//------------------------------// // Second Sign: Part 1 // Story: Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope // by Michael_Ravencroft //------------------------------// That Night Long Ago A few months had passed since the arrival and departure of the Envoy known as Polemos. Spring had returned to Ponyville with a promise of new beginnings, none of this held truer than at Sweet Apple Acres. The trees all bloomed with ripe fresh apples, ready to be bucked from their branches, the various crops shooting up from the ground, ready to be sold at market. The morning started early for the Apple Family, Applejack was the first to awake in the main house. She was already preparing breakfast for the household; Granny Smith had woken up a minute or two later and decided to help with the preparations. Applejack stared out the window near the sink, having opened it up to allow the fresh air inside, and started to reminisce about events passed. Twilight and Bright Blade were gone now, having stayed long enough to help with Winter Wrap Up, and went back to Canterlot. AJ was happy that everything was back to normal for them, well as normal as it gets for a Knight of Harmony anyway. The orange mare soon found her gaze drifting upwards to a formation of clouds above, shaped into a house, Rainbow's house. It had been a long time since the rainbow maned mare had come back home, she knew Clay missed her, and AJ would be lying if she didn't miss her too. Lately though, Applejack couldn't help but wonder if her marefriend was avoiding the two of them. Sure, she knew being a Wonderbolt was very busying work, but even when they had days off, Rainbow Dash seemed to prefer the training camp to their happy home. "Mornin' sis," said Apple Bloom groggily. The sudden appearance of Applejack's little sister quickly snapped her out of her daydreaming. "Huh – what – oh mornin' Apple Bloom!" Applejack did a quick head count and found that they were short one eleven-year-old colt. "Apple Bloom, where the heck is Clay?" "Ah woke him up, but he probably went back to sleep," said Apple Bloom yawning a bit. "Heh, heh, little tyke probably still thinkin' it's Winter Break." Granny Smith chuckled. "Well, time for a wakeup call," said Applejack. Applejack dried her hooves off with a towel and ascended the stairs up to the second floor. The blonde earth pony opened the door to Clay's room, and grinned. He was wrapped up in his blankets in a makeshift cocoon. On the walls were posters of the Wonderbolts, some featuring members of the flight team, most were of Rainbow Dash at her best moments. The other posters were of the Knight Corp., underneath them a slogan saying "Do you have what it takes to be in the Knight Corp.!? Join now and become one of the Paladin Elite, and earn your spot as a hero of Equestria!" Applejack sighed, she hated those posters. She didn't blame Bright for the posters; it was mainly done by a PR group. Hero…too many of them on the Memorial Wall in Canterlot, thought Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Applejack made a promise between them, that they would never let Clay join the Knight Corp., he would grow up to be a strong stallion, live his own life, and not have it cut short. After the events with the Spirit of War, she was more certain than ever that they made the right decision. But back to the problem at hoof, the matter of waking a sleeping colt. Applejack trotted over to Clay's bedside, she used her right hoof and gently placed it on, what she assumed was, the colt's side. "Clay, sugarcube, wake up now. It's the first day ah school, and ya don't wanna be late for Miss Cheerilee's class," she said, gently nudging him. The colt in question squirmed and groaned under the sheets, "Five more minutes' Ma…" "'Five more minutes' and yer Aunt Apple Bloom will've eaten yer breakfast too, now up and atom!" Applejack nudged Clay again and was met with the same response of groans and moans. "Alright, like yer mom likes to say, 'we'll do this the hard way.'" Applejack stood on her hind legs and raised her forehooves into the air. She then pounced on Clay, tickling him without mercy. The little colt started to flail around, knocking the sheets off of himself and laughing loudly. "NO, NO, STOP, STOP, I'M AWAKE MA, I'M AWAKE!" Applejack stopped her tickle attack and stood there smirking as her son caught his breath. Clay, after catching his breath, looked at his mother with an annoyed smile. "Geez Ma, that's so not fair!" "Heh, heh, Ah gave ya a chance. Anyway, Ah wasn't kiddin' about Apple Bloom eaten yer food. Ya might wanna hurry," said Applejack. "Wait – what!? AUNT APPLE BLOOM!" Clay cried out. He jumped out of bed and raced downstairs, Applejack let out another chuckle, it was sort of an empty threat, but considering Apple Bloom's appetite as of late, she wouldn't be surprised if her little sister did just that. Applejack descended down the stairs and back to the kitchen where