the town square again after a few more houses.

"I got some nerds." Spike said.

"I got some chocolate bits." Twilight said.

"I got a rock.... soundtrack." I said, holding a rock music soundtrack case.

"Oh... well, that's good." Spike said.

"No. It's Red Hot Chili Peppers." I said.

"Nevermind then." Spike said.

"I haven't been so lucky tonight." I said.

"Its okay, Flare." Twilight said.

"Well at least I'm not gonna rot my teeth, unlike you two." I said.

"I guess that's one way of putting it." Twilight chuckled and said.

“Well, whatever." I said. Just then suddenly, I heard a familiar giggle, and Pinkie was hopping towards us. She was wearing a gypsy costume.

"Hey Pinkie!" Spike said.

"Hey guys!" Pinkie said. "You all ready to party?"

"Of course, always!" Twilight said.

"Because there's a Nightmare Night party being hosted at Canterlot Manor! Isn't that great? This is gonna be fun!" Pinkie cried.

"A Nightmare Night party in an old abandoned mansion on the hills of Canterlot?" I asked. "Yeah nothing suspicious there."

"Are you crazy, bro?" Spike asked. "An abandoned house in the hills of Canterlot? You say nothing suspicious?"

"Nothing suspicious." I said.

Spike gave me a look. "Alright seems legit." he said and nodded.

“Then let’s go!” Pinkie said excitedly. “We’re all invited!”

“Who’s hosting it?” Twilight asked.

“Oh I have no idea!” Pinkie said as she continued to hop.

“Hmm…” Twilight thought. “Are you sure we should be going there? Accepting a party invitation from a complete stranger seems pretty suspicious.”

“Twilight, if there was anything suspicious wouldn’t we know about?” I asked as I put my hoof around her.

“He’s got a point!” Pinkie said.

“I just don’t think it’s wise.” Twilight said as she turned around and thought to herself. “Now if we were to go to a party invited by a pony we have no idea who, then I say we- oh they’re gone.” She said as she turned back. She then sighs. “Fine, shouldn’t say I didn’t warn them.”

“You didn’t warn us!” I yelled out from the distance.

So the four of us started heading over to Canterlot so we can go to the Canterlot Manor party. While we were walking along the Canterlot streets on our way over there, we played a guessing game. It was my turn. "Alright, so I'm thinking of pony that's dark blue, has a wavy mane that reflects on the night sky, and her cutie mark is a moon. Who is this pony?" I asked.

"Let me guess.... Luna?" Spike asked with an annoyed tone while riding on my back.

"Right!" I said. "Now I'm thinking of an alicorn, whom her sister shows off too much, but she doesn't have enough appearances. Who is this pony?"

"It's Luna, right?" Spike asked.

"Right! Now I'm thinking of a-" I said, but Spike interrupted me.

"Luna, and the next guess: Luna." Spike said.

"Alright now that's just creepy." I said. "How do you know?"

"That's been the same answer for the past half-hour." Spike said.

"Are you a gypsy?" I asked him.

"No, I'm the gypsy, silly!" Pinkie said. "I am the wise-ol madam Pinkie." She said in her gypsy voice.

"Oh really? Can you tell me my future?" I asked.

"I would, but I left my crystal ball back in my tent. But I can try." Pinkie said. She closes her eyes, and puts her hooves on her head. "I'm seeing.... Princess Celestia. She's ordering for a big feast. She's ordering your pizzas for her feast!"

"Surprise face! No way!" I cried.

"Yes way!" she said.

"Wow, I can't wait!" I cried out.

“But be careful though. I see ninjas in the vision.” Pinkie said, and Twilight chuckled.

“Wow… holy Wizard of Feelings. I better be prepared then.” I said shockingly.

“You do know its nonsense right?” Psyche asked as he was wearing some green tights, a green hat with a red feather and a bow and arrow.

“What do you know, Psyche?” I asked rudely to him.

“Hey, Psyche! What are you supposed to be?” Spike asked.

“Wait I know who he is! He’s Peter Pan! How cute!” Pinkie said.

“Actually, Pinkie, I’m Robin Hood.” Psyche corrected her.

“Eh, TO-MAY-TO, TO-MAH-TO.” Pinkie said.

“It’s too bad, ah love Peter Pan, especially when he’s played by a girl.” Engie said while wearing a black shirt and jeans with white stripes on it.

“What are you supposed to be?” Psyche asked as he observed his outfit.

“Ah’ll give ya a hint. Nnnnnyoooow.” Engie said as he started shaking his body around back and forth. “Nnnnnnyow.”

“A cat?” Psyche asked.

“Wow, and you’re supposed to be the one with the PH.D.” Engie said sarcastically to him.

“Having a PH.D has NOTHING to do with me knowing what idiotic things my friends come up with.” Psyche said.

“C’mon Flare, donchya know what ah am?” Engie asked as he moved his body back and forth again. “Nnnnyoooow.”

“A rip-off of Sheldon Cooper?” I asked.

“Wow listen to you Flare.” Engie complained. “Ah’m the Doppler effect!”

“I know, but wasn’t Sheldon the Doppler effect once too and you just took his idea?” I asked.

“It wasn’t HIS idea. It was the writiers’ idea.” Engie corrected me. “For goodness sake, partner, get your facts straight.”

“C’mon Flutters, it’s only a party. Y’all will be fine.” AppleJack said as she wore a Timberwolf outfit.

“B-but… it’s a haunted… ma-ma-mansion on a hill! Don’t you find this suspicious?” Flutters asked as she crouched down, covered her head, and started vibrating in fear. Oh and she’s wearing a bunny outfit.

“Hey, mama Flutters!” I said.

“Sorry, Flare, b-but Mama Flutters is r-r-really scared right now.” Flutters said.

“There’s really nothin’ to be afraid of. There’s no such thing as ghosts.” AppleJack said to her.

“Actually there kinda is.” Crystal said as she joined us, wearing a Samus jumpsuit outfit. “Sometimes when I walk around my house, I thought as see someone walking by but there really isn’t. Kind of an illusion if ya ask me. Also sometimes in my bedroom when I have the door partially closed, when the A/C comes out my door closes all the way. That’s the A/C ghost I’m talking about.” Fluttershy suddenly faints on Engie’s hooves.

“Dibs.” Engie said.

“Real nice, Crystal. Ya made Fluttershy faint. Ah hope y’all are proud of yerself.” AppleJack said angrily at her.

“Meh… so-so.” Crystal said.

“Nice Samus outfit, Crystal!” Twilight said.

“Thanks! Also wrong holiday, Twilight.” Crystal commented about her costume.

“That’s three of us so far.” Spike said mischievously at Twilight. She glares at him.

“Fascinating, very fascinating.” Blaze said as he uses his sonic screwdriver on Spike. “I have never seen anything quite like that.”

“I’m a ghostbuster, Blaze. I’m pretty sure you seen the movie.” Spike reminded him.

“Oh I did, I did, but seeing that green goo on your collar… brilliant!” Blaze said as he observes Spike’s collar.

“Oh that’s just some of that potion Twilight accidently spilled on me.” Spike said as he wipes out his collar. “What are you supposed to be, Blaze?”

“I’m the Doctor.” Blaze said.

“Wow… maybe ah should tell Doctor Whooves ya were impersonatin’ him.” Engie said.

“No he has that Tenth Doctor personality. I’m the 11th Doctor.” Blaze said.

“LAME! Number 10’s better.” I corrected him.

“We’re all entitled to our own opinions, man. I like number 11.” Blaze said.

“Nope.” I said.

“Yes I do.” Blaze corrected me.

“Nope.” I said again.

“Flare, I like number 11, he’s really-“


Blaze then glared at me and groaned. “You know this outfit is ridiculous.” Rainbow Dash complained as she joined us wearing an Amy Pond outfit. “Why couldn’t I be Clara? She’s more awesome!”

“The store didn’t have any Claras.” Blaze reminded her.

“You know, there are other stores, Blaze.” Rainbow reminded him.

“Martha’s my favorite.” I said.

“Wow! All of you heard about this party, huh?” Pinkie asked excitedly.

“It would appear so, darling.” Rarity said as she appeared and was wearing a Queen Elsa outfit.

“Ooooo, love the outfit, Rarity!” Pinkie said.

“Thanks! I’m Queen Elsa from Frozen.” Rarity said.

“I’m sorry, but in what universe does Queen Elsa have gems on her dress?” I asked.

“I thought the dress would look more fabulous that way.” Rarity said.

“Rarity, if you’re gonna be a character from a movie, you need to do it right.” I advised her.

“I dunno, I kinda like it.” Aqua said as he was not wearing any costume, just his blue armor.

“Hey Aqua, where’s your costume?” Rainbow asked.

“This is my costume. I’m goin’ as myself.” Aqua said.

“I… I don’t get it.” Rainbow said.

“WOW! That is so unique! Maybe I should’ve been Aqua for Nightmare Night!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“I dunno, it wouldn’t feel right if there were two of us.” Aqua said.

“If there were gonna be two of you, then ah would’ve been really upset.” Engie said. “Ah’m still into that idea of all of us bein’ Flash.” Just then, lightning strikes all around them, and loud thunder rumbles the sky, and a mysterious old stallion in a butler outfit shows up out of nowhere.

“Whoa! Where did he come from?” AppleJack asked.

“You know, this would’ve been less scary if that pony was a unicorn.” Crystal said.

“Ugh… what happened?” Fluttershy asked as she rubbed her head and regained her senses.

“Good evening.” The butler pony said. Fluttershy suddenly screeches and faints again.

“Still dibs.” Engie said.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked.

“I am Short Pipe. I am the butler of Canterlot Manor.” The butler said.

“Keep on eye on him. If this is a murder mystery, he’s the first suspect.” I whispered to Aqua.

“I’ll take ya’re word for it.” Aqua said.

“Please follow me. The party is about to start.” Short Pipe said.

“HEY! WAIT UP!” Water yelled as she ran over to her our group. When she got here she tried to catch her breath. Also, her costume was a brown teddy bear with a black hat and a black bowtie.

“Oh hey, Water. What took you so long?” I asked.

“Sorry… I… phew! I had to make sure I have the right hat for my costume.” Water said.

“What are you anyway?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m that bear from that popular horror game, I forgot what it was called.” Water said. “I really needed to make sure the hat and bowtie matched.

“I like your style, Water Gun!” Rarity nodded.

“Thanks! What are you supposed to be Rarity?” Water asked.

“I’m Queen Elsa from Frozen.” Rarity said.

“Oh… I thought you were Cinderella at first. Her dress was much more sparkly than Elsa’s.” Water said.

“Come then, Canterlot Manor is just this way.” Short Pipe said as he began to lead us to the wooded area just outside of Canterlot. Since we were on a mountain, it was a pretty steep path.

