Equestrian Epoch: Final Hope

by Michael_Ravencroft

First Sign: Part 3

Go Mad

***2 Months Later***

Twilight and Bright Blade were at home, a roaring flame in the fireplace as the cold winter months were setting in. Twilight, who was lying comfortably on a cushion near the warm fire, was busy reading a book called Deragon, the tale of a pony mare who became bonded with a magical dragon. In some ways it reminded her of the way she and Spike met, except for the fact that the main character rode on the dragon's back and brandished a red blade sword into battle against an evil king. While this was going on, Bright Blade was hard at work, standing at a desk near the window. Being the commander of the Knight Corp, he had to come up with different training regimens for the troops.

Their house, which of course was located in Canterlot, was very similar to the one in Twilight's "Reality Window" spell. There was one wall that was a giant bookshelf, containing various types of tomes. Next to the fireplace was a stand, where Twilight's pet owl Owlowiscious was perching himself, enjoying the sereneness of their situation. Next to Bright Blade, on another stand, was an odd looking bird. It was bright blue, with a white curved beak, it had a single crescent feather plume atop its head, and every so often its long tail feathers would give off a little spark of electricity.

"What do you think Squall, this formation look good to you," asked Bright Blade.

The blue bird squawked softly, giving his approval.

"Great, we'll practice this first thing when the weekend's over!"

Twilight giggled to herself, watching Bright Blade talk to his pet thunderbird Squall. Bright Blade had found Squall's egg during a flyby in the Everfree Forest. There were no signs of its parents anywhere so Bright had decided to take care of the egg. And now three years later Squall was growing up to be a strong and healthy thunderbird, with Owlowiscious acting as his big brother.

Twilight yawned, after which she looked up at the clock. Ten o'clock, time flies when you're reading a good book, thought Twilight. "Bright I think we should head to bed soon."

"What – Oh yeah sure, just let me finish up this last part of the formation. I'm thinking of calling it Formation Omega," said Bright Blade excitedly.

Twilight flashed the golden alicorn an annoyed glare, but quickly let it go as she placed her book back on the shelf. She then trotted over to Bright Blade and began to nuzzle his neck affectionately, causing the alicorn to stop writing midway. "Now Bright Blade, you're not going to tell me that you went and forgot about our little date tomorrow did you?"

Oh buck me!

"Cause I'd hate for you to be tired and cranky all day, when we're on our fun, fun, fun date!"

Buck me sideways!!

"Of course I didn't forget Twi, that would be a pretty bone headed thing for me to do! But seriously, tomorrow will be the most romantic date you ever had, I promise," said Bright Blade trying to hide behind his confident façade.

Twilight then kissed Bright Blade's cheek and gave him a sultry look. "Well good, I'll go and get the bed ready. See you upstairs." With that said Twilight began trotting towards the stairwell, swishing her tail, and trotting away suggestively.

After Bright Blade was finally able to wrench his mind out of the gutter, he slapped himself across the face and went into panic mode. "Crap!!! I totally forgot about the date! Okay calm down, calm down – oh who am I kidding I'm dead!" Bright Blade's eyes then shifted towards his pet thunderbird. "Squall, any suggestions, I'll seriously take anything you got!?"

Squall only shook its head; it would seem that this was the first time the young thunderbird had seen his owner freak out.

"Owlowiscious, c'mon help me out here, has Twilight hinted to you, or better yet, told you anything!?"

"Who…" said Owlowiscious.

"WHO!? Twilight that's who, who else would I be talking about!?"


"Owlowiscious I don't have time for mind games and –!" At that moment it just occurred to Bright Blade what he was doing, he then facehoofed himself and groaned. "I got sucked in just like Spike did, didn't I?" The wise owl only gave a nod, confirming that he was indeed an idiot. "I'm not dead yet, I still have time to create a plan of action before –!"

"Bright Blade, let's head to bed already," called Twilight.


