//------------------------------// // Experiments with Twilight Pt.1 // Story: A Feline's Point of View // by Zman537 //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Pt.1 ~Scootaloo POV~ Felix yelped in pain as the needle that Twilight was levitating jabbed him in the leg. I gasped in surprise as Felix slumped forward and fell asleep. “What did you do!?” She looked at me calmly and put the needle away. “It’s just some sedatives Scootaloo, they’re so Felix here doesn’t try to claw or bite us as we work.” I looked back to Felix as Twilight’s horn lit up again. “Um... what are you going to do now?” I was nervous about Felix and had a nagging feeling in the back of my head. Some sort of oversized rubber sewing needle floated up to Twilight and she gave it a few taps on the table. “Alright, let’s take some samples on his diet...” Felix’s tail was starting to lift in Twilight’s magic when both of us heard somepony crash upstairs. “Hey Spike, you seen Twilight anywhere?” I recognised that voice instantly. The only one who sounds like that is the most awesome pony ever.... of ALL TIME! I bolted upstairs and was standing in front of Rainbow in an instant. Rainbow smiled and gave me a noogie while we both laughed. “Hey there Squirt! You know where Twilight is?” Spike was at the top of the stairs and was about to talk when I pointed downstairs. “Me and Twilight-” Twilight shouted from downstairs. “Twilight and I!” Me and Rainbow rolled our eyes along with Spike who just shook his head and went back to his room. “Twilight and I were down in her basement. I was helping Twilight figure out what kind of cat I got cause apparently he’s super rare or something.” Rainbow’s ears perked up and she followed me as I headed back downstairs. “Really? That’s pretty cool.” She puffed out her chest, “Not as cool as me... but still cool.” Twilight was looking at a machine on the other side of the the room and the rubber needle was sticking out of it. “He seems to eat like any other feline...” She turned around and smiled at Rainbow. “Oh, hello Rainbow! Did you come over for the new Daring Do? I told you it won’t be here for another week.” Rainbow shook her head. “Nah that’s not it. I was going to try some new stunts and was wanting to know if you could look at them for me.” I grinned and was hugging onto her foreleg. “OH! Can I Rainbow? Can I!?” Rainbow gave me a grin and was laughing. “Of course you can! But I need more than one opinion on this. It’s going to be Awesome!” Twilight sighed and looked over at Felix. “I would love to Rainbow, but I need to finish doing these examinations and tests for the princess.” She trotted over to some papers being punched out of another machine. “He seems normal.... but I can’t help but feel something is off.” Rainbow waved her off. “Ah, stop worrying so much Twi, it’s just a cat. Right Squirt?” I chuckled nervously. “Er, yeah.... just a normal cat. Nothing special about him at all.” I grinned and hoped that they bought it. Twilight looked skeptical for a moment before shrugging. She looked across the room and a large needle floated up to her. “Okay, I just need a small blood sample, some hairs, and some observations from when he’s awake.” She turned to me. “Would that be okay with you Scootaloo?” I nodded slowly. “Um... yeah, that’s okay.” Rainbow scrunched up her face and looked at me. “You feelin’ okay there squirt?” I gulped as some sweat ran down the side of my face. “Yeah!... N-never better...” I started to back away from the room towards the stairs. Twilight was smiling a little as she hovered the needle away from Felix who seemed to still be asleep. “Hey, Twilight? Is it alright if Felix stays here for a while?” Please say yes. Twilight looked a little confused for a moment. “You just said I could keep him here.... Scootaloo is something going on?” I mentally facehoofed and shook my head. “Nope, I just remembered that I had to go and help my parents with some chores today.” Twilight narrowed her gaze. “If you needed to help your parents, then why were you playing with Sweetie and Applebloom?” I was about to answer when Rainbow put a hoof in front of me. “Hey, go easy on the kid Twi! So she forgot something until just now. It’s not like she’s deliberately trying to lie to us.” I winced a little when Rainbow said lie. I wish I could tell you.... I really do.... “Sorry Twilight, I have to go.” Twilight sighed again and gave me a weary smile. “It’s