“Whoa!” I said, trying to keep my balance. “WHOA!”

“What are you whoaing about?” Crystal asked.

“This mountain! We never had mountains back at Mareami! I can walk pretty well on a flat surface but a mountain is a challenge for me.” I said.

“I don’t have that problem, bro.” Water said. “I traveled all around Equestria and I got used to mountains. I’m so used to mountains that walking on a flat surface is a challenge for me.”

“Wait, Ponyville’s a flat surface though.” AppleJack corrected her.

“Which was why I always walk in a corner-like fashion most of the time.” Water said.

“Hey you know what I really don’t like sometimes? Comcast.” I said.

“And why is that?” Engie asked.

“Sometimes you have to use this one type of particular remote in order to change the channels. Changing the channels on another remote or on the TV itself will just make the TV staticy.” I explained.

“Hey anything’s better than Dial-Up.” Crystal said.

“Crystal, they’re talking about cable, not internet.” Psyche corrected her.

“Well they should be more specific.” Crystal said. “Comcast is everywhere, same with AT&T.”

“Hey you all remember Singular?” Spike asked.

“Course we do.” Engie said.

“Good cause I don’t. I don’t think I was around then.” Spike said.

“Dem fancy technology wasn’t introduced to me until three years ago.” AppleJack said.

“Yeah! I introduced it to her!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“She sure did, and now Apple Bloom ‘n Big Mac won’t stop playin’ that Gamecube.” AppleJack said.

A cutaway shows AppleJack calling the family over to dinner. “C’mon, family! Granny Smith made us a mean apple turn-“

“Stop shovin’ me, Big Mac!” Apple Bloom complained as her and Big Mac were versing each other on the Gamecube and Big Mac kept shoving her aside. “Quit cheatin’!”

“Quit winnin’.” Big Mac complained.

“Wow, ya got the nerve to talk properly finally, huh?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Ah so wanna get rid of technology.” AppleJack complained.

“Then why don’t we go live in Amish country?” Granny Smith suggested.

“What’s that?” AppleJack asked.

“It’s nothing different to here, except we have to wear very hot black clothes all the time.” Granny Smith.

“Do we have to?” AppleJack asked.

“Yes. It’s part of Amish law.” Granny Smith said.

“Ah thought Amish don’t have police?” AppleJack asked.

“They don’t.” Granny Smith corrected her. “The only way they discipline each other is hitting each other with the Bible of the Two Sisters.”

“Sounds very strict.” AppleJack said.

“Don’t you talk to ya’re elders that way!” Granny Smith yelled as she whacks AppleJack with a book.

“OW!” AppleJack yelled as she rubbed your head.

“Oh wait this isn’t the Bible of the Two Sisters. Can ya wait here while ah get it?” Granny Smith asked. The cutaway ends.

“This is it.” Short Pipe said as we all stopped and bumped into each other in a straight line.

“I know some sicko is going to make a dirty meme out of this.” Rarity said as she bumps into AppleJack and Aqua bumps into her.

“Welcome to Canterlot Manor.” Short Pipe said as he points to a dark manor on top of the hill up ahead. Lightning strikes behind the manor as organ music plays in the background.

“You know in the app,” Spike said as he taps onto an android pad he was holding, “it says here that Dinky Doo in a fire chief outfit and Sassaflash in an Egyptian outfit live here.”

“No that’s just our summer home and it’s fall now.” Sassaflash with an Egyptian said as she carries a suitcase.

“Sometimes when I sleep I hear scary noises coming from the closet, and sometimes the candles float and the eyes on the paintings move.” Dinky in a fire chief outfit said.

“Yeah so I hope you have fun in our summer home.” Sassaflash said as the two of them ran off.

“Never believe in what that app says.” AppleJack said to Spike. “It says ah live in Twilight’s house, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo live in their tree house. That app has wrong written all over it.”

“Listen to you, I’m not even in it!” Spike complained. “All I do is talk and give missions.”

So the fifteen of us… am I right, its 15? Anyways, the 15 of us began to climb the hill and up to the manor. There were a lot of dead trees surrounding us and the moon was full and there were clouds covering half of it. It was pretty foggy out and we did hear some howls in the background, until we found out it was Crystal using her Wolf Caller. “Isn’t this thing cool? Fluttershy gave it to me!”

“When I gave it to you, I didn’t think you were going to bring it with yoooooooou.” Fluttershy said frightened as she held AppleJack tightly.

“Careful with the hugs, sugarcube.” AppleJack asked Fluttershy. “Ah mean, ah like ya and all, but ah’m pretty tired of these random shippings.”

“Point taken.” Fluttershy said as she releases AppleJack from her grasp. So we all began to walk towards the entrance of the manor. The large double doors creaked open and we all began to slowly walk inside and notice the huge foyer with huge paintings on the wall, a random desk with a mirror and some table photos, huge columns and a huge chandelier hanging on the ceiling with candles on it, and the stair case was right in front of us at the end of the hall with two different stairs from the center going towards the east or west ends of the manor. Once we walked inside the manor and started walking on the flat floor, Water tilts over falls.

“Ow!” Water yelled.

“I welcome you once again to Canterlot Manor. Please remove your shoes before entering.” Short Pipe instructed us.

Spike sighs, “The one day we all wear shoes and we have to remove them.” Since most of us were wearing shoes we all had to remove them. Nightmare Night in a nutshell I tell you.

“I must admit this is a fabulous house, but compared to all the other fabulous décor around Canterlot, this is the Trottingham of Equestria.” Rarity said.

“Niiiiiiice.” Psyche nodded glaring at her.

“So what’s this murder mystery going to be about?” I asked.

“What makes ya even think this is going to be a murder mystery?” Aqua asked.

“ARE WE GONNA DIE?!” Flutters yelled.

“Noooooo, noooooo, this is too early to be freaking out. Wait until the first murder occurs, then we freak out.” I said to her. Flutters squeaks and then runs inside a pony armor sculpture, shaking. Her shaking causes the armor to clank.

“Couldn’t you be a little more helpful to her, Flare?” Blaze asked me.

“What? You mean that wasn’t help?” I asked.

“Uhh… where’s the party?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah. Where’s the food?” Spike complained.

“And the dancing?” Crystal asked.

“And the little tri-cycles?” I asked.

“Little tri-cycles?” Rainbow asked.

“You can’t have a wild party without riding little tri-cycles around the halls.” I said.

Rainbow nods. “Never thought of that; that kinda sounds pretty cool.”

“Seriously?” Blaze asked.

“Yeah. Riding the tri-cycle down the stairs and then gliding straight forward and preforming tricks and then I spin outside and land on the porch.” Rainbow explained.

“Could be something better than a tri-cycle though.” Blaze said.

“Hmm… I could try a uni-cycle.” Rainbow thought.

“And juggle!” Blaze added.

“No not juggling. That’s dumb. I’m a daredevil, not a clown.” Rainbow corrected him.

“Hey, where did the butler go? He was just right here.” Aqua pointed out.

“Whoa! The butler disappeared without even saying or doing anything!” Spike said.

“How mysterious.” Engie said.

“C’mon, the only logical reason is if the butler was just out to get us some drinks or something.” Twilight said.

“Twilight’s right! Popsticks can make awesome little pals!” Pinkie said.

“Wait… what?” Aqua asked.

“I believe she means that the butler might be just trying to get us some refreshments and hopefully we can get this party started because I am bored.” Rainbow complained.

“Yeah for sure, what time is it?” Spike asked.

“It’s 8:30.” I said as I checked my phone.

“AM or PM?” Crystal asked.

“What do you think?” I asked sarcastically.

“Ummm… both?” Crystal asked.

“Wait… maybe this isn’t the room we’re supposed to be partying in!” Pinkie said.

“What do you mean, Pinkie?” AppleJack asked.

“Duh! Look at the room we’re in!” Pinkie pointed out. “There are no party decorations! That means the party is in another room!”

“I suppose she does have a point there.” Rainbow said.

“Then it’s settled! We find the right room where the party is located! C’mon!” Pinkie instructed us.

“Ah think we should split up. It’ll help us find the party room easier.” AppleJack said. “Now, ah’ll go with-“ but before she can finish Fluttershy zooms out of the pony armor sculpture and grabs AppleJack’s leg. “Ah guess Fluttershy’s with me.”

“Dibs on Rainbow Dash!” Crystal yelled.

“UGH! Dang it! Beat me to it!” Blaze complained.

“Don’t worry, Blaze.” Rainbow said with her hoof around Blaze. “We’ll meet up at the party room and we can do whatever awesome nonsense you have in mind there.”

“Awesome nonsense?” Blaze asked.

“You know, I never see you socialize with Rarity, Blaze. Maybe you should go with her.” I suggested.

“Ah why not? If I ever fall, he’ll catch me in his hooves.” Rarity said as she flutters her eyes at Blaze.

“Hey Psyche, you still need a partner?” Blaze asked.

“Sorry, I’m already going with Twilight.” Psyche said. “Since we both know astronomy, maybe she can give me some interesting tips.”

“Wait, I never assigned us as a group.” Twilight corrected him.

“Shhh… I just didn’t want to go with him. He groans too much.” Psyche whispered to Twilight.

“Ugh!” Blaze groaned.

“Pinkie Pie, how about you?” Blaze asked.

“Say what now?” Pinkie asked with her hoof around Aqua.

“Ow.” Aqua said calmly. “Ya’re chokin’ me.”

“If it hurts, why are you saying it calmly?” Pinkie asked.

“Is there a law sayin’ I have to freak out when I’m hurt?” Aqua asked.

“Engie?” Blaze asked.

“Aww, I wanted Engie!” Water whined.

“Fine. Flare?” Blaze asked.

“Hey Spike, who do you think is the meanest female on television?” I asked.

“The brown M&M. You?” Spike asked.

“Umbridge from Harry Potter.” I said.

“She’s in a movie, dude, not television.” Spike corrected me.

“They showed the movie on television.” I corrected him.

“Well, I’m sure you have a point there.” Spike said.

“C’mon, darling! What do you have against me?” Rarity asked.

“Nothing, except you’re going to complain about how dirty this manor is the whole time we’re going to be walking.” Blaze reminded her.

“Blaze, dear, I have far better things to worry about than worry about how dirty this place is.” Rarity corrected him.

“Oh yeah?” Blaze asked.

“But of course! I mean, just look at this wall! It doesn’t match the floor!” Rarity complained.

“Ugh!” Blaze groaned.

“I mean… green walls with a teak wood floor? HEAVENS!” Rarity complained. “Might as well dump garbage everywhere and no one will see the difference.”