Bright Blade was the first to rouse from his sleep. He was sleeping on the left side of the bed, staring at the wall. Bright then tossed to his right and was met with the sleeping face of Twilight. She looked so peaceful, even though her mane was completely disheveled, as it was every time she slept, Twilight was still the most beautiful thing in the world to him. Bright Blade used his hoof to gently move a lock of hair that was tickling her nose over Twilight's ear; she then smiled, as if to silently thank him. He still couldn't believe his luck, after everything the two of them had been through together, to be right here, sleeping beside the one he loved, the whole thing was almost surreal.

What did I do to deserve a mare like her, thought Bright Blade.

Twilight started to lazily open her eyes, her gaze greeted by the smiling face of Bright Blade. The two of them shared a kiss, enjoying their time together.

"Morning Bright…"

"Morning Twi…"

"You ready for our terrific date," asked Twilight.

"Of course Twilight, I got the whole thing planned out," said Bright Blade, smiling.

The hay am I talking about!? Of course I don't have anything planned out, I am so dead! Twilight then gave him another kiss and the golden alicorn melted. Then again maybe not…

The couple rose from their comfortable, and warm, bed. They both shivered as the cool morning temperature chilled them. Twilight and Bright levitated their robes, which were hanging from a rack near the door, and quickly put them on. Once they did they made their way downstairs, upon entering the living room they were greeted by soothing warmth that seemed to permeate the lower level, most of it coming from where Owlowicious and Squall were sleeping. The young thunderbird gave off heat when he slept, apparently, according to Fluttershy, during the winter months thunderbirds generated a kind of electrical heat field while they slept. It helps to keep them and their family warm at night; in this case, it served to keep the living room and downstairs very toasty.




Suddenly Twilight and Bright heard violent knocking coming from the front door, the noise startled their avian pets, making Owlowicious ruffle his feathers, and making Squall let loose a low voltage lightning bolt or two. The couple was confused, they weren't expecting anypony today, and they had no deliveries ordered for either of them.




The knocking didn't seem to let up. Twilight made her way to the front door and used her telekinesis to quickly open it. The lavender mare was surprised by what she saw, especially this early the morning. A Royal Guard soldier, looking all kinds of distressed, was standing at attention and saluting Twilight.

"Dame Twilight Sparkle, terribly sorry for waking you at this early hour," said the Royal Guard stallion.

"No problem, but, why are you here so early," asked Twilight.

"Oh sorry, I have an urgent message for Sir Bright Blade," said the Royal Guard.

Twilight turned her head to Bright Blade, who was sparking the fireplace. Apparently he heard his name being called and started to make his way towards the front door. Bright Blade noticed that Twilight had a worried look on her face. "Twilight what's up, you don't look…so…good…" Twilight moved aside and revealed the Royal Guard stallion. "What's going on?"

"Sir Bright Blade, Princess Celestia has called for your presence at Canterlot Castle! There's an emergency situation that requires the immediate mobilization of the Knight Corp.!"

***Canterlot Castle***

A bright purple flash filled the halls of Canterlot Palace. The Royal Guard unicorn stallions on duty lowered their horns and readied themselves for battle. When the light dissipated Twilight Sparkle and Bright Blade were standing at its epicenter. The stallions immediately stood at attention and saluted the two knights. With a nod the couple quickly galloped past the guards and into the throne room. Princess Celestia was pacing back and forth, her expression filled with worry.

"Princess Celestia, we came as soon we could," said Twilight.

Celestia stopped her pacing and looked up, her face lit up, although not as much to dispel whatever was causing her such worry. "Twilight Sparkle, Bright Blade, I'm sorry to have called you here under such troubling circumstances."

"The messenger said it was urgent, what's happening Princess," asked Bright Blade.

"There's trouble in Trottingham…" Both Twilight and Bright Blade looked confused, Trottingham was normally a very peaceful province of Equestria. To say that there was trouble must mean that something truly bad was happening. "I've been getting reports over the LRIC that a revolt has broken out, and the citizens are riled into a frenzied rage!"