everypony was now seated and eating. Thankfully, Clay was able to get downstairs just in time to stop Apple Bloom from eating his portion of breakfast. "Aunt Apple Bloom, are you going to help Ma apple buck," asked Clay. "As much Ah like to, Ah can't. Ah talked to the Weather Patrol a couple of weeks ago, they promised to keep the skies clear around Ponyville long enough for repairs to be made to the town that we couldn't do during the winter." "Now don't ya go and worry about that, yer Uncle Big Macintosh and Ah can handle it, but if ya want, ya can come and help us out after school," said Applejack. "Cool, thanks Ma!" "Did y'all hear that," asked Granny Smith. "Hear what Grandma," asked Clay. The others strained their ears, listening for whatever Granny Smith had heard. Just then they heard two knocks on the backdoor, followed by a third knock which made said door fall flat on the floor. AJ, Apple Bloom, Clay, and Granny Smith all stared wide eyed at the fallen door. When they looked back up they saw that Spring Day was standing there, left hoof raised, just as wide eyed as them. "Dang sis, when I said knock harder, I didn't mean break the door down," said a voice. A pegasus colt floated down from above Spring Day, he had an orange colored mane and tail, with a grass green coat and aquamarine eyes, the filly's younger brother, Swift Hummer. The colt crossed his forelegs and shook his head back and forth, pretending to be disappointed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to knock down the door, again, sorry Aunt Applejack," whimpered Spring Day. You still can't control that strength of yours cuz, thought Clay. "Now don't ya worry about that honey, a door's a door, it can be fixed," said Granny Smith. "Even though Ah'm the one who's probably goin' to be doin' the fixin' when Ah get back," sighed Apple Bloom. "Really sorry Grandma, hey Clay, are you ready cuz, we're going to be late," said Swift Hummer. "Yeah I'm coming, bye Ma, bye Granny, bye Aunt Apple Bloom!" Spring Day had shut her eyes and continued to repeat "I'm sorry" over and over again. In the end Clay and Swift Hummer had to push the tall filly out the door in order to get her moving. "Takes after her father and mother that one," commented Granny Smith. "Eeyup," the two sisters said in unison. Clay, Spring Day, and Swift Hummer trotted at a fast pace towards the school. Along the way they met up with two of their friends, the Cake twins Pound and Pumpkin. The group of five had grown up together, since their parents knew each other, they hit it off right away, becoming kind of a big family. However, one was missing from their group, a certain gray unicorn filly. It was no secret that Clay missed Dinky; she was his first friend after all, well, outside his family and family friends. For some reason though, every time he thought about Canterlot, he thought of another pony. A filly actually, a pink coated, pegasus filly to be more exact… "Uh-oh, looks like we lost Clay," said Pound Cake. Swift floated over Clay's head and waved a hoof in front of his eyes, "Equestria to Clay, come in Clay!" "Huh…what are you doing Swift!" Clay batted his cousin's hoof away, eliciting a round of laughter from the other foals. "Seriously Clay, that's the fifth time this month we caught you daydreaming, do you really miss Dinky that much," asked Pumpkin. Clay's face immediately went red from embarrassment. "NO – I mean – Yeah I miss her, but that's not who I'm thinking about!" "Oh, are you thinking about that filly you met in Canterlot," asked Spring Day. "Spring Day!?" "Sorry, I forgot it was a secret," she apologized. Pumpkin, Pound, and Swift all looked at Clay with smirking expressions, their eyes hungry for knowledge about what Clay had been hiding from all but Spring Day, and they all knew she wasn't about to slip twice. The earth pony colt was feeling like he was being backed into a corner, but luckily for him he heard the ringing of the school bell. "Oh look, time for school," said Clay, dashing for the safety of the school building. Just when Clay thought he was home free, he found himself being tripped up by an outstretched hoof, which made Clay tumble about till he hit the steps of the school house, staring upside down at the world around him. The moment Clay saw the color of the hoof he knew exactly who it was. The colt had a dark blue coat, yellow eyes, and a white mane and tail with a dark blue stripe running through it. "Well if it isn't the blank flank," said the colt. "Sky Tearer…" "Going to be a great year, freak," said Sky. Sky Tearer used his wings to jump over Clay and walked into the school building, ignoring the possibility that the Clay could be hurt. He turned his head to glance at the brown maned colt, Sky only let out a cold chuckle as he entered the school. It was by this time Pumpkin, Pound, Spring Day, and Swift Hummer galloped up to their friend and helped him back to his hooves. Clay dusted himself off, angry