And so the search has begun to look for the party room. This manor was huge, like… a quarter mile long! Ok maybe not that huge, probably a tenth of a mile. I was never good at geometry. So we start off our search with Pinkie and Aqua who were searching the bottom floor and they found a theater of some sort, but instead of seats, there were tables and chairs. “Looks like we found a theater.” Aqua said.

“You know what I hate? Some spell ‘theater’ like ‘T-H-E-A-T-R-E’ instead of ‘T-H-E-A-T-E-R’. What’s up with that?” Pinkie asked. “I mean… why not spell it ‘T-H-E-A-T-R-R? That’s how it’s supposed to be.”

“The E is silent.” Aqua said.

“Of course E is silent, silly! Letters don’t talk.” Pinkie corrected him and she giggled. “I swear Aqua; you say the funniest things, like ‘mate’. What kind of word is that? Are you part-pirate?”

“No.” Aqua said.

“Oh that would be so totally amazing if you were part-pirate! You’d win the lottery, and then you’d use the lotto money to store in a treasure chest, take it to an island, burry it, and then draw a map of it, put the map in a bottle, and set it out to sea.” Pinkie explained.

“Seems like a waste of money, doncha think?” Aqua asked.

“That’s why you hope for the bottle to wash up wherever you are so you can go hunting for it! That would be so much fun! I’d totally do that if I won the lottery!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“If ya say so, Pinkie.” Aqua said.

Pinkie gasped. “Aqua, LOOK!” she points to a couple of animatronics on stage: a blue bunny rabbit, a bear with a tie and hat, and a duck with an apron that says ‘Let’s Eat!!!’ (yes, there were three exclamation marks).

“Oh that is so cool! This is like a Chuck E. Cheeses!” Pinkie said. “I LOVE throwing parties at Chuck E. Cheeses! Those animatronics look so fun!”

“They creep me out.” Aqua said.

“Why? They look totally harmless!” Pinkie said.

“Just look at the duck’s teeth. What sort of duck has teeth?” Aqua asked.

“That’s not a duck; it’s a chicken.” Pinkie corrected him.

“Really? Looks like a duck.” Aqua said as he observed the….. bird.

“Nah it’s a chicken. Ducks don’t wear aprons, only chickens do.” Pinkie corrected him.

“If ya say so, Pinkie, but something feels off about these particular animatronics.” Aqua said.

“Of course they feel off, silly! They’re shut off!” Pinkie giggled and snorted. “I swear, Aqua, sometimes I think you’re sillier than I am!” As Aqua looked at the rabbit, he started to feel a little nervous.

“Pinkie?” Aqua asked.

“Probably the less silly thing you said since we’ve been in here!” Pinkie said.

“Umm… look at the rabbit.” Aqua pointed.

“What about it?” Pinkie asked as she looked at it. “Oh I see! The rabbit is blue. Rabbits aren’t supposed to be blue! I mean, they could if we colored them blue in a coloring book.”

“No, the rabbit is lookin’ at me.” Aqua said.

“Of course he’s looking at you! You just decided to stand where he decides to look.” Pinkie said.

“No I mean the rabbit was lookin’ over there before, but now he’s lookin’ at me.” Aqua pointed out.

“Eh, maybe I moved him when I was leaning on him.” Pinkie thought.

“Ya were leanin’ on the duck.” Aqua reminded her. “Not just that, ya’re leanin’ on it right now.”

“Chicken.” Pinkie corrected him.

“Whatever, but… what the?” Aqua asked.

“What’s wrong? Did he wink at you?” Pinkie teased.

“Actually… it did.” Aqua said.

“Whoa!” Pinkie said shockingly. She then smiled and started jumping. “Wink at me next! Wink at me next!” Aqua started to get really nervous. Since he’s not really the type of pony that hangs around with electronics that much, it pretty much explains it, but its head only moved and it winked, nothing much really.

We now go to Rarity and Blaze who find themselves at a dressing room. “Ah yuck!” Rarity commented. “So many dressings in here! I prefer oil and vinegar in my salads.”

“I don’t eat salad at all.” Blaze said.

“Oh heavens, Blaze! How are you so fit then?” Rarity asked.

“I always eat junk food. I just exercise more than I eat.” Blaze said.

“Can you do that?” Rarity asked.

“If you have the heart of a dragon and the will of a phoenix, anything is possible, Rarity.” Blaze said.

“Yeah I still can’t stand your breath, no offense, Blaze.” Rarity said.

“What?” Blaze asked.

“It’s nothing personal, but your breath smells like an old, just-used barbeque grill.” Rarity said.

“You hang with Spike all the time and you don’t complain about his breath.” Blaze reminded her.

“That’s why I make him take a Tic-Tac before he talks to me.” Rarity said.

“And you didn’t bother offering me one?” Blaze asked.

“You’re an adult. You can make your own decisions.” Rarity reminded him. “I offer Spike one because he’s still a child and I wanna do what’s best for my favorite little assistant.”

“He’s Twilight’s assistant.” Blaze reminded her.

“To be honest, he’s more of mine than he is of her these days, dear.” Rarity corrected him.

“Well since we’re in here, we might as well snatch ourselves some dressing.” Blaze said as he walked over to the shelves to see what kind of dressing he wanted. “Umm… no not vinaigrette… I guess Italian is ok… is this ranch homemade or restaurant brand, Rarity?” Rarity did not respond. “Rarity? Rarity what kind of…” before he could finish that sentence, Rarity was not in the room. She completely vanished. “Rarity, what the… how did you do that? You didn’t even make any noise! I did not hear a door close and there’s nothing but shelves in the room! I know you wouldn’t hide behind a shelf since it’s all dusty behind them. Where did she go?!”

Meanwhile, we go to Spike and I who were just walking down the northeast corridor of the manor. We weren’t afraid of the house though, but we were bored so we played a little game. “Hey, Spike? Can you guess this song?” I asked him as I began to sing an instrumental of a particular tune. “Dun-duuuun duuuuun dun-dundun-duuuuuun, voom voom, dundun-duuuun-duuuuuun, dundun dunduuuuuun, voom voom, dundun-duuuunduuuuunduuuuun-dun-dun-dundunduuuuuuun dundun-dunduuuuuuuun DUN!”

“That’s the Universal Studios opening, right?” Spike asked.

“You got it!” I said excitedly. “Ok can you guess this one? Dun-dun-dun, dundundun-dun-dun-dun…. Dun-dun-dun, dundundun dun-dun-dun. Dun-dun-dun, dundundun dun-dun-dun. Dun-dun-dun, dundundun dun-dun-dun. Dun-dun-dundun-dun-dun, dundundunduuuuun dundundunduuunduuuuuuun.”

“The Creeping through the Sewers song from Chrono Trigger?” Spike asked.

“You got it, brah! You’re pretty good at this game!” I said.

“Can I try one?” Spike asked.

“Be my guest!” I insisted.

“Bum-bum-bum-bumbababum-bum, bababababa-babababum-bum, BUM BUM, bum-bum-bum-bumbababum-bum, bababababa-babababum-bum, BUM BUM!” Spike hummed.

“Under Pressure by David Bowie.” I said.

“No, it’s Ice, Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.” Spike said.

“Ice, Ice Baby ripped off Under Pressure.” I corrected him.

“No Vanilla Ice said Under Pressure was ‘bum-bum-bum-bumbababum, bababababa-babababum-bum, BUM BUM!’ while Ice, Ice Baby was ‘bum-bum-bum-bumbababum-bum, bababababa-babababum-bum, BUM BUM!’” Spike corrected me.

“It’s still a rip-off, even if they added one note in it.” I said.

“Hey I think the party room is through those double doors.” Spike pointed out as he approached two huge double doors at the end of the hall. Spike tried to open the doors but they were locked. “They’re locked.”

“Spike, how many times do I have to tell you that I like to be the one that opens the doors?” I complained.

“Well this manor is pretty huge, and no doubt that’ll be some spare keys lying around.” Spike suggested.

“Perhaps. Maybe there was a spare key behind the… I dunno, probably behind a box or something.” I informed him, but as I was talking, I looked down and I saw something that I had to pick up. “What’s that? OH! Oh look at this tiny box!”

“What?” Spike asked.

“Look at this tiny box I found!” I said excitedly as I picked up the 2x2 inch box I found on the floor and showed it to him. “OH it’s so tiny! Oh I’m gonna call you Tiny Box Tim! You’re gonna come with me on an adventure, Tiny Box Tim!”

“So you found a random tiny box on the floor and you just decided to pick it up?” Spike asked.

“Look at it, Spike! It’s so adorable!” I said. “You know, sometimes when I’m at the store, I like to go to the baby department and find little baby shoes and little spoons and I just go up to my mom or sister and I show it to them! Same goes to little miniature keychains. I find tiny stuff to be so adorable!”

“Why?” Spike asked.

“Makes me feel HUGE!” I said as I flexed my front forelegs.

“Ok, but we still need to find a key for these double-doors.” Spike said.

“Maybe I outta smash this tiny box and see if the key is in it.” I said mischievously, but then I talked in a cute voice to the box and said to it, “No I’d never hurt you! I would NEVER hurt- sorry, I drooled all over myself when I said that.” I said in my normal voice as I wiped the droll off my face. I then said to the box in an adorable tone again and hugged it, “I would NEVER hurt you, my little biscuit!”

“Ooooook that’s kinda weird.” Spike said in a freaked out tone.

“Ok still need to find the key.” I said.

“I agree. So where do you think we should start?” Spike asked.

Just then I made a sniffing sound as I moved my box around the room. “Do you smell a key around here, Tiny Box Tim?” I asked the box. “Do you smell the key? Behind those boxes?” I walked over to a pile of boxes on a table. “The boxes that bullied you because you were smaller?! I’ll kill ‘em! I’LL KILL ‘EM ALL!” I started smashing all the bigger boxes around while I held Tiny Box Tim with my magic, and then eventually, I found a key on the table. “Oh well done, Tiny Box Tim! You are an awesome finder!”

“This is really creeping me out.” Spike said.

“Oh don’t be jealous, brah. Tiny Box Tim would never replace you.” I said as I walked over to the double doors and tried the key on it. The key fit perfectly and they both opened with a creek. “Cool! Fits perfectly! C’mon, brahs! The three of us need to find that party room. Lead the way, Tiny Box Tim!” Spike started to get a little freaked out, but then he remembered who he was hanging with right now.

“Of course, it’s only Flare. He’s only being himself. Nothing to worry about. It’s only a tiny box.” Spike said as he followed me inside.

Meanwhile with Psyche and Twilight, they weren’t too far from Spike and I; in fact, they just walked by where we just were before we went through the double doors. As the two of them were talking about… I dunno, space stuff, they find themselves right under a hatch to the attic. “Hmm… I’m not 100% sure, but I think whatever we may find could be in the attic.” Psyche informed Twilight.