"A revolt, what for," asked Twilight.

"I don't really know, actually it would be more prudent to say that the reasons are all inconsistent! One report says they're revolting against some unjust laws, another one wants mine and Luna's rule to end, and other ones that are just as ludicrous as the last," said Princess Celestia, apparently the stress of the whole matter was getting to her. "Bright Blade I need you and the Knight Corp. to go to Trottingham and quell the fighting, find out what exactly is going on!"

"Princess…do you really think it's that bad," asked Bright Blade.

"In all honesty I'm hoping that your presence there will stop the revolt, but…if that should fail then…"

Bright Blade's expression became serious; he confidently stepped forward and saluted the Princess. "Princess Celestia, do not worry…the Knight Corp. is on the job!"

"Thank you Bright Blade, I've taken the liberty of calling in all your Paladins. Most of them should be at your training grounds in just a few short minutes," said Princess Celestia.

Bright Blade was about to head out, but stopped the moment he saw Twilight. The look on her face was easy enough to read. "Twilight I…"

Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Bright's neck, hugging him tightly. Bright Blade wrapped his left foreleg around her. "Just be safe Bright Blade, and come back in one piece…" Twilight released Bright from their embrace and let him dash off down the hallway.

Ten minutes later Bright Blade was in full battle armor, with a standard issued Knight Corp. sword hanging from his left side. He walked up and down the rows of armored ponies. Although Bright Blade was semi-glad that he didn't have to worry about taking Twilight on that date he didn't plan out at all, this whole situation didn't sit well with him. Unfortunately the number of Paladins that showed up wasn't what he was hoping for. There were at least sixteen-hundred Knight Corp. Paladins, it would seem that these ponies were all that managed to arrive when the alarm was sounded. Which was fine with Bright, since one of the ponies who had arrived was the one that was going to be helpful in Trottingham.

"Sigma Squad, front and center," ordered Bright Blade.

Rumble, Snips, and Pip quickly separated from the large group and stood at attention. "YES SIR," they said in unison.

"Pip, you're originally from Trottingham aren't you!?"

"Yes sir!" Pip answered.

"Do you know your way around your old stomping grounds," asked Bright Blade.

"Of course sir!"

"Good, then I want you and Sigma Squad stay close to me during the operation!" The three young stallions saluted in confirmation. "Alright Paladins, today we're heading to Trottingham! We don't know what exactly is happening, other than there's a revolt going on! Whatever the challenge remember to keep a cool head, and be ready for anything! Who are we!?"


Satisfied that his troops were more or less ready for the mission, Bright Blade decided to make the final preparations. "Behold you blackhearts, the power of my ancient arts! See this wondrous sight! Your mystic power shall roar, magic sword Excelsior!"

From the sky above, a blue lightning bolt shot down towards Bright Blade. The Paladins stared in amazement, witnessing for the first time their commander's sword summoning. The blue lightning bolt stopped in front of Bright, the electrical energy dispersed to reveal a new sword. The blade was single edged, the metal a brilliant cerulean color, and finely honed. It had an elegant curve to it, as the weapon radiated mana energy. The guard was in the shape of a silver crescent moon, with the blade sticking out from the cradle.

Bright Blade then took hold of Excelsior with his telekinesis; he then pointed the cerulean blade at the large group of Knight Corp. Paladins. "Draíocht ar: Claimhte Codlata Toir!" Immediately all the swords of the Paladins began to glow with a blue light similar to that of Excelsior. "The spell I just cast on our swords will make it so, in the event we have to use force, the blades will harmlessly pass through them and knock them out. Now everypony hold still, we're going for a ride!" Bright Blade concentrated once again, flaring up his horn and channeling his mana through Excelsior. "Athlonnú: Trottingham!"