that he had let that happen, and even more angry at Sky Tearer's words. "Clay are you alright, you're not hurt are you!?" Spring Day asked concerned. "Hmph, no." "Cuz…?" "C'mon let's get inside…" They knew it was better to let Clay cool down after an encounter with Sky Tearer, he terrorized them all, but Clay and Dinky got it the worst, for more than one reason. Still, the bully pegasus seemed less inclined to try anything when they were all together, so they tried to stay in a group whenever they saw Sky "Terror," coming. In the end, they all went inside; the other foals chatted and laughed, regaling their friends about what they did during the break. Others told them about the battle that had happened between the Knights of Harmony, and the Spirit of War, since some of the foals were gone elsewhere during the vacation it came as quite the shock when they were told. The school bell rung for the second time, the foals quickly took their seats and waited. The door to the classroom opened as a maroon colored earth pony mare trotted in. She had a warm smile, radiating kindness, only amplified by her cutie mark of three smiling flowers. Cheerilee was the best teacher they could have; she treated all of them with respect, love, and undivided attention. She recently took to wearing glasses, which only added to her kind visage. "Good morning class!" "Good morning Miss Cheerilee," said the class in unison. "I'm so happy to see you all back from vacation my little ponies, well then, I'd like to start with Pre-Equestrian history. So open your textbooks to page fifty, 'The Beginning of Alagotha.'" Not that listening to Miss Cheerilee's lecture wasn't fascinating, but Clay's mind seemed to wander. His eyes found their way to the window, soon finding himself staring off into space. Taking him back, back to Canterlot, back to that night… ***Canterlot Gardens – Five Months Ago*** Clay didn't want to admit it, he just got swept up into all the excitement of being in the capital, and then the concert, and now…now he was lost. The earth pony colt had found himself wandering the hedge maze, not out of a need to explore, but because he saw something fly across the sky when he was inside. Suddenly he heard the sounds of flapping wings, he had become very good at spotting that sound, being around pegasi and all will do that to you. Clay followed the flapping noise; unfortunately it was taking him further into the maze itself. As he exited one of the corridors he came upon an open space. There was a pagoda, and underneath it, was a pink pegasus filly, with a blue mane and tail. The full moon light made the young filly's fancy dress shimmer, and her purple eyes sparkle. Clay was captivated by this filly: she was, dare he say, beautiful. He gulped, swallowing hard, knowing that there were a few options right now. One: he could go up to the filly and introduce himself, although she was most likely from Canterlot, and possibly one of those upper class ponies, or two: since she was a pegasus she could probably help him find a way out, at the risk of looking like an idiot. Oh those are great options, Clay sighed, well I need to do something. Before Clay could move to go and talk to the filly, she stood up on all fours. The earth pony colt stepped back, thinking he had been spotted. The pegasus filly moved her head towards the sash around her waist, she then pulled at the sash with her teeth, making her fancy dress become looser. After a minute she shook off the dress and spread her wings, the young filly ran out from under the pagoda and took off into the air. Clay watched as the pink pegasus flew around in the night air, zooming at great speed. Performing loop-de-loops, somersaults, and all manner of aerial tricks, Clay recognized some of these moves, they were similar to the Wonderbolts. The filly continued to do one daring trick after the other, almost as if she was building up for something. She's not about to do that trick, is she!? As the filly pegasus sped up with each passing moment, something was forming. Electrical sparks started to flash behind her, arching from her flank, to her tail, creating a trail. Soon the sparks began to ignite, creating a smoke trail, with the electrical discharges flowing through them. This confirmed what Clay thought the filly was doing, she was about to perform one of the Wonderbolts' special moves, the Storm Flash. She's crazy; Mom said that even the new Wonderbolt recruits couldn't pull that move off without a lot of training! Clay was right; the execution of the move itself wasn't the hard part. The real trick was maintaining it after the move had been engaged. The Storm Flash took the natural power of a pegasus' weather manipulation, and transformed it into a powerful trail of lightning and thunder. One wrong move and the performer could easily harm themselves, or give them too much of a speed boost and cause them to fly out of control. The earth pony colt watched in