“What makes you think there’s going to be a party up there?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t, but might as well make this interesting by exploring up there.” Psyche said. “Maybe there might be clues on who owns this house.”

“And you chose the attic out of everywhere else?” Twilight asked.

“There could be some interesting treasures up there. We were invited inside and the butler didn’t say anything about not touching anything. It’s not like we’re going to steal.” Psyche said.

“You do have a point there, Psyche.” Twilight said. “Ok, why not? I sure do love exploring!”

“Excellent!” Psyche said excitedly as Twilight lowered the attic hatch and ladder by using her magic. The two of them began to climb the ladder and head up into the dark and dusty attic. It was crowded with boxes and furniture, and there was even a big round window to let moonlight in. “Eh, like I expected in any attic. I wonder if there are any dusty old books we take home.” Psyche hopes.

“PSYCHE ILLUSION!” Twilight yelled. “No book is old and dusty!” Twilight grabbed a couple of old books from on top of some boxes and opened them up, but it was very dusty in them and she even sneezed.

“You were saying?” Psyche asked with a smirk.

“Thank you for blessing me, Psyche.” Twilight said sarcastically.

“You’re welcome, Twilight!” Psyche teased.

After Twilight rolled her eyes at his joke, she spots a book right next to an old sewing machine and a floor lamp. “What’s this?” she asked.

“I have the feeling you found a book.” Psyche guessed as he was looking through a box.

“Sort of. I actually found a camera.” Twilight said.

“Sort of? How is that sort of? A camera is NOTHING like a book!” Psyche corrected her.

“Actually, in a way, it is.” Twilight said. “You see, a camera is a way of telling stories from pictures. It’s like the opposite of a book, when you read stories and you get pictures in your head, and you feel like you’re actually there.”

“Huh… never thought of it that way.” Psyche said.

“And I don’t even have my PH.D.” Twilight smirked at him.

“Did you hear Aqua got his master’s degree recently in Chemistry?” Psyche asked.

“Interesting. Anyway, I think this camera might still work.” Twilight said as she observed the old camera.

“How about you take a picture of me then?” Psyche asked.

“Alright, stand over by that window and give me a big smile.” Twilight instructed Psyche as she placed the camera over her eyes, and Psyche did so. Twilight took the picture and the photo started to slide out of the front slot. “Well done!”

“Nice!” Psyche said.

Twilight took the photo out of the slot and looked at it. She then frowned and said, “Well that can’t be right.”

“What’s wrong?” Psyche asked.

“This may frighten you.” Twilight said.

“Nonsense, Twilight! Nothing can frighten me.” Psyche said as he takes a look at the photo and it showed Psyche lying on the ground with a piano on top of him. “Wow, looks like something out of the Twilight Zone.”

“The what zone?” Twilight asked.

“But still, not that scary. That camera must be broken.” Psyche thought. “Let’s try again, but this time, take a picture of me near that coffin over there.” He pointed.

“Psyche, I think I read a story similar to this situation. Are you sure this is a good idea?” Twilight asked.

“Relax, Twilight, it’s a gag camera. They’re only stories, right?” Psyche asked.

“I suppose you’re right.” Twilight agreed. So Psyche walks over to the… possibly empty coffin over at the other side of the attic and he poses by it. “Are you sure about this, Psyche?”

“What? You think the next snapshot is going to be a zombie popping out and attacking me?” Psyche asked. Twilight didn’t say a thing, but instead, she decided to go with it and take the picture. The photo slides out of the slot and she takes a look at it. “Lemme see it.” Psyche said as he and Twilight took a look at the photo and it showed Psyche stepping on a mouse trap next to the coffin. “Not what I expected, but interesting.” Just then, Twilight accidently takes another snapshot from the camera and yet another photo slides out.

“Oh sorry about that. This is a sensitive button; even sensitive with magic.” Twilight said. Psyche takes a look at the photo and it shows a picture of him getting tackled by a zombie that pops out of the wardrobe behind him.

“HA!” Psyche chuckled. “I get it! This camera is messing with us! I like this camera.”

“Well I don’t. I think we should ditch it.” Twilight suggested.

“Here, I can hold onto it. I bet Flare, Pinkie, or Crystal would get a kick out of this contraption!” Psyche said excitedly as he takes the camera.

“If you’re sure about this, Psyche.” Twilight said in a worried tone.

Meanwhile with Engie and Water, they were heading into the basement to search for the party. “Basement, Engie? Really? You think there’s going to be a party in the basement?” she complained.

“Have ya seen Sean Paul’s Get Busy music video?” Engie asked.

“That was a party?” Water asked.

“Yeah, what did ya think it was?” Engie asked.

“Well regardless, why are we down here? It’s dark, spooky, and there could be monsters.” Water said.

“Ya know, Water, legend has it that one of the worse monsters of them all lives down here in this very basement.” Engie said.

“Heh, yeah what are the odds of that?” Water asked sarcastically.

“It’s true.” Engie said. “A long time ago in a quiet forest laid a quiet village-“

“Yeah I don’t need to you to waste my time with the jibber-jabber backstory of the village; cut to the chase.” Water complained.

“Well… one time in this village, there was a crash, and everypony in the village was scared.” Engie said. “From the crash rose a stranger. It started marching onto the village, screaming, and roaring. Everypony barricaded their homes and hid. They cut the power, making it look like an abandoned village, until this one mare saw the monster and lied saying that some hooded ponies locked them all in their homes, but that wasn’t the case. It was all to lead the monster into a trap. This monster was hunting for one particular type of pony. He kept screaming it out as he held a key in his hoof.”

“Who he was he looking for?” Water asked.

“A blacksmith.” Engie said.

“Uuuuggh.” A voice moaned and echoed throughout the basement.

“What was that?” Water asked.

“Uuuuugh.” The moan echoed again.

“It’s the monster, Water.” Engie said. “After a huge adventure it was in after a choice of either accepting or declining to be like a God, this monster only had one particular mission.”

“Uuuuugh… where’s the blacksmith?” the voice echoed in the background.

“He was never able to find him. He took shelter in this very mansion for many years, waitin’ for the return of the blacksmith.” Engie said in a spooky voice.

“Uuuuugh!” the voice moaned as a figure started to walk towards Water and Engie, but it was still too dark to see him. “Where’s the blacksmith?”

“Why does he wanna know where the blacksmith is?” Water asked in a frightened tone.

“Where’s the BLAAAACKsmith?” the monster asked again.

“Make him go away! Make him go away!” Water started to freak out.

“He will not stop, Water. He will not stop until he gets what he wants.” Engie said.

“Where’s the BLAAAAACKsmith? I got a keeeeey!” the monster roared with a key on his hoof.

“What’s that key for anyways?” Water asked.

“Where do ya think?” Engie asked sarcastically. “The blacksmith’s house.”

“Got a key, a key to the bla- I neeeeeeed a BLAAAAAACKsmiiiiiiith!” the monster roared.

Meanwhile with Crystal and Rainbow Dash, they were finding themselves located at a large lounge in the manor with a grand piano, two sofas, many lounge chairs, a stone fireplace, and even a grandpa clock. You know, I really don’t get that quote ‘finding themselves’. Were they lost or something? Did they find Faust?

“Alright, the living room! Looks nice, but there’s no TV. I’ll give it 2.5 stars.” Crystal said to Rainbow.

“There’s no party in here it would seem.” Rainbow said. “I still don’t know why we’re trying to find a party. Even Twilight knows that this was just a trick.”

“A Trixie-trick?” Crystal asked.

“Nah, Trixie’s just a show-off, she doesn’t invite ponies to a mansion and leaves them hanging, unless this is a magic trick of some sort.” Rainbow said.

“Hey, Rainbow, wanna know something cool?” Crystal asked.

“Um, sure. If it’s cool, I’m down.” Rainbow said.

Just then, Crystal suddenly grabs a table cloth from a side table with a vase on it and she suddenly pulls the table cloth off from the table yelling “Aaaaaand slide-ski!” but the vase on the table falls on the hardwood floor and shatters.

“Uhhh… how was that supposed to be cool?” Rainbow asked curiously.

“I was actually trying to pull the cloth from underneath the vase without it moving, but no I failed at that, like I fail at paying phone bills.” Crystal explained. “Which reminds me; I still need want to yell at my coltfriend for not calling me for a week.”

“So you broke a vase. What’s the owner or the butler going to think?” Rainbow asked.

“Well the way I see it there are three possibilities.” Crystal said. “Number 1: Cover for me. Number 2: It was like that when I got here. Number 3: Sweep it under the rug and hope that whoever walks on that rug is still wearing their horseshoes.”

As Rainbow Dash sighs and looks around the room, she finds a bottle of grape juice on the coffee table. “Oh hey look, there’s a bottle of grape juice on the table.”

“Purple or brown?” Crystal asked.

“Purple.” Rainbow said.

“Ok good, because I’m not falling for that ‘drink the brown grape juice from the toilet’ trick again.” Crystal said. Rainbow picks up the bottle of grape juice and observes it. “What does it say?” Crystal asked.

“It says ‘drink at your own risk’.” Rainbow said.

“Sounds tempting.” Crystal said.

“It does, very much.” Rainbow agreed. “I put my life as risk all the time with my awesome stunts. Drinking this may be an awesome stunt of its own.”

“Well what are you waiting for, Rainbow? Open it up and bottoms up!” Crystal instructed her.

“Now hold on there, Crystal.” Rainbow stopped her. “As much as I love being risky, it never hurts reading the ingredients section first.”

“You’re right, Rainbow Dash!” Crystal said. “We must read the ingredients to make sure there’s not too much sugar or high fructose corn syrup to keep a balanced and healthy diet.”

“Not to mention it cannot have more than 0 grams of trans fat because it’s recommended to have 2 grams of trans fat per day.” Rainbow said. “Also it must be 100% juice for our 100% awesomeness!”

“No doubt!” Crystal said as they both high-hooved each other. This lesson was brought to you in part by Juicy Juice! 100% juice! Also the brand commercial that you haven’t seen since your childhood when you were watching PBS Kids.

“Alright, now that we read the ingredients, it is safe to drink this.” Rainbow said as she opened the cap of grape juice.

“Wow, it seemed pretty easy for you to open that grape juice cap.” Crystal said.

“Of course it was easy! I’m buffed.” Rainbow said as she flexed her right arm. “Bottoms up!” Rainbow begins to gulp down some of the grape juice, and when she was done, she wipes her face with her arm.

“You sure it was a good idea to drink that?” Crystal asked. “What if that bottle was already opened? It isn’t wise to drink a bottle of liquid that’s already been opened. Somepony could’ve drugged it for all you know.”

