//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Children of Oonte // by sevenofeleven //------------------------------// Children of Oonte: Chapter 6 Back to work, a bed and a lab. Ashley sat in the War Room, really it was just a big echoing room in a basement of one of buildings in the DC Herd's Enclave. No windows but the ceiling lights kept the area somewhat well lit. There were maps on some tables and a big map of the DC area taped up on a whiteboard. Avery Stiles fixed Ashley with a steely gaze and cleared his throat. "What I have to tell you is for your ears only. The President and most of his cabinet is safe, holed up somewhere," Avery said. "I figure that they will be giving us orders to move to an area that is more secure. This area is not very secure," Avery continued. "OK, so when do we move?" Ashley asked. "I don't know but we need more ammo and supplies," Avery replied. "You can make the bullets and guns and other items we need?" "Yes, but its better if I make a machine that makes these items," Ashley replied. Avery sat back in his chair and asked "Why?" "A machine does not get tired or bored and we will need unicorns using magic against the CC," Ashley replied with a matter of fact tone to her voice. The conversation moved on to another topic, Ashley was now a direct report to Avery. There was some arguing about making food generators but Avery said "When the Claw Combine comes, we can have full bellies. I rather fight them with bullets and grenades!" Ashley reluctantly agreed to make equipment to make bullets and grenades. "We will have a staff meeting at oh eight hundred tomorrow morning and I expect you to be there and all staff meetings unless told otherwise," Avery said with a bit of a swagger. Ashley stood up and gave a crisp salute and said, "Yes sir." Avery looked at her and passed on the info that the Seeress wanted to see her and dismissed her. The salute was good but Avery could see Ashley was a civilian with an attitude. Once she was out of the War Room and in the bright sunlight, Ashley felt better, that Avery was annoying but he seemed to know his stuff. I need to reduce the attitude, maybe? Hope this Seeress is a nicer person and I have to make two power generators and a ammo maker. When Ashley got to the Seeress's apartment, the Seeress was busy with some people and said that Ashley would have to see her later. She did remind Ashley to go to the Invocation later on in the day. Ashley did not intend to miss that. So Ashley went back to the War room to find out where she can work on making the equipment. Mr Stiles was busy with some militia members but one guy named Chris Rogers walked up and gave Ashley some new orders and info on where her workshop was going to be. He had put a sheet of paper with the word Lab on the door of the room and he gave Ashley the key. "Your other orders are to unlock the rest of the rooms for the militia and make three sets of keys for each lock on the doors," Chris said. "You will share room 4G with a Stacy Kellogg," Chris said giving Ashley a closer look. "I have a friend that sleeps with me, how with that work with my roommate?" Ashley asked. Wonder if the roommate will like Fluttershy? Chris just said dismissively, "Just work it out, its not my concern." Ashley went upstairs and started to unlock doors using her telekinesis and make keys. Hope I can get this done before Invocation. It was scheduled at four pm and it was two thirty now. The building had five floors. There will probably be a few apartments with two or three locks and some with deadbolts too. Ashley got the task done with fifteen minutes to spare and gave the keys to Chris. She reached out to Rita through Ponynet to find out where the Invocation ceremony was being held and to find out when they should move Steve's ashes to an urn and bury him. Rita would meet Ashley at the park and after Invocation, they would take care of Steve. At the park, the trees were gilded by the setting sun, Ashley stood between two ponies, Fluttershy was a guest of honor and was standing up front. Ashley thought she heard Avery Stile's voice behind her. Why was a human at an Invocation? It seemed like a purely pony ritual. Ashley had no clue that this Invocation was going to be very special.