//------------------------------// // The Voice // Story: The Fade of Rainbow Dash // by Eternal Dream //------------------------------// “Wake up Dashie, wake up. Come and play with me Dashie.” The cold, dark voice whispered seductively to me. I got up slowly looking around and noticed wasn’t in the library. I was in the middle of some sort of forest. I could barely see a single thing except for the trees around me. “Dashie? Come with me.” The figure said to me while it walked slowly over to me. It was entirely black and had blood pouring from it's eyes. It had a black fur and no mane or tail. Its menacing red eyes looking hungrily at me. I got up and started running from it as fast as I could. “Dashie? Why are you running from me? Come with me Dashie, I can help you. Twilight means nothing to you. She'll use you for her own will. You're nothing but a ghost, while she is a powerful unicorn. She will condemn you. She will never love you Dashie, only I can. I can keep you safe from her and love you forever.” “You’re a liar! She loves me as much as she did in life. She has always loved me. You’re just a monster, leave me alone!” “Oh, but I can’t Dashie. You have to come with me. I have to stay till you come with me. I can’t leave till you come with me. Dashie you’re only delaying the inevitable. Come with me Dashie it will be so much easier.” I started to run even quicker than ever before. I tried even harder to get away from the inviting voice that wanted me for some reason. I stopped and took a quick look behind me I hadn’t even moved an inch. It drew closer to me as I screamed as loudly as I could. After a few minutes of screaming,i slowly opened my eyes after hearing a soft, caring voice. “Dash are you ok!? Your screaming, please stop, it hurts.” She said worriedly. I stopped my screaming after hearing Twi's calming voice. I looked at her and hugged her as tightly as I could. Aw, Dashie thats so cute but stop it now. I felt my hooves slowly pull away from her. I resisted the voice as hard as I could and pulled Twi’ closer to me as I felt her hooves wrap around me. I nuzzled my face into her neck, crying softly. Dashie don't cry, she doesn’t love you. She doesn’t care about you. I will take care of you forever Dashie like I did the others. Mortis will do whatever I tell him to do. Dash let her go now or I will hurt them all. The voice said, pulsing with a power that scared me. I slowly pulled away from Twi’. She looked at me worriedly and reached a hoof out. “Don't touch her, don't let her touch you!” I sniffled a little and looked at Twilight sadly. I tried my hardest to pull up the power to tell her not to touch me. I instead chose to tumbled out of the bed to get away from her. I got up quickly and bolted for the door. I hoped that I hadn’t hurt her feeling's too bad. I looked back to our house sighing. “Are you happy now?” I asked. “Oh Dashie I'll never be happy till I get you all to myself?” It giggled hauntingly at me. “Well then you'll never be happy because I will not let you make me your pet.” I lashed at it. “Oh but Dashie.” It whinnied. “No buts. Deal with it.” I said commandingly. “Awwwww.......” It’s voice trailed off “I’m guessing I have to deal with you whether I want to or not. Am I right? “Yes Dashie I will be here till you come with me.” As I started to walk towards Applejack's house, I thought about Twi’. Poor Twilight, she has no idea why I'm acting so strange. I hope she isn’t taking it the wrong way. Hmm, what could she be doing right now? She probably crying on the bed worrying about me and my strange actions today. Why did I listen to the stupid voice, it can’t control my actions, I love Twilight and nothing will stop that no matter what it is. I looked back, took a quick look around and then bolted for our house. When I arrived, I kicked down the door and ran upstairs. Twilight was lying on the bed with the covers up over her head. I could hear a soft crying coming from the bed. I walked up slowly to the bed laying a hoof on it gently. The crying stopped for a second as I reached under the covers and wrapped Twilight in my hooves. I held her close as she soaked my coat with her tears. I lifted my wings and wrapped her in them. I then moved us under the covers and snuggled.