“Relax, Crystal. I drank a quarter of this grape juice and I feel cool as an igloo.” Rainbow said.

“If that were the case, you must be freezing.” Crystal said.

“Your turn, Crystal.” Rainbow suggested as she leans the bottle of grape juice over to her.

“What? From that same exact bottle?” Crystal asked.

“Of course!” Rainbow said.

“You already put your mouth on it though.” Crystal reminded her.

“Relax, we’re both mares.” Rainbow said.

“I think that rule only applies when getting dressed.” Crystal said.

“No it doesn’t. We don’t normally wear clothes.” Rainbow reminded her as Crystal gives her the ‘you serious?’ look. “Besides now!” she yelled.

“I guess you have a point there.” Crystal said as she takes the bottle and gulps the grape juice down.

“How do you feel?” Rainbow asked.

“With my hooves.” Crystal said as she rubs one of her hooves against one of Rainbow’s cheeks.

“I mean how was the grape juice?” Rainbow asked as she swipes Crystal’s hoof away.

“Ehh, tasted alright. I didn’t really taste any juice.” Crystal said.

“Yeah, neither did I. Tasted really strong.” Rainbow said.

“Well I think I had enough of being in here. Let’s continue finding the party.” Crystal said.

“Yeah, good idea.” Rainbow said. So the two of them began to walk towards the closed door south of them, opened it, and walked inside towards a long corridor.

As they were walking, Crystal asked Rainbow, “Hey Rainbow?”

“Yeah, Crystal?” Rainbow asked.

“Was there always a door on the south wall of the living room?” Crystal asked.

“What are you saying?” Rainbow asked.

“Wasn’t it an open-arch that led to a den of some sort?” Crystal asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t pay much attention to my surroundings unless I’m flying.” Rainbow said as she flew down the hallway aside Crystal.

“Like what you’re doing now?” Crystal asked.

“I wasn’t flying when we were drinking the grape juice, Crystal.” Rainbow reminded her.

“Good point.” Crystal said as the two of them reached the door on the other side of the corridor. When they opened the door and walked through, they ended up right back into the living room.

“Huh?” Rainbow asked curiously.

“Hmm, that’s weird.” Crystal said. “I don’t remember turning around and going back into the living room.”

“I don’t either.” Rainbow said. “Or maybe this isn’t actually the same living room.”

“No it is. I see the pulled off table cloth and empty grape juice bottle on the table over there.” Crystal pointed. “And there’s the broken vase.”

“Hmm, maybe we took a wrong turn. Let’s go back into the corridor and head to the door on the other side of the-“ Rainbow suggested but as they turned around, the door leading to the corridor was gone. “…And the door to the corridor is gone.”

“This is trippy. What was in that grape juice?” Crystal asked.

“Ah who cares? This is awesome! I love tricks like this!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“Trixie-tricks?” Crystal asked.

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Rainbow said. “C’mon, Crystal. Let’s see what other mind-tricks this grape juice given us.”

“Well snap.” Crystal said to herself.

Meanwhile with AppleJack and Fluttershy, the room they went to was the kitchen. The counters were white wood with green marble tops, and the oven and fridge looked like they were from the 1940s. The sink was also a pump. “Whoa-we! This sure is a fine kitchen over here. Reminds me of the kitchen we got at home.” Fluttershy didn’t say anything, but instead stuck close to AppleJack as she was still in fear of the house. “Fluttershy, ya need to calm down. There’s nothin’ wrong with this house.”

“Easy for you to say. You weren’t forced to watch 8 straight hours of horror flicks.” Fluttershy said frightened.

“Ya never told me ya were forced to watch horror flicks.” AppleJack said.

“That’s because it… it happened re-recently.” Flutters said. “WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!” she yelled as she hoped on AppleJack’s back.

“That was me; ah was movin’ over this cup. Ah didn’t want to drop it.” AppleJack said.

“AAH! WHAT WAS THAT NOISE?!” Flutters yelled again.

“That was me tellin’ ya that was ah movin’ this cup and didn’t want to drop it.” AppleJack said.

“AAAH! What’s that in the cup?!” Flutters yelled.

“It’s… hmm… I have no idea.” AppleJack said as she observes the green substance that was inside the glass. “It’s green so it must be healthy, and as Apple Bloom says ‘disgusting’.”

“I don’t think you should touch it, AppleJack.” Flutters suggested just as AppleJack sticks her hoof inside the glass and feels the green substance.

“Huh?” AppleJack asked.

“It was an unknown substance, AppleJack. W-why did you stick your hoof in there?” Flutters asked.

“Ah just wanted to observe it.” AppleJack said as she takes the green substance out and feels it. “So it’s not a liquid, it’s a squishy solid. Wow… ah feel like Twilight right now.”

“AppleJack, please put that down!” Flutters begged.

“Relax, sugarcube, just feelin’ it won’t cause any harm.” AppleJack said. “For all we know it could be medicine. Maybe ah should give this stuff to Zecora. Maybe she’ll know.”

“AppleJack, you’re scaring me! Please put it down!” Flutters begged as she tries to go for the goo but she trips and falls on AppleJack’s torso which makes AppleJack fall down on her back, and then the green goo starts flying into the air and lands on AppleJack’s face. “AAH! That smarts!”

“Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry, AppleJack.” Flutters said as she helps AppleJack up.

“It’s no biggie, Fluttershy, but still… ah feel funny.” AppleJack said.

“Oh please mean ‘ha-ha’ funny.” Flutters begged to herself.

“What’s… what’s… what’s happenin’ to me… ah feel strange comin’ from my facial region.” AppleJack said.

“Maybe I should get you something to drink. I hope they have something inside a carton in this fridge at the same time fresh.” Flutters hoped as she walked over to the refrigerator to look for a drink for AppleJack. “Ok, AppleJack; I see soda, OJ, purple stuff, Sunny D…”

“Purple stuff is great.” AppleJack said.

“Ok, purple stuff.” Flutters agreed, and when she closed the fridge door, a G1 version of AppleJack appears from right behind it and starts giggling.

“Hi Fluttershy! Would you like to play?” G1 AppleJack asked.

“AAAAAAAAAH!” Fluttershy screamed and then everything faded to black.

Meanwhile with Pinkie and Aqua, they were still in the theater room looking at the strange animatronics that were on stage. Pinkie kept playing around with them while Aqua just observed them suspiciously. “These animatronics are so adorable, Aqua! You should hug this bear with me!” Pinkie suggested excitedly.

“No thank ya.” Aqua said.

“But he’s so warm and cuddly!” Pinkie said as she hugs the bear with the bowtie and hat tightly on her grasp. “Oh no, actually, he’s cold and hard. I can see why you didn’t want to hug him.”

“If ya say so, Pinkie.” Aqua said as he turns around and sees the chicken animatronic right in front of him. “OH MY LUNA! WHAT THE?!” Aqua starts backing up startled by the jump scare.

“What’s wrong, Aqua?” Pinkie asked.

“The duck!” Aqua said.

“Chicken.” Pinkie corrected him.

“Ugh…” Aqua groaned. “The chicken. It just moved right in front of me.”

“Are you sure? Or maybe you just moved it there.” Pinkie reminded him.

“No, it just appeared right in front of me.” Aqua said.

“Whoa! That’s trippy. Perhaps these robots wanna play a game with us!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Well this is definitely one game I don’t want to play.” Aqua said.

“But Aquaaaaaaaaaa!” Pinkie whined. “It’s a game and games are supposed to be fun!”

“This game doesn’t sound like fun to me though. I’m leaving.” Aqua said as he began to walk out.

“Hey wait up! It’s no fun being alone!” Pinkie cried out as she follows Aqua out.

“Ya got that right.” Aqua agreed.

“Why are you being such a boring mcboring pants?” Pinkie asked.

“A what?” Aqua asked.

“You know, somepony’s that’s probably related to Twilight.” Pinkie said.

Aqua was silent for a moment and he gave Pinkie a concerned look. “What?”

“I have no idea how to make my statement any simpler.” Pinkie said.

“WHAT THE?!” Aqua yelled as he saw a small curtain open slightly against the side wall with a fox’s head sticking out. “I didn’t see that before.”

“Oooo it’s cute pirate foxy!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Not cute. Spooky. Very, very spooky.” Aqua said.

“Looks cutie to me!” Pinkie said.

“Well not to me.” Aqua said.

“Your opinion doesn’t matter to me.” Pinkie said as she smiled at him.

“Let’s get outta here.” Aqua said as he rushed towards the door and Pinkie followed and once they opened the door, the bear bot was standing right in front of them and screeches.

Aqua screamed, but Pinkie just cried “Yay!”

Meanwhile with Blaze, he was still in the dressing room looking for Rarity, still not knowing why she disappeared all the sudden. “Rarity? Rarity where’d you go? I swear to Celestia, Rarity, if you don’t come out in the next five seconds, I’m gonna throw this dust on your mane so bad that you’re going to need 15 baths!” Blaze threatened.

In the same exact room however, Rarity was there and looking around. “Blaze? Dear where did you go? You just vanished on me and I strongly dislike it entirely!” Rarity said angrily but scared.

“Rarity, where are you? I’m the only one in this room and there’s no hiding place. You just vanished! I can’t see you, nor hear you!” Blaze said.

“Blaze, darling, why did you have to vanish on me? I can’t see you or hear you? I’m in this same exact dressing room all alone and you’re not here. There’s no hiding places, and my legs are really getting tired!” Rarity whined.

Meanwhile with Spike, Tiny Box Tim, and me, we went inside a humongous room filled with statues and paintings. “Looks like the pony that owns this place has a great flair for art.” Spike said.

“What?” I asked.

“What?” Spike asked.

“You just said my name, what?” I asked again.

“I didn’t say your- oh… shut up.” Spike chuckled a bit.

“Tiny Box Tim here is chuckling too.” I said.

“Flare, I think you should stop with that.” Spike suggested. “I mean, I like Tiny Box Tim and all, but he’s making you all loco and I want it to stop.”

“Well I’m sorry, Spike, but if you don’t like it, you can go somewhere else, we won’t mind. I can’t abandon my little biscuit here.” I said.

“It creeps me out, dude.” Spike said.

“Oh lookie, there’s a big door on the other side of the room.” I pointed out. “It looks important. We should see where it leads to.”

“First smart thing you said all night.” Spike mumbled to himself. So once the two of us walked over to the door on the other side of the room, I pulled on it, but it was locked.

“Ooo, locked.” I said.

“Looks like we need to find the key.” Spike said.

“Doesn’t always have to be a key, Spike. It could be a password, it could be a keypad, a scanner, or maybe it involves a sacrifice.” I reminded him. “If it’s a sacrifice, Tiny Box Tim and I volunteer you.”