A blue magic circle appeared underneath the sixteen-hundred Knight Corp. Paladins. It then created a barrier bubble, sealing itself, and everypony inside it. The energy of the circle glowed brighter, till it became a glowing mass of blue mana. The light sphere suddenly thinned out and shot up into the air, disappearing from sight.

The light beam traveled as fast as lightning, passing over every major city and village below. All the citizens could hear was the sound of thunder rumbling across the sky, and a quick streak of blue.

The blue light was heading northeast, sailing across a small ocean divide, all the way until an island-continent came into view, the Equestrian Province of Trottingham. As the city of Coltton, capital of Trottingham, came into view the giant clock tower, known to the residents as Big Bronco, started to ring, each time the bell was rung it sent out strong vibrations throughout the area, a loud reminder to the ponies of the time. The blue beam then slowed itself down, changing back into a sphere of blue mana. The light of the sphere then became transparent, allowing all inside to view the situation from a higher vantage point.

Shops and houses trashed, windows broken, doors busted down, and some had small fires going on. The trail of destruction got worse as the sphere continued on. The Paladins gasped at what they saw next, bodies. A few here, a few there, some looked beaten to death or trampled upon, either by accident or purposefully was hard to tell. Mares, stallions, even young fillies and colts, all were left behind, like bread crumbs leading to something more.

Unfortunately, Bright Blade was familiar with this kind of thing, having seen more than his fair share of death during the War of Darkness. However, when he looked to the troops, their faces were green, sickened by the sight of senseless death. Although, not all of them were sick, since many of the older Paladin troops were from Ponyville and had already seen death multiple times.

"It won't get any better from here," said Bright Blade sternly. "If you want to throw up, or start crying, do it now! When we land, those ponies need to see confident and strong warriors; they need to believe that we can stop whatever is happening here! Discard any lingering doubts!"

The troops who were more familiar with this helped the ones that weren't, Bright Blade had a pit in his stomach! This wasn't something he was expecting to see again. Ten years of peace…and then something like this…why!?

Soon enough the Knight Corp. had finally arrived at the Parliament building, the center of marry old Coltton. The building, fortunately, was surrounded by a barrier. Outside it was a mob scene, many ponies were either beating down the barrier or beating each other, it was complete madness. Every now and again, a magic bolt would be launched from the mob, exploding against the shield or blowing up a nearby institution. The mob was yelling and screaming, shouting out profanities, and things that didn't quite make sense.






The blue beam shot straight through the barrier, collecting itself till it reformed the glowing sphere. Royal Guard ponies all started to gather in the courtyard, ready to do battle with the unknown intruders. Soon the sphere touched down on the ground, revealing Bright Blade and the Knight Corp. The Royal Guard ponies all breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing their reinforcements.

"I am Sir Bright Blade, Knight of Hope, and commander of the Knight Corp.!"

"Blimey, thank Celestia," exclaimed the Royal Guard stallion.

"Where's your Captain, we need to be briefed on the situation," asked Bright Blade.

"Now that's going to be a problem…" Bright's ears perked up, that voice, it was familiar to him. The Royal Guard stallions that were lined up in front of the Corp. separated upon hearing the gruff voice. An earth pony stallion trotted towards them, he had a brown coat, weathered black mane, intelligent gray eyes, and clad in dirtied yellow armor. His cutie mark was that of a large red and yellow shield, with a black spear in the center. "Been a long time kid," said the stallion.

Bright Blade smiled widely upon finally recognizing the stallion. "Major Broadside!"

"General Broadside, and don't forget it!" Broadside warned in a playful tone.

"What – how – when did – why are you here!?"

"If you can believe it, I was on vacation. C'mon, I'll brief ya inside," said Broadside.

The General, along with the other Royal Guard ponies, lead the Knight Corp. towards the Parliament building, along the way they passed by a statue of Princess Celestia, with words inscribed at the pedestal stating "In Celestia we trust!" Further up ahead the group trotted up some stairs, between two large columns and into the building itself.