worry and concern for the unknown filly's safety. Soon the filly was able to pull it off, a low rumbling boom echoed through the air, causing a trail of storm clouds to follow the filly. To anypony else, it looked like smoke, but it was in fact condensed storm clouds with lightning arcing from them. The pink pegasus seemed to be in control of the move, flying evenly, with no abnormal shifts, so far. "She's got it, she's really doing it!" Clay said excited. That's when it all went downhill. Suddenly the pegasus filly started to wobble around in the air, the lightning traveling dangerously up the filly's body. A stray bolt of lightning arced up the pegasus' filly's chest. She clutched at her heart as her wings stopped flapping, the Storm Flash fading fast. It wasn't long before she started to go into free fall, descending right out of the sky at a rapid rate. "WHAT THE BUCK!" Clay shouted. The earth pony went into action, no thought involved, just the drive to save this unknown filly before he bared witness to her dying. He had to time this right; otherwise the least that would happen would be a serious injury. Clay remembered what both of his mothers' told him. Applejack taught him how to maximize his speed and control while galloping, without tiring himself out. Rainbow Dash taught him timing and awareness, it did no good to move fast and not know what's around you. Clay galloped passed the pagoda, following her path of descent, till she was low enough, and in position for his next move. The earth pony colt picked a launch point on the ground; once he reached it Clay placed all four hooves on that spot. Using the momentum, he pushed off with his hind legs, jumping into the air. For a brief moment it appeared as if Clay was flying through the air, on an intercept course for the fallen filly. At the last second, Clay plowed into her, wrapping his forelegs around her midsection and rolling in the air. The two of them rolled as they fell to the ground, Clay doing his best to make sure she didn't take the brunt of the impacts. After a few minutes they stopped, Clay was on the ground panting hard, while the filly laid on top of him. When he realized the awkward position they were in, Clay quickly, yet gently, moved the filly off and onto the ground next to him. "H-h-hey are you alright," he asked. No response. "Can you hear me!?" Yet again, there was no response. "Oh Celestia no…!" Clay rolled the filly onto her back, minding her wings. He quickly placed an ear to her chest, there was no movement, nor was there a heartbeat. It was as he feared, he remembered his Mom telling him about pegasi who messed up during the move and almost died of heart failure because of the lightning discharges. "You're not dying on me, you can't!" The earth pony colt took in a couple of deep breaths, and mentally prepared himself for the act of putting his lips to a filly's in order perform CPR to save her life. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on your point of view, the filly began stir and then. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* Clay stopped and backed up. The filly's chest started to move up and down on its own, she also made raspy breathing noises, but at least she was breathing. The pink pegasus placed a hoof on her chest where her heart was, no doubt she was hurting from the lightning. He then breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that the filly was not dead. Thank Celestia she's alright… "Hey who's there," a voice shouted. Clay's head shot up as he heard the voice of an unknown pony, a stallion, possibly a Royal Guard. Clay quickly galloped into the entrance of one of the maze paths. The tall hedge cast a shadow over the path, obscuring him from sight. The earth pony colt stopped and turned around, keeping his eyes on the pink pegasus. To his relief, it was a Royal Guard unicorn stallion. The Guard quickly went to her side, a deep concern filling his eyes. Clay decided it was best to leave her to him, but not before he took one last glance at her. His eyes fell to the filly's flank; with the dress gone he could clearly see her cutie mark, making a mental note to remember the twin blue lightning bolts. Luckily for Clay, the path he took was a straight shot back to the maze exit, and back to the after party in the ball room, where he would soon be smothered by a certain fashionista unicorn as punishment for his wandering away from his Ma's sight. ***A Few Hours Later*** School let out for the day and, much to the children's delight, with no homework whatsoever. Pumpkin and Pound Cake left to go help at Sugar Cube Corner; Swift Hummer was going to meet his mother for a flying lesson, while Spring Day took care of the animals. And so the gang went their separate ways, Clay trotted along towards Sweet Apple Acres, back to his home. He still thought about that pegasus filly, she really was pretty, talented, really cute, and…and probably wouldn't give him the