//------------------------------// // To Canterlot and beyond...nah jk // Story: My Roommate is a pony? // by Meh121 //------------------------------// "Have a great day sir and enjoy." The bagging person said as I left Target. "You too." I said leaving with my copy of Black Ops 2. Today was the day I had to meet Twilight's parents...and well my confidence kinda sucked, a lot not to mention. I walked outside and smiled as I saw the snow on the ground, I looked around and saw people walking in out of the stores. "I'm surprised it's pony free." I mumbled to myself before I bumped into somebody. I saw the person I knocked into she just stared like she saw me before. "I'm so sorry I should have watched where I was going." I told her. "Hey I know you you're in my class um it's Tyler right." She said. "Yea oh wow it's Megan right?" I asked. She just giggled at my answer. "You were close." She giggled. "Really?" I asked. "No not at all it's Briana." Briana said. I heard another set of footsteps approach behind us. "Well anyway maybe you should swing by my place later today, if you get my drift." Briana told me with a wink. "I can't I..." I stopped. "Come on you know you want to." Briana said. I felt pressured as a girl I barley even knew wanted me to go to her house, I was about to just lie and say sure but I heard a familiar voice save my ass. "He has a girlfriend all ready, and speaking of which he has to meet her parents." Katie said giving Briana a back the hell away look. Briana just walked into the store giving he hair a little flip, I turned and smiled seeing Katie. "Is this going to be a non stop thing just say no and leave, you know I can't cover your ass for every thing you know." Katie said to me. Katie looked at me strange "I was going to you know what never mind this never happened okay." I stated. "What happened?" Katie asked. I smiled and ran to my car before any other awkward things happened today. I sighed knowing the trouble of driving a sports car in the snow, I started the car and slowly backed out I slipped my glasses on. The roads had all ready been cleared thankfully, I sped up a bit seeing how it was all ready seven am. __________________ Back at the apartment "Where is he...he couldn't have waited to buy a game?" Twilight asked herself before hoping in the shower. Twilight used her magic to lock the door and turn on the shower knobs, she started playing some of the songs I had on my old phone, that I just used for music. "I swear if he is not back in ten minutes he is in so much trouble." Twilight said looking that is was 7:05 all ready. Twilight ran a hoof under the water to see if it was warm enough, she gave a relaxed sigh feeling the water at a perfect temperature. Before she was going to hop in the shower before she heard her phone go off. "Are you kidding me..." Twilight said rather annoyed. She picked up her phone with a small sigh. _________ Phone Call "Hey." I said to Twilight. "Hi sweetie." Twilight said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. I quickly picked up on the change in her attitude. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Yes there is." Twilight sighed. "What is it did I do something wrong?" I asked. "Yes you went to buy a stupid game and out of all days, you could have waited till tomorrow but no not you, you picked the day you're supposed to meet my parents." Twilight said. "Look I'm sorry is there something I can do to make it up?" I asked. "Yes there is, pick up the pace." Twilight said. "All ready done Miss Sparkle." I said trying to lighten her up, it had no affect as she just sighed and hung up on me. _____________ Normal View now I closed the car door slowly trying not to wake up those who were asleep, good neighbor stuff you know. I ran up to the door almost slipping on some melted snow, the door was all ready unlocked which made my running continue all the way into the apartment. "I'm back." I shouted. "Good now go get ready." Twilight ordered me basically. "Yes miss bossy hoofs." I said walking into the room. I slipped out of my white T and looked for a nice button up shirt, I grabbed my purple one, I looked at my regular blue jeans. "Don't wear the jeans you have on." Twilight said to me as she saw me looking at my jeans. I looked up at her and saw what she looked like with a wet mane and fur, and to be honest it was pretty hot. "As you command my sexy princess." I said trying to be funny before I realized how lame that sounded. "That sounded...." Twilight stopped before I interrupted. "Super lame yea I know." I said before grabbing my darker pair of blue jeans. "Yea it did but it was a cute kinda lame way." Twilight giggled cutely. "Thanks I think." I said before I saw Twilight gasp. She started giggling again which caught me off guard. "What is it?" I asked looking at her before spiking my hair up a bit. "You look so much different with glasses on, I never knew you wore glasses." Twilight exclaimed pointing at them. "Normally I wear contacts but I'm juggling money around for the holidays, and my one year supply is done so I just pulled out my glasses." I said before blushing a bit embarrassed at Twilight giggling at me wearing glasses. I saw her give a small frown which made me feel bad for blushing and looking embarrassed. "I giggled because you look good in glasses, not as good as without them but still good." Twilight said giving me a slight smile. "Thanks I think?" I said mostly confused if that was a compliment or not. Twilight just giggled before she used her magic to grab a towel, I slipped into my dark pair of jeans and finished spiking my hair. I looked at my watch and noticed it was only 7:15 I still had an hour to kill, but first I wanted to make sure. "What time are we supposed to be there?" I asked. "At about 9:00." Twilight told me. I sat there mumbling to myself some random calculations, Twilight just sat there wondering what I was doing. "I still have an hour to play!" I shouted. I looked at Twilight before I looked and saw she gave a slight frown, I watched her horn light up as she began to pull me. "No you don't I want to be there early besides it makes a better first impression." Twilight reminded me. "No I want to play, ugh fine you win." I sighed grabbing the car keys. Twilight gave a slight grin knowing she won, I looked at her and rolled me eyes. "I knew you'd see it my way." Twilight giggled while closing the door and locking it. I looked outside and smiled seeing as the snow stopped, I took a deep breath of the crisp winter air. I felt a tug on my shirt, it was Twilight giving the motion to move it faster. I unlocked the car and turned up the stereo, I put in another Hollywood Undead cd I out my favorite songs on one cd. I switched it to Black Dhalia. Twilight gave me a strange look. "What's the matter?" I asked confused and concerned. "There is something bothering you am I right?" She asked as I backed out. "No nothings wrong." I lied. I turned the radio up a bit more but she completely turned it off. I looked at her and sighed. "Is it about my parents?" Twilight asked. "No it's not about them, it's about something else." I said looking at her before parking the car, and grabbing my cash to convert. "Aha there is something wrong." Twilight shouted jumping up and pinning me against the car. "Nope." I said starring off. "Really because you said oh nothing's wrong, then you just said it's something else when I asked if it was about my parents so therefore something is wrong!" Twilight said rather loudly. I gently pushed her off me, and started to walk. Twilight quickly started to gallop to catch up with a woried expression on her face. I stopped waiting to see if there were any cars, I quickly ran to the currency exchange booth I sighed looking at how long tthe line was. "Twilight and umm Tyler this way!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked over and saw Moonlight waving at us. I followed Twilight over to the booth. I watched Moonlight quickly exchange the currency. "Thanks." I said. He quickly nodded helping some rich people I used to know by dating their daughter. Long story short she was a stuck up rich person surprise....not. I looked at the portal the giant gold arch, surrounding the vortex of different colors. It looked like it should have belonged in a video game. I took a deep breath and walked through. Nothing happened besides I took foot in a giant city known as Canterlot. I looked over at Twilight who looked at me. "That sucked I thought it was gonna be awesome but nope." I said disappointed causing Twilight to giggle.