alright Scootaloo. Now you run along and go home. Your parents are probably getting worried.” I ran outside and quickly got on my scooter and buzzed off. As I looked back at the Library I could only worry a little for Felix who was still inside. I hope he’ll be alright without me. ~Felix POV~ I felt a little woozy as I woke up. I tried to stand properly and wobbled slightly before finding my balance. Okay... how many times am I going to wake up like this? And why does my butt feel so violated? I could hear some voices as I slowly pulled my brain out of the mental mud that was sleep. “Go easy on the kid Twi! So she forgot something until just now. It’s not like she’s deliberately trying to lie to us.” I couldn’t place the voice... it sounded a little raspy but still feminine. My hearing began to clear as I heard Scootaloo start talking. “Sorry Twilight, I have to go.” I blearily looked at her and saw an orange blob that stood next to a large bluish blob, though I don’t think she noticed. She’s ditching me!? OH COME ON!! Twilight sighed and looked away from a large needle full of red liquid over to Scootaloo. “It’s alright Scootaloo. Now you run along and go home. Your parents are probably getting worried.” I heard her say parents and immediately pieced together what was happening. Twilight probably started getting nosey... Scoots hates using the parent excuse. I was starting to feel better and stretched with a yawn. Looking up with my ever clearing vision I saw Twilight was sticking the needle, that I now realize probably has my blood in it, into a machine. “Okay, let’s see what his DNA is like.” I watched as what I could now identify as a blue pegasus looked over her shoulder. Oh look, its the rainbow one from those photos... what was her name again? “So... what’s this for again?” Twilight groaned and started to rub her head. “The princess is curious about Felix here. She asked me to run some tests and find out if there’s anything abnormal about him.” The rainbow one cocked her head. “So you put it in a box and stuck it with a needle? That seems a bit overkill Twi.” I quirked an eyebrow at the ‘it’ coment and moved closer to the rainbow one. She looked over at me and started to get close to the translucent barrier. “Hm?” I took out the middle most claw on my right paw and proceeded to flip her off. I’m not an ‘it’ dang it. She reeled somewhat and started to glare at me. “Why you little-!” Twilight moved over to her and was looked between us. “What now Rainbow?” Rainbow pointed at me. “The little furball flipped me off!” I blinked in surprise as she glared. These ponies know what "flippin' the bird" is? I figured that the wouldn’t from the lack of fingers. Twilight cocked her head. “Flipped you off? What does that mean?” Nevermind... it seems that only Rainbow knows.... Rainbow facehoofed and sighed. “I keep forgetting that you girls never had any friends who were griffons...” As Rainbow proceeded to explain to Twilight what my gesture meant, Twilight slowly, but visibly, got more uncomfortable. I took it as an opportunity to try and escape. Finally as Rainbow started to finish, I managed to squeeze out of one of the holes. “So, you get it now?” I was on the other side of the room and was looking at Rainbow’s tail. Damn this cat brain... I want nothing right now but to catch that dang rainbow tail of amazing colors. Twilight looked somewhere between confused, offended, and down right weirded out. “I guess... but if that’s the case then who taught Felix something so... so... rude, and-” She stopped mid sentence as she looked at the table. “Where’s Felix?” I took this as a signal and started to attack the rainbow hair that was swishing in front of me. Rainbow jumped up into the air and I was holding onto her tail by my claws. “Hey! Let go!” I meowed as I started to chew on the hair. I don’t know why but this is fulfilling. I was pulled from the hair by that darn unicorn’s purple powers and was put on the table that now had no box on it and a simple toy mouse was placed next to me soon after I was set down. MINE! I started to play as Twilight was trying not to laugh at Rainbow glaring at me. I just stuck my tongue out at her and continued attacking the yarn rodent with a loud purr. I was smelling something inside of the toy mouse as I played around. I didn’t know what it was but I wanted it. Is it just me, or is the room more colorful than it was two seconds ago?