Inside was chaos, ponies were scampering about in a panic. Public officials, Ministers, and several civilian families that had somehow escaped the madness, all clamored for answers, wondering why this was happening. Some of the noise stopped upon seeing the large group of armored ponies cantering inside, stopping to take a look. Bright Blade and General Broadside trotted side-by-side, their dual presence commanding both power, experience, and respect as the other ponies looked on in awe.

After a while the group was lead into a large room. From what Bright Blade was able to figure it was the meeting room the Parliamentary leaders used to discuss political matters, for now it served as a makeshift War Room. Broadside had Bright Blade gather round a large table, on it was a map of Coltton with red marks showing different movements.

"So what's going on General Broadside, why are all those ponies riled up into a frenzy," asked Bright Blade.

"You're guess is as good as mine." The others seemed confused by the answer, even the General didn't know why this was happening. "All I know is that thirty-six hours ago all Tartarus broke loose. It was a nice sunny day, just like any other. Then all of a sudden ponies started to get a little edgy, then they started arguing, after a while they broke out into straight out brawls!"

"Did anypony see the one who started this," asked Pip.

"That's just it, it started everywhere! It was almost like a virus was spreading out through the city, and before you know it we got a full mob going crazy!" Broadside rubbed his temples with his forehooves and groaned.

"Wait a minute, so where's the Captain!? No offense to you General, you're technically a civilian," said Blue Blaze.

"Heh-heh, he's about five miles back that way," Broadside pointed in the general direction of where the mob was, "he succumbed to the frenzy, fought ten ponies at once, and then got himself killed."

Bright Blade was looking at the map, from the looks of it they had been holding various points within the city, but apparently they were all broken through. "Is the whole city of Coltton out there!?"

"Not all of them, some of the citizens are in here, the ones that are still right in the head. I tell ya, ten years of no fighting and we get overrun this easily!" Broadside then snorted, not too pleased about the combative skill of the Royal Guards.

"Have you tried reasoning with them," asked Noi.

"Yes, and failed miserably…"

"Looks like we'll have to use force, sixteen-hundred versus, roughly, two-million crazed ponies, that sound about right?"

"Just like old times, huh kid," he said with a smile.

The other Knight Corp. members didn't seem as enthusiastic about the prospect of fighting two-million frenzied ponies as Broadside was. Bright Blade noticed the tension building amongst his troops; this wasn't going to be easy by any stretch. Daemoni were easy, they were monsters so we didn't have to hold back. But against civilians…Bright Blade knew that his troops would get injured, or worse, die.

"Maybe we don't have to fight them, if I use Excelsior, and with enough power, I could cast a spell that could knock them all out," suggested Bright Blade.

"Sir Bright Blade is that possible," asked Snips.

"Can you do it," asked Broadside

"Maybe, if I start now I should –!"

Suddenly the entire area was filled with the ominous sound of shattering glass, followed by a small rumbling quake that shook the building. General Broadside, along with the other Royal Guards, looked at each other with worry and panic. Their fears were confirmed when somepony in the other room shouted.


Indeed it was true, their worst fears were realized. The barrier was slowly starting to deteriorate, the pieces falling off and shattering like fragile glass. The mob of ponies continuously smashing and firing magic bolts only quickened the process.

Bright Blade, General Broadside, and the Knight Corp. quickly gathered outside. "FORM UP," ordered Bright Blade. The sixteen-hundred began forming ranks, splitting into their three pony squads. "DRAW!" All the Knight Corp. Paladins quickly drew their swords from their sheaths, some with their hooves, some with telekinesis, and others with their teeth. The blades of their swords all glowed with an iridescent blue aura, a sign that Bright Blade's spell was still active. Bright Blade drew his sword as well; he didn't want to use his more powerful weapons, not unless he was absolutely sure that he didn't have any other choice.

General Broadside, who was brandishing a large shield, then looked to the small army of Paladins and grinned approvingly. "You got yourself a fine group of soldiers there kid, nice work."