“Niiiiiice.” Spike said sarcastically.

“Well if it’s a key, maybe it’s in the….” I suddenly look to the side of me and see a door that leads to a closet. “Oh maybe there’s a spare key or crowbar in the storage area. I’ll go first.”

“How do you know that’s a storage area?” Spike asked.

“It’s labeled on the door.” I pointed.

“Manors and their door labeling.” Spike said. “I guess it’s for the best. It’s easy to get lost in a place like this.”

So once I walked over to the door, I open it up slightly and the door makes a slight creek. It was dark inside, but I did see a few boxes from the light in the corridor we’re in now. “Actually, Tim, you scout on ahead.” I throw Tiny Box Tim inside the storage room and after I wait a few seconds I ask “Is it dangerous?” and then I said in a high-pitched voice “It’s ok!” and then back to my normal voice, “Thank you, Tiny Box Tim!” So Spike and I then walked inside the storage room to see if we can find a key that leads to the big door.

Meanwhile with Psyche and Twilight in the attic…. Umm….. I can’t really explain what they’re doing up there. I’ll just give you the dialogue. “Hey Psyche, check this out. I found an old book on astronomy; I thought you’d be interested.”

“If you thought I’d be interested you obviously don’t know me.” Psyche said to her.

“Are you not interested?” Twilight asked.

“Oh I am, but you just don’t know me if just ‘thought’ that, like you’re assuming.” Psyche said. “Besides, I got plenty of astronomy books at home I don’t even use. I just use the internet. I take the easy way out.”

“I don’t know why. Books are classic. The internet is just…. how do I explain it without talking garbage about it?” Twilight asked. “The internet is complete garbage.”

“How dare you, Twilight?!” Psyche asked insultingly. “The internet is the way of the future! You can just search something and BOOM you got it!”

“I know, but it isn’t the exact experience and pleasure as in to read actual print.” Twilight said.

“Takes longer though.” Psyche said.

“Ok you know what? I’m not going to argue with you.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, you’re right, Twilight. I guess I got a little carried away. Too each their own, am I right?” Psyche asked.

“Of course.” Twlight agreed.

“Now how about we both take a look at that book and- OW!” Psyche yelled as he began to walk towards Twilight away from the coffin he was leaning on.

“Whoa! What’s wrong, Psyche?” Twilight asked.

“I think I… wait… what?” Psyche asked as he looked down at one of his hooves. “That can’t be right… ow!”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“I seemed to…. step on a mouse trap.” Psyche said.

“Huh.” Twilight said as she looked down at saw the mouse trap on Psyche’s hoof. “So it is… wait… Psyche, the picture!”

“Yeah this definitely something out of the Twilight Zone.” Psyche said as he looked at the photo of him stepping on the mouse trap. “It seems to be on the same hoof as well.”

“Wow… a camera that predicts the future.” Twilight thought. “Still… I believe it’s a coincidence. I don’t think a camera like that even exists.”

“Oh yeah?” Psyche asked as he steps back and leans on the cupboard.

“Pretty much.” Twilight nodded.

“Then here, let me take a picture of you and you can prove me wrong.” Psyche suggested.

“Whoa there, Dr. Illusion. You think that camera is haunted but you decide to use it on me anyway? Doesn’t seem very logical if you ask me.” Twilight said.

“If I can do it, it’s logical. Now gimmie a big smile.” Psyche instructed her as he takes the picture and the photo slides out of the slot. “Alright, now take a look at this photo and tell me what tragedy awaits you.”

“Fine then.” Twilight said as she takes the photo out of the slot and observes the photo, but she seemed a little more confused than shocked.

“What? Is it an airplane falling on you? Is it your eyes exploding? Or maybe it’s the .MOV version of you; yeah I bet you wouldn’t like that.” Psyche smirks at her.

“Actually… I’m not in this picture.” Twilight said.

“What are you talking about?” Psyche asked.

“Look.” Twilight shows Psyche the photo and it just shows the background of the attic; not Twilight.

“That’s odd. Did I miss you or something?” Psyche asked.

“No, you were aiming directly at me. That seems pretty odd.” Twilight said and she began to think.

Psyche looked down onto the floor and started to think as well, and then he said “It would appear that his camera may be able to predict the future. I mean, I don’t know for sure because we only seen the camera’s effect once and like you said, it could be just a coincidence. I mean no piano fell on me yet, and there was no zombie either; only the mouse trap near the coffin happened so far…. but this photo here… I don’t understand. Nothing tragic happened to you; you’re not even there… unless… you’re not there… hmm…” after a few moments of thinking, he started to get a theory of the climax of the situation. Wow, listen to me; I’m speaking nerd just like those two! And not the cool type of nerd that plays video games all day, I mean the kind of nerd that spends more time thinking than even a full eight hours sleep. “Twilight, I think I might’ve found a…” but before Psyche could continue talking, once he looked back up, Twilight wasn’t there.

“Twilight?” Psyche called out, but there was still no answer. “Twilight are there? I know you’re not the type of pony to be making these jokes. If I were with Pinkie, or any of my friends that is not Aqua, then that would be a different story.” Psyche finally faced the fact on what that photo with Twilight not in it represented. “This photo isn’t just a picture of Twilight not in it…. this photo means… Twilight… vanished.” Psyche was frightened on what the camera is capable of, so he started shaking nervously, and then, out of the blue, the cupboard behind him opens and a zombie pops out and grabs him. “Nice try. I saw that coming.” Psyche said mischievously to the zombie. “I just figured out what this camera does and I am not impressed.”

“Well you’re no fun then.” The zombie complained.

Meanwhile in the basement, Water and Engie were still down there with the big monster that kept complaining about where the blacksmith is. The monster keeps complaining and knocking junk over in the basement, and even sticking his head in the washing machine and lifting it out and swinging his wet hair around which Water kinda liked, but she was still frightened. “Why is he using the key on that ladder?” Water asked.

“Where’s the BLAAAAACKsmiiith!” the monster said as he pounds his key on a ladder.

“What is he doing with that rake?” Water asked.

“Where do I use this raaaaaaake?” the monster asked grumpily. “WHERE do I use this raaaaaaake? I’m gonna use the rake on the ladder!”

“Why is he using the rake on the ladder?” Water asked.

“UUUUUGH! I’m gonna take these aaaaaasheeeees!” the monster said as he picks up a pile of ashes.

“WHY?! What does he need them for?” Water asked.

“I’m gonna use them on my faaaaaace.” The monster said as he rubs the ashes all over his face.

“This guy gives me the creeps, Engie.” Water said.

“Are ya kindin’? Ah love ‘em!” Engie said.

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash and Crystal, once they walk through the long corridor from the living room, they go through a second door which leads them right back it. “Great! We’re back here again! Are we going in circles or something, or is this some type of paranoia?” Rainbow asked.

“What’s wrong, Rainbow Dash? Scared?” Crystal asked mischievously.

“Do I look scared to you? I’m just concerned.” Rainbow said.

“Oh good ‘cause….” Just then Crystal starts to shake. “I am!”

“Of course you are.” Rainbow said. “Here, let’s just go through a different pathway. We should lead to somewhere else.”

“Lead the way, Dashie.” Crystal said. So Rainbow leads the two of them through another door and they went into another corridor but this was really different than the corridor they were just in. These walls are red! Yes, it’s a huge difference to the walls of the corridor they were just in. When they got to the door on the other side of the corridor, the door begins to instantly slide down further.

“What in the world?!” Rainbow asked shockingly. As the door was sliding down further away from Crystal and Rainbow, Rainbow flies up and begins chasing the door, but no matter how fast Rainbow was going, the door was always ten steps further away from her. Rainbow decided to use one of her tricks to help her get closer to the door so she flies down to the floor, jumps, and eventually she finally makes it to the door and opens it, but once she opens it, the door doesn’t lead anywhere but the wall. Rainbow bumps her head on the wall and her face flattens.

Just then, Crystal walks over to Rainbow who was laying down on the floor with a flat face and she said, “Seeing your face like that, you’d make a good bar stool, Rainbow Dash.”

As soon as Rainbow regains her senses, she stands up, shakes her head real fast and her face returns to normal. “UGH!” she groaned. “What sort of trickery is this anyway?!”

“Trixie tricks.” Crystal said.

“C’mon Crystal, be serious. Not even Trixie can make tense magic like this.” Rainbow corrected her.

“How do you know? When was the last time you seen her?” Crystal asked. “And the robotic Trixie and brainwashed Aqua doesn’t count.”

“Trust me, I know.” Rainbow said.

“Hey how about we take the door on the floor right there?” Crystal suggested as she points to a door on the floor. Door on the floor, heh. Sounds like something Dr. Suess would make.

“It’s probably going to take us back into the living room. How about we keep walking?” Rainbow suggested.

“You know, I think I might have a solution to our problem.” Crystal said as she takes out a remote from her costume pocket and presses a button on it. Once she presses the button on the remote, a yellow line suddenly appears on the floor.

“What’s that?” Rainbow asked.

“This here is the Crystal Iceblast Adventure Line.” Crystal explained. “We just follow the line. How simple is that?”

“Seems trippy but I can’t think of anything better.” Rainbow said.

“Exactly! Now come forward, Rainbow Dash! Destiny awaits!” Crystal said as she begins marching on the adventure line, and Rainbow just followed along by flying with an annoyed look on her face and her front legs crossed.

Meanwhile with Fluttershy and AppleJack, G1 AppleJack kept on freaking out Fluttershy. “C’mon, Fluttershy! We should go an adventure, and make cupcakes, and I should give you a nice big lick on your cheek, since we’re both animals and it’s not weird at all!”

“What kind of monster would make ponies like these? They’re freaks of nature!” Fluttershy said frighteningly.

“We must defeat Tirek from taking over the pony land!” AppleJack said.

“I don’t even know who that is… and judging by the name, I hope never tooooo!” Fluttershy weeped.

Meanwhile with Aqua and Pinkie, as they were walking around the corridors of the manor trying to avoid that stage, Aqua was still a little frightened, but Pinkie just hopped in joy. “I don’t know why we had to leave that room. Those cute animatronics seemed to be really fun! Weren’t they fun, Aqua?”

“Yeah… sure… if ya say so, Pinkie.” Aqua said as he kept on the alert. “Hey Pinkie. Ever get that feeling ya’re bein’ followed?”

Pinkie gasped. “ALL THE TIME! Sometimes I get that strange feeling that Rainbow Dash is following me with a thunder cloud and try to scare me, but when I look upper-behind me,” Pinkie twists her neck all the way back and looks up, “I then realize… I was wrong! Hee hee… except that Dashie is a great trickster and she ends up right in front of me and strikes lightning and then I’m like-“ Pinkie then inhales a huge gasp.