time of day. Although there wasn't much of it happening, there were some ponies who, especially those of substantial wealth and status, who were a little tribest, not wanting to date or marry outside their own pony tribe. That went double for their children. Although Clay had saved her life, he didn't think it would make that big a difference, especially given the fact that he left her side after the fact. "Oh give it up Clay, not like you'll ever see her again. Besides…" Clay stopped trotting and stared back at his flank, barren of any cutie mark, and at eleven years old. "Well heya blank flank!" Speaking of tribest, thought Clay. Much to his dismay, the dark blue pegasus, Sky Tearer, was flying overhead. The bully pegasus landed a few feet in front of Clay, blocking his path towards his home. "Don't you have better things to do than bother me," said Clay as he began to trot around Sky Tearer. "It must be hard on you and that fillyfooling, hick, mother?" Clay stopped in his tracks. "What are you talking about Sky," asked Clay, a certain edge in his voice. "Being rejected by your other fillyfooler mother," said Sky. "Shut up, if I remember correctly, my Mom is the Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts. Which means, your dad, takes orders from her," Clay shot back. That seemed to rile Sky Tearer's feathers. He hated it when Clay reminded him about that little fact, and the fact that both his mothers were Knights of Harmony. "Yeah, but she probably won't be your mom for much longer," Sky countered. That statement made Clay's blood run cold. "W-w-what are you talking about!?" Sky Tearer smiled, he knew where to hit Clay. "I talked to my Dad a while back. Apparently your 'Mom' has been talking to a lot of ponies in a lot of cities and towns; she's been talking about YOU." Clay remained optimistic. "Pfft, so what, parents talk about their kids all the time," he said. "Really, do they talk to local adoption agencies, or to police ponies? Looks to me like she's thinking of giving you away," said Sky. "SHUT UP! My Mom would never do that! She loves me and Ma!" Clay shouted. "Please, my Dad told me himself what he saw. Honestly I'm not surprised, why would she want to be grounded by a blank flanked, abandoned, freak like you!" That tore it; Clay widened his stance and lowered his head. Sky Tearer seemed amused by Clay's show of bravado. "Take it back!" "Or what blank flank!?" "Take! It! BACK!" "MAKE ME!" Sky Tearer dared. Clay obliged him, running at full speed and smashing his head into Sky Tearer's chest, sending the dark blue pegasus flying backwards with the wind knocked out of him. The earth pony colt didn't stop there, shaking his head from the impact; he galloped for him once again, jumped, and drove his right hoof into Sky's left cheek. Sky didn't take that lying down, using his right hoof to uppercut Clay in the jaw, using his left hoof, the bully pegasus threw a hook punch into Clay's right cheek. The earth pony colt reeled back from the punch, tasting a bit of his blood inside his mouth. Sky Tearer took this opportunity to counterattack in his own fashion; the young pegasus spread his wings and flapped, propelling himself into the air. Clay grunted in frustration, Sky definitely had the advantage in the air, which meant now he'd have to be extra careful. Sky Tearer felt something trickle from the corner of his mouth, he took his hoof and wiped the corner of his mouth, noticing the red stain on his coat. "You damn grounder…HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME BLEED!" "Come down here and I'll make you bleed more!" Clay shouted. Sky Tearer, although letting his rage get the better of him, was not completely without some common sense. With a wicked grin he flew for Clay, left hoof extended. Clay quickly ducked, avoiding the blow, a gust of wind followed behind Sky Tearer, almost making Clay lose his hoofing. Is he trying to take my head off!? Sky Tearer didn't let up, he flipped in the air, and rebounded off a nearby tree, increasing his speed. The first blow landed on Clay's right cheek, the blow knocked Clay off his hooves for just a moment. The metallic irony taste of blood filled his mouth. Unfortunately he didn't have time to recover, as Sky Tearer whipped around and landed another blow right across Clay's left eye. The pain from the hit was intense enough to make him close it, a throbbing sensation pounding in his skull. Sky Tearer wanted the earth pony down for good, so on his next pass Sky pointed his hind legs at the earth pony, cocking them back; he thrust them forward, kicking Clay in the right side. Clay let out a pained cough as the air in his lungs escaped against his better wishes. He now laid on the ground, shaking from the pain radiating from both his face and ribcage. He could still hear Sky Tearer's wings flapping about in the air; his vision was blurred, only making out a dark blue splotch making its way towards the injured earth