"Thank you sir," said Bright Blade.

The shield finally fell, and the mob galloped at full speed. The group didn't move at all, they just patiently waited. Bright Blade's horn started to glow with golden light, the energy building with each step the mob took. The gap between was closing fast, fifty yards, ten yards, five yards, thirty feet, fifteen feet, ten feet!


Bright Blade released the pent up mana he had been collecting and fired a telekinetic pulse that propelled itself forward towards the mob. The wave of power hit the first wave of ponies, sending them flying up into the air and flying towards the back rows. The shockwaves then traveled through the rest of the mob, effectively stunning them. The waves kept going, stunning the rest of the ponies further back, Bright Blade knew it would take a while before the effects were felt by the entire mob, but right now it provided them with a tactical advantage.

"CHARGE!" Bright Blade shouted.

The Knight Corp. let loose their war cries as they stampeded toward the mob. Bright Blade was the first to strike, his blade passing through them harmlessly, and sending them into a deep sleep. Soon the rest of the Knight Corp. was slashing through the mob of ponies, each one falling before their blade. They had to work fast, they knew that mob wouldn't stay stunned for long, and the longer they took to get to the back rows, the more the mob had time to recover.

***Four Hours Later***

"HOLD THE LINE," shouted General Broadside.

The mob had quickly regained its second wind, coming at them with double the ferocity. The Knight Corp. was forced into creating a defensive line around the Parliament building, making the mob come to them. Unfortunately, the never ending stream of ponies was starting to take its toll on the Paladins.

Pip, Snips, and Rumble were in the thick of the mob, along with ten other squads. Whittling down as many of the frenzied ponies as they could, two incoming ponies, a unicorn and earth pony were charging straight at Pip.

Pip bit down on his sword hilt, waiting for the two charging stallions. The unicorn fired a magic bolt, Snips saw the attack and fired a magic bolt, the blast sharpening itself into a crescent blade, and cutting through the blast in midair. Pip, knowing that his fellow squad mates had his back, charged straight for them. He quickly slashed the unicorn, the blade passed through his head and the unicorn instantly fell to the ground unconscious.

The earth pony stallion, who had ran passed him, did a one-eighty turn, and raised his forelegs to stomp down on Pip. Rumble saw what was about to happen and acted fast, the gray pegasus flew as fast as he could, flapping his wings furiously. Grasping the sword in the crook of his hooves and swung down, letting the blade glide through the frenzied pony. The stallion, just like the others, fell to the ground.

"Thanks Rumble, thanks Snips," said Pip.

"No problem," they said in unison.

"Bloody hay, what is wrong with all of them!?"

"Don't know, their eyes are all bloodshot, and crazy looking," said Snips.

"At this rate we'll run out of steam before any of them – On your right Snips!"

A team of earth pony colts came charging at the grayish unicorn, Snips used his telekinesis to slash in a wide arc, taking down all five at once. If anything made this fight harder it was this, not just grown mares and stallions, but young colts and fillies as well.

Up above, Bright Blade, was drawing as many of the frenzied pegasi to him, taking down each one, and getting bruised while trying not to hurt any of them. There's got to be a reason for all of this, something that's driving them!? Two pegasi started to fly towards Bright Blade, one from his right, the other from his left. They flew at full speed, firmly locked on their target. Bright Blade waited for just the right moment and then, folded his wings, and dropped down. The two pegasi then collided with each other, sending them spiraling to the ground. Bright used his telekinesis to grab them before the duo crash landed, gently placing them behind their lines.

Suddenly, as Bright Blade scanned the ground, he spotted a figure. It was red, shimmering, and an earth pony from what he could make out. The mob didn't seem aware of it, but at the same time, parted, creating a path for it to walk. Bright Blade descended to the ground landing within the clear space the mob had created; he then sheathed his sword and proceeded to address the unknown entity.

