//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Prisoner Freed // Story: Discord's Playground // by willorrin //------------------------------// Chapter 1 Sadie Miller was one of the most beautiful girls in the entire school. Truly, it was no wonder that all the teachers and students liked her. But, unlike many other popular girls, she actually took the time to take notice of those who deserved it. Alex Walter was one of these people. He had been born with a tumor growing on his brain stem which had nearly killed him. Some days he wished it had because of the state in which it had left him. For starters, the tumor had messed up his eye muscles in such a way that they were always facing opposite directions. His speech had been slightly slurred as well, leaving him to be largely shy around anyone and everyone. But Sadie was different, she had gotten to know him and had found something unique and special beneath the outer shell people saw: a brilliant mind. Most people wondered why she always went to him for help. They couldn't understand what she found in him. She and him shared this as a sort of inside joke. But besides being brilliant, he was a good friend to her. She just wished others could see that. Today was a Tuesday, a completely normal and boring day. Sadie was heading over to Alex's house to get help with homework. At least, that's how most of the people at school viewed it. The reality was that the two friends were going to actually finish the work within a matter of minutes. The rest of the time alloted was going to be taken up by ponies. That was the other thing that held their friendship intact; as the two had grown closer, they had discovered each others joy for the candy colored equines. Sadie had been overjoyed at this discovery as it had meant that there were really other Bronies and Pegasisters out their. Of course, she had realized that before, but this really hammered the point home that, no matter what, she was not alone in her obsession. Today though was a little different than normal (I guess I lied), because season four had come out the weekend before and the two had sworn to only watch the new episode in each other's company. But of course, first came the homework. .......................................................... In the dense forests of remote Alaska, a small light appeared and started growing in both size and intensity. Animals scattered in every direction, running from the phenomenon. Then, with a burst of pure energy, the light exploded and reformed into a creature that was made of many animal parts. Discord laughed, observing his new surroundings. He really hadn't expected the door to work, it had just been a little project he had been working on in his spare time. And one has a lot of spare time when trapped for a thousand years. Subconsciously, he wondered where he was. Oh well it really wouldn't matter once he returned the world to chaos. What would this place need? Clouds? No. Pies? Not really. Oh! Of course, the trees would look wonderful as bubble gum. He snapped his claw... And nothing happened. 'Hmmm', this was confusing, even for Discord, the SPIRIT OF CHAOS. Well, perhaps he wasn't close enough to his power source, conflict. Well, he might as well start walking. .......................................................... Sadie snapped her book closed. "Done" she exclaimed. "Aww man, you beat me," "Oh don't be silly, Al. I know you were purposely going slow. If you wanted to, you could've beat me if you wanted to." she countered. "yeah yer probly right," he laughed, "I'll go start the computer up." Once the computer had loaded, Alex went to Youtube and typed in the subject. It was a full hour long, they were going to have a great time.