pony. Get up…I have to…get up…! At the last second Clay saw somepony jump out in front of him; it was a tall red blur from what he could make out. The next thing he heard was the sound of something like a smack, and then a pained "oomph". After a few seconds his vision came back into focus. "Uncle…Big Mac…?" Clay asked wearily. The red coated pony turned its head towards him, and smiled gently. "Clay it's me," said a concerned feminine voice. Clay's vision finally cleared up, allowing him to see more details. The red coat, pink tail and mane, and a cutie mark of different animals frolicking. "Spring Day!?" Spring Day nodded, and then turned her attention back to Sky Tearer, who was now apparently lying on the ground in pain. "You. Will. NOT! Hurt my cousin!" Sky Tearer coughed and rose, shakily, to his hooves. "Just because you got in a lucky shot, doesn't mean I'm finished, I'll go right through you!" Sky threatened. Spring Day growled and stamped her hoof, the ground around Clay seemed to shake a bit from the action. "Try me!" Sky Tearer flinched at that short statement, Spring Day was known for being a shy and timid filly, but mess with her friends or family, and she becomes an almost literal force of nature, fierce and unstoppable. Even Sky Tearer wasn't stupid enough to go one on one with her, even if she was an earth pony. Sky spat out some blood and snorted angrily. "Fine…!" With that said Sky Tearer flared his wings and took off into the sky, going as far away from them as pony possible. When Spring Day was sure that the bully was far from sight she quickly turned her attention towards her injured cousin. "Clay are you alright, what hurts!?" Clay, with a little help from Spring Day, got back onto his hooves. "I'm fine cuz, although I think my pride is hurt a little," joked Clay. Spring Day gave him a serious look that said she was not amused. "I'm fine Spring, seriously, ouch!" Spring Day took this chance to look over her cousin, poking him and examining his injuries, which was causing Clay some discomfort. "Nothing seems broken, probably just some bruising on the bones, and slight concussion." "How the hay do you know this stuff," he asked amazed. Spring Day gave Clay a sheepish shrug of the shoulders, seeming just as surprised as he was. "Well you should at least get some ice on that eye, and maybe rest for a bit before doing anything." "Can't, I'm going to help Ma apple buck when I get home," said Clay. "Clay…how are you going to explain your injuries?" "I'll think of something on the way there." Clay took a few steps down the road and stumbled a bit. Spring Day quickly rushed to his side, looking down at him with a worried filled gaze. "I got this Spring you should –" "I'm going to walk with you back home, and I'm not taking no for an answer!" Spring Day declared. With a reluctant sigh, Clay and Spring Day trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres. But Sky Tearer's words would still ring in his head the whole way there, he knew the bully would say anything to hurt Clay, but what he said couldn't be true…could it? ***Back at Sweet Apple Acres*** Applejack was hard at work, sweat dripping from her brow as she bucked the apples from their branches. Apple bucking might be work, but to her, it was a way for Applejack to clear her mind and allow her to think, especially when it came to certain things like raising a son, dealing with an absent parent, and of course the end of the world. It wasn't long after the holidays that Twilight gathered Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and herself for a secret meeting. That's when the lavender mare showed them the "Book of Doom," a tome which foretold the arrival of the Spirit of War, Polemos, and the events leading up to it. Apparently the news came as a surprise to even Bright Blade, which meant that there was more than enough cause for concern. There were some pages still blank, ah whole lot of them, thought Applejack. Times like this she wished Rainbow Dash was there, although the farmer knew exactly what she would say. She'd say it was "No big deal," or "Whatever happens we can handle it!" Applejack had to chuckle a little, and then she sighed. Ten, no, eleven years had passed since they admitted their feelings for each other. It was a trying year, but they made it work, even when they adopted Clay. Still, she wished Dash was around more, a lot more. Bet if Ah popped the big Q she probably stick around more. Applejack mentally sighed, feeling a bit ashamed. Ah know her work keeps her busy, and Ah'm happy for her Wonderbolt job, but…Applejack quickly shook her head, she then gazed up towards the sky gauging the position of the sun. Clay should be here any minute now, can't be all mopey, gotta think positive! Greet'em with ah big smile! Applejack soon started to hear the faint thudding of hooves approaching her location. After a few minutes she saw Clay, he was wearing the Stetson hat she had gotten him