A colt and his favorite princess

by Bareback Writer

Talking with a Frienemy

He woke in a daze. From what he could feel, he was lying on a dry wooden floor. Slowly lifting his head, he could see several books lit by candle light.
"What the 'ell is this?" He wondered, his eyesight slowly getting clearer. The room he was in was rather small. In the corner was a bed and a basket where usually a pet would sleep. Above it, a window letting in what seemed to be just cold air in the dark. Pip slowly stood, barely able to keep his hay down.
"Fascinating, simply fascinating." Pip jumped at the sound of the voice, only to fall head over hoof. He grunted from the pain, but it was nothing for him. Besides, there were more pressing matters at hand. He stared at the area of darkness from which the voice. From it, a lavender pony trotted out. "To think," she said, "A pony of your size, let alone your age, should have been out till morning; Yet here you are, awake only after half an hour. What breed of pony could you possibly be?" She put a hoof to her chin, not taking notice to pip as he once again stood shakily on his hoofs.
In a rage he screamed, "Ey. Who the flank are you? Why did you drug me?" He stared at her, fury that could rival a dragon's. "Answer me you damn…damn FILLY MARE-LESTER!"
Twilight was aw-struck. Though she knew what he had said, the fact that he knew such language at such a young age, as well as seeming to know what it meant, only pushed her curiosity into concern. "Please calm down, there's no need to be hostile. I can-"
"Hostile? HOSTILE?! I'LL SHOW YOU HOSTILE!" Pip got down on his hooves and readied himself to charge. If he was goanna go down, he was goanna go down fighting.
Twilight wanted to cast another sleep spell on him, but panicked and levitated him instead. "Will you listen to me? I'm trying-"
"I ain't listening to some governor, let alone one who's a rapist."
This hit a nerve in Twilight, "Rapist? RAPIST?! THAT'S IT!" Suddenly, Pip was slammed to the ground, "LISTEN YOU LITTLE-" She dare not say the rest, she wouldn't stoop to his level. She took a deep breath. Slowly she sighed "Just listen ok?"
He stared daggers at her.
"I said, 'OK!?'"
This time he gave a small nod, submitting to his captor. He still stared daggers, but Twilight didn't mind. To her, it simply confirmed that he needed help. Remembering several situations like this from the books she read, she knew that she had to contact the princess to inform her about him.
But when she looked back at him, something happened. Something she couldn't quite explain. His eyes, glassy as a vase, were fighting back tears. The frown he held was not that of anger, but more of fear. Why was he scared? He needed help, a LOT of it, and she was determined to help. So why did that look make her feel guilty? Why did it feel like she was doing more harm than good?
The answer, or at least the one that made the most sense, hit her harder than being bucked by Applejack. His language, his words, everything about him, gave it away. Though she didn't know the story in full detail, she felt, no, she knew that his past must have been one that would drive any pony to this traumatic state or worse. But what could she do? Granted, she knew a lot, but psychology wasn't something she was very good at. But it was worth a shot, right?
It was then that a loud grumbling interrupted her train of thought. She looked down at Pip, who was looking away with pink coloring his cheeks. She simply smiled, chuckling. "Hungry much?" Pip didn't respond. Too bad his own stomach betrayed him. "I'll fix you something to eat, but only if you are on your best behavior, ok?" Again, Pip didn't respond, and again his stomach betrayed him. He silently cursed himself as he nodded.
The two of them went into the kitchen where Twilight attempted to make something simple, yet failing in the task. "Argh. Why did Spike have to be out of town?" Twilight thought to herself in frustration. Little did she notice that while she was cursing herself, looking for a cookbook that could help, Pip was already in the midst of making daffodil and hay sandwiches. By the time she found one, he had already set two plates, each with one and a half sandwiches. She stared in awe as he sat down in on a set of books in a chair and started to eat.
After some time, he looked up at her with confusion. "What? Never seen a sandwich before?"
"No," She replied, now out of her trance, "Just…well…did you make those for me?" She pointed to the other plate opposite of his own.
Pip was hesitant, in truth he didn't really know. It was more of a polite impulse than anything else. Thinking quick, he replied, "I hate eating alone." Twilight seemed to have bought it. She sat down and used her magic to levitate the half sandwich up.
"You ran out of bread."
They continued eating in silence, every now and then, one would steal a quick look at the other, questioning what was going to happen next.
Finally, Twilight broke the silence. "Sooooo……What's your name?"
Pip looked up at her, fatigue showing in his eyes. "It's rude to ask my name without offering your own you know." Twilight looked at him in surprise. Granted he had been surprising her since he got there, but they kept coming, one after the other.
Chuckling she replied, "Yes your right. Let me try again. *ahem.* Once again, my name is Twilight Sparkle, what's your name?" She offered a hoof shake. Hesitantly, he reached out to the hoof. Thoughts passed through his mind, ranging from fear to pure paranoia. But for reasons only a power beyond Celestia's would know, he stretched out and replied.
"Pipsqueak, but I prefer 'Pip'"
"Nice to meet you Pip, I hope we can become good friends." Pip simply nodded in agreement. Twilight continued, "So what brings you to Ponyville? I mean, you don't seem to be traveling with your parents, so I figured--"
"You can stop right there Twilight…" Pip interrupted. Instantly she was silent. "Might as well tell her everything, it's not like I'll be leaving here anyway, wherever here is. Who knows, if I'm lucky, She'll let me go and THEN tell the govner" He took a deep breath and explained everything. "You see, I once had a mum and da'. But they died when I was young." Twilight gasped a look of pure horror on her face.
"That's not the worst of it," Pipsqueak continued. "I was scared, so I ran away from the ponies that were probably trying to help me. It didn't last long though. I soon found myself in an orphanage with a foal fiddler as a guardian." Twilight's face now had an expression of pure shock.
For what seemed like hours, silence ruled the roost. Pip looked down, ashamed and scared. Twilight sat in silence, contemplating, processing what she had just heard. "I know it's seems stupid to not trust those who are supposed to protect you, but after what they did to me and the others…I just can't." He started to tear, "I know running is cowardly, but I don't know what else to do…*sob*Please don't tell the govner I'm here." He shut his eyes to stop them from burning, "PLEASE! PLEA-" his cries were muffled by something. Something large, warm, and soft. He slowly opened his eyes, only to find his vision blocked by furry purple coat. Suddenly, he felt two legs wrap themselves around him, squeezing him like boa constrictors. He felt warm droplets on his head. When he looked up, he saw that Twilight was crying, tears coming out like a waterfall.
Through the tears he could hear her quietly say, "I'm sorry. *sniff I'm sorry." Like a contagious disease, he felt his eyes water as he returned her hug, tears flowing and cries heard. He didn't know when, but at some point he had fallen asleep in her arms.