//------------------------------// // Returned to earth // Story: Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Chapter 1: Returned to earth Chapter 1: Returned to earth I walked down the stairs, ready to make some food. I was starving, not having eaten when I had woke up was a bad idea. Once I was at the bottom of the stairs, my stomach growled. I rubbed it, "Hold on, I'm working on it." I said while chuckling to my self. Upon walking into the living room, a familiar booming voice filled the house, "Lance Greenfield, I have bad news for you." I stopped, recognizing the voice of God. I gulped, bad news, from God! That's never a good thing. "What is it?" I said in a worried voice. As I finished that sentence, Twilight came running down the stairs, "Lance! What's going on?" I held up my hoof, "One second Twi." She stopped a few feet away from me and nodded. The voice then began to speak again, "After much thought and watching over all the worlds that people went, I have come to a conclusion." I gulped loudly again, becoming worried. The voice continued, "I have decided that the Rapture was a mistake. I'm taking it back, along with everything that has happened since then." My eyes widened, "What?" "I'm setting everything back to the way it was before. The day after the Rapture. It will be as if it never happened. All thoughts, memory, and actions done in other worlds and in heaven will be like they never happened." My head began to spin at the information that was being said, "But why?" "I have my reasons young one. But I'm afraid its time I send you, and everyone else, back to earth. To live out the rest of your life normally." I shook my head, "But I prefer this one!" "I've already made my decision." I hung my head, "If I must leave, please let me keep my memory." "I will allow this, I'll also let your mother keep her memory." "Thank you." I said, still sad. "I will now allow you to say good bye to your loved one." I held back tears and walked over to Twilight. She had tears in her eyes, some already flowing down her cheeks. "What's going to happen?" She asked as the tears finally began to fully flow. I continued to hold back tears, "I'm being sent back to earth, along with everyone else." The tears in my eyes began to flow, going past my goggles and down my face. She jumped up and wrapped her hooves around my neck, "NO! I don't want you to leave! We just got married! You can't leave!" I wrapped my hooves around her neck and felt like crying, "I know, I wouldn't leave if I had a choice. But... I don't. I can't go against God." I stepped back and gave her a final kiss. She whipped tears out of her eyes, "I love you." That was it, I couldn't hold it back. I began to sob, "I love you too Twilight." The voice began to speak again, "Ready?" I shook my head, "No." "You have to leave young one." I hung my head, "Ready." "Then I'm sending you back. You will remember everything that has happened to you. I put you in the place you would have been that morning." My body began to glow. __________________________________________ Twilight watched as her lover was about to be sent away. She would never see him again. How was she going to raise their foal alone? How was she going to go on without him? How can she wake up in the morning without him laying next to her? She shook her head, tears freely flowing down her face. She wasn't going to let him be taken away from her. As his body began to glow, she jumped forward, wrapping her hooves around his neck. A sudden sensation filled her body and she felt herself falling. Then, all of sudden, she landed on something soft. ____________________________________________ I opened my eyes to find my self standing in a room. It looked familiar, very familiar. I looked around and sighed. It was my room, my messy as hell room. The walls had three posters from three well known video games. There was also a few nails that held up a few items that I find worthy to show off; necklace's, rings, and other odd things. My desk still held all of my homework from school. Being a senior sucks. I walked over to my window and looked out at the familiar traffic of New York City. I lived in a small three story building owned by my mom. I sighed and though of Equestria... and Twilight. A groan from behind me made me jump and turn. On the bed lay something that filled me with happiness and worry. A girl lay on my bed. Upon closer inspection, I could see purple hair with a pink streak through it. It was Twilight! I scratched my head, how did she get here? I thought back to the last moments and remember feeling something wrap around my neck. That must have been Twilight. But how was she able to follow me? "Love." Said a loud voice in my head. What the... "What do you mean love?" "Love, as in the love you two share. Once she jumped on you, I decided to send her back with you. I made her human so she will fit in with this world." I smiled, "Thank you. This means a lot." "Your welcome young one." I walked over to Twilight and looked her over. She wore a plain white T-shirt and worn blue jeans. Her hair was down to her shoulders. When I reached out to shake her awake, I saw that I was wearing a red plaid shirt. I was also wearing blue jeans. Thank God! I'm not wearing those stupid clothes anymore. I then began to gently shake Twilight. She slowly rolled over and blinked at me, "Lance? What happened?" I put on a reassuring smile, "Yeah its me. As to what happened, you kinda came back with me to earth. And your no longer a unicorn, your a human." I said the last part while preparing for her to freak out like she did in the first episode of season two. Her eyes widened and she began to fill around her head, "My horn! How can I be a human?" I shrugged, "Well, God said he made you a human so you would fit in with this world." She Slammed her hand into her face, "Now how am I going to use magic." I smiled weakly, "You don't." She sighed, "Well its worth it if I get to be with you." She climbed out of my bed and looked around my room. She was about a inch sorter than me. She looked at her left hand and smiled, "Good, the wedding band is still there." The golden wedding band was still on her left hand and on the ring finger. I looked at my left hand and saw that the wedding band had turned into a wedding ring, still golden. When I went to take it off, it wouldn't budge. Looks like they don't come off even in another dimension. She looked around my room again, "Nice place. Messy, but also comfortable." I smiled, "Thanks, my room is always messy." Before she could respond, the sound of foot steps could be heard coming up the stairs and towards my room. My mom burst into the room, a confused look on her face, "Lance! Did we just..." She looked at Twilight, "She's a human? Huh, I guess we really was there." I smiled weakly, "So you do remember?" She nodded, "Yes. Did God talk to you to?" I nodded back in response, "Yeah, he told me why he send us all back to earth." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her Iphone, "December twentieth, ten forty eight A.M., He really did send us back to the day after the Rapture." I looked over at Twilight and smiled, "Yep, but at least he let her come back." Then a thought hit me, "What about the Captain? Did he come back with you?" She looked down in sadness, "No, he didn't come back with me. I don't think he was allowed." She looked at Twilight, "How was she able to come back with you?" I shrugged, "God said it was because of our love for each other. I'm pretty damn lucky." She glared, "Language young man!" Wow, I forgot that she things everything is cussing, "Sorry mom." She nodded, "Its okay... This time." She turned for the door, "Also, if you think that just because of what happened that you don't have to go to school when it starts, your wrong." "Damnit!" She turned to me, "Lance Greenfield! I said watch your language!" I smiled, "Won't happen again." She walked out of the door, "It better not." I turned to Twilight and smiled. There's something I've been wanting to tell her, but didn't know how. "Come here Twi." I walked over to my computer and turned it on. I pulled up Youtube and typed in, 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic '. When the video was up and loaded, I smiled, "Okay Twi, I think its time you know how I know so much about you and all of Equestria." She walked up and looked at the screen with curiosity, "What is that thing?" I smiled, I've always wanted to explain human technology to Twilight. "Well, this is a computer, it holds data and allows humans to communicate and look up information. With this, I can find out almost anything." She looked at the screen, "Interesting." I nodded, "It sure is. I still don't fully understand how this all works." She looked at me, "So, you was going to show me how you knew everything about Equestria?" I nodded again, "Yep. Watch this." I clicked the video and it began to play the first episode. As it played, she looked shocked, "That's Princess Celestia's voice! And that's the history behind Nightmare Moon!" I smiled, "Yep. Just keep watching." She looked at the screen in silence till the part with her in front of the book, "That's me!" I chuckled, "Brief info for you. Here on earth, we watch Equestria as a cartoon. You being one of the main characters." She listened to the song, "Catchy song." Then it started showing all of her friends, "That's all my friends! How is this possible?" I paused the video when the song ended, "Well, I don't know how to explain it. But would you like to watch the rest of this?" She nodded, "Yes, I really want to see the rest of this." I smiled and hit play. Eight episodes later and many many questions. After episode eight, Look before you sleep, I turned to her, "So, what do you think?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "Well, its strange. I mean, it followed all of us. Showing what we did and everything, but we never knew it. Its sorta confusing to me." I shrugged, "I don't have anyway to explain this. I'm not that good in physics or things like that." She looked back to the computer, "Can you show me somethings about the bronies? I'm curious out them." I sighed, I knew she was going to ask this. As long as I don't run across any... Pictures... everything should go great, "Alright." I pulled up the website Equestria Daily and scowled down the page, showing her some fan made art, that was clean, and a few other things. She nodded, "Wow, the bronies really do adore us don't they." I chuckled, "You have no idea Twilight." She raise an eyebrow, "Oh?" I shook head smiling, "Never mind." I looked out the window and had a though. How was this going to work? I mean, shes a pony that is now a human, and she doesn't know anything about earth. I shrugged, we'll figure that out later. I turned back to my computer to check the time. 2:24 P.M. Wow, its only the afternoon. I stood and looked down at Twilight, "Hey Twi, is it okay with you if I go out for a hour or two?" She looked at me in confusion, "What do you mean?" I put my Android in my pocket and turned back to her, "Well, I kinda want to see one of my friends." She smiled, "Oh, I don't mind. Just don't stay gone to long." I nodded, "I'll be back soon. Just don't leave the house." She cocked her head, "Why?" I sighed, "Its the human world and we're in New York City. Its not safe for you to be out there with out me. A lot of people would love to catch a girl like you." She nodded, understanding, "Okay Lance, I'll stay inside." I leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. I smiled and walked out of my door, followed by Twilight. We walked down the stairs, then down the other stairs, and finally to the front door. I pulled on my black jacket and smiled, "Be back before you know it. Just spend some time with my mom." She chuckled, "That should be fun." She said sarcastically. I nodded, "Oh, you'll have the time of your life Twi." She shook her head, "Just hurry back." "I will." I said as I grabbed the door knob and opening the door. I then stepped through it and closed the door. I looked around at the crowd of people that was normal for this city. I sighed, damn I miss Equestria. I began walking down the street, towards my uncles house, who was a wiz at computers. I know I told Twilight I was going to a friends, but I consider my uncle a friend. And right now, I could use his help finding someone. Someone that I could only find on the internet. I walked in silence, people walked past me, not caring or paying attention to me.