for his tenth birthday, for some reason though he was keeping his head down, his face hidden by his hat. "Hey Ma, hope you saved a few trees for me," said Clay enthusiastically. Applejack raised an eyebrow; her son not looking her in the eyes was a bit disconcerting. "Plenty ah them, but Clay, ya remember what ah said about lookin' somepony in the eye when talkin' to'em, right?" "Y-y-yeah…" "Well then, ah'm waitin'," said Applejack. Clay, slowly, raised his head up to look his Ma in the eyes like she instructed. Applejack gasped at what she saw, Clay had a black eye, his face slightly swollen. And now that she took a closer look, he had bruising on his right side! "Clay, what in tarnation happened to ya sugarcube!" Applejack's motherly instincts were going into overdrive at that moment. "Ma it's alright, really, I just wasn't looking where I was going and I slammed into a couple of trees on the way here!" "Clay don't be lyin' to meh now. Ah've been through mah share of fights, and ah know the difference between slamming inta somethin' and somepony beatin' the livin' snot outta yeah!" "Ma…please…can we just drop it." Applejack wanted to question Clay, find out who in Equestria would dare to hurt her son and give them a stern talking to, and that was only the mild version of what she was going to do. But, the look in Clay's eyes told her that he really didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't want to risk alienating her son by pressing the matter. "Alright Clay…when ya want ta talk about it Ah'm here," said Applejack caringly. Clay nuzzled Applejack's chest and smiled weakly. "Thanks Ma…" The mother and son earth ponies got to work; Applejack and Clay strategically placed the baskets underneath the branches where the apples were going to fall. Even though Clay was only eleven, he still had the necessary strength needed to buck the stubborn apples from their branches. Both Applejack and Clay positioned themselves near the trunks of their respective trees. They raised their hind legs and kicked the trunks of the trees, the cacophony of a hundred plus apples thudding against the baskets below told them that their work with these trees was done. Applejack and Clay moved on, bucking about thirteen more trees, and were now moving on to their fourteenth when Clay turned his head to his Ma. "Hey Ma…?" "Yeah sugarcube?" "When do you think I'll get my cutie mark?" Applejack dropped the basket from her mouth before she answered. "Ah told yer Aunt Apple Bloom when she was a filly, and Ah'll tell ya the same thing. Yer cutie mark will appear when it's good and ready." Clay sighed, "Ma, my friends, and even my cousins have their cutie marks, and I'm eleven years old and still a blank flank!" Applejack couldn't deny that. Swift Hummer had a silver wing cutie mark, Spring Day frolicking animals, Pound and Pumpkin had, well, a pound and pumpkin cake cutie mark. And they learned just recently that Dinky had obtained hers as well. Which left Clay as the only one of their group of friends who didn't have a cutie mark; it was then that Applejack made a connection. "Does it have anythin' to do with what happened today," asked Applejack. Clay remained silent on that topic, Applejack just sighed. The two of them went on bucking more trees; Applejack saw the position of the sun and noticed how late it had gotten. She then signaled for Clay to stop and help her fill the wagon with the baskets of apples they had just bucked. After hitching herself to the wagon, Applejack and Clay made their way back to the farm. Clay seemed to hang his head low most of the way. "Somethin' else botherin' ya honey?" "It's just…never mind…" "Clay, this is yer Ma, you can tell meh anythin'," said Applejack. "Am…am I a freak?" Applejack stopped in her tracks, the wagon's wheels creaking to a halt. "What, now why would ya think that!?" "Because…because I have two mothers and no father…" "Clay, yer not ah freak, ya hear me! Anypony who says otherwise don't know what they're talkin' about! If anythin' yer a lucky, lucky colt to have tWo mothers who love you very much," said Applejack. "Do you think…do you think that Mom doesn't want me anymore?" Applejack unhitched herself from the wagon and quickly enveloped her son in a tight hug. Clay was obviously surprised, but he didn't fight it either. She tried to radiate all the love, all the kindness, and affection she had for this colt she called her son. "She loves ya, and so do Ah, don't you ever ferget that! Ya hear meh!?" Clay didn't say a word, there was no need to, he only wrapped his forelegs around his mother and the two of them just held that embrace. "A family, what is the foundation of any family…Trust and Love. Trust in your loved ones and trust in yourself, love for others and for your friends, without either the foundation crumbles. But that shall never happen, no, surely my days and the days of peace that are to come will be nothing if not joyous." - Orados 11:5