“I’d probably do that too.” Aqua said.

“Oh that wasn’t the reason I was gasping, Aqua.” Pinkie corrected him. “That bear is following us.”

Right in front of Pinkie and Aqua was the bear from the stage area, just standing there and staring at them. “Oh crud!” Aqua said.

“Exactly! That’s what I said when Dashie popped up in front of me with that rain cloud!” Pinkie said.

“Get in ‘ere!” Aqua ordered her as he opens the nearest door and jumps inside.

“Why? It doesn’t look that fun in there.” Pinkie said as Aqua suddenly tugs on Pinkie’s arm to pull her inside with him, and then he slams the door shut. “Jeez louise, Aqua! You could’ve just asked me to come in here!”

“Sorry, but these animatronics are creepy!” Aqua said.

“Oooo look over there. Tons of TV shows we can watch!” Pinkie said as she points to a wall of security monitors in front of her. “I wonder if Supernatural is on?”

“I don’t think these are TV shows, mate. I think these are security monitors.” Aqua corrected her.

“Pffft! Like you know what technology is.” Pinkie teased.

“I know enough to know what the basics of technology are called at least.” Aqua said.

“Hey, Aqua! It looks like the animatronics want to be stars!” Pinkie pointed to the monitors to see that different rooms of the manor had each of the animatronics had each of the animatronics in them and they just stare at the security cameras.

“As if I thought they didn’t get any creepier.” Aqua said.

“Hey check out the foxy that’s peeping his head out of the side curtains!” Pinkie pointed.

“I have the feelin’ we’ll be safer in here. As long as we know what these animatronics are doin’ we should be able to prepare for them.” Aqua said.

“And you don’t even ask what’s up with everypony else. You go straight on worrying about us. What’s wrong with you, Aqua?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh crud… everypony else. I hope they’re not goin’ through this.” Aqua hoped.

“Hey check out the foxy!” Pinkie pointed to the fox from the theater room is out of his theater and is just tilting its head sideways while staring at the camera.

”Well at least the fox is slow. We should think of a plan for getting out of here.” Aqua explained. “Now Pinkie, keep on eye on the cameras, and I’ll take a look outside to see if I can find a safe way out.”

“Hee hee! Check out this photo of Gummy.” Pinkie shows a picture of Gummy on her phone to Aqua. “See Gummy? He’s wearing a mini track suit and sandles. Get it, Aqua?”

“Pinkie, ya’re supposed to be watching the cameras.” Aqua reminded her.

“See, it’s funny because track suits are for running… but nopony could run with sandals!” Pinkie explained and laughed. As Aqua was peeking out the door, he begins to hear footsteps… footsteps that sound like they’re running. “Hey, where did the foxy go?” Pinkie asked as she looked at the monitors. Up ahead, Aqua sees the fox animatronic running towards Aqua and Pinkie.

“Whoa!” Aqua gasped as he shuts the door quickly and barricades it with a cupboard. Sheesh, how many cupboards does this manor have? “Phew.” Aqua wipes his sweat in relief. “I don’t think even that fox can get through here now.”

“Well he seemed to give up. He’s back at his original stage peeking out of the curtains.” Pinkie points out.

“Oh good. We should be safe for now, but we have to think of a plan. I have no idea what’s going on with those animatronics but we need to get the others and leave this place.” Aqua said.

“How do you even know those animatronics are bad? They may just want a hug!” Pinkie corrected him.

“I strongly doubt it.” Aqua said. Just as Aqua turns around to look at Pinkie, the bear animatronics from before was inside the room, but he was gold and looked empty, like it was an empty suit, but it was standing up and facing Aqua with his empty eyelids. “WHAT THE BLOODY H IS THAT?! WHAT THE BLOODY H IS THAT?!” Aqua cried out for the first time in ever.

“Whoa, Aqua! I never heard you scream like that before! In fact, I never heard you scream in my entire life! You’re normally calm.” Pinkie said excitedly. Aqua quickly grabs Pinkie’s hoof and they both run into the closet in hoping they don’t reach them, and Aqua uses his magic to grab the door knob to stop it from turning. It was dark in the closet, and Pinkie was a bit curious. Also, since it’s dark, it looks like their eyes are floating.

“Aqua what’s your problem? Why are you running from these animatronics?” Pinkie asked.

“Did ya see that golden bear come in?!” Aqua asked.

“I know! It was a huge surprise to see him just poof in that room like that while we weren’t looking! It was so much fun!” Pinkie said excitedly as her eyeballs rolled around the whole room. It’s Pinkie, what can you expect?

“Well my magic is holding the door. We need to find a way out.” Aqua said.

“We can just use the closet door, silly, and then move the cupboard and walk on over to the front door. Simple as that!” Pinkie explained.

“No, Pinkie, it is not that simple. Those animatronics are haunted and they probably want to kill us.” Aqua said.

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting, Aqua?” Pinkie asked.

“I just do what I do to keep us safe.” Aqua said.

“Well we’re safe in here, aren’t we?” Pinkie asked. Just then, a couple of flashing eyes appear in between Pinkie and Aqua and a music box begins playing in the background.

“Seems we cannot catch a break.” Aqua said, and then right after, all of their eyes flicker and everything fades to black.

“This is fun!” Pinkie said excitedly.

Meanwhile with Spike, Tiny Box Tim, and me, we went inside the storage room to look for the key to the big door. I used my flares to light up the room and there was just piles of boxes in the room, two cupboards on the other side of the room, and one knight ponikin (ponified manikin) next to the cupboards that was starting to freak me out. “Ugh…. I don’t like ponikins that much, man.”

“Seriously? You didn’t seem to have a problem with them when we went back in time.” Spike reminded me.

“Didn’t I, Spike? Didn’t I?” I asked him. “But Tiny Box Tim here would keep me safe. Won’t you?” I then said in a high pitched voice, “You’re not my original owner, Flare, but any friend of mine is mine of mine.” I then said in my normal voice, “Tiny Box Tim, this is why you’re so fun and adorable! Mmmm!”

“Ugh!” Spike rolled his eyes and groaned.

“Maybe whatever we need is in one of those cupboards.” I thought as I walked over to the cupboards on the other side of the room. I opened the left one, but it was completely empty. “Hmm… not this one. Let’s this one.” I opened up the right side, and inside the cupboard was a smaller cupboard. “Whoa… what?”

“Now THAT is trippy.” Spike said. Wish I had a bit every time I heard somepony say something is ‘trippy’ throughout this chapter. I opened up the smaller cupboard and there was an even smaller one inside it, so I opened that one up, and then another, and then another, and then another until I reached a cupboard that was not even an inch big.

“Oh that is so adorable!” I said. “It’s Tiny Box Tim’s personal cupboard!” I opened up the smallest cupboard and inside was the key. “Bingo! Good job, Tiny Box Tim! You never seem to fail me!”

“Well let’s get to the door then and we might be able to find our party roo- WHOA!” Spike yelled as we both turned around and the knight ponikin duplicated into 20 of them in this room.

“WHOA NO! NO! NO YOU DON’T DO THAT TO ME!” I yelled. I picked up Tiny Box Tim and then I cautiously began to walk out of the closet. “Umm… hello…. Excuse me. Coming through here….. I do not wish to d-disturb you all. I’ll just… be on my- AAAAH!” I screamed once I got out of the closet (lawl) and I saw a bunch more ponikins in the corridor and even some blocking the big door. “WHOA, FORGET THIS! I’M OUTTA HERE!”

“Flare!” Spike yelled.

“NO! NO DON’T EVER USE PONIKINS ON ME! FUN IS FUN, BUT THIS IS TOO MUCH!” I yelled. “I AM OUTTA HERE!” Once I ran over to the door at the end of the corridor, water falls began to appear on all of the walls in the room. “Ok the waterfalls are fine, but NEVER ponikins!”

“Even if it means drowning?” Spike asked.

“I’m a good swimmer and you look like a water dragon more than a flying dragon anyway. I mean look at you, no wings, but those things on your ears really look like fins.” I explained.

“A water dragon?! Pffft! I’d never be one of those freaks of nature! Besides, they don’t breathe fire like I do.” Spike said as he sighs out some fire. So as the two of us looked around the room, it looked like the water falls were getting closer to us, but the weird thing was, the room wasn’t flooding out and on the other side of the room was a grunt from Amnesia.

“Oh hello there.” I said to the grunt. “You don’t scare me. At least I can’t see the ponikins with all these water falls anymore.”

“What’s with you and the ponikins? Like I said before, they didn’t seem to bother you when we went back in time.” Spike reminded me.

“They DID, Spike.” I corrected him. “I just didn’t let it bother me that much because it was a Doctor Who moment, but this is Nightmare Night at a haunted manor. Pretty much the only things that scare me is ponikins, jump-scares, and the worse one: loneliness.”

“Wow…” Spike said shockingly.

“Wow indeed. The grunt is getting closer.” I pointed out.

“Eh, I’ve seen scarier.” Spike said until the golden bear animatronic appears right behind Spike. “AAAAH! WHAT THE LIVING FAUST IS THAT?!”

“Golden Freddy, huh? I must admit he’s the creepiest of all the animatronics but I actually went as him as a cosplay at a convention once.” I said.

“That thing is creepy!” Spike said.

“Did you just ignore everything I said? I JUST said it was creepy.” I reminded him. As Spike was looking at me and then he looked back, the Golden Freddy was gone and water falls surrounded us, and when we looked down there was a sewage drain that suddenly opened and the three of us started falling.

“AAAAH!” we both screamed as we fell.

“Save me Tiny Box Tiiiiiiim!” I yelled. “AAAH SPIDER! Huge spider! Still not as scary as ponikins.” As we both fell down into the sewers, we land in a flowing river and pass many scary things, but the scariest thing of all was when we landed into a flooded and tilted corridor. “I lost Tiny Box Tim!” I yelled. “NOOOOOOOOOO! I had him, I had him in my arms!”

“Well, good reddens.” Spike said in relief.

“NO! Nothing will get between me and Tiny Box Tim!” I yelled as I picked up a random box from the flooded-tilted floor.

“How about that box you just picked up? Looks pretty adorable.” Spike said.

“NO!” I yelled as I threw the box aside. “It’s not the same!”

“Ugh…” Spike groaned.

“Yeah, I hear you, brother.” Kiff said as he sighed.

“Kiff! Quit your sighing and fly this ship back into orbit!” Zapp Brannigan ordered him.

“But sir, we’re not in our ship anymore, and we’re underground.” Kiff reminded Zapp.

“That’s what the enemies want you to think.” Zapp said suspiciously.

“C’mon, Flare, let’s just get outta here.” Spike said as he began to walk through the flooded and tilted corridor.