"Who are you," he called out.

The entity only looked about, with its glowing dark-yellow eyes, utterly ignoring Bright Blade.

"I asked you a question! Who are you and what are you doing here!!!?"

This time the entity's head snapped in Bright's direction, the red, ephemeral, pony tilted its head in a sort of curious fashion, as if wondering if Bright Blade was really speaking to it.

"Yes you, the red ghost thing! I don't know what you are, but you better start talking!"

The Red Ghost, now aware that Bright Blade could indeed see its form, shifted its stance. Its eyes narrowed, glaring at the Knight of Hope, and raking its hoof against the ground.

"So…you want to fight, huh? In that case! Here my prayer for my need is dire; bring forth the power that I desire! Let nothing stand in your way! Begin the battle's aria, sword of might Exia!!!" The cloud filled sky then rumbled as a red lightning bolt shot down, the bolt stopped in front of Bright Blade to reveal a new sword. It was a dual edged sword; the twin blades color a bright ruby red, and a black leather grip.

The Red Ghost appeared stunned by the display and cocked its head to the left. Bright Blade took the twin blade sword, gripping firmly with his teeth. All together the sword was about ten feet long tip to tip, yet was light as a feather. Bright Blade then raked his hoof against the ground, showing that he too was ready to do battle with the strange apparition. The Red Ghost galloped at full speed, Bright Blade dashed forward, using his wings to propel him faster. The two of them drew closer and closer, the Red Ghost showed no signs of changing its path, it became clear that this was a game of chicken, and Bright Blade wasn't about to lose to a ghost.

At the moment before impact, Bright Blade jerked his head to the right, slashing with Exia. Something odd happened though, when the sword made contact, the ghost then became a giant wave of red mist, it then blew through Bright Blade. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever felt. Rage, anger, pain, and hatred, all pierced his soul, washing over him like a great flood. It wasn't normal, that much he could tell, this felt old, ancient, a culmination of all four, gathered from many beings. What was worse, Bright Blade could feel it trying to fill him, almost consume him.

Don't think I'm going to let you win, whatever you are!!!!

Bright Blade, reached deep inside of himself, sending his mind all the way back to Canterlot, trying to connect to the one thing he knew would help him banish this ghost: the Element of Hope. Once he felt the power, Bright Blade's body shimmered with golden light. The red mist was now roaring in protest; apparently this thing did not like the power of Hope.


The area was bathed in golden light, dispersing the red mist completely. Bright Blade quickly disconnected his link to the Element of Hope, although he was a bearer, connecting to the Elements power, without the item itself on him, was a dangerously draining feat. While Bright Blade was recovering from the power drain he couldn't help but notice, all the frenzied ponies, were still. They all looked around, staring at Bright Blade, then the Knight Corp., and then everywhere else. A little pegasus filly broke from the crowd and started to trot towards Bright. The golden alicorn kept Exia firmly held between his teeth, ready to use deadly force should she, and the crowd, decide to attack again.

The filly looked up at him, "Excuse me sir, but what are we all doing here," she asked innocently.

Bright Blade, taking this on good faith, dismissed Exia. "Little one, you don't remember what happened here?" The pegasus filly shook her head, Bright then turned to the rest of the crowd. "Do any of you remember what happened, why you're here?"

The crowd of ponies around him shook their heads as well; soon they all started to talk amongst themselves, trying to figure out why they were all in the center of the city, and at the Parliament building no less. Did that Red Ghost have something to do with this!? But why though, and where did it –

A mare pony then ushered a scream from the back of the crowd, Bright Blade realized that they must've just now noticed the dead bodies behind them. Soon the Knight of Hope was being barraged with questions by a confused and scared crowd of citizens. Problem was; he had no answers to give.

The Knight Corp.'s mission to Trottingham was, more or less, a success. But what was that mysterious Red Ghost, and what does its appearance mean!? It would seem that the peace filled times for Equestria are about to end here…