“Tiny Box Tim…” I mumbled sadly. “You’ll always have a place in my heart.”

Meanwhile with Crystal and Rainbow, they continued to follow the adventure line that Crystal summoned. Rainbow was getting a little bored from gliding over the line, so she began to complain like the impatient pegasus she is….. oh I hope she didn’t hear that. “Crystal we’ve been walking through this line for 10 minutes and we’re not going anywhere!”

“Oh we’re always going somewhere, Dashie. There is always a destination… or a journey.” Crystal said.

“What in flippin’ sky are you talking about?” Rainbow asked.

“You know what I think? I think we should have a little music to help calm our nerves.” Crystal said as she turns on her iPod and it began to play journey music with trumpets, tubas, bells, and there was a chorus going “Bum ba-ba bum ba ba ba-ba.” Crystal continued to march as she sang along with the song, and Rainbow Dash just annoyingly flew as she followed her. “That is much better, huh Dashie?”

“Oh sure. I’m having a blast.” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“That’s the spirit! Destiny still awaits us! High-HO!” Crystal yelled. So as the two of them continued to march / fly down the confusing corridors. The reason they were confusing was that the adventure line went into a mail room with a bunch of filing cabinets and there were nothing but columns in that room, but in between two of the columns was a huge corridor that only led to the other side of the columns which really confused Rainbow Dash but Crystal didn’t seem to care. The music continued as they marched and followed the adventure line. After a while goes by, they end up passing a small hallway and then the music stops and Crystal said, “Hang on, cut the music for a moment. Let’s go back and look at that fern.” Crystal and Rainbow reverse a few feet and they take a look at an office fern near a couple of tall windows. “Rainbow, this fern plays an important part later on. Please observe it carefully.”

“Why?” Rainbow asked.

“Because if you don’t, you’re not gonna get the next part of our adventure.” Crystal said.

“I ALREADY don’t get it!” Rainbow complained.

“Quit your loungin’, Dashie, it’s time to get marchin’!” Crystal said as she started up the music again and continued to march down the confusing corridors. As they continued to follow the line, the adventure line was zig-zagging through two-door offices and going around corners and even going through the ceiling, but both Crystal and Rainbow had wings so they were about to go through the ceiling easily. Oh B-T-W, the ceiling is one of those office ceilings with the removable rectangles.

“Crystal, is your adventure line alright?” Rainbow asked.

“The adventure line is always right.” Crystal said excitedly.

“Because your line seems to be confused.” Rainbow said.

“The adventure line is never confused.” Crystal said as she began to have an attitude.

“I think we’re going the wrong way.” Rainbow said.

“The ADVENTURE LINE is NEVER wrong!” Crystal said angrily at her.

“Are you sure about that, Crystal? Because seemed to be right back where we started.” Rainbow pointed out as the adventure line led them both back to the door on the floor. “We just went in a circle.”

Crystal looks around the room and then she said angrily to Rainbow once again, “THE ADVENTURE LINE IS NEVER WRONG!”

“So you really think we should go through that door on the floor?” Rainbow asked.

“If it’s what the adventure line says, then we should put in our trust towards the adventure line.” Crystal said.

Rainbow sighs and said, “Fine. It’s not like I have a choice.” So the two of them open the floor door and jump on through, and then suddenly they both start falling and they end up right onto the floor of the manor’s lobby. “Hey… it worked! We’re back into the lobby! We made it! Woo hoo!” Rainbow flies up in excitement, but then her excitement immediately slows down. “Wait… unless this is another paranoia.” Just then, the two of them began to hear a slow clopping noise, and up ahead they find Engie siting on a lounge chair clopping his hooves together with a smile on his face.

“Well done Rainbow Dash and Crystal! Mission accomplished!” Engie said.

“Wait… what?” Crystal asked.

“AAAH! HELP! KEEP HER AWAY!” Fluttershy yelled as she runs into the lobby and jumps on Rainbow Dash, holding her tight.

“Fluttershy, what’s your problem?” Rainbow asked. But that is not all of them, Blaze and Rarity begin to run into the lobby.

“Guys!” Blaze cried.

“Darlings!” Rarity cried.

“I can’t find Rarity! She just disappeared on me!” Blaze cried.

“I can’t find Blaze! He left me in an icky ol… iick… dressing room all alone.” Rarity said.

“But aren’t you two right there?” Crystal asked. Just then, Blaze and Rarity both observe the room confusingly.

“What are you talking about? I don’t see him / her.” Rarity and Blaze both said at the same time.

“Guys, I need your help!” Psyche said as he entered the room. “Help me find a place to bury this camera. It’s BAD news, man!”

“Wait where’s Twilight?” Rainbow asked.

“AAAAH! GOLDEN FREDDY!” Blaze yelled as a Golden Freddy just appears in the middle of the room.

“Don’t ask.” Aqua said from inside the suit.

“Wow, it sure is dark in here. Maybe I should hide my secret stash of candy in here- uhh, I mean… meow!” Pinkie said from inside the suit as well.

“Aqua? Pinkie? What are you two doing in that awful looking suit?” Rarity asked.

“Didn’t I just say don’t ask?” Aqua asked. Just then, the middle of the rug began to grow a giant bulge, and the bulge in the rug began to moan.

“AAH GHOST RUG!” Crystal yelled as she began to whack the bulge in the rug with a chair.

“OW! OW! OW! HEY, THAT SMARTS!” I yelled from inside the rug.

“Flare?” Crystal asked.

“And Spike.” Spike said as him and I remove the rug from the top of our heads and below us was an opened sewage drain.

“But no Tiny Box Tim.” I said sadly.

“Ah’m so glad ya all enjoyed this little game ah made.” Engie said.

“What are you talking about, Engie?” Psyche asked.

“Allow me to explain everything.” Engie started. “Blaze… Rarity… the two of you can’t see each other, but we can is a magical drug you smelled in the dressing room. It makes you two invisible by your own eyes, but to the ponies that weren’t in the room.

“So Rarity’s right there beside me?” Blaze asked.

“Blaze is right there beside me?” Rarity asked at the same time as Blaze.

“You both are correct!” Engie said. “Don’t worry, the drug will wear off in a few minutes.”

“Well, be sure to tell Rarity, I am sorry for deceiving her.” Blaze said.

“Blaze said he can still smell your stench even though he can’t see you or hear you.” Crystal said to Rarity.

“WELL I NEVER!” Rarity yelled in an insulted tone.

“I DID NOT say that, Crystal!” Blaze corrected her.

“Well tell Blaze that is may not be the stench of me, but the stench of his horrible body odor!” Rarity angrily instructed Crystal.

“I’d see you even if you were invisible, Rarity!” Spike said close to her face.

“Ugh… Spikey-poo? Remember that little talk we had?” Rarity asked as she holds her nose.

“Oh, right.” Spike understood as he takes out a Tic-Tac and swallows it.

“And Psyche, this camera…” Engie started, “ah suppose ya can say it’s the real deal, but it’s only coincidences.”

“What?” Psyche asked.

“If ya really want Twilight back…” Engie takes the photo Psyche took of Twilight that showed her not there and he tore it up.

“Psyche? Psyche where are you?” Twilight asked as she walked into the lobby from the den. “I fell in a trap door and… oh there is everypony!”

“Twilight! Thank goodness you’re alright!” Psyche said in relief.

“Well you can expect as much after I fell on a mattress at the bottom of a trap door, but still, a mattress can still do harm to your body even from falling a great amount of lengths.” Twilight said.

“And sorry about the animatronics Aqua and Pinkie, but ya know how ah am with technology.” Engie said.

“Why are you sorry? That was fun!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Can ya get us out of this suit?” Aqua asked.

“With the proper equipment, it can be done, but ah don’t have them with me right now. Sorry.” Engie said in a teasing voice.

“Yippie! This is great, Aqua! I feel like we’re bonding real nicely!” Pinkie said. “Hey, Aqua? Is it ok if I take this suit after we’re out? I need it for… stuff… not candy stuff, just… stuff… I mean meow.”

“Hey everypony! Who wants a hug?” G1 AppleJack asked as she entered the room.

“UGH! That’s hideous!” Rarity said in an uncomfortable.

“Relax, it’ll wear off in a half-hour.” Engie said. “That’s pretty much what gak does to a pony’s face.”

“Gak? You mean that stuff that everypony kept talking about we came back from the Crystal Empire?” Spike asked.

“Precisely!” Engie said.

“People would make memes with anything these days, even a piece of goo that’s been around since your childhood days of Nickeloden, and now people can’t stop talking about it.” I said.

“They say the gak was more of a villain than King Sombra.” Spike said.

“I somewhat agree. He wasn’t around that much.” Rainbow said.

“But what about this key, Engie? What about the big door and those ponikins?” I asked.

“The ponikins were teleported there and the key IS actually for the big door.” Engie explained.

“So all that remains is what’s behind the big door.” I said, but I cannot do that on this chapter, sorry. I have no more time so I guess I’m leaving you in suspense there. Lawl at you.

“Oh and ah almost forgot! The butler! Yeah he’s also a robot.” Engie said.

“Oh I completely forgot about that butler.” Aqua said.

“Well… ah hope you all enjoyed my Nightmare Night simulation party!” Engie said.

“I must admit, Engie. You got us good. It takes a lot of effort to take a lot of time to set this up just for your friends.” Blaze said.

“And even though it was pretty realistic, and sometimes even though we feel we want to murder you because you scared us half to death, you still put in a lot of effort to make us scared, which is what this holiday is all about.” Psyche said.

“That’s what ah was aimin’ for, partners.” Engie smiled.

“What a minute, where’s Water?” Twilight asked.

“Right here.” Water said as she was being grabbed by the monster from the basement.

“I WILL MURDER YOUR FACE!” the monster yelled as he throws Water at me and we both fall to the floor. The monster then grabs the key I got from the storage room from one of my pockets. “Gimmie your key! Is this the key to the BLACKsmith?”

“I dunno what you’re talking about.” I said as I rubbed my head in pain.

“My name is MARKIPLIER!” the monster said as he started walking away along with Tiny Box Tim on his back.

“TINY BOX TIM!” I cried. “GIMMIE BACK MY LITTLE BUSCUIT!” I then tackled the monster in hoping to save my little biscuit, but I lost epically. Little did I know that this dude was Tiny Box Tim’s original owner.

Anyways, I hope you all have an awesome Nightmare Night! Get lots of candy and if you live in Mexico, honor the dead. Special thanks to one of my favorite YouTubers Markiplier for guest starring in my story, go on to check out his work, and as always… I will see YOU… in the next chapter! Bye-bye!

Oh and Psyche gets smashed by a piano. “AAAAH!” he cried. “